Sun of Drizzle

By DrizzlleBlue

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She's trying so hard to be perfect when he came and effortlessly left a mark. Even though love conquers all... More

Sun of Drizzlle

118 6 8
By DrizzlleBlue

Sun of Drizzlle


MY EYES SCANNED THE ROOM FOR NOTHING IN PARTICULAR. THE BEAMS OF sunset struck through the glasses on the roof, lighting the huge room that seemed small for the crowd. Everyone was dressed to kill. Ladies were in their glamorous party dresses while men were in their pair of tuxedoes and bow ties. Most of them were talking about business, Wall Street and the likes that made me dizzy just by hearing it. Some lovely couples were dancing at the center of the room as the orchestra band played.

Even in this place of biodiversity, I was so out of place. I was the only one in the entire room who sat silently in an empty table with no one to talk to. Of course I didn’t come to this party alone but I was not their priority. Not now. Not ever.

I heaved a deep sigh to shake away the distressing thought. I stood and left the spot where I probably would have grown roots if I had stayed longer. I decided to have a break and breathe fresh air. I asked a hotel staff to get my coat then headed for the hotel’s main door to exit to the busy 77th street of Manhattan, New York.

The cold breeze of late November welcomed me and it caused me to shiver even with my fur coat on. But it didn’t matter; I needed to get away from the depressing place inside. I couldn’t stand their hypocrisy, with all those fake smiles plastered in their faces. I wandered on the sidewalk without a specific destination in mind.

I began to notice that people are looking at me as I passed them by. I felt embarrass so I slightly bowed my head out of habit to hide my face behind my hair but I forgot that it was fixed in a bun with just a couple of loose twirls in the sides.

I felt relieved when I walked out of the streets and found myself in the Central Park. Just the place I needed. Though I had lived in New York my entire life, I had only visited this place thrice during some unpleasantly ended escapades of mine.

Somewhere in the park, I heard a voice singing accompanied by strums of a guitar. It was the most lovely and serene voice of a man I had ever heard. I walked toward where the voice was coming from and I saw a man sitting in a bench, his back on me. Passers-by had stopped to watch rather listen to him. I circled around the crowd to see his face.

He had pale skin, unshorn sandy locks and outdoorsy good looks. In spite of the dim light of dusk, he glowed like he’s emitting life in the dead twilight.

He’s singing with his eyes closed about love. I knew I can hear each words but it’s only a blur in my mind. The music overpowered the lyrics, like the tune was bewitching me. And then his eyes opened and the world seemed to slow down. It completed the perfect feature of his face and made him even more handsome.

His gaze fixed on me and I couldn’t will myself to look away, afraid that if I took my eyes off him, he would disappear into thin air. The song ended and people applauded then they walked away like they woke up from a trance.

I hadn’t realized that I’m the only one left there until he spoke with amusement in his tone. “Are you just going to stand there and stare at me or sit over here and talk to me?”

I felt my face getting hot as I blushed out of embarrassment. How long have I been staring at him? I thought. I looked away from his face but my gaze fell to his magnificent-looking guitar. I always wanted a guitar for myself but I was never allowed to have one.

“I don’t talk to strangers.” I replied.

“So, you don’t talk to strangers. You just stare at them.” He teased. “Staring is rude, you know.” Then a playful grin stretched his lips.

Arrogant bastard,

 I should’ve known. I turned to the direction where I came from to walk back.

“You’re leaving? It’s too soon. How about a little chat?” he said with his eyebrows wriggling.

He looked funny and harmless but one thing my parents taught me about strangers aside from not talking to them is don’t trust them.

Then he eyed me from head to toe. “Oh, you must be one of them.”

I knitted my brows out of confusion. “Pardon?”

“One of them. The elites who think of themselves greater than gods just because they dominate the stock market.”

His words made me think of the people I just met back in the Thanksgiving party my parents were throwing right until this very moment.

“I’m not!” I blurted out before realizing that I’m actually a part of that society. I hate being one of them.

“Wow! That’s new. Why would a lady like you deny a life where you can have everything?” he inquired.

“Typical stereotyping.” I simply said. Everybody always thought that I can have everything but I knew better.

He looked at me like he’s trying to decipher me. “That’s interesting. Why don’t you sit here as we talk?” He tapped the space next to him.

I looked around but no one’s around. I was afraid that if I needed help, nobody’s coming to my rescue. I thought about my parents, probably they finally had noticed that I’m gone and would be looking for me soon.

But it felt like he was the sun and I was a planet, he has a gravitational pull so intense that I couldn’t escape. Without realizing it, I was actually considering his request.

He must’ve seen my hesitations. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” Then he flashed his bright smile.

My heart skipped a beat for a split-second.  His smile was so captivating that I felt hypnotized by it. I slowly took the seat next to him and as soon as his presence inched closer to me, warmth seemed to drape me because I could no longer feel the cold air.

“So, how old are you?” he asked.

“Nineteen.” I answered.

“Ah… College girl. Where do you study?”


“What’s your course?”


“Are you going to keep that manner of responding in one word?”

“Sorry.” I apologized.

“Tsk! Tsk!” he sighed. “Well, I guess it’s better than one syllable per response.”

“It’s just that… I’m not used to talking.” I looked on my feet.

“For real? I mean, it’s so great to talk, expressing yourself.” he seemed troubled.

“There are other ways to do it like… poetry or music. I like it better that way.” I said.

“Finally! Two longer sentences.” He chuckled for a second, his eyes closing as he did.  “Poetry, you say. I, of all people, should’ve known. That’s brilliant.” He mused. “I, myself, love poetry and music so much. Those were already parts of me. Would you mind playing me some?” he offered me his guitar.

“It’s embarrassing.” I said shyly. Yes, I knew how to play but seeing him, played a while ago, I knew I wasn’t as good as him.

“Oh, c’mon. I’m sure it’s not that bad.”  He encouraged.

I held the guitar close to me and started playing ‘Things I’ll Never Say’ of Avril Lavigne. It was the first song I learned to play and perfected. But I only played the first verse and stopped. I swore I was flushing furiously. I’ve never played in front of anyone before except for my best friend.

“Why did you stop? You were doing great.”

I just shook my head. “You’ve got a nice guitar, by the way.” I complimented. “It makes me wish I have one.”

“Why don’t you have one?” he inquired.

“Just because.” I shrugged.

“You’re so secretive and I hate it.” He commented. “On the other hand, it makes you more interesting and I like it.” He smiled but his expression became serious as he leaned close to me and looked straight to my eyes. “I can see in your eyes that you’re sad and lonely, aside from its beautiful hazel brown color.”

I froze. I didn’t know which to process, his comment about me being sad and lonely or his compliment about my eyes.

“I think I have to go.” I hastily broke our eye contact. “It’s too late than I thought.” I stood up but I could still feel his eyes on me.

“Forgive me; it’s so rude not to ask your name first earlier.” He apologized. “What’s the name of this beautiful maiden in front of me?” he asked then he reached for my right hand and kissed it.

I gasped, surprised by his sudden actions. It was so old fashion and ludicrous but it made my heart beat like I ran a marathon nonstop. I pulled my hand away clumsily. “Drizzlle.” I stammered.

