The Ensconced (A Fred Weasley...

By Cinderole

81.8K 1.6K 354

Surely everyone has secrets. What if a person was kept a secret? No one knew of her, for safety purposes of c... More

To Little Hangleton
A Different Look On Things
Hoggy-Warty Hogwarts
Headaches and Horcruxes
A Good Start
A Hunch
Dating and Inns
London's Fog Makes Everything Look Grey
The Cave
Into the Lion's Den
Radio Head
Escaping a Maze
A Flare of Love
Beating the Beater
Shattered Glass

Found At Last

15.8K 186 83
By Cinderole

I wanted to dedicate this to CharlieA for inspiring me with her stories, and resparking my obsession with Harry Potter so.. THANK YOU XD

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to Harry Potter, I only own the story plot and Isabelle, and other characters I may come up with.


"And your total comes to $39.97."

I reached into my pockets and grabbed the familiar feeling of a bill. I handed the cashier it, and waited for the change.

"$10.03 is your change, thank you and have a nice day."

I grabbed the grocery bags, and hurried home. I like the feeling of security at my home, and even being outside of it for any amount of time gets me nervous.

Grandpa says I have to be really careful because nobody besides him and Grandma know I exist. He said if others knew about me, they would try to hurt me.

I practically ran down to the shore, and glanced around.

There was only a couple on the bench, they were gazing into each others eyes lovingly so they wouldn't even notice me.

I grabbed the small row boat I had enchanted so only I, Grandpa, and Grandma could use. Or see for that matter.

As soon as I was safely inside the boat, I let out a breath of air I hadn't realised I was holding in.

Now that I was inside the boat I was invisible. A few years back, when Mom and Dad first past away I had gone to Grandpa, asking him how I should get food and such and this is what we came up with.

An enchanted row boat.

Of course, it rows itself.

Within a few minutes I reached the rocky shores which I liked to call home.

I made my way up from the shore to my little home within the rocks of my secluded island in the middle of the Peconic Bay.

My island was also enchanted. No one could even see it.

I liked it better that way.

Not that I don't get lonely, but most of the time I can keep myself entertained.

Besides, Grandma told me my looks were uncommon, so lots of people would look at me weird.

She of course said I was beautiful.

She said white hair was uncommon for girls. Or boys for that matter.

She also said porcelain skin was a tad uncommon as well.

She said my eyes were normal though. My bright blue eyes were valued, even desired she told me.

Blue eyes apparently run in the family.

Grandpa had them.

Dad had them.

Grandpa said his brother has them too.


I've learned to wear long sleeves and such when in the Muggle world.

Not that I've ever been to the Wizarding world- that being Diagon Alley, Hogsmead, the Ministry, or any of the schools.

I've actually never been farther than the shops in Greenport, New York.

I placed the groceries on the counter and began putting them away- frozen items in the freezer, canned items in the shelves, etc.

I was placing the plastic bags in one of the cabinets- I can recycle and resuse them- when I heard I crack.

Not just like a twig snapping, or a boat line snapping, it was the crack of a wizard apparating.

I immediately tensed.

Who and what is here and why?

Grandpa said if anyone ever somehow found the island, to get out of there as soon as possible, for they were going to harm me for a reason he didn't tell me.

He told me to go to some place in England. In Devon, England to be precise.

I think it was called the Barrow? I remember Grandpa telling me all about it. He told me that the whole family is the same: red-heads. And he also told me- wait. To late for memory lane now! I can hear someone yelling now.

I quickly grabbed a picture of this Barrow place, and grabbed the porkey that Grandpa had enchanted for me. I had kept it inside a kitchen drawer for an occasion just like this.

I was overcome with the feeling of a hook grabbing me somewhere behind my navel.

As quickly as that uncomfortable feeling occured, I was landing in the middle of some grassy field.

I need to find Grandpa! Maybe he's at this Barrow place?

I glanced around me, to make sure no one had followed me somehow.

I was alone.

I took off in any direction, hoping to find some sort house.

I ran. I took off fowards, which was north I pressumed.

No sooner had I started running when I heard voices.

I dropped down to the ground. The grass was so tall I could hide myself, so I did.

Goddamn, maybe they had followed me!

I could hear the approaching footsteps. My heart pounding even louder with every inch closer the feet came to me.

"Oi, George! I swear I heard something."

"Your loony Fred. Maybe you've gone and tasted too many puking pastilles and you barfed up your brain?"

One of the men chuckled.

"Very funny Ol' Georgie. I'm pretty sure your the looniest out of the two of us. Remember the night you stole Mum's firewhiskey? I think that night I could've sworn you needed to be thrown in a loony bin."

 Ah, what should I do?

They were so close, I think I could finally stun them or something...

I jumped up out of my hiding spot in the grass and twirled my finger.

The two men- well now that I look at them they look more like boys- collapsed to the ground. I had placed them in a body-bind. I retracted my hex a little, just to be able to let them use their voices.

"Who are you and why do you want me!" I shouted at them, my eyes glaring at them accusingly.

Hey wait, they were twins. Correction: ginger twins.


Wait, they were trying to kill me!

"Who are we? We should be asking you this! Who do you think you are anyway?" One of the twins yelled back.

"Shut up George! Did you see her just use bloody wandless magic? You really are the loony one, you git!"

"But she's on OUR land! She walked right through the protective enchantments too. If you hadn't of heard her... Oi! You! Are you a death eater?"

A what?

Their land?

I stared at him, obviously confused.

"Wait, weren't you the men, er boys who found me then chased me here?"

"Found you and chased? That sounds like an awful lot of excerise to me..." Once again one of the twin's said.

The other twin spoke up.

"I'm sorry but you must have us confused with some other devilishly handsome twins. I heard something, and went off looking for the source. Georgie over here followed me