Partners In Crime (erisol)

By erisolshipper

17.3K 817 1.6K

Erisol Criminal!Stuck AU After both Eridan's and Sollux's father disapprove of their relationship, Sollux co... More

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20 The End


2.5K 85 620
By erisolshipper

Eridans POV:

I saw my locker door slam shut in front of me.
Thank god my fingers were out of the way.

"Sol! Wwhat the hell!?" I growled at him, only to get a mischievous smirk in return from him.

"It's Friday~" He chuckled.
I blushed, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"So your place today?" He got closer to me.

"Y-Yeah.. My dad doesn't get home till' later in the evvenin'.. And I'm pretty sure Cro wwill be out wwith his boyfriend.." I shifted to the side and looked away from Sollux, smiling shyly.

"Perfect. I'll see you in a while." He kissed my cheek and walked passed me. I watched him walk down the hallway, hands in the pockets of his jeans.
Fuck, I'm so happy today is Friday..

After putting the rest of my books away, I looked at the small mirror hanging on my locker door.
Hmm.. My violet streak seems to be fading a bit back to blonde.. I guess I can re-dye it later this weekend or maybe leave it? Eh, who cares.

"EEEEEEERRRRRRRRRIDAN!" I was tackled to the ground, and I let out a loud groan.

"Ugh.. Nep.. You don't havve to tackle me evvery time you see me."

"Hehe, I know!" Nepeta jumped off of me and helped me up. "Anywho, what're you doing today?"

"Uh, me and Sol wwere actually goin' to-"

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" She squealed with delight. I guess we were her 'OTP' whatever the bloody hell that meant. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?"

"Wwhoa! It's none of your business! We're just hangin' out." Pft, yeah.. 'Hanging out'.

"UGH! Why don't you two ever be all cutesy around everyone?! I still haven't witnessed you two kiss yet!!"

"Wwoww Nep. That's kinda wweird." I laughed and she looked at me with an eyebrow raised. She pouted and tried to look mad, but that blue kitty hat wasn't doing her any justice.

"Relax Nep. Look, I promise on Monday I'll kiss Sol in front of ya', okay?"

"Can I take a video?"

"No, but you can take a picture."


Just then, she was picked up and sat on her step brother's shoulder.
"Stop fooling around Nepeta, we have to get home. A new episode of My Little Pony airs today. I do not want to miss it."

"Oh fine! Jeez Equius, it's recording too I hope you know!"

"I know, but I must watch it while it first shows. I like being on Tumblr to blog about it with my fellow Bronies."

"You havve a Tumblr Eq?" I questioned with shock.

"Of course. My name is True-STRONG-Princess-Of-Equestria-100."


"Strider helped me pick the name." He smiled.

Nepeta burst out in a fit of laughter. "Haha! Oh my god! I must high five him later on!"

"WWell, best you twwo be on your
wway home. Bye!"

Nepeta and Equius waved to me as I walked down the opposite direction to the room that they hold Detention in.
I walked inside and sat down at an empty desk.

Stupid fuckin' teacher just HAD to take my phone away when he caught me on it, and I was stupid enough to talk back. Ugh.. Stupid detention. I just want to hurry home so I can have fun with Sol..

~After Detention~

TA: ED? Are you out of detentiion yet? Plea2e tell me they gave you your phone back.

CA: Yes Sol, I'm out and I got my phone back. I'm not a teacher pretending to be me.

TA: Prove iit. Where am II mo2t tiicklii2h?

CA: Behind your left knee.

TA: Heh, II knew iit wa2 you

CA: You wweirdo

CA: Did you get into my house yet? I'm literally at the front door noww.

TA: Ye2, your wiindow2 aren't that hard to get iinto. IIm on your couch...

TA: And 2hiirtle22~

TA: Hurry up and open the door 2o II can kii22 you already my liittle guppy~

I got excited and put my phone in my pocket, unlocking the front door.
It was around 4:31 pm. My dad should be home around eleven or maybe even midnight.
Plenty of time with just Sollux.

I opened the door and sure enough, he was laying on the couch, no shirt on to cover his chest.
I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. He was so fucking hot.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer than you just staring." He chuckled.

"O-Oh.. Sorry.." I looked down and closed the door.

He stood up and began to walk over to me. He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head up. I stared straight into his one brown and blue eyes. It was so rare, but I loved it.
"Aw, don't be so shy babe. It's only me." He smiled and kissed me deeply.

His kisses always brought me comfort. I feel safe when I'm with him, even though he is a bit troublesome at school. I really don't care.
He slowly placed his hands on hips and brought my body close to his. Sollux chuckled quietly and placed a hand on my ass.

I jumped.

"What? Just touching the booty~. You've never had a problem with that before."

"I-I knoww! Just wwarn me wwhen you're gonna grab it.."

He nodded and pulled me to the couch, pushing me down onto my back.
I hit the couch with a soft thud of my head making contact with the couch pillow. Sollux got on top of me, straddling my hips.

