Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenari...

By Punklovergirl68

205K 3.3K 1.9K

This is my first boyfriend scenario story so sorry if it's not that good. If you want a character added or a... More

When You First Meet [Rewritten]
When You Meet a Second Time [Rewritten]
When You Become Best Friends [Rewritten]
When He Ask You to Be His Girlfriend [Rewritten]
Your First Date [Rewritten]
New Character - Bloody Painter [Rewritten]
When He Kisses You [Rewritten]
New Character - Dark Link [Rewritten]
When He Scares You
When He Gets Jealous
When You Go Shopping
When You Wear Something of His
When You Have a Nightmare
When You Break Up/When He Cheats
New Character - Candy Pop
New Character - Splendorman
Without Him
When You Move On
When He Tries to Get You Back
When You Get Back Together
When You Cook Something For Him
New Character - Offenderman

New Character - The Puppeteer

6.3K 113 22
By Punklovergirl68

When You First Meet:
You jolted awake, your body tense as you felt a disturbance in your room. Looking around your room, you could only make out the outlines of random objects in your room before your breath caught in your throat as you caught sight of movement in the corner. Soon a figure started to appear as all you could see from the darkness were yellow glowing eyes and a wide golden smile that made you shiver. You tried to move, finding it difficult as you felt pressure on your limbs like they were being pulled down. As the creature moved closer the figure of a man became clearer as he stepped into the moonlight that seeped through the window.

He wore all black, his hair was messy and tangled like it's never been brushed or wash for that matter. His skin was a gray color as yellow threads of string that glowed were attached to the tips of his fingers. He drew closer to your bed, soon crouching down to be eye level with you. That wide smile of his dropped as he stared into your eyes with his golden ones, looking as if he was in deep thought. Before he could do anything you parted your lips, screaming at the top of your lungs.

The sound of your parents door being thrown open could be heard as the man straighten himself and quickly disappeared in the shadows as your limbs became lighter. You stared confusedly at the darkest parts of your room as your parents rushed in with frantic worried looks.

When You Meet a Second Time:

It's been a week since your little encounter with that strange man; you started to wonder if it was even real. After a week of the thought nagging at the back of your mind you did the most logical thing and went to the internet looking for an answer. You didn't have much to go on but you typed in the description of the man. It took a while of scrolling through the pages of links before clicking on one that read 'The Puppeteer – Creepypasta Wiki'. Your eyes scanned the story that was displayed, not really receiving much information.

"You know, when I usually have a victim they're not interested in doing research, but I'm flatter" a voice that would remind one of a broken radio said. You jumped, falling out of your computer chair and hitting the ground roughly. Groaning you looked up at the owner to find the man from a week ago, or should you sat Puppeteer, staring down at you with a smirk. Jumping you sat up and scooted away from him as he buried his gray colored hands in his jeans with an amused expression on his face. "You're amusing; I think I'll keep you alive for a while. Well, see you later [Your Name]" he said, before leaving in a blink of an eye.

You were taken aback by what he said, as you sat there on your bedroom floor. Now confused by what had happened.

When You Become Best Friends:

After a month of the Puppeteer coming to visit you, you started to relax around him. In a way you started seeing him as a friend, something you never really had. You both sat on your bed as you watched his fingers move delicately with golden string attached to them. He was currently making a small doll walk around, its small limbs moved as if it was a real person. He soon turned it towards you and made it bow politely as you clapped your hands while laughing.

"Wonderful, you're the most amazing friend I've ever had" you said, smiling widely as Puppeteer froze and stared at you with wide eyes.

"You see me as your friend?" he questioned, as he felt his stomach churn slightly as he stared at you. You tilted your head, your smile widening even more as you nodded your head. Before you could react you were tackled into a big hug as the man buried his face into the crook of your neck as his shoulders shook slightly. "I've never had a friend before" he whispered as your shocked expression turned into a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, I never had one either" you whispered, hugging him back as you both just sat in silence.

When He Asks You to Be His Girlfriend:
You frowned slightly, it had only been three months and already you were attracted to your new friend. You kept quiet about it seeing how you didn't want to fuck things up. You also noticed how Puppeteer seemed to be avoiding you; it hurt a lot actually seeing how you got to see him less and less each day. Currently you sat in your room, your parents were out shopping leaving you by yourself to watch the house. Your ears started to perk up as you heard the sound of your bedroom door creaking open.