“Drizzle? As in a very light rain?” he wondered.

“Somehow, with two L in it’s spelling.” I stuttered.

“Nice name.” he marvelled.

“And you?”

“Just call me Phoebus. It’s nice to meet you, Drizzlle. We’ll meet again, I swear to River Styx.” He promised.

I didn’t know what river he’s talking about but the promise sounded like an oath to keep. And I was counting on it.

I turned around and as I took steps away from him, a wave of cold crept through my whole body. I almost regretted leaving his warm confinement. I didn’t know why but I was counting my steps as I walked away from him. After a good fifty steps or so, I looked back but he’s already gone.


JANUARY 28 MEANT ANOTHER TERM TO BATTLE WITH. I WAS ON MY WAY BACK to my dorm when I noticed a wounded raven; it’s strange to see this kind of bird here. It kept hopping around the snow covered soil for it couldn’t fly, leaving blood on its track.  I knew the bird wasn’t tame, and it looked scary because of its size and color, but I felt pity for it.

“Easy, boy. I got you.” I murmured as I reached for the raven. It tried to peck me but it’s a good thing that I’m wearing a pair of thick gloves and a fur coat. It cried out as I held a grab on it. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. We’ll heal your wound.” I cooed. Since I was a child, I had a habit of acting like a doctor to wounded animals.

I sat on the nearby bench and inspect it. I was terrified to see a bullet hole in its left wing and a gash in the left side of its belly. I searched my bag for anything that would stop the bleeding but nothing seemed useful but just tissue papers.

“I felt despair and the sun hibernates,

Drizzle freezes into thousand snowflakes.

Haunted by memory of a maiden,

I was led back to her by a raven.”

I froze upon hearing the voice. My heart skipped a beat then throbbed. In spite of the cold weather, warmth washed through me. I lift my gaze and met by warm welcoming eyes. He’s wearing the same bright and playful smile.

“Phoebus!” I gasped.

“I think I already love that raven.” He mused.

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw that bird crash landing here, so I followed.” He replied. “I never thought I’d find you here. The bird turned out to be my guide.”

“You shot it?” I exclaimed.

“No, I don’t. I wouldn’t do such cruel thing to my attribute.” Attribute? I thought.

He sat next to me then took the bird. He examined it like he’s an expert veterinarian. “Ah… not that bad.” He commented. Then he turned to his bag and pulled out a first aid kit.

“You carry a first aid kit?”

“Always. In case of emergency.” He winked. “Will you hold the bird for me while I tend its wound?”

“Sure.” That is when I noticed that his hands were bare. He had no gloves on. His attire seemed inappropriate for the weather. He’s wearing denim jeans, a flannel shirt and loafers. “Aren’t you cold?”

“Nah. I’m fine.” He said while putting bandage over the raven’s left wing creating a tourniquet.  

“Where did you learn that?”

“Med school.” He answered.

“You’re a doctor?” I gasped. My eyes grew wide in surprise.

“Not really.” He chuckled. “Why are you so surprised? Don’t I look fit to be a doctor to you?”

“No. I’m sorry to offend you. I just thought you’re a musician.” I replied.

“Well, I can be both. And a poet. And an archer. And a prophet. And a bachelor. All in the same time.” He grinned at me while wriggling his eyebrows.

I tried to supress my laugh with no luck. He looked so ridiculous!

“Why are you laughing at me? You can be whatever you want.”

My laugh abruptly stopped, my smile faded and all the humour in my body left me. “Yeah, sure.”

“Hey, what’s the matter?” he sounded alarmed by the sudden change in my expression.

“Nothing.” I shook my head. “So, you’re also studying here in Harvard? Why didn’t you mention it before?” I asked to change the topic.

“Change of mind. Change of plans. I just got here, transferred in.” He said, looking at me sheepishly then he blushed.

I stared blankly at him.

He shifted uncomfortably then stood up. “It’s getting late. I should walk you home.”

“Uhm…” I contemplated. “Yeah, sure.” I also stood. “How about the bird?”

“I’ll take care of him.” He said so I handed him the raven.

We walked side by side in silence. He started humming to himself while caressing the raven in his arms. The melody that he was creating was so wonderful that it made me feel good and calm.

“Uhm… would you like a cup of coffee?” I asked as we passed by a coffee shop.

“Sure! I’d love some caffé latte.” He replied delightedly.

I went inside the coffee shop and ordered a caffé latte and a café au lait for myself. As I headed back to Phoebus I noticed how the passers-by glanced at him then looked back for a longer moment than necessary. That’s when I realized that it wasn’t just me. Phoebus is, indeed, very handsome, handsome enough to qualify as a twin brother of the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite.

When I got out of the coffee shop, he lifted his gaze to me and his face lit up literally, if that’s possible. “Thank you.” He said cheerfully as I handed him his caffe latte.

“What are you doing in Harvard Yard, anyway? I mean, HMS is like miles away from here, across Charles River.” I asked out of curiosity.

“I’m actually looking for you, since you told me last time that you’re studying here.” He answered.

“Oh.” Is all I could manage as a response.

He chuckled then we walked once again in silence as we took sips from our coffee.

“You look good with animals.” I commented. Ever since, he got a hold of the raven, it didn’t squawk anymore. And the bird seemed at peace with him.

“Well, I guess, it’s in our family. My father has the eagles, one of my half-sisters has owls for her, and another half-brother has boars and Dionysus! He has fetish for dolphins—don’t tell him I told you that.” he winked. “Basically, each of us has … uhm… pets.”

“You sounded like you have a big happy family.”

“Yeah. Very BIG. Sometimes, it is fun but most, it’s plain annoying with all those fights, pride and suspicion against each other.” He sighed. “I’m just glad I have a twin. At least I know I have a backup at times.”

“You have a twin?” I asked, amused.

“Yes! And we’ve been spending millennia arguing who’s older. But I always insist I was born first.” He uttered hyperactively. “Her name is Artemis.”

“Cool.” I said.

“Actually, she’s cold. Very very cold. Especially to me, her own twin.” He pouted.

I chuckled at his look. Not all man looks cute when they pout like he did.

“You’re laughing at me again.” He complained.

“Then stop being like that.”

“Like what?” he asked innocently. “I can’t help it if I’m so awesome.”

I just rolled my eyes. He’s hopeless.

“You’re prettier when you smile or laugh or even when you roll your eyes.”

I could feel myself blushing. “Stop saying things like that. It makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“I’m just stating facts. It is in my nature to be truthful.” He countered.

I bit my lower lip. I didn’t know what else to say. I felt like surrendering to an argument that was about to start. I fell to silence defiantly.

Shortly, we finally arrived at the dorm house where I stay. It was just a simple three-storey building made of red bricks. The windowsills with blossoming flowers during spring were covered with snow. We stood on the steps in front of the door as we bid our goodbyes.

“Thanks for walking me home.” I said.

“Thanks for the coffee, for letting me walk you home and for some chats and—I got a long list to thank you for so I’ll simply say, ‘Thanks a lot’.

