The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Sti...

By SpanishCandy

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"We all go a little mad sometimes." [#9 IN "TEEN WOLF"] Cover by idkmstiles Itsselenastiles owns Stella Argent More

Holy crap ✔


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By SpanishCandy

          SCOTT furrowed his eyebrows down in confusion, staring at the strawberry blonde in front of him with his eyes wide in shock. Aiden and Ethan had the exact same expression on their faces. Allison bitting her nails nervously, looking out the room to check if Stella was walking towards them or not.

"Stella is his daughter?" Scott asked trying to process the new information that the two girls had given him and the twins.

"Him?" Aiden asked Lydia who just nodded, licking her dry lips nervously.

"Woah." Ethan says in shock as he inspected the two pictures on the table, one of Stella and the other of her father.

"I mean... are you sure about this? What if they're not related?" Scott asked Lydia who rolled her eyes dramatically at him before letting out a sigh of frustration.

"I heard Stella's name, Scott. She's related to the Hales, alright." Allison kept biting her nails as she listened into their conversation.

"I can't believe that Stella has been searching for her father this entire time and didn't even realize that he was right in front of her this whole entire time." Aiden muttered, feeling bad for the brunette which made him want to look for her and tell her but he knew better than to do that.

Ever since Allison found out about Stella being a Hale. She's been trying to fit pieces together. Stella being missing in the middle of the night, her strange headaches, and her nightmares that were exactly like the Hale fire incident. Allison was slowly piecing those information together which caused her to create a crazy theory but she wasn't sure about it.

"Well, would you look at that. Derek, who's a werewolf by the way, slept with a huntress who kills werewolves. What a mess." Aiden chuckled shaking his head the more he thought about the situation the more he found it funny.

"Guess you're not the only werewolf who got into the enemies pants, McCall." Ethan smirked trying to joke around but Scott was to busy thinking about Stella to find it funny.

"Stella isn't like any other ordinary huntress..." Allison whispered to herself but then widened her eyes, her lips parting open in shock, "Stella isn't like any other ordinary huntress!"

Repeating the same sentence that her father had told her about what Araya had told him. Araya somehow knew a lot about Stella more than her own uncle.

The sudden loudness from Allison caused all of them to turn their attention to her. The huntress furrowed her eyebrows down. She still didn't understand but she was going to have to follow her gut.

"Stella is a Hale, right? What if... what if she's the one that the hunters have been looking for?"

"You think Stella is the full wolf who has been murdering people? Really? Our human Stella?" Aiden asked with a bored tone, not really following along with her.

"We should have already smelled that she was a werewolf though. It just doesn't make any sense." Lydia started to think about their situation when Scott spoke after Aiden.

"Yeah, but this is different than any other case with werewolves. Stella only had one parent who was a werewolf. What if she somehow triggered her wolf part but not entirely because her mother is human?" Allison had pointed out causing all of them to stare at her with puzzled looks.

"Could that even happen?" Lydia whispered to her.

"It happened to Malia. She basically killed her entire family on the full moon. She didn't even know what she was."

"We need to tell Derek about Stella. He would want to know if he had a daughter." Scott announced, standing up from where he was sitting at only to be pushed back down to his seat by Lydia.

"We can't do that. Not yet, at least. Stella isn't stable enough to meet her own father. Did you even see her?" Lydia spat angrily, being protective over the other Argent who was sleeping in her bed, "She looks like she's dying soon. She has bags under her eyes, her eyes look red, and she's been sleeping all day!"

"But, she deserves to know about her father. Derek should know that he has a daughter and that it's Stella. We don't know what's going to happen to her, Lydia. She's going to want to have her dad by her side." Scott admitted which caused everyone to get silent at the confession that he had made, they all thought about it they just didn't want to say it out loud.

They truly didn't know what was going to happen to her. The brunette was laying in Allison's bed right now sleeping as she keeps getting worse and worse. Not just with her looks but her own health. She's been coughing out a little blood, the bags under her eyes look darker, and her skin tone got paler. Allison wanted to take her to the hospital but knew that they wouldn't be able to help, not even a little bit. They were dealing with something supernatural.

"You guys are not telling her. I want to be the one to tell her. She should hear it from me instead. Just not at this moment. Scott, you can tell Derek. But, he better not tell Stella anything until I get to tell her." Allison glared at the werewolf who only sighed and nodded.

 "I just can't believe that Stella is a Hale." Aiden spoke softly, standing up correctly with his arms crossed in front of his chest as he stared at the picture hung up on the wall of four year old Stella in the arms of Kate Argent who was beside Chris Argent holding five year old Allison.

"I just can't believe that Stella's mother killed almost her entire family. She didn't get a chance to know them." Ethan whispered with a broken heart for the brunette who was still sleeping.

"Now, that we've cleared up the dad issue. Let's find a way to help Stella because she's not getting any better. I can't lose her." Scott changed the subject making Allison shoot him a small smile and nodded.

"And what about her being a werewolf? Are we going to clear that issue up?" Aiden raised an eyebrow when he asked Scott who just stared at him.

"We'll figure that out later. We need to save her life first."

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