lies ✖ rocky lynch ✖ ON HOLD

By lucaskisses

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Charley thinks her life couldn't possibly get any worse after she is told that she is moving away from her ho... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three

chapter four

809 61 23
By lucaskisses

It had been a week since mine and Rocky’s first ‘date’, which I’m still not too sure if we’re even calling a date or not. Since then we had been talking non-stop, even it some of it was just by text. He has spent a lot of time at my house when my mum and Andy have been at work, which of course, they were a lot of the time.

I loved it here, everything was so beautiful, including the boy that was acting as my tour guide. I was amazed that someone would go to so much trouble to spend the majority of his time with me to show me around places he had probably been to hundreds of times before. Sometimes I did get the impression that maybe, there was a slight chance he could like me.  But I soon canceled out this thought, everytime ending up asking myself why would he like me? There was nothing paticularly special about me, and he was absloutely gorgeous. But why would he be spending so much time with me if he had no interest in me?

Knocking these ridiculous thoughts out of my head, I had a quick shower and got ready.

Today Rocky and I had arranged to go out for lunch and then to go back to my house and have a lazy day and watch ‘The Notebook’, because, in Rocky’s words, it was a ‘crime’ that I had not seen it.

I put on a pair of denim shorts, a cute top and a pair of dark blue converse. I left my hair as it was, my dark brown curls sitting perfectly in place just below my shoulders, put on a bit of makeup and I was ready to go.

This boy was all for surpises, never telling me where we would be going. I heard a knock at the door and I ran down the stairs to greet Rocky. He refused my offer to come in, and I noticed him looking me up and down as I closed the door behind me. Looking at his face, I smiled as his eyes travelled back to mine and he let out a slight chuckle.

“What?” I giggled.

“Nothing.” He laughed to himself as we walked to his car. I narrowed my brows but could not knock that smile of my face as I caught up with him so we were walking side by side. It amazed me how tall this boy was, with myself being quite tall I figured he must be about 6”2. I seriously had a thing for tall, skinny guys with brown hair and dark eyes, and he fit these criteria... well perfectly.

After a short drive, we arrived at this cute little resturant which was surrounded by hills.

One of the things that I loved about this boy was that it was never awkward; the conversation was always brilliantly flowing. As we sat opposite eachother, I was telling him about my parents split up. I mentioned that my sister lived with my dad back in England, which appeared to surprise Rocky.

“You have a sister?” He asked.


“How come you didn’t want to live together?”

I took my attention off of him and starting looking around the room, wondering what to say. He must have noticed this as he began to look concerned.

“We don’t really get on... I mean, I know we’re family, but we don’t really see eye-to-eye anymore. Her name’s Marissa, she...” I wondered if I should carry on, but decided to. “She’s the complete opposite of me. She smokes, drinks, does drugs, the whole lot. We’d always got on fine, but after our parents split up, she just went completely off the rails. And I know she’s my sister, but to be honest I don’t really want anything to do with her anymore.”

He nodded, showing that he had acknowledged what I had just said.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke. “What about your dad? Do you get on with him?”

“Yeah, I guess. I’m not really that bothered about him..” I said, my thoughts trailing off. “When I was younger, we were like, the perfect little family. I loved it. We were all so close. Then as I got older, everything seemed to be taking a turn for the worst. I hate thinking about how close and perfect everything used to be compared to how things are now. I haven’t seen Marissa or my dad in about a year now.”

“I’m sorry to hear that... I can imagine how upset I’d be if that happened to my family. We’re all so close and I depend on them so much. Especially my older brother, Riker. He’s my best friend.” I smiled hearing this, deciding to carry on with this slight conversation change so things didn’t get too depressing.

“You’re family seem so lovely.”

“Yeah, they really are the best. They’re so supportive. You’d love them and I reckon they’d love you. Especially my mom.”

I smiled. “It would be nice to meet them, I mean I’ve seen them about but I’d like to get to know them like I’ve got to know you.” He didn’t seem too thrilled by this idea and his gaze wondered around the room.

“Or not...?” I said, laughing slightly in attempt to liven the mood a little.

“No, no.” He chuckled, but it was one of those fake chuckles. “Yeah, sometime soon. Rydel’s always complaining about how sick she gets of being in a house full of guys all the time.” He said, but I was not convinced. Why didn’t he want me to meet his family? I was confused. He was always talking about how close they all were, but I had only ever briefly met them and I had never even stepped a foot inside their house. I tried to brush it off but I knew it was going to be in the back of my mind all day.

“Shall we leave?” I nodded in response and we left the little restaurant.

“I hope you’ve prepared yourself for the heartbreak that is The Notebook.” He said as he not-so-skillfully attempted to talk to me whilst walking backwards, causing him to clash into the hood of a parked car. I giggled and he tried to style it out, making him look even clumsier.