“You’re welcome… a lot.” I giggled. I noticed the snow started falling and his cheeks are flushing due to the very low temperature. I took off my scarf and draped it around his neck. “That should help you keep warm. I don’t want you dying of hypothermia.”

“Another thank you.” He murmured.

“Another you’re welcome.” I mimicked. “Goodbye, Phoebus. Have a safe trip home.” Then I went inside the building, I hesitated at first but I decided to look back. I felt happy that he’s still standing there.

When I reached my room, which was on the third floor at the same side as the front door, I peeked through the curtain and still found him there looking up. As if he knew where my room was and he’s waiting for me to show up.

I opened my window and stuck my head out. “Go home, Phoebus. You’ll get pneumonia if you stay there any longer.”

“I thought I’ll die of hypothermia?” he shouted back then he grinned.

“Just go before the house staff kicks you out.” I replied.

“I’m already outside.”

“Phoebus!” I complained defiantly.

“Sure, sure.” He chuckled. “Farewell, Drizzlle. See you tomorrow.” Then he walked away.

I stayed there, watching him until he was out of my sight. How come I trusted him easily when, in fact, I barely know him? I wondered.


EVERY NOW AND THEN, HE WOULD SHOW UP WHEN MY CLASSES WERE OVER just to walk me home, taking side trips to coffee shops or restaurants sometimes. And as days passed by, I decided to officially hang out with Phoebus in my spare times, since I didn’t really have a friend here. It’s fun spending time with him. He’s sensible and incredible at times but mostly, he’s plain megalomaniac and ridiculous especially when he’s talking in rhyme and haiku phrases. But the good thing about Phoebus is he’s so talkative and lively and he has a good sense of humour that there were no dull moments with him.

           Sometimes he would come with me to the library when I needed to and while I did my research, he read works of famous authors or poet born in Massachusetts like Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, and Dr. Seuss. There would be times that I would catch him staring at me but he would just smile instead of looking away; like he wasn’t embarrassed at all that I caught him.

When I didn’t have classes, it’s either we would go to museums or simply have picnic at parks. Like today; it was the middle of spring, Phoebus was lying on the grass playing his guitar while I was sitting cross-legged reading a sci-fi novel.

“Do you know that gods and goddesses can exist in different places at the same time?” he asked out of nowhere.

I looked up at him and shook my head. I noticed he has great interest in mythology, since he’s been telling me stories about Greek gods and goddesses which I had never heard before, not even when we studied Homer’s ‘Iliad’ in my Literature class during high school.

“Why is that?” I asked. I was interested as well but not half as much as he was.

“It is to distribute their powers and essence. Because if a god concentrate those in one single place, all the mortals around him will be annihilated. It’s fascinating, right? They can be in every state of US or in every country across the globe.” He explained enthusiastically. “Those were the things I love about being a god.”

“Yeah, it’s nice but… I don’t know. I think it’s cruel to sire demigods with mortals then leave them.”

“It’s for the benefit of their children, you know. And an ancient rule.”

I just shrugged at him. I really didn’t know. Homer never told me.

Phoebus talked about his family a lot that I learned his father had a lot of children to other women, including him. But he didn’t seem touchy about the subject. And later on I figured out maybe his interest to Greek mythology was his father’s influence. His father named most of his children after Greek gods and goddesses, but then again I couldn’t blame him, even he was named after the god of sky, Zeus.

“Why don’t you play for me?” He said as he sat up offering his guitar to me.

“No, thanks.”

“Please?” he begged fluttering his eyelids.

I laughed at his ridiculous action.

“C’mon. You already laughed at me. One song will pay the price. Even just that same song you played for me the first time.” He said wriggling his eyebrows.

“Okay. Just don’t laugh at me.”

“No problem.”

I took his guitar and began playing and singing as well.

“How come you could play when you don’t have a guitar?” he asked when I was done.

“My parents don’t want me to have one. They don’t approve the idea of me spending time playing musical instruments. But my best friend is kind enough to lend me hers whenever I’m at her place. She was the one who taught me how to play.” I explained.

“Now I see.” Then he stared at me for a long time.

“Stop staring at me.” I demanded.

“That will only be possible if you’ll stop being beautiful.” He smiled at me tenderly.

My breath was caught in my throat. My heart beats raced. My face felt hot. I became conscious of myself. Those stares of him were like seeing right through me, reading me. His smiles made me feel special but worried at the same time.

“TADA!” Phoebus exclaimed as he put a guitar case with blue ribbon across my lap.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Ahm… a guitar? Isn’t it obvious?” he scratched the back of his head.

I didn’t know if he’s being sarcastic or he’s just worried about stating the obvious. I just rolled my eyes on him. “I know it’s a guitar. What I mean is; what is this all about?”

“It’s a gift for you.” He smiled. “I remembered you wishing to have one.”

“This is mine, for real?” I gasped with my eyes bulging.

“Yeah. I believe your parents are not around so they won’t know. And we won’t tell them.” He winked.

I opened the zipper and took out the acoustic guitar. It’s as simple as it can be with wooden appearance and black leather strap. There’s a holographic image in its lower right. Looking at it from one angle, it spells my name, while from the other angle; it was an image of an ancient lyre.

“Wow! It’s so wonderful.” I squealed. “Thank you very much. I love it!”

“Lucky one. I wish I was the guitar.” He mumbled, frowning.

“Are you saying something?” I asked.

“Nothing. I’m glad you love it.” He said, smiling again.

I held it close to me and started playing bits of random songs I know how to play. The guitar fitted perfectly in my hands like they were made just for me. My fingers were not having a single trouble with the strings despite the fact that it is still alien to my hands. I loved how the guitar felt like an extension of me instantly.

“Thank you.” I whispered but it more sounded like a hum. I lifted my gaze from the guitar to Phoebus but I wasn’t prepared to meet his intent gaze. I couldn’t stop the blush creeping in my cheeks. My hands abruptly stopped from playing. “What?”

He just shrugged. “I always believe that you’re a natural, in all aspects.”

“Stop praising me, okay? It’s nothing compare to what you can do.” I said. He was always carrying his guitar around and playing whenever he likes, so I already knew how great he was.

“Because I had millenia of practice.” It was his turn to roll his eyes on me. It was so gay but not to him.

Here he goes again

, I thought. I noticed he had a strange habit of exaggerating time, almost frequently. Well, that’s Phoebus. He’s very fond of figure of speech because of his poetic tendencies.


MY BEST FRIEND SINCE CHILDHOOD CAME VISITING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF MAY. After finishing school, we went our separate ways, mine in Harvard and her in Hollywood. She decided to have courage and take the risk of losing her inheritance from her parents just to start a career as a band vocalist which is her passion. I was very proud of her because her band just released their debut album and they would have this huge major concert on the 16th of June.

We were chatting non-stop when Phoebus showed up, knocking at the glass wall from outside of the restaurant.

“O-M-G!” Elysse exclaimed. “Who’s that oh-so-gorgeous-and-hot guy outside?” she asked, her eyes popping out of its socket.

“Oh please,” I face-palmed. “Don’t let him hear your compliments about him. He’s conceited enough to blow everything away like a tornado in one-mile radius.”

Elysse blinked her eyes. “You know him?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” I admitted dramatically.

