Mending Torn Bonds {Book Four...

By LloydLover_19

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{Book Four in the Four Winds Series} It's been almost ten years. Kyle is almost eighteen and the twins are al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Fourteen

870 43 62
By LloydLover_19

A/n- You may want to have a box of tissues nearby for this chapter. You have been warned.

"Kai!" Skylor screamed. She had seen if follow Katrina into the woods. "He isn't paying attention! They could get hurt!"

"We'll find them!" Lloyd shouted. "Get the older kids down here."

Within a few minutes almost everyone was out combing the woods. Zane had commanded Pixal to stay with the younger kids.

She was upstairs making sure they were asleep. When Pixal was satisfied she went downstairs. After she left a shadow climbed out of bed and towards the window.

"James! What are you doing?" Jacqueline asked in a whisper.

"I'm going to help Dad," he said with determination.

"But Dad said to stay here!" She said in a loud whisper.

He ignored her and climbed out the window. Jacqueline sighed and followed him.

They landed quietly on the ground and ran into the dark woods.


Kai blinked in the bright, early morning sunlight. He groaned and tried to sit up. His head throbbed and ached. He lifted a hand to his head and felt a big wet spot. He looked at his hand and saw gooey half dry blood.

Katrina? He thought panicked.

He stood shakily and grabbed a nearby branch. A dark shadow moved off to his left. He crouched in a defensive stance. He wobbled because of his aching head.

"Ah, the fire ninja," a deep voice said from the shadows. "I must say, your daughter is much like you."

"Who are you?" He asked angrily.

"I swear if you touched my daughter; I will kill you!" Kai yelled at Sephtis.

"I haven't laid a hand on her," he said raising a hand. "Xavier however has done much more than that."

"Like I believe you," Kai growled.

"I am not your enemy," Sephtis said slyly. "I am merely helping fate."

"That's like saying I murdered someone but was merely just helping nature take it's course," Kai snorted. "It's your fault that you own daughter died!"

Sephtis looked at him in surprise, "I don't have a daughter."

"Like hell you don't," Kai shouted. "Emily! Her name was Emily! Don't you remember?! Or are you such a heartless bastard that you forgot about her!"

"But I don't have a daughter," he said with genuine confusion.

"Wait. Your really don't know do you?" Kai said with sudden realization. "How could you not know?!"

"You're good," Sephtis laughed. "You almost had me there."

"No, I'm serious," Kai said truthfully. Sephtis looked absolutely confused.

"Your girlfriend got pregnant but you left before she could tell you. She gave birth to Emily but died when Emily was seventeen. Ronin took her in and then; I dunno how it happened, but they fell in love. They got married and she got pregnant with your grandson, Tyson! She died after you attacked us leaving Ronin a widower and Tyson motherless!" Kai yelled. "Why am I telling you this?! Stupid Kai!"

Sephtis blinked at him. He looked shocked. He had been trying to be all evil and mysterious but that wasn't going to work now.

"Whatever," Sephtis finally said. "I need to take someone out of the picture. Might as well be you!"

"Stop, Sephtis!" Lloyd shouted. "You're surrounded!"

Sephtis shot towards Lloyd but hit a nearby tree. They heard a gasp. Sephtis used his magic to grip whoever it was with a vine. Jacqueline screamed as she was lifted from the bushes. Lloyd and Aira's faces paled.

"No!" Lloyd shouted. "Put her down! She is only eleven!"

"Yet, she is a future threat," Sephtis said. Jacqueline cried out in pain as the branch tightened around her.

Suddenly a shape flew out of nowhere knocking the Druid to the ground.

"You leave my sister alone!" James yelled. He powered a green energy ball in his hand and shot it at the vine. Jacqueline landed with a thump. Sephtis threw James off of him.

"My my," Sephtis sneered. "So many children. You have been busy haven't you?"

"James, Jacqueline, get out of here!" Aira screamed. Lloyd placed himself between Sephtis and his children.

"What a protective father," Sephtis said in a condescending tone. "I can see it now. One of his beloved children dies in his arms. The powerful green ninja could do nothing! What a tragic story that would be."

Aira flew at Sephtis and punched him hard. His head snapped to the side. She brought her knee up into his stomach but one powerful swing of his arm sent her flying into Kai. Lloyd shot at him. Sephtis raised a hand and merely absorbed the power. Lloyd grew pale. Nothing could withstand his power. How the hell was he doing this?!

"Lights out, Lloyd!" Sephtis shot a dark object in his direction. Lloyd conjured a energy ball and blocked it. "Fine. We will try a different approach."

Sephtis pointed his hand at Jacqueline. She hardened her gaze and tensed ready to dodge at any moment. He fired. She moved to the side but it followed her movement. She screamed and closed her eyes.

"Jacqueline!" Lloyd screamed.

She waited for the shot but it never came. She heard a thud in front of her. She opened her eyes and cried in anguish.

"James!" She screamed. "Why would you do that?!"

Lloyd and Aira rushed to their stricken son. Kai powered up his dragon and began to fight Sephtis keeping him away from the others. Zane and Kyle arrived on the scene and helped him.

"James! James!" Lloyd cried. "Speak to me!"

"Is Jacqueline okay?" James coughed and blood spurted from his mouth.

Aira unbuttoned his shirt to look at the wound. She gasped. Blood was oozing from a wound in his chest. There was no way that would not have pierced his lung.

"Yes, I'm so proud of you," Lloyd said as tears streamed down his cheeks. "You were so brave."

"I'm sorry I didn't listen," James coughed. "If I had this wouldn't have happened."

"James, you are the bravest and purest soul ever to live," Aira cried. "You are forgiven."

"All I ever wanted was to be like you," James said to Lloyd. Tears were begin to spill down his cheeks. "I don't want to die."

"No! James, don't you give up on me!" Lloyd screamed.

"I love you all," James said.

He sucked in one more breath and let it out slowly. His head went limp and rolled to the side. Lloyd looked at his body in shock. He began to shake in anger. Aira was practically screaming and she was crying. Jacqueline was sobbing and Aira hugged her close. Lloyd hugged his son's lifeless body to him and wept bitterly.

A/n- Omg! I cried so hard writing this chapter! I'm sorry for any hearts that I just crushed. Go wrap yourself in a fuzzy blanket and eat some icecream! Make sure you have tissues nearby! -LL_17

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