"Sol, wwhat are you-" He cut me off by placing kisses onto my jawline, down to my neck.

"Heh, that quickly shut you up." He grinned, and leaned close to my ear to whisper, "..but I wonder what will make you scream~"

"I.. Uh.."

He sat up and began to pull up my shirt, but quickly stopped when the front door opened.

"Eridan, I'm home-" My dad cut himself off when he saw us.

He and my brother hated my relationship with Sollux, especially just Sollux as a person in general.

Sollux quickly got off of me, putting his shirt back on and I sat up. "D-Dad!? I-I thought you wwere wworkin' late tonight..?"

"I was.." He glared at Sollux, "..and is this what you do whenever I'm out late?"

"Father, wwe wweren't goin' to-"

"I thhould go home.." Sollux stood up, his lisp starting to show. It only happens when he's mad or upset.

"WWait Sol-"

"Yes you should get home. I bet your father is wondering where you are, young man." My father crossed his arms.

He was a very intimidating man just by looks alone. A scar was across his face, and he was a fairly large guy. He stood tall, his facial features were sharp, and his voice could make anyone fear him.

Sollux quickly kissed my cheek and walked past my father, leaving through the front door.

As soon as it shut, I stood up and began to yell at my father. He doesn't scare me.
"Wwhat the hell!? You wwere so rude to him!!"

"He's not suitable for you. He's a troublemaker and-"

"I don't care if he is! He's a good guy once you get to knoww him better! Just givve him a fuckin' chance for once god damn it!" I huffed and crossed my arms. "Evvery one I evver liked, you and Cro alwways looked dowwn on! You nevver gavve them a chance!"

"The only other person was that girl in middle school who was obsessed with spiders."

"She wwas.. Erm okay.."

"I'd rather you date her instead of that Captor boy. Why can't you find someone-"

"Like Cro's boyfriend? Dad stop tellin' me that! I'm not him, and I don't wwant anyone like that! Kankri is a good guy to Cro, yeah, but I knoww I'm not the one for that type-"

"Why not? Kankri has had a good impact on your brother. He's given up smoking, he's actually going to college now, and he's even cut down on talking back along with swearing. You need someone like that. Instead of becoming a proper Ampora man, YOU have become worse. Why must you do this to our family name? I've worked long and hard to provide everything to make you and Cronus happy, and this is how you repay me?"

"Wwhat? Am I not the son you wwanted? Sorry that I'm not a girl! The type of child you alwways wwanted! BUT NO! You got me! I apologize that I'm not the child you and mother wwanted! Oh wwait, I remember vvery clearly that she wwas happy to havve me!!! Do you remember her?! Evver since she died you havve been a complete pain in my ASS and a fuckin' dick!"

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH. And Eridan, you know I didn't mean it like that. That boy is changing you into a different person than who you once were!"

He didn't raise his voice at me for swearing, no.
It was because I brought up mom.

"No he's not!!! STAY OUT OF MY LOVVE LIFE!!! YOURE RUINING THAT ALONG WWITH MY OWWN LIFE IN GENERAL!!!" I felt hot tears streaming down my face as I ran into my bedroom. I slammed the door and locked it.

I get that Sollux isn't a perfect person, but who the hell is?!
Why won't they just let me be happy with my own choices!? My father keeps telling me to act like an adult and he never even gives me the chance! He's controlling my life!! How am I suppose to act like an adult if he keeps treating me this way?!

I heard my computer make a sound.


I walked over and saw that it was Sollux. I smiled slightly, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my sweater. I sat down at my desk, answering him.

TwinArmageddons[TA] began petering CaligulasAquarium[CA] :

TA: Hey, are you okay? A2 2oon a2 II left II heard you yelliing at your dad..

CA: Yeah, I'm fine.. Just frustrated.. He alwways does this wwhen evver im around you..

CA: I just wwish he'd givve you a chance..

TA: ED, don't worry.. IIt'll all bee better 2oon. II promii2e.

CA: <3

TA: <3

TA: II actually have a plan that may help..

CA: Ooh, tell me

TA: II need two tell you iin per2on. Meet me tomorrow at the park near the hiigh 2chool?

CA: Okay, wwhat time?

TA: 2 pm

CA: . . . Howw did I knoww?

TA: Beeiing 2arca2tiic?

CA: Oh Sol, you knoww I am.

TA: Hehe, cutiie.

CA: Stop! You're makin' me blush!

TA: That mean2 IIm doiing my job riight then. ;)


TA: Heh.

TA: Fiine, II have two go anyway2. 2ee ya tomorrow. <3 Love you

CA: Love you too <3

I smiled and logged off, looking out my window. I looked across the street, which conveniently, is where Sollux lived. He was also looking out his window and he saw me. He waved. I waved back to him and left the window, laying down on my bed.

Tomorrow's another day..
I'm really wondering what Sol is planning now..

Solluxs POV:

Fucking. Piece. Of. Shit..