“Hi, ladies.” Phoebus greeted as he approached us. “I’m Phoebus.” There he was, already introducing himself to my friend.

Elysse was speechless. She looked star struck, when it must’ve been the other way around since she’s the celebrity here.

I rolled my eyes. “This is Elysse, my best friend.” I told Phoebus.

“Nice meeting you, Elysse.” Then he flashed his signature brilliant smile.

“Phoebus, will you please stop overwhelming my poor friend? She’s not yet immune to you like I am.”

“Eh? Immune? Or maybe you want me to stop because you’re just jealous.” He teased.

“Here comes the megalomaniac Mr. Conceited once again.” I scowled at him.

He just chuckled then sat on a chair beside me.

“Wait!” Elysse finally spoke. “Are you together?”

“Yes.” — “NO!” Phoebus and I answered synchronously.

I looked at him, horrified. What is he talking about? “No, we’re not.”

“She’s just shy about it.” Phoebus told Elysse. I knew he’s trying to fool Elysse and vex me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Elysse demanded.

“I’m not and I didn’t because we’re not… together.” I stammered, replying to both of them desperately.

“What?” Elysse was a hundred percent confuse now.

“He’s just kidding, Elysse.” I turned to Phoebus. “Tell her that’s just a joke.”

“She said I tell you that it was just a joke.”

“Ugh! You’re hopeless.” I sighed, frustrated.

Suddenly, Elysse giggled. “You, two, will be good together.”

Phoebus nodded repeatedly. I just rolled my eyes at them.

“Oh! By the way, I have some VIP tickets to our concert here with me. I’m actually hoping for someone to accompany Drizzlle so I reserved three tickets. Will you come with her? I don’t care who the third one will be.”

“Sure. It’s my honour. I didn’t know that Drizzlle have a celebrity as a friend.” Phoebus said as he reached for the tickets.

“That is so mean of you, Driz.” Elysse pouted.

“He never asked.” I defended.

We decided to have dinner as well since it’s past six already then had more chats. We were all laughing and exchanging stories especially Elysse and I since we had a lot to catch up with each other.

But just like every happy moment, it had to end. Elysse and I were walking hand in hand while Phoebus was behind us.

“I hate these moments when I have to say goodbye to you.” Elysse said.

“We’ll meet again soon. Besides, saying goodbye doesn’t change anything. You will still be my best friend.” We stopped from walking.

“I’ll miss you a lot.” She told me then faced Phoebus. “Do you mind if I talk to her privately? I didn’t mean to offend but we just need some, you know girl talk.”

Phoebus chuckled. “No, I don’t. I’ll be just around.” Then he fled.

“And I really think you should be together.” Elysse whispered as we watched the retreating back of Phoebus.

“Elysse—“ I protested.

“Can’t you see it; he’s head over heels with you.” She rolled her eyes at me.

I bit my lower lip then shook my head.

“Oh c’mon, Driz. Why do you keep on denying? It’s obvious that you like him, too.”

I eyed her with surprise. What is she talking about? I thought.

“Driz, I’ve never seen you this… this alive. I mean, there’s a glow in you that I’ve never seen before. And as jealous and envious I am, truth be told, he makes you happier that I can. It’s like you’re another Drizzlle from the one I know but I more like it this way.” She said earnestly. “I love to see so much color in you. The twinkle in your eyes and sparkles in your smiles, they were priceless to me and obviously to him, too."

“I don’t think so, Elysse. You know it’s not possible.”

“Why?” Elysse just heaved a very deep sigh when I didn’t answer. “Fine, what so ever. Just always remember that no matter what your decisions are, I will support you just like how you supported me.” She smiled to me sincerely.

Elysse called to Phoebus to bid goodbye then she kissed me on my cheek before getting in the cab. And now, I’m only left with Phoebus. We also rode a cab to my dorm. When he walked me to the front door I stopped then turned to him.

“We need to talk.”

“Talk about what?” he looked up to me with the same warm but playful smile.

“You and I.” My heart was pounding hard because of extreme anxiety. I don’t know which I’m worried about, what I’m about to say or his reactions to it.

“What about us?” he asked giving emphasis to the word ‘us’.

“Phoebus, there’s no ‘us’.” I stammered.

I saw how his smile slowly faded, how his lips pursed into thin line. And for the first time, he looked upset.

“It’s beacsue of… my enga—“ I heaved a deep sigh. “Phoebus, my life—the life ahead of me—it’s already planned. From entering business school after finishing this course to my career to… even up to marriage. Everything is just waiting for me to take the path. And two years from now, I’ll be engaged.”

A moment of silence crept between us.

“Are those what you want?”

I looked up at him and met his gaze. That gaze that always felt like seeing right through me.

“I’m asking you if those are what you want.” He repeated.

I pondered in his question. Do I want these? Of course, I didn’t. I never wanted any of these. I want to answer but instead. “I have no choice.”

“You always have a choice. You have to remember that you can never be someone you don’t want to be. Sometimes you have to consider what your heart’s desires are.” He said. “That is the only thing that will make you happy.”

“I’m happy to make my parents proud.” I murmured.

“There’s a big difference between turning over your life to them and simply wanting to make them proud. You deserve better than this, than being their puppet.”

“Stop that, Phoebus! They are still my parents.”

He just sighed then started to take steps backward, away from me. “You’ve got a lot of potential, Drizzlle. I can name a hundred thing you can be and being business-minded isn’t one of them. Because your heart is not there. You will be a very effective doctor, a great singer like your friend or a phenomenal writer or poet because that’s the Drizzlle I know, I love. If only you would stand up for it and take risks.”

He turned his back on me and completely walked away, never looking back. In just a few seconds, he’s lost in the mist. I wanted to cry, I wanted to run after him and stop him. I wanted him back in front of me and I’d say yes, he’s right. But like every single moment of choices laid in front of me, I just strayed on the safe side instead of chasing after my happiness. From that moment, I knew it will be the last time that I would see him.


I WENT STRAIGHT TO MY DORM AS SOON AS MY LAST SUBJECT WAS DISMISSED. Everybody was excited for the summer vacation that would start tomorrow. When I opened the door to my dorm room, I was surprised to see a visitor. She stood from my couch then faced me. She gestured me to come in, so I did and closed the door behind me.

“Mom, what are you doing here?”

She threw papers on me, falling on the floor. I recognized my study cards. “When are you going to tell me about these?” she demanded in an authoritative tone.

I remained silent. I knew she’s mad and disappointed. “I’m sorry, Mom.”

“Huh! Sorry?! For Pete’s sake, Drizzlle. It’s just Economics, how could you almost fail it? It’s not even advance or specialization fields yet!” she yelled at me.

My eyes started to sting. The last time she yelled at me is when I ended up second in a whiz quiz I joined during middle school. “Mom, it’s just that I’m not used to it yet.” I murmured.

“Then when are you going to get used to it, when you’ve finished the whole course?! Drizzlle, being in Harvard isn’t enough! You’ve got to be on top. So that when you take over our businesses, investors will trust you, employees will respect you and competitors will be scared of you. You’ve got to master Economics so that you will know how to run everything perfectly and dominate the market! If you can’t do it, you should have told us from the very start. NYU education would be enough for you! You’re such a disgrace!”