Looking towards the white wooden door, you curiously watched as small dolls come marching in. In their small hands they held square pieces of paper as they started to stand in a line and look up at you as you stared back down at them. One by one they all held up the piece of paper in their hands, each paper having a letter on it before it spelled out a sentence.


You stared at the sentence, your face heating up. "Well, will you?" Puppeteer's static voice asked as he now stood behind the dolls, his golden glowing eyes looking at you with a hopeful expression in their yellow abyss. You swallowed thickly before looking back into his eyes with a wide smile and a blushed stain face.

"Yes" you said, laughing when he cheered and jumped at you, tackling you onto the bed while hugging you close to him.

Your First Date:
The most ideal date that Puppeteer thought of was putting on a puppet show for you. Once again your parents were out, this time they had went on a date to a fancy restaurant while you and your boyfriend were home. You were snuggled up to his side as he had an arm around you. His other hand moved in quick fluent motions causing the dolls to move with ease as they acted out their small play. You would giggle or awe slightly at the dolls as they would interact with one another like they were real people.

"It's always fascinating watching you put on little shows" you said breathlessly as the dolls slump to the ground once they were finished. Puppeteer hummed as he pulled you closer and lightly buried his face into the crook of your neck with a wide golden smile. You blushed a little but laughed as you both just spent the rest of the night cuddling with each other and messing around with the dolls.

When He Kisses You:
You were not going to lie; you were shocked with how Puppeteer was when it came to your guys' first kiss. You had expected him to be shy or something but instead he was the exact opposite. Especially since it came out of nowhere, you were basically sitting in your room doing some work that your college professor had assigned to your class. You didn't expect your boyfriend to pop out of nowhere and just start hugging you and being all affectionate. It started with small pecks to your cheek while his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist as you searched through your text book for answers.

You tried to stay focus but couldn't with all the affection you were receiving. Closing your text book you squirmed around before turning to face your boyfriend. Just as you had opened your mouth, he pressed his lips against yours, taking you by surprise before you melted into the kiss. When he pulled back a wide smirk was on his face as he looked at your crimson colored cheeks before you sighed in content and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into another kiss.

When He Scares You:
You had this strange fear of those art model dolls, to you anything without a face was just disturbing. The Puppeteer of course didn't know that as he planned to scare you. He knew how when you were board you would just lay on your bedroom floor and blared music from your phone. You eyes were closed as you lightly bobbed your head to the music that was being played.

You peeked an eye when you felt that something was wrong. You froze as you saw those art model dolls surrounding you. Their heads tilted as they looked at you with their blank wooden face, causing you to shiver and scream at the top of your lungs. They were very tall to say the least as you kicked your foot out and kicked one of their heads clean off while curling into a ball as the art model patted its wooden hand on the empty space where its head use to be. As you lay there in a ball shivering and whimpering you soon felt strong arms warp around you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would scare you that much" Puppeteer whispered in your ear as he held you, looking at him. You growled slightly and pushed him away before crossing your arms and pouting as he chuckled a little and continued to hold you while lightly kissing your cheek over and over as a way to apologize.

When He Gets Jealous:
You stared at your partner that you were given for a college project, who sat next to you on your bed, he was a very stuck up boy from your class. Lazy, usually just flirts with all the girls and right now was no different. You watched as he tried to smoothly hit on you, failing terribly at it as you were not swoon nor attracted to his cheesy pick up lines. Shaking your head you look back down at the piece of paper in your hand before looking back up as a yelp was heard from your partner. Looking back towards him you held back your laughter.

Yellow string was wrap around his neck forcing him to be eye to eye with your boyfriend who sneered at him. "I'd advice you leave before a snap your puny neck" Puppeteer growled as the boy nodded his head quickly before scrambling to stand up. You watched as he ran out of your room leaving you and your boyfriend alone. You giggled as Puppeteer sat beside you, placing an arm around you while staring forward with a frown.

"Aw, you're jealous. That's so cute" you cooed.

"Shut up" Puppeteer mumbled, blushing as you laughed.

A/N: I know nothing about this character so sorry he's inaccurate.

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