Red Is The Color Of Desire

By Ophelia_is_Knightly

662K 21.2K 2K

"I'm assuming you're a pirate, am I correct?" She asked. His smirk turned into a full blown smile, he merely... More

Important! *Read First!*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

23.4K 944 26
By Ophelia_is_Knightly

Jewel opened her eyes to find herself alone. A bandage wrapped around the crook of her neck and her chest. She struggled to sit up in the bed, the rooms familiarity diminishing without Emile's presence.

"Emile?" She groaned out, her mouth dry.

Still there was no response and panic slowly began to bubble inside her. She raised a hand and gripped the bed post in her hands, trying to pull herself. She groaned at the pain that shot through her at the strain.

She plopped back onto the bed and with frustration she slapped the pillow beside her. "Emile?"

Silence greeted her.

The panic she felt exploded inside her and she choked on a sob. Suddenly afraid of being alone. Suddenly afraid of being without the one man that infuriated her.

"This isn't funny!" She snapped at the quietness around her. Deep down she knew he gone and instead of her being happy to be free all she felt was a growing heartache. Tears began to build in her eyes and despite the obvious she called out to him again.

Tears raced down her cheeks and she ran a hand through her unruly hair, a sob passing her lips. Sadness seemed to fill her to the core and she cried into her hands. How could he leave her so easily?

She suddenly so confused. Why did it hurt so much? Why did the thought of never seeing his arrogant smiles and feeling the warmth of his hands hurt so much? Why wasn't she happy?

She could finally go home. She could finally see her family again. Though going home sent a shock of giddy excitement through her...there was still that single pang of emptiness settling inside her.

She wiped at her tears, resolve hitting her. She would not cry over that...that...barbarian! She would not waste her tears on that idiotic pirate.

The door burst open and her eyes widened as she met a pair of caramel colored eyes. A pair of eyes that were a reflection of her own. "Adam!"

She grabbed the bed post and pulled herself up, ignoring the pain and running toward her twin brother.

Adam did the same, nearly bulldozing her as he squeezed her in his arms. He picked her up off the floor and held her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck and the flood gates opened again.

"Jewel! God, I've missed you!" Adam mumbled against her hair.

A sob broke past her parted lips and she buried her face in his curly black hair. "You've missed me? Oh, Adam I've missed you more than you will ever know!" She cried.

Adam spun her around before squeezing her tighter. She winced as her wound suffered the brunt of his bear hug but she didn't care.

He slowly lowered her onto her feet and grabbed her face in his hands, ruffling her hair.

She stared up at her brother, her eyes shinning with moisture. "How did you find me?"

He furrowed his brows in confusion. "I received a letter weeks ago with this Inn's address. I've been on a ship headed here for the last week."

Her eyes widened. Weeks ago?  "What do you mean... you received a letter weeks ago?"

Adam frowned, "We received a missive saying you would be here. We thought you sent it? I thought it was from you. We all thought it was from you."

Silence passed between them for a moment. Tears pricked her eyes once more. He had kept his word, he had been planning on sending her home the whole time. He had been planning on sending her home this week. She released a sob and Adam reached for her, hugging her close. She wanted to scream and curse, that bastard hadn't even said goodbye!

He let her cry for a moment longer, before pulling away and wiping at her wet cheeks. 

"Is mum here? And papa?" She asked quietly.

"No. It's just me. I promised everyone I'd bring you home safe."

"I didn't write that letter Adam." She said staring down at her hands.

"Then who did?" He asked curiously, suspiciously. His eyes narrowing as he finally took her appearance in.

He stepped back, his eyes glowing with protective rage. "What happened? Why are you bandaged up? And your hair..."

She grit her teeth and looked away. How was she going to explain all that had happened? He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.

"Who did this to you?" He barked.

Her breath caught and she covered her face with her hands.

"Who do I have to kill?" He roared.

And despite the growing agony she felt she laughed. Adam scowled.

After a long grueling explanation Adam Jr. paced the floor angrily. The fact that a man had dared to touch his younger sister... His fists balled up and he stopped, running a hand through his curly shoulder length hair.

"I'm going to kill him." Adam Jr. snapped before looking down at his sister.

Jewel pushed her hair behind her ears and swallowed the lump she felt growing in her throat. "It doesn't matter anymore Adam. It's over now."

He sent her a sour look. "What's his name Jewel?"

Her eyes widened. "I don't know..." She lied.

He tsked. "You can't lie to me. We're twins, I can tell, you know."

She shook her head, "Please...just...let it go. Take me home, Adam. Please."

"Is he the one that wrote the letter?"

Jewel bit her lip. "I don't know."

"Jewel." He growled.

"I don't know who wrote the letter!"

"Is he still here? Because if he is..."

"I don't know Adam. Please take me home now."

A vein in his jaw ticked and he cursed under his breath. Before he could respond the door was kicked in.


"How long are you going to mope around your cabin?" Isaac said as he walked in, leaving the door open behind him.

Emile sat on the bed, staring at the wooden spirals on the wall. His mind blank all except for a curly haired spit fire he knew he couldn't have. His chest ached as if something were missing.

He didn't even acknowledge Isaac, much too busy being lost in his love sick daze.

"Emile! Snap out of it! How long do you intend on sitting in here wallowing in self pity?"

"Leave me be Isaac."

"If you miss the girl so much then go get her back but spare us all the love sick vibes you're passing on."

"I don't know what you mean."

Isaac moved further into the room, stepping in front of Emile, blocking his view of the wall.

"Have you drawn a portrait of her yet?" Isaac whispered.

Emile blushed beet red and he cleared his throat before climbing off the bed and pacing. "You know I stopped drawing years ago."

"I know you better than that. You always draw a picture of the people you miss."

Emile stopped and raked busy fingers through his hair. "I can't get her out of my head!"

"You love her."

"Mon can't."

"You do and there's nothing wrong with it."


"If you didn't love her you wouldn't have given her up."


"If you didn't love her you wouldn't have contacted her family."

Emile groaned running a hand down his face. His heart pounding in his ears.

"If you didn't love the girl we would already be sailing and onto the next adventure. But instead we're still here."

"Enough!" He snapped, turning in Isaac's direction. "She could have died! I thought she was dead! I was holding her in my arms! The very thought of her...dying..." He began to pace once again, frustration settling across his features.

"She's not your mother Emile. And Jacques isn't around to take her life either."

"I'm not in love with her."

"You're a coward."

Emile stopped and stared Isaac in the eyes. "Why do you care so much?" He snapped.

Isaac placed a hand on his shoulder before sighing, a small almost fatherly smile forming across his lips. "I've known you since you were fifteen. I know how much you deny yourself boy. You've had your moment of doubt, now go and get her."

Emile cracked a small smile, "Have I told you that you're my best friend?"

Isaac chuckled, "I do recall hearing it."

"Merci, Isaac." He said before heading for the door.

He stopped at the open doorway and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, placing it on the table. With that done he continued his journey off the boat, running for the inn and the woman he loved.

Isaac walked over to the table and picked up the paper, a smile dancing across his face at its contents. On the paper was a sketch of a curly haired girl with a triumphant smile on her face.

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