I couldn’t help but sobbed. “I did my best, Mom. And I promise I’ll do better this term.”

“Stop making promises. I don’t believe you anymore.” Then she gave a disgusted look over my guitar. “You’ve let yourself get distracted from important things, Drizzlle!”

She took my guitar and was about to smash it on the floor when I hurried to her front and stopped her arm. “Please, Mom, no. Not this. Please, don’t break this.” I plead. My knee suddenly felt like shaking, making me knelt.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry Mrs. Callister. I’m sorry. I’m just a person, a human, I have my limitations. I’m sorry but I’m not for this. I’m tired. I’m tired of reaching for your unattainable expectations, of pleasing you but never got appreciated, of following whatever you want setting aside my own happiness. I always felt grateful to you, I always understood my place but… but—“

She pulled away from me then smashed the guitar in front of me. I froze from shock.

“Go back to your senses, Drizzlle. This and that boy won’t do you any good.” She stepped on the broken bits of the guitar. “I gave you everything; a luxurious life, a first-class education, even our name! Now, everything is already laid in front of you for your secured future; a successful career and everything you’ll need! But you’ve got to damn strive for it! Nothing comes easy.”

“I need love.” I whispered. Tears streamed down my cheeks rapidly, endlessly.

She yelled at me, scolding and insulting me for being unreasonable but I didn’t hear a single word. It was like my world is crumbling to dust. Then she left me there, crying my heart out without a single sound. I tried to put the pieces of the guitar together with no success.

No guitar, no family, no happiness… no Phoebus.

 That’s when I whimpered breathlessly. The one who finally brought the sun to my life was, now, gone, too. It was so agonizing without having someone to comfort me in this painful point of my life.

I went home to Manhattan for summer break. As usual, the house is empty, only the staffs are around. I went straight to my room and stayed there almost every day. Nobody talked to me so I started writing poems. Expressing every thought and emotion that was flooding me since last Friday and I always ended up crying.

“I wish I’m right beside you now.” Elysse said over the phone. “I’m sorry.”

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, Elysse. It’s a good thing you called.” I said as I sniffle.

“Yeah right, because if I hadn’t called, you will never tell me about this.” I could imagine her rolling her eyes. “So, what now?”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you going to give him up just like that?”

“I have to,” I managed to speak out the words without meaning it. I didn’t want to lose him but, let’s face it; I was always a quitter, renegade. “He tried to change me and he succeeded. Now, I’m lost.” I tried to justify my decision with no conviction.

“You know he never changed you. He just brought out the real you from the deep hole of your prison.” She paused for me to take it in. “You’re a princess, Driz, you deserve to be treated that way. You’re Rapunzel and he’s Flynn Ryder, he’s been saving you from the tower.”

My tears shed as if in agreement to her, and admitting it made the ache more painful. “Wow,” I sniffled again. “You got the last one rhyme.”

“And you just spoiled the moment. I was about to cry already.” Elysse chuckled and I did as well. “I am thinking of making a song out of your very tragic love story entitled Rapunzel spelled as R-A-P-U-N-Z-Z-L-L-E. So that it has a touch of you.” We laughed again.

After some time, Elysse had to hang up the phone and I’m all by myself again, grieving in self-pity, raining teardrops and longing for my sun.

The next morning, a staff just told me that Mom set me a date with my future fiancé. I obliged to their will. I learned his name was Tristan and that he’s a Business Management graduating student in Yale University. He’s not bad at all but I’m just not into him. He drove me home after the date, and when he pulled away, that’s when I notice HIM.

He’s sitting in the hood of a red convertible Maserati Spyder. He’s still as I remember him; outdoorsy good looks, fashionably shabby clothes and unshorn sandy blond hair. Even if he’s wearing Ray Ban sunglasses I knew it’s him. He walked to me.

“Let me take you away from here, my princess.”

“Phoebus.” I breathed.

“Shall we? We’ve got a concert to see.” He reminded. He took my hand and that’s all I needed to drag myself to come to him and forget about what I’d be leaving behind.

“Whose car is this?” I asked pathetically, like, isn’t it obvious?

“Mine, of course.” He said as he opened the door to front seat for me then he get in the driver seat. “I just thought that it would be great to have a getaway vehicle that is not suspicious and fast… very very fast.” He winked at me then floored the gas pedal and we’re off to Hollywood.

“Are you sure we’ll drive all the way to California?”

“Never ever doubt the speed of light.” he beamed at me.

“Phoebus, I’m sorry.” I choked.

“Forget it. I won’t let you take your happiness away from yourself ever again.” Then he held my hand, fingers interlocked, as we drove down the road.


MAYBE WE WERE BOTH OUT OF OUR MINDS AT THIS POINT BUT WE REALLY didn’t care at all. We’ve been driving for two days already in his incredulously fast car. Every now and then we’d stop by to eat or take naps and change clothes in some random motels.

            Aside from being with Phoebus, another thing I liked in this trip was the sceneries along the road.  I marvelled at the sights of wide pastures, green and flowery meadows, shady and wild vegetation of forests, steep cliffs overlooking rivers or forests and endless and dry deserts. I’ve never seen such beauty like this before my eyes and I came to appreciate nature more than before.

The roof of the convertible was down and the sun was blazing intensely above our heads, casting shadows right beneath us. A song of Bruno Mars was playing on the stereo.

I decided to sit on the headrest of my seat and felt the wind blowing against me. I grabbed a hold of the hat I’ve got from our last stop then sang along.

“♪I will break the chains that bind me

Happiness will find me

Leave the past behind me

Today my life begins

A whole new world is waiting

It’s mine for the taking

I know I can make it

Today my life begins♪”

It felt like I’m finally living for the first time. Just sitting here made me happy and contented.

Phoebus looked up at me, smiling. I smiled back at him. “Eyes on the road, please, mister.”

“Trust me.” He said confidently. But he did what he’s told.

Incredulous as it was but we’ve reached San Francisco on time for the concert. We’ve got easy access to our seats since we were on the VIP list. The whole place was full of people. As the first strum of guitar echoed throughout the stadium, every fan present started screaming in anticipation. When the lights on the stage turned on and the band played their first song, the crowd immediately went wild.

Elysse, in her black-and-pink themed clothes with spiky hair, sang each lyric from the bottom of her heart. In every head bang, occasional dance and wave of hand to the crowd, I know she’s happy and enjoying the time of her life. And I couldn’t help but to sing along with her. I would look at Phoebus from time to time and I could see he’s enjoying the concert as well.

Before the concert ended, Elysse sat on a high stool. “As for the last song for tonight, I would like to dedicate this to my very first fan, the first one who believed that I will make it. And if not for her, there would be no Elysse on The Runaways.” She scanned the crowd and spotted me then smiled. “She was my first voice lesson coach, my first and personal cheerleader, my only crying shoulder and defender and my best friend. Actually, she wrote this song for me on my 18th birthday, which is very sweet, and now, I’ll sing it back to her.”

I gasped in surprised. Her words just made me smile and cry at the same time. I couldn’t believe that she’d be doing this for me. Her band mates started playing their respective instruments. The melody was in between solemn and lively.

