The Better Choice

By Omegathyst

18.3K 230 445

What if Bramblestar chose Jessy over Squirrelfight? What would happen to the characters of Warriors? Who will... More

Choosing Jessy
Gempaw and Cinderheart's kits
Clan Blues
Silver Beetle on Ice
Let Sleeping Tigers Lie
Bramblestar's Sudden News
The Heavy Hearts in the Storm
Deputy, Queen, or Both?
The Squirrel Takes Flight
The Three Queens
Conspiring Apprentices
Thorns in the Waves
A Doomed Clan
Onestar One War Part 1
Onestar One War Part 2
Bumbly Road
Cinder's New Home
Coming Back

The Heart of a Dove

1K 11 15
By Omegathyst

Bramblestar felt Gempaw cuddle beside him as they rested in the leader's den. He sighed happily and licked Gempaw's cheek.

She's learning about the Clans fast, and I've told her about my life enough times that I trust her wholeheartedly...but I haven't told her about Tigerstar yet.

Bramblestar fell back asleep.

Suddenly, Bramblestar was in a dream. He saw a cat with stars in her pelt approach him.

"Yellowfang!" Bramblestar meowed. "What brings you here?"

"You've made a horrible choice!" Yellowfang snarled, she lifted on her hind legs and slapped Bramblestar. "What were you thinking?!"

"First of all, ow!" Bramblestar's tail touched his injured cheek. "Secondly, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play stupid with me!" Yellowfang growled. "Jessy hasn't raised kits with you, she hasn't traveled on the Great Journey with you! She's not your deputy!"

"So I have to be mates with Squirrelflight?!" Bramblestar's eyes narrowed. "Isn't whom I choose...I don't know! MY CHOICE?"

"In any other case, yes!" Yellowfang was calmer now. "But you were destined to choose Squirrelflight, and didn't! You two are perfect for each other, why did you not choose her?"

"Because she betrayed me!" Bramblestar cried. "Everything I've ever known was a lie! I LOVED THEM, BUT THEY'RE LEAFPOOL'S! THEY'RE THAT SCAMP'S KITS!"

"Quit acting immature!" Yellowfang hissed. "I understand how Leafpool feels."

"I bet you do!" Bramblestar grinned with his teeth showing. "Giving birth as a medicine cat, what did that lead to? You and Raggedstar didn't stay together!"

"This is different!" Yellowfang cried. "You don't have to punish Squirrelflight for this!"

"YES I DO!" Bramblestar growled. "And you know what? After Gempaw becomes a warrior, she's taking Squirrelflight's place!"

"You can't do that!" Yellowang wailed.

"Yes, I can!" Bramblestar retorted. "The warrior code says the leader's word is the code!"

"You don't get it!" Yellowfang was shaking. "You're only with Jessy just to stick to Squirrelflight!"

"HER NAME'S GEMPAW!" Bramblestar roared. "AND I AM NOT! I LOVE GEMPAW!"

"StarClan will punish you for not choosing Squirrelflight!" Yellowfang hissed softly. "She was supposed to have YOUR kits!"

And with that, Yellowfang disappeared.

Bramblestar got up. He noticed Gempaw was not by his side.

He got up and walked up to Squirrelflight.

"Where is Gempaw?" Bramblestar asked.

"You overslept." Squirrelflight had a slight growl in her voice. "So she left on a hunting patrol."

"Oh, OK." Bramblestar looked back at Squirrelflight. "Before I go talk to her, and need to speak with you. In my den."

Squirrelflight's eyes lit up. Bramblestar looked at her unexpectedly.

Does she seriously think I'm going to ask her to be her mate again?

"Yes, Bramblestar?" Squirrelflight's tail flicked side-to-side, and her eyes glowed.

"I think we should teach the younger cats about the history of the Clans." Bramblestar explained.

"Oh." Squirrelflight's eyes were no longer glowing, and her tail dropped.

"What did you think I was going to say?" Bramblestar muttered. "I want you to bring all the cats born after the Great Journey in front of the elder's den. I'll talk to Graystripe and Sandstorm."

"Good hunting skills, Gempaw!"

"Thanks, Bumblestripe!" Gempaw purred as she picked up her thrush. She went on Bumblestripe's patrol, consisting of him, her, Rosepetal, and Lionblaze.

"Yes, it certainly was!" Rosepetal brushed against Bumblestripe. "Lionblaze?"

"I'm listening for prey!" Lionblaze lied. "I can't talk now!"

Gempaw's fur almost bristled when she saw Squirrelflight's glare burning into her from the bushes. Squirrelflight charged and stopped when she noticed Gempaw wasn't alone.

Why is she trying to threaten me?!

"Bramblestar wants all of you in front of the elder's den." Squirrelflight said without emotion. "Now."

"OK, can you take my fresh-kill back for me?" Gempaw asked Squirrelflight.

"Of course." Squirrelflight took it in her jaws. "Now hurry."

Gempaw ran separately from her patrol and stopped when she heard intense purring.

Who's that? Is it one of our one cats? I'll let them know a meeting's going on!

Gempaw followed the sound and her fur bristled.

It was Dovewing with another cat.

The cat looked a lot like Bramblestar. He leaned against Dovewing and she purred back with a gleam in her eyes.

"You're much better than Bumblestripe!" Dovewing purred. "I...have to get back to camp."

"Go on, you naughty she-cat." the tom growled seductively. "You'll be on my mind as I get back."

Dovewing ran past Gempaw. Gempaw's jaw dropped.

Dovewing and Bumblestripe were mates? Dovewing's awful!

Gempaw ran back and saw Bramblestar was gathering the cats around the elder's den. Jayfeather was leading Purdy to the medicine cat's den.

I hope Purdy's alright!

Dovewing fell into the crowd. She rudely stepped away from Bumblestripe, he gave a hurt look.

"ThunderClan, I wish to bring you here so Sandstorm and Graystripe may share some of their stories of before the Great Journey! Also, Brackenfur and Thornclaw will share some of their's as well."

Most cats sighed, but Gempaw listened intently. By the time Thornclaw was done, most cats were asleep. Gempaw noticed Dovewing was gone.

Of course she is, I should tell Bramblestar...

After Gempaw left, Squirrelflight took the thrush and ate it herself. She grinned as she pawed the feathers and licked the blood off her lips.

They'll think it was Jessy that ate the bird and broke the warrior code! Ha! Bramblestar will be all over me soon enough!

Squirrelflight got up and ran back to camp.

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