“I’m not too sure why you’re laughing after; oh what was it that you said sorry to after walking into the other day? Was it a person, or was it a tree?” He mocked refering to the other day when I was so engaged in conversation with Rocky that I walked into a tree... and apologised to it. We’ve all been there. I playfully rolled my eyes and he smiled as we continued walking to the parked car.


The credits starting to roll down the TV screen and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was never one for romantic films, however when Rocky had assured me that this would be the one to change my mind, I was completely up for it. Although, the main reason I had agreed was purely so I could get to spend more time with this boy.

I was led on my bed, with Rocky on the right to me. We had started off innocently sat up, but over the past two hours that I had spend trying not to fall asleep, we seemed to have sunk down and I was now led with my head next to his chest. I had spent the majority of the last couple of hours enjoying being so close to him, watching his chest rise up and down. I got up and looked down at him and I could have sworn there were tears in his eyes.

“Are you crying?”

“No!” He said, raising his hand up to wipe away the single tear that rolled down his cheek.

“Oh my god, you’re crying!” I giggled, trying to make him feel as though I had caught him out and perhaps he wasn’t actually quite as manly as he was trying to make out.

“No I’m not; I’ve just... got something in my eye.”

“Yeah, a tear!” I joked, leaning over him as he was still led down.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and parted my lips slightly to say something, but soon forgot what when I noticed how he was staring up at me, with a mischievous grin on his face,

“Awh, it’s fine. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your brothers about you crying over a chick-flick.” I joked.

“You better not! I’ll never hear the end of it, especially from Ryland.”

“Well I’m pretty sure I’m going to be going to school with him soon so I guess I can’t really be to blame if it slips out one day...”

“You wouldn’t dare.” He said with raised eyebrows.

“Wouldn’t I?” I teased, raising my eyebrows, also.

Before I could even think of what to say next, in one swift movement Rocky had got up and somehow managed to pin me down on the bed with himself on top of me, each of his legs either side of my waist.

“Promise me you won’t tell my brothers.”

“I’m not promising you anything.” I teased.

 “I’m not going anywhere ‘till you promise me you won’t tell them.” I had absolutely no issue with him not moving off of me, but I knew I was going to be the one to cave in and lose.

“Promise me.”

“Okay.”  I said, dragging out the ‘y’. “I promise.” I said, feeling defeated.            

“Good girl.” He said as his mouth curved upwards slightly into a rather smug smile,

His gaze moved down to my lips and it was at that point when I realised how close we actually were, and what was happening. He looked back up to my eyes before going back down to my lips as he positioned his hands just above my hips before leaning down and pressing his lips softly to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck in attempt to pull him closer and he soon caught on as the kiss became hungrier. I parted my lips slightly and he responded immediately, slipping his tounge in.

We stayed like this for a good few minutes, untill we were interrupted by a knock at the door. As we pulled apart, Rocky’s gaze was on me and his smug look had been replaced with a look of happiness. The clearly inpatient person outside my house knocked on the door again, louder this time and Rocky sighed and got off of me. I giggled and got up and walked down the stairs, with Rocky behind me.

I ran my fingers through my hair in attempt to fix it before I opened the door to see who I was pretty sure was Rocky’s younger brother, Ross.

“Hey, Charley. Sorry I’m in such a rush, we’re so late as it is and I can’t find Rocky anywhere and he’s not answering his phone, is he here? Please say he’s here.” Ross rambled as Rocky appeared next to me.

“Thank god for that! You really need to take your phone off silent, do you realise what the time is?” Before Rocky could reply, Ross was off again.“Dad is going to be so angry if we don’t hurry up, it’s like 10 past 7! We need to leave right now!” Ross went on as I stood there in confusion, having no clue what he was talking about, turning even more confused as I saw a look of concern appear on Rocky’s face.

“Shit, okay, let’s go.” Rocky replied to his brother, and before I even had the chance to question what on earth was happening, they were both gone. 


Okay, I am so sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I've been so busy with exams buut next week is my last week of schoo so updates will then become a lot more regular. 

I have the next few chapters all planned out. I'm super excited for this story.

Thankyou to everyone who's voted/ commented on this story so far. (I'm still not 100% how this all works, haha.)

I'm working on making a new tumblr atm so I will link that at the bottom of the next chapter so if you are interested to see when I am planning on updating, you can just go on over there and I most probably will have said when I am hoping for the next chapter to go up. 

Also, sorry if there are some spelling/ grammar mistakes. I know how annoying it is and I did check through before I uploaded but it's just gone midnight here in England and I am so tried, so I will edit anything that needs to be changed in the morning.

Please do vote for this story or leave me a comment if you are enjoying the story to far. :)))

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