I hate Eridans father. He gives Eridan no room for anything that makes him happy, and he's a total control freak.
I don't get WHY he hates me so much.

Yeah.. I swear at teachers, get into fights and maybe shoplift a pack of gum or a soda... Okay, no. It's always something of more value, but I guess I'm an okay guy? Eridan loves me for me, and that's really all I need.

Isn't it?

My family doesn't even try to deal with me anymore on my problems.
My dad and mom split when I was born. She didn't have the energy to stay, and was just a total bitch as my dad always says. I kinda hate myself for being like this, causing my dad much more stress than he should have.
Two jobs and raising two kids is a lot of work for him. I feel bad, but at the same time I don't really care because I rarely think of it.

My older brother had an accident so my dad never really took time with me. His attention at home after work was always with my brother. I guess I made my own entertainment from getting into trouble. It's fun.

Maybe I'm also a troublemaker from- No, I'm not even going to go there.

I threw a shoe at the wall, causing a picture to fall. Shit.

I heard footsteps and my dad opened the door.

"Is everything okay?! I heard a crash sound!"

"Ugh, It'th fine dad.. A picture jutht fell.." I walked over and picked up the picture, not even looking at which it was.
My lisp started to come out. It only showed when I was mad, or sad..

I knew what photo it was, and I quickly set it down on my desk; faced down.

My dad frowned and walked over, picking up the picture to look at it.
"Okay what's going on? I know you would NEVER break this picture on purpose, so what's the problem?"

"Thince when did you care about MY problemth? You've never athked me before." I crossed my arms.

He sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. "Look, I know you might be mad-"

"Okay I KNOW you're mad at me still for moving, and switching schools, but I had to. I wasn't making enough money for you and Mituna, but you don't have to take out-"

"I'm not mad about that anymore. If you actually paid attention to thingth I thay, you would know I actually like it here now. Not the teacherth, but other people here made me like it."

"People? You always used to say that you hate people."

"I hate adultth and authority telling me what to do." I corrected him.
See?! He never listens!

"Sollux, just tell me the problem you're having.. Is it someone at school?"

"Their aththhole of a father. That'th who."

"Uh, why their dad? Who's this person?"

"Eridan'th dad."


"Oh my fucking God.." I muttered under my breath & face palmed.

"I TOLD YOU LIKE... MONTH'TH AGO!!!!! I'm fucking bi and he'th my boyfriend!! You never lithten to me!!!"
I stood up again, in anger.

"You... What? Since when?"

"I told you tho long ago! You never take the time to FUCKING lithten to me anymore, you jackathth!"

"Watch your mouth!" He yelled at me in anger.

I sighed and shifted my weight to my right. "Thorry.."

"Now what's this about you being... 'Bi' ?"

"I'm bithexual. I have a boyfriend.. Hith name ith Eridan and hith dad ith a piece of thhi- I mean, he'th infuriating.. He doethn't like me dating or even hanging out with hith thon." I crossed my arms, looking away from him.

My dad just stood there, staring at me.
"Well, I don't either."

"What??" I looked up at him, furrowing my eyebrows. "What the hell do you mean-"

"You are NOT bisexual. You're o oh confused because of Ar-"
"DONT. BRING. HER. UP." I growled.

He ignored me and continued talking. "Thank fucking god you aren't a homosexual, but no son of mine is going to be dating the same gender. It's inhuman and it's disgraceful." He made a look of disgust before walking out of the room.

  He stopped as he grabbed the door knob. "Oh, and I don't want you seeing him anymore.. I can't stop you from seeing him at school, but outside of it, you are not allowed to leave this house.. That goes for this weekend. You are staying here." He shut the door.

I felt my fists shake in pure anger. Before I could control myself, I punched a hole into the wall.

  I stared at the hole, my gaze going down to the pieces of wall now on the floor.
I laid back on my bed, sighing.
Why does everything suck?

  I closed my eyes and began to think of Eridan. I wondered what would be better... Having a dad and brother who doesn't accept your partner, or having a dad who is an asshole and can't accept you or even pays attention to small details about you?

He can't even remember my birthday sometimes..
  About a year ago, I remember Eridan was the only one who actually knew my birthday.. I mean, I can't blame Mituna for not knowing.. My Dad on the other hand...

  I shook my head, rubbing my eyes. I yawned and curled up on the bed, grabbing my stuffed bee, which was a gift from Eridan on that birthday..

  I stared at it for a while, looking at the craftwork that Eridan did just for me. It was hand sewn, and smelled like Eridan no matter how many times it was washed or dirtied. Weird.
I stuffed my face into it, smiling.

  I imagined Eridan next to me, nuzzling into my neck for warmth. His eyes closed, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

  I can remember where each and every freckle is on the face the person I loved so much. His British accent and stutter was and always will be adorable 24/7.

Even though it was still a bit early, thoughts of him slowly made me relax and fall to sleep.

Soon this will all be over..
It'll just be me and my little Eri..

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