Secret Admirer//Ziam oneshot✔️

By butt3rflyTA3

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Liam isn't a stalker. He just likes watching his crush Zayn from afar that's all [completed] More



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By butt3rflyTA3

That moment when you posted this story yesterday and your fav accs are liking and commenting on it. *wipes eyes* goals man, just goals. Thank you sm to the people who commented on the last chap❤❤❤

Anyways here's another part, enjoy ;)

Liam's Pov

That moment when your literally hiding at the corner of the lockers watching your crush take books out for class

That moment when you find his little perky butt adorable in jeans

That moment when you feel excited about being late for chemistry just to sit next to him and practically stare at him the whole time instead of learning something important

That moment when you realize your really a creepy ass

Oh my god Louis was right, I am a stalker

Wait wait, I'm not kidnapping anyone so I'm good, ha suck it Tomlinson!

More like suck it Malik, amirite or amirite?

*hears crickets* yeah ok no more puns or attempted puns

I look down at my watch hearing the bell ring, I peeked up watching Zayn shut his locker quickly walki- wait is he running?

Oh my god what is this

i-is this for real, why is he running like that?

That's so fucking cute, look at his little legs moving fast

This is the fastest I've ever seen him run damn

He runs like a little cartoon character oh my god, this is actually pretty funny

Can't tell if I should laugh or coo, oh my god

Should I record him? Wait no that's to creepy Liam, no no no

I step out from the corner of the lockers after Zayn disappearing down the hall. Tbh with you I couldn't help but giggle about how he ran

He's literally Zayning away, it's not even running to him anymore

*giggles* Zayning, gotta Zayn!

oh I'm so using this later

After waiting twenty minutes my watch beeping to alert that I was late I began walking to Chem. I'm always late just for Zayn so I could give no shits about detention #noregrets

As soon as I stepped into the classroom I was met with a whiney voice

"Mr Payne, late once again. What's the excuse this time?"

Ms. Smith interrogates me. I shrug glancing at the empty seat next to Zayn, "Potty break" Some everyone to snicker making her sigh tapping her bell on her desk. I don't know why the hell she has a bell something about meaning silence. That's pretty stupid if you ask me, it's like we're a classroom of cows or something

"Settle down students, now Mr. Payne take a seat. One more time walking in late detention you hear?"

I nod going to the seat next to Zayn. I sit my bag down on the floor grabbing my note book and text book and placing it on the desk.

I smile at Zayn whispering, "Hey what did I miss?" I could tell sitting next to him his face all red which made me swoon deep inside. "Um n-nothing really, just attendance and uh that's it"

I smile at how adorable he is, all shy and stuff. God he smells like flowers, oh a new shampoo he's using?

I scare myself sometimes, I just really need to stop

I sit back nodding, "Thank you, I can always count on you for info" Zayn looked at him his face as red as a strawberry. "Your welcome"

He seemed to be fighting the grin off his face and he covers his mouth a little with his sweater paw looking away slightly

Ok I'm done, he looks like a little black kitten who's hiding. This was the cutest thing ever, like he's damaging my insides

That moment when your talking like a fangirl

"Alright class, so we're going to be with your shoulder partners"

Yes a whole twenty minutes of hearing Zayn talk and staring at his godly like features

"This will be a classroom project so we'll only be working on this in class. One person will be writing, and one will be researching in the text book. And you will hand me a well written essay about atoms"

What the hell is an atom? It's sound like the name Adam, heh atom Adam that's pretty funny

"This will be due next month so no playing around, everyone clear?" Everyone mutters a 'yes' and soon everyone got with their partners conversing. I immediately pulled my chair around the table to sit across from him. "Ok so what the hell are atoms?" Zayn blushes moving his sweater paw away, "um atoms are a source of nuclear energy"

I stare at him for a while which makes him move his paw back to his mouth blushing. "So like batteries?" Zayn nods muffling into his hands, "In a way yes"

I nod thinking for a while. "Do you like pizza?" Zayn frowns, "Um yeah, why?" I shrug, "just a curious question"

Zayn nods hesitatingly before grabbing his textbook, "so I could do all the work if you want? You don't have to worry about anything"

I snort grabbing my textbook, "What? No don't do that, I'm helping too. I do my work myself so don't worry. I'm not that type of guy" Zayn smiles a little down at his textbook nodding.

As he's staring down at his book, I think a little, I grab my notebook putting it on my lap before writing

Don't always assume things beautiful, you might be surprise about how much a person can show you what they know


Yes batman, what's wrong with batman?

And no I'm not putting my initials, because it'll be to obvious. There's only like four people in this entire school with the letter L in their names, and besides Zayn likes batman.

"Um Liam?"

I look up staring at him in the eyes making him kinda look somewhere else a little. "Hm?" "Class is almost over, so I can give you to a website to find information if you want" Liam nods watching Zayn bite down on his lip tearing a piece a paper out of his book writing it down

I move uncomfortably in my chair staring at Zayn's lip in between his teeth. Liam jr is starting to twitch making me punch my groin a little. Stupid boner, stupid lip biting fetish, why did this had to happen now, this was not the time to get hard

Zayn slides the paper to him making him nod as the bell rings once again. "I'll um see you later?" Liam nods still staying seated grabbing his bag, "of course, I'll see you in art" Zayn blushes waving his sweater paw a little before walking out the room.

Liam sighs in relief standing up with his bag, his notebook right in front of visible boner quickly walking out of class. I groan watching Louis walking up the hallway towards him me.

He has this frown on his face before glancing down at where my notebook was making him smirk. I open the door to the boys bathroom. "Not a fucking word Lucifer, not in the mood"

"Hey I just wanted to say a special hello to Liam jr."

"Fuck you"


I wrote this at 2 am in the morning oh my god. I'm starting really to get into this but I shouldn't because it's supposed to be a short story not a fanfic \(• ε • )/
Anyways hope you liked reading if you like it you can:
star it
tell your buddies or fellow ziam mates, until next time guys
*gets in flying car to hogwarts*

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