More than Just Friend

By Massay

635 8 7

For a Seventeen year old girl, life isn't always easy and drama free. Follow Charlotte Costello as she grows... More

Chapter 2 - We've got to stop meeting like this
Chapter 3 - It Really Doesn't Bother Me

Chapter 1 - Cool, we're twos as well

428 5 5
By Massay

So this is my first story. Havent done this before but hope you guys like it(:


Chapter 1- Cool, we're twos as well

Walking into school on Monday morning was as dull as ever, First up in line of the 7 hour torture was physics..Boy do I hate physics.

This was one of the many classes I shared with Nathan, my best friend. He's a pretty awesome dude.

Mr. Mason our new physics teacher walked in happy as ever, we'd only had him twice now and so far he seemed like a really cool guy plus he was unbelievably handsome. In fact he made Physics a lot more bearable with his deep chocolaty brown eyes and just the perfect amount of stubble that complimented his naturally tanned skin. His shiny mahogany brown hair was short and ever so attractive....

"Morning class." The sound of his voice interrupted my train of thought, "I hope your young eager minds are well rested and ready to be tested" He said as he handed us all a piece of folded paper each." 'Cause its project time." he stated with a wide grin on his face that I couldn't help but smile at.

The room was filled with uuuhhh's and ggaaahh's as everyone moaned in unison. Projects we're definitely not my strong point, especially Physics ones. But I was willing to work on this one especially since Mr. Mason seemed so excited about it.

"This project will be done in groups of four, I have ha-" he started and was soon interrupted by the sound of Nathan's voice in my ear.

"Me and you together, k." he asked, well stated, a little too loudly so Mr. Mason made it a point to repeat himself louder whilst standing by our desks.

"This project will be done in groups of four, I have handed you all a piece of paper. On it I have written your group number." he explained. "All the ones together, all the twos together and so on" he continued "now guys, find your group members."

I began to unfold my little piece of paper when I heard Nathan whisper "I'm group two." in my ear, so I hoped I was a two too. I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands; it had a little number two written on it in black marker. "Awesome." he whispered.

I was pleased but I couldn't help but admire Mr. Mason's writing, that one little number just looked so perfect against the white paper...

Once again my train of thought was interrupted by a kind of familiar voice. "Hey, uh are you guys two's?" Brent's semi familiar voice asked. Physics was the only class we had together and Mr. Phosner, our old physics teacher, wasn't big on group projects, so technically this was the first time Brent had ever spoken to me in all our 6 months of having physics together.

"Uhm yeah." I answered

"Cool we're two's as well." Charice's voice interrupted.

Brent and Charice were kinda like Nathan and I. They were really close, best friends I guess. I didn't really know either of them that well.

Mr. Mason happily explained what our projects were about and what we had to do. It didn't sound too hard so I was more than willing to work especially since there were four of us.

"So that physics project sounds fun." Nathan said sarcastically as we walked to his car after school. "Coming over to mine to hang out?....or work on the project?" He asked with a playful smirk playing on his lips. Nate of all people knew that I was really big into procrastinating. So it was obvious he didn't really plan on working on the project.

"Sure, but only 'cause I know you haven't got any other friends to hang with." I teased playfully. Nathan and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember. Our dads had been friends since college so we practically grew up together. We did everything together.

Nate drove home ever so carefully in his new slick Toyota Corolla. "Seriously Nate, could you drive any slower?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. "I know it's a new car and all but seriously I'd like to get to your house sometime this year." I complained.

He laughed and started driving even slower. I once again raised an eyebrow at him as he smirked in response.

"You know my dad'll never trust me ever again if I crashed this car, Charlie." He said, looking at me in the most sincere way. "It was hard enough convincing him to let me drive it before my birthday."

"True but you could at least go over the 30mph mark." I whined. He looked me in the eye and then began speeding down the empty road.







"Ok! Ok!  I'll stop whining!" I yelled. "Just slow down!" He looked at me and laughed as he began to slow down.

"Calm down Char, it's just that I'd like to get to my house sometime this year." he said obviously mocking my previous whining.

"Shut up." I laughed as I nudged his arm playfully.

I sat back and blew my bangs away from my eyes. "So what's the plan for next Saturday?" I asked curiously. "The big one seven."

"One word....Party." he said as he pulled into his driveway.

"Your Parents are letting you have a party?"

"Yep." he answered with a nod.


"I know."

"I'm home." he called as we walked into his house.

I wouldn't say Nathan was rich but his parents are definitely...financially comfortable. His house is pretty big but nothing too fancy.

"I'll get the Soda's you get the chips." He ordered once we had entered the kitchen. 