“♪Together we laughed, cried and tried to hide

Our hope, dreams and feelings deep inside

We shared the same smile in the shadow

They almost drowned us but they’re too shallow

And when the world chase us to our end

I will run with you, hand in hand

The free fall can’t stop us to land

On the paradise of stars where we’re a band♪”

The song went and ended then the lights dimmed out. People were either expressing how great The Runaways was or asking for more.

“That was beautiful.” Phoebus whispered in my ear. I looked at him and he met my gaze. “The song you wrote was wonderful.”

We were interrupted by some member of the security team who led us to the dressing room where Elysse and his mates were staying.

“Driz!” Elysse squealed as she saw me coming. She hugged me tight. “What can you say? Do you love it?”

“Of course, though I might demand payment for the copyright.” And we both laughed.

I got surprised when Phoebus pulled in front of a cottage by the shore. It is a plain looking house, painted with white and blue, with a small front porch and two palm trees stood on the left side of its front. I found it cute and cozy as we entered.

“I just thought you’re sick of big empty houses.” He said thoughtfully.

I shook my head. “No, actually it’s perfect.” I beamed at him.  Everything was simple and I loved it.

I walked around the cottage. Only white leather couches were filling the living room. A circular wooden table was in the middle of the dining area, on its back wall stood a glass sliding door that lead to the beach. The kitchen was already stuffed with groceries. A narrow stairway led to the attic which was the bedroom as well. 

“It’s already one in the morning. You should rest.” Phoebus said.

I nodded then went to bed. Phoebus followed me. He sat beside me as I lied. I reached for him. “You should also sleep.” I yawned. “You drove straight last night. You must be very tired.”

He lied beside me, facing me. He tucked my hair behind my ear. He pulled me closer to him and I hugged him back. “Good night, my Drizzlle. Sleep well, sweet dreams.” Then he kissed my forehead.

And with that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Phoebus and I had been staying in the place for three days already and I never got tired of watching the sun set over the horizon of the pacific. The sun was almost deep fuchsia pink every time and the stars were peeking through sunbeams. The view inspired me so I felt the urge to write poems though I don’t feel lonely or sad.

I was currently writing a poem when Phoebus came and handed me a glass of lemonade. I hurriedly hide the paper in my hand at my back.

“What is that?” he asked as he lied on the blanket with his head on my lap.

I looked at him and said, “Nothing.”

“It’s not nothing. May I see that?”

“No.” I answered. But he snatched it away from my back. “Phoebus!” I complained.

I tried to get it back but he lifted it out of my reach. I stood to tower over him and I got my work. But he stood as well, smiling, and snatched it once again then raised his hand that was holding it.

“Hey! Give it back to me.”

“Not until I finished reading it.”

“No way!” It would be very embarrassing if he would have a chance to read it.  I tried to pull it out of his hand again but he just ran away from me while laughing.

“Catch it if you can.”

“Phoebus! Come back here!” I chased after him. And we ran around the beach, laughing like fools, chasing each other.

Suddenly, Phoebus started reading the poem out loud while walking backwards. “He came to my life like a rising sun,

“Phoebus!” I shouted. “Stop!” I swore, I was blushing furiously.

Where the light touched the dark, bright colours sprung,” he stopped from walking. “He turned my whole world upside down; He’s the rhyme and melody that’ll always be sung.” He continued reading it silently then looked me intently in the eye afterwards.

“Give it back to me.” I whispered when I was a foot away from him.

He handed it back then closed the gap between us.

“Phoebus.” I gasped as he cupped my face in his hands and brought it closer to him. I closed my eyes then felt his lips touched mine for a brief moment.

“It was beautiful.” He said. “Thank you… and I love you.”

My chest ached as my heart pounded hard. Hearing those words from him overwhelmed me. I knew by now that from the very first time that I saw him I already fell. All the strange feelings I experienced only meant how much I was in love with him. And the only reason that I was standing in front of him in this very moment was because I felt the same. He was my sun, my hope, my happiness and my everything and he loved me. “I got used to living in the darkness, I got used to loving the rain. And I never thought that the sun will be coming for me. Thank you for coming to my life. I love you, too.”

He smiled sweetly then kissed me once again. This time, it was longer and passionate. I felt like bursting for all the emotions rioting deep inside me. Phoebus’ hands fell to my back, pulling me closer to him. And I just wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to him.


MY EYES SNAPPED OPEN AS I WOKE UP FROM A NIGHTMARE. I CLENCHED MY fist onto something and I felt an arm tightened its embrace on my waist. I heard a sweet voice hushed me as if comforting me.

“Phoebus.” I murmured with a hint of asking for assurance in my voice.

He shifted beside me. “Hey, I’m here. What’s wrong?” he asked concerned.

I lifted my head and looked in his worried face. Relief washed through me when I saw those sparkling blue eyes looked back at me. “Nothing. Just a nightmare.” I leaned my head again on his chest.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

I just nodded. I felt him kissed the top of my head. Only now I became aware that we were still lying in the hammock he made in the lawn between the palm trees.

“The first beam of light of the sunrise will be two minutes from now.” He whispered.

“I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

“Waiting for sunrise doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to.” He chuckled. “I could always wake you.”

I blushed remembering how he woke me up almost every day by kissing me. I always asked myself when I would get use to this; living together with Phoebus, being so much loved by him, the frequent kisses from him. But as much as I loved our set up and the felicity that never failed to overwhelm me, something else was building up deep within me. Each day with him, I was getting more and more nervous and scared. I was afraid to lose him, my life, and I don’t know why I felt this way.

We stayed like that, silent, for a moment when the first sunlight crept in the sky making its hue magenta. This was the first time I watched the sunrise and it was worth a memory to remember. Phoebus began to play a very serene melody with his harmonica.

“My mom was a great singer.” I said softly. “My biological mother.”

He stopped playing. I gulped, trying to calm myself. This topic always made me emotional.

“She used to be an opera singer in Broadway but she lost her career when she had me.” I said as I reminisced.

Was? What happened to her?”

I closed my eyes as I combed back through the memory of that night. The night that haunted me till this very moment. My nightmare. “One night, when I was seven, while walking home from Central Park, a big set of hands grabbed me from behind.” My eyes started to sting. “Mom tried to fight him, slapping the man everywhere. Then, finally, the man let go of me. I didn’t know what was happening around me; all I know was that the man pulled my mom by the hair. Mom ordered me to run so I did, as fast as I could because I was so scared. But when I stopped and looked back, mom’s gone, she didn’t follow.”

I rose from lying then sat beside him, he did the same. “I retraced my steps back but they weren’t there at all. I stayed at the very spot hoping my mom would come back but policemen came and took me. I told them what happened to my mother and they searched for her. After two days, they found her in an abandoned warehouse. They said she was attacked by an animal by the condition of her lifeless body.” But I knew better.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“She used to sing me songs as bedtime stories. She was always smiling and hugging me whenever we’re together. And she always made sure that I know how much she loves me.” I cried. “She was the best mother ever.”

“I’m pretty sure about that.” his left hand held my hands while his right was wiping my tears.

