They own me (a Emmett Cullen...

By CaiteyAnnSmith

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This is a Emmett Cullen love story. It's all about falling in love, well maybe it's not all about that. Phoe... More

They own me (a Emmett Cullen love story)
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 3

3.7K 80 5
By CaiteyAnnSmith

I walked in to the class and up to the teacher, "you must be Miss. Upperwood," said Ms. King.

"Yes ma'am," I said.

"Okay well just go sit down," she said giving me a small smile. 

I looked for a seat there was only one seat left and it was right next to Emmett. Great I walked over to the seat and said, "hi Emmett".

He looked at me and gave me a small smile "hi," is all he said before class started.

Class went by every fast, thankfully. And when I walked out I was meet by none other then Jasper, "hey, okay so Edward was bugging me all class about talking to you. So after school do you think you could come over to our house?"

I thought about it for a minute, "um ya sure".

"Okay great ,meet me out in the park lot after school, okay?"

"Sure, see you later."


The rest of the day went by slowly but finely it was over and I was about to go to my car, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turn and saw a ever tall, and tan guy. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"You're new here right?" asked the tall boy in front of me.

I rolled my eyes, "yes I’m new, now can I help you with something?"

"Hi I’m Jake and you are?"


"It's nice to meet you."

"What are you doing here Black," asked a deep voice. 

What the hell that was not nice. I turn to see who said that and it just so happened to be Emmett.

"You don’t need be mean Emmett."

"Whatever," he said dismiss me, then lend up against the lockers. 

"Well I was here looking for Nessie, when a ran into Phoebe here," Jacob said giving me a big smile. 

"Oh I think I saw her and Bella going to the parking lot," I said smiling back at him.

"Thank you Phoebe and it really was nice meet you," he said then walked away.

"So what was that about?"

"Nothing, Edward told me to come in here and see if you were ready to go."

"Emmett Cullen, that was not nothing, what's your deal with him?" I said in a hard tone.

"How abut this, it's none of your business," he all but yelled at me.

"Why are you such a jerk?" I asked more to myself then him.

"Just the way I was raised, so are you ready to go or not?"

 "Ya I’ll be out in a minute," he just turned and walked out of the school. Okay that was weird, I got my bag and walk out of the school and to the parking lot.

"There you are jeez I thought you got lost," Jasper said with a playful smile.

”No," looked at Emmett "just talking to someone I just meet." "Oh really who?"

"Me ," Jacob said from where was standing with his arm around Nessie.

"Okay lets get going," Jasper said waving his hand for everyone to start moving.

So I walked over to my car and got in, and started to drive. It took about 15 minutes to get there, but once we got there we all walked in and I meet the rest of the family. "hello I’m Carlisle and this is my wife Esme" "its nice to meet you I’m Phoebe" "well it is great to meet you Phoebe" I smiled as the left the room.

“ok so what was it that you want to talk about?” I asked. Jasper was sitting in the love seat with Alice sitting on his lap, Emmett was sitting on the sofa looking at the floor, and everyone else saw just standing around. “well um I don’t know how to say this” Edward said. “well just come right out and say it” I said, I kind of need to get home but hey what ever. “ok, ok, what do you know?” “about what?” “about us” he said pointing at himself and his family. “well I know that your name is Edward, and she Bella, Nessie and his Jake, um Alice and Jasper then there’s Emmett and Carlisle and Esme went somewhere.” I answered. “ok what else?” Jasper asked, ok they are trying to find something out but I had no idea what that was. “well we go to the same school, you live here” I said, the last part pointing at the floor. “and?” Edward said, “ok if you know something I don’t why don’t you just tell me?” I asked. Edward looked at me then said “we’re different and you know that.” “everyone is different in there own way.” “thank you Dr. Phil” Alice said with a huge smile.

Emmett stood up and walked over to me and looked me in the eyes and said “you know we’re vampires.” “ya so?” I said and they all looked at the two of us as if he had just said he was ‘a monkey with six legs’. “ok how do you know?” asked Edward, but before I could answer my phone rang so I pulled it out of my bag it was HIM again. “sorry I have to take this.” I said walking out of the house I answered the call as soon as I got to the woods. “what do you want?” I asked. “hey baby don’t be like that” Demetri said. “don’t call me baby, one I’m not a baby and two I’m not your baby” I said getting mad at him. “ok ok sweetie I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you,” I rolled my eyes. “what do you want” I said turning back to the house and saw everyone looking at me so I waved. “I just wanted to know how my angel’s first day went” I am going to hurt him as soon as I’m able to hurt him. “I’m not your angel, and it went fine, well if that’s all I have to go so bye” I said and then I end the call. I walked back to the house.

“who was that?” Jasper asked. “can you hear me all the way out there?” “ya way” he answered. I signed “no reason” “she didn’t want us to hear what she was saying” Edward said. “that’s not it I just……..that’s not it” I said. “then way didn’t you want us the hear?” Nessie said. “well its just that the person that called is…. Well I guess he’s a family friend” “oh the guy who called at lunch?” Jasper asked. “ya him, well he can really get under my skin and………… he just has away of always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time so its just not that fun getting a call from him.” “so who is he like what is he name?” Bella asked. “and why dose he keep calling you baby, and angel?” Jasper asked. “um well ya is just that well he has it stuck in his head that once………………… I’m back there……………………… that I will be ………. you know I don’t want to talk about this, I need to get home I’ll you guys in school.” I said.

I walked out to my car and drove home, once I was there I went up to my room and didn’t come out till the next day.

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