We usually spend most of our time in what Nate likes to call the Chill room. It's kind of our personal hang out spot at Nate's house. We grew up together so Nate's parents had us both in mind when they were designing the room. It's got a really calm relaxing vibe to it: Big comfy leather sofas and soft fluffy ivory carpet. On some Friday nights we'd get lots of popcorn and sodas and watch movies together.

"Hey mum, we're out of soda's!" he yelled whilst rummaging around in the fridge. "All we have is your diet juice and milk." he added. "Mum?"

"She's not home." Will's groggy voice came from upstairs. Knowing Will he was probably sleeping. Sleep all day and party all night, that's all he ever seemed to do when he's not in college.

"Huh?" Nate asked, taking his head out of the fridge.

"She's gone to the store with AJ!" Will shouted, slightly annoyed. AJ is Nate's little sister and probably the cutest five year old you'll ever meet. She's so sweet and quirky and did I mention cute? She's like the little sister I never had.

We went upstairs to the chill room with just our chips, since there was a lack of soda's in the Scott household.

I slumped down on the big comfy Sofa while Nate sat on the Recliner close to his Xbox.

"So who's invited to this party then?" I asked as I stuffed some chips into my mouth.

"Well you-"

"That's a given." I interrupted with a smile on my face.

"And a bunch of people from school" he finished, ignoring my comment. "Oh and Will's inviting some of his college friends too." He added.

"Cool, hot college guys." I joked

"Yeah hot college guys." He mocked in a preppy Cheerleader voice.

"What about your parents?" I asked "and AJ?"

"They won't be here, they're going to visit my cousins in Ohio for the weekend" He said while trying to plug in his Xbox.

"Cool beans." I beamed

"What have I told you Char? saying cool beans is most definitely not cool under any circumsta-" He joked,  his fingers looking threatening like they were just about to launch a tickle attack on me.

"Hey man" He was interrupted by Will. "I'm taking Lisa to the movies." he said as he stood by the door, his blonde hair gelled to perfection and his white V-neck t-shirt showing of his impeccable Muscles.

"Ok man, I'll let mom know."

"K, bro." He said as he glanced over at me his electric blue eyes lighting up "Hey Charlotte." He smirked. He seemed to be one of the only people who called me by my full name. 

"Bye William." I answered, returning his smirk and he scoffed as he exited the room. "Surprised he's out of bed." I said quietly.

"You and me both" Nate laughed "I think Lisa might just be the one to change him." he joked, but he had a point. Lisa's Will's new girlfriend, they've been going out for just over a month now and that breaks Will's longest relationship record of three and a half weeks. She's sweet and caring and not so much of a party Animal like Will. She's also incredibly pretty, the perfect package. I guess she could really be the one to change him.

"Hmm, maybe." I answered

"Wanna play Dance Central?"

"You know it!" I said hoping off the couch.


"Hey, I need help with the groceries!" Nate's mom called from downstairs, just as Nate finished beating me at DC for the fourth time.

"You so need to work on your moves, Char" he teased as we walked down stairs. "It's quite embarrassing."

"You know I let you win right?" I lied. There was really no point lying about it, we both knew I was a terrible dancer.

"Yeah right." he replied, hoping off the last step, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

"Hey mom."

"Nathan honey, could you put these sodas in the fridge please?" She asked, handing him a twelve pack of Root Beer.

"Yes, soda!" He beamed as he walked towards the fridge. Nate is what you call a sugar junkie, where there's sugar, there's Nate!

"Hey, AJ." I said ruffling her soft curly blond hair. "Hey Mrs. Scott."

"Charlotte honey, how are you? How you holding up?" She asked looking concerned and I couldn't help but feel guilty. My Parents had recently split up, but I wasn't really cut up about it. I saw it coming for a long time, they weren't happy together anymore and they spent a lot of time apart so I wasn't too shocked when they had decided to officially get a divorce. They were happier this way.

"I'm ok, they're happier now." I said and flashed her a gentle smile. Mrs. Scott was always so caring and loving towards me, she's kind of like my second mom. "Nate was just telling me you guys are letting him have a party." I added, changing the subject.

"Yeah, we'll be away for the weekend so its fine with us just as long as the house is still standing when we get back." she chuckled.

"We're going to see Aunty Carol." AJ added as she twirled around in her flower print lilac dress, her golden hair swishing gracefully.

"Charlie its half six." Nathan piped up. Oh shoot my dad wanted me home to help him with dinner at six. I quickly pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, 2 missed calls from dad.

"We should get going." I said as I turned around to look at Nate.


"Bye Mrs. Scott, Bye AJ." I called over my shoulder as we walked towards the front door.

"Nathan, Is Will home? I didn't see his car." Mrs. Scott asked as we walked out the door.

"He's gone to the movies with Lisa!" Nathan yelled and closed the door after us.


So what do you think so far?

Trust me it will get more interesting just bare with me(:

Comment and Vote as you wish..

-C ya


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