“I had no known relative left. I never knew my father and he never knew I existed though mom said he was a phenomenal musician. After spending some time in an orphanage, a rich couple adopted me. Mr and Mrs Callister. Later on, I learned they were actually my grandparents. My father’s parents. My father died in a car accident three years after mom met him. And to not disgrace the name of their late son, they chose to adopt me as their daughter instead of recognizing me as their granddaughter.

“They were the only family I know, I have. And that’s why it’s very hard for me to disobey them. I’m afraid of rejections, so I stick with the people I already have. At the same time, I’m scared to be left alone, so I always abide to make sure they won’t leave or banish me. But I realized, sometimes it takes a lot of risks to pursue your happiness. That’s what my mom did; she gave up her career as an opera singer to have me. Elysse and my dad sacrificed their lavish life to pursue their dreams.

“Life is about taking risks and making decisions. It isn’t about the right choice but the most appropriate. And… I chose to be with you now. Are you going to leave me, too?” I looked up at him expectantly.

I saw some new expressions crossed his face. “No…”

I snaked my arms around his neck and embraced him. I buried my face in his chest feeling so much bliss more than ever.

“What happened to the god who doesn’t like lies?” another man’s voice asked from afar.

I pulled away from Phoebus and saw a man standing a few feet across the lawn. I gasped, frozen, surprised at his appearance.

“Janus, what are you doing here?” Phoebus asked the man in a deep authorative voice.

“I’m here to deliver choices, Lord Apollo.” He sneered. “Looks like your girl can see through the mist.”

I felt Phoebus’ eyes on me but I just stared dumbfounded at the man’s face—s, two faces.

“Drizzlle.” Phoebus called.

“What are you?” I shrieked, pointing at the two-faced man. I finally found my mind and voice.

“Drizzlle.” Phoebus faced me to him.

“Are you seeing that? It’s a monster!”

“Hey, watch your mouth, young lady. Learn to respect a god.” The man said.

I turned to him. “What did you say?”

“Drizzlle!” Phoebus shook me. “Listen to me. Go inside. I’ll just deal with him.”

“No! What if he hurts you? Can’t you see it? He has two faces!” I was practically hysterical right now. I remembered the man who took my mom that night. He was a monster as well. A Cyclops!

“It will be fine.” Phoebus assured me. “Janus, will you please change your appearance. You’re freaking her out.”

“What for? She already saw me.” Janus replied. “Now, back to our business, Lord Apollo.”

“Lord Apollo?” I repeated, confused.

“Your girl made her choice, what’s yours?” Janus continued.

“Curse you, Janus.” Phoebus hissed.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Drizzlle, go inside.”


“Are you going to tell her or keep her in the dark?” Janus asked.

“This is none of your business, Janus.” Phoebus turned and growled.

“I’m the god of choices, of course, it is.”

“I will never forgive you for making fun of me, Janus. I promise you’ll pay for this.”

“Drizzlle, right?” Janus asked me then turned to Phoebus. “You see, Drizzlle finally made a choice which opened a door to a new beginning in her life and part of that new beginning is the truth. The truth from you, Lord Apollo. Such a shame you just lied. Tsk tsk!”

“I never lie.” Phoebus snarled.

“What truth?”

THIS truth.” Janus waved his hand around us. “Nothing lasts forever, except for us, the immortals.”

“Phoebus.” I murmured, pleading him to explain all of this. But Phoebus released me from his grasp and walked to Janus.

In just a fraction of a second, Phoebus was already holding a golden bow and arrow in his hands and was aiming to Janus. “You won’t get away from this.” Phoebus released the arrow but Janus was gone.

Gods. It all dawned at me. His strange stories about Greek mythology. His skills and talents in medicine and music. His poetic tendencies. And the radiance he gave off. His twin sister, Artemis. His father, Zeus. That explained everything. “He called you… Apollo.” I choked.

“Drizzlle…” In just a split of a second, he’s already in front of me, hugging me.

I couldn’t believe it. My boyfriend is a Greek god. Not just a simple god but an Olympian god. The god of music, prophecy, colonization, medicine, archery, poetry, dance, intellectual inquiry and carer of the herds. The Sun God.

I’d heard and read it before about gods and goddesses who fell in love with mortals but I never believed it. In fact, I never believed all those mythology before in spite of my enthusiasm, even Phoebus’ stories because those were all myths. That’s what they were supposed to be.

So, I didn’t know if I should be happy and honoured or scared that I must be insane. But despite of my shocked state I recalled a memory of one of his stories.

“Don’t touch me!” I tried to push him away but he didn’t even budge. I pushed him harder. “Let me go!” I cried.

He pulled away to wipe my tears but I slapped his hands. He gasped and was taken aback.

“How could you do this to me? You’re so cruel. You lied to me!”

“I never lied to you. Not a single lie, Drizzlle. Everything that came out of my mouth was true.”

“Yeah, you just kept secrets from me. You’ve been playing with my feelings all this time! Why? Why me?”

“Drizzlle, I didn’t play with your feelings. Never. I love you, you know that.”

“Love? I don’t know. I don’t know what to believe anymore!”

 “Stop saying nonsense.” He reached for me but I stepped away from him.

I ran to our room and squeezed myself in the corner, hugging myself. I couldn’t stop my tears from shedding as realizations came one by one. He is a damn god. He couldn’t stay by my side forever. One day, he would leave me and I’d be left alone. And the Phoebus I’ve been with all this time was just one of the many. Just a piece of the entire him. The thought made me wept noisily.

Suddenly, Phoebus was already embracing me. “I’m sorry.” He said repeatedly as he kissed the top of my head.

“How could you make me fall for you when you know you can’t stay? How could you say you love me when in another part of the globe, you’re saying the same thing to another woman? How could you take me when nothing about us will be permanent?” I punched him repeatedly on the chest. “How dare you give me hope then take it all back!? You should have told me earlier. I should’ve known it from the start, so that I should have been careful. I must not have loved you. You’re just like everyone else, you’ll abandon me!”

“I won’t.” he murmured against my ear.

“Stop lying!”

“I won’t leave as long as you want me around.” He promised.

“I want you forever! But we both know you can’t be around for that long.” I sobbed. He was my sun that rose to my life to bring light and colours in it. But I forgot that the sun must always set. He had to set and disappear over the horizon. Then the darkness would creep back and I’d be left haunted by the cold and unbearable rain all my life.

It seemed like my sobs were endless and my tears were limitless. Just when I thought I finally found where I belong, where I could finally just be happy, I was suddenly falling off a cliff. The fall was fast, hard and painful. It felt literal as my body trembled due to pain which was coursing all over my body from my shattering heart. It hurt, making me breathless. My nails were digging deep into his arm, wanting him to also feel the pain I was experiencing right now.

“Leave me now.” I whispered breathlessly without breaking free from his embrace. “You’re going to leave me in the future anyway, when you get sick and tired of me. Spare me from more heartaches and worse pains. Do it now, please.” I pleaded him desperately.

Phoebus’ body tensed. “No…” he murmured back.

“Please, please, please.”  I cried.

“I told you, I won’t let you take your happiness away from yourself ever again.”

“It’s not about the right choice but the appropriate one, remember? This might not cause me happiness but at least it will lessen the pain I have to endure in the future. Prolonging this will make the agony unbearable.”

“Is this what you want?” he asked in a pained tone.

“No, but this is for the best. The best for my welfare. At least leave some sanity for me.”

“You’re hurting… I’m sorry. You know I love you, right?”

I nodded; tears were still streaming down my face. I knew the love we shared was real but a mortal and a god was never a match that would last.

“I’m sorry; I loved you so much that I couldn’t stay away from you from the very start. You were the greatest poet in your generation and I couldn’t help it. It was like you were born to please me, to make me fall for you. I was attracted to all your works and actions.

“I’m sorry if I made your first love this excruciating. I’m sorry if I’ll leave you wounded. I hope you’ll heal, move on and love again.”

“It’s kind of bizarre that a god is apologizing in front of me.” I tried to humour myself with no luck. The tears just kept going.

“It’s because you were special and different. This is the first time I felt this way, so strong, potent and innocent. You’re breaking my heart, not my pride as a god, into pieces. Your request hurts me as much as it hurts you, Drizzlle.” He said then kissed me passionately. I couldn’t help but respond for I knew this would be our last. “I love you, forever and always.”


I WAS SOUND ASLEEP WHEN SOMEONE KISSED ME ON THE TIP OF MY NOSE. I could feel the arms that were embracing me. Someone whispered to my ear, waking me up. Slowly, I began to float back to consciousness. I opened my eyes and found my room brightly lit by the sunshine through the windows. Someone had already opened the curtains.

A face hindered my sight, sandy locks of hair falling to my face. “Are you awake already?”

It was a beautiful view of a boy with wide blue eyes and playful grins. I put my arms around him then rolled to my stomach so I could pin him. I tickled him and he squealed as he tried to get away from me. “What do you think? Am I awake now?”

The poor boy just kept on giggling. “Stop! Please stop!  Mom!” I laughed as he complained.

I heard a soft giggle from the foot of my bed. I stopped and looked at the angelic face of my daughter. “C’mon, Melody. Join me in tickling Rhyme.”

She hopped into my bed and Rhyme groaned. “No! It’s unfair!”

I was playing around with my children when there was a knock on the door. We altogether stopped to look at my husband by the doorway.

“Okay, children, breakfast’s ready.” He smiled sweetly. “I’m pretty sure you prefer to spend your day somewhere outside than here, so hurry.”

“Yes, Dad!” the two kids answered while stumbling to get on their feet.

“You belong to the ‘children’.” Tristan cleared, pointing at me.

I laughed. “Yes, Dad. Coming.” I smiled teasingly at him.

When Phoebus left, I was a complete disaster. And as if it wasn’t enough, I received a call telling me that my parents, or should I say grandparents, died in a plane crash. Everything was falling apart, including me. The realization that I was all by myself, and this time it is for real, almost drove me insane. I couldn’t stop crying, I couldn’t even drag myself from the bed to get something to eat. I was so close to killing myself when Tristan found me. That’s when I realized that he was sincere when he said he likes me the first time we met.

Tristan served as my rock. He helped me get back to my feet. He helped me take over the business empire that was left to me. He helped me live my life again especially when we found out that I was pregnant. But most importantly, he helped me move on from all the mishaps. After two years of growing friendship, we decided to get married.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” I asked him after breakfast.

“You know I want so badly to come, but I can’t. Business as usual.” He sighed tiredly.

He was kissing me when Rhyme came running and yelled, “Dad! What are you waiting for?” He grabbed Tristan’s hand and tugged him. “Come on! You’re running late!”

Tristan just rolled his eyes playfully and let Rhyme tow him. He winked at me and sent a flying kiss. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene.

I, myself, couldn’t believe that it had been six years when I gave birth to Rhyme and Melody. A lot of things happened and I felt lucky that after all the mess that I had been through, I still have my little angels with me. They were my life line and my saving grace.

“Mom! Look at those deer! Their antlers were so huge!” Rhyme marvelled hyperactively. Melody was just standing beside him, while observing silently the zoo animals around them.

They were both diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia last year. But for me, they were the perfect children. So loving and always caring about each other.

We were walking to the playground, they were holding onto each other’s hand, when my phone rang. It was my secretary who’s calling, I instructed her to call me only if the matter at hand is very urgent or in case of emergency, so I have to answer it.

“Rhyme, Melody.” I called. They looked up at me. “Just stay on the playground, okay? I’ll just answer this call.”

They nodded synchronously then went back to their business. I answered the call but it was too noisy at the zoo. I got to find a quieter place.

When I headed back to them, I saw a man, sitting in a crouched-like position, talking to my children. I panicked remembering my experience when I was a child. My children didn’t look scared but I was nervous for them.

“Rhyme, Melody.” I called out. “Come to Mommy.” They ran to me and wrapped their arms on my waist. “Are you hurt?” I checked them both for any sign of injury.

Melody just shook her head.

“Look, mom. The guy gave me this.” Rhyme lifted the necklace—with a pendant of bow and arrow—on his hand.

Melody lifted her necklace as well; hers was with an ancient lyre pendant.

I felt a familiar tingle in my spine. The man stood up and turned to face me. My heart beats raced the same as before as I recognized him. It was the face I would never forget.  I couldn’t help but gasp sharply. For a moment, I forgot again to breathe.

I faced my children. “Darling, sweetie, go on, continue to play. But I’ll bring this back to the man, okay? Remember what I told you? Don’t accept anything from stranger, right?” I took the necklaces from them and they fled to the seesaw nearby.

“What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.” I said furiously as I walked to him.

“I’m claiming them.” His voice sent shivers down my spine. His words froze me instantly.

“What?” I was trying so hard to look strong and stubborn although I felt like I was melting at the sight of him. I missed him so much.

“They are demigods, Drizzlle. My children. And I’m claiming them.”

I became frightened by his words and I didn’t even try to hide it from him, it was written all over my face. “You’re kidding, right? You are not going to take them from me. There is no chance that I will let you.”

He shook his head. “I won’t. But I have to warn you, you got to send them to Camp Half-blood every summer when they turn twelve. It’s for their safety. You know exactly what danger I am talking about.”

I gulped loudly. I couldn’t believe this. My children were in danger just because their father is… I clenched my fist. “Fine.”

“Those necklaces will protect them. Those were the only things I can do for them. I’ll be leaving now.”

I felt like dying after hearing his news. But it pained me more to hear no concern for me at all in his tone. I bowed my head and closed by eyes. You were always the best at messing everything up, Phoebus. You were so great. I thought shaking my head.

Suddenly, a pair of hand cupped my face. It made me open my eyes. Then I felt his lips into mine. “I miss you, my love.” He whispered in my lips then he was gone.

I touched my lips and I felt the tears in my cheeks. You never failed to break me to pieces, Phoebus. Only you could rise and set in my life all over again.

I heard a song playing from a distance. ♪Yeah, after all this time, I’m still into you.♪

I brushed the tears away as I looked up in the sky. “Same here.”


The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Inspired by:

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan

Red by Taylor Swift

Still Into You by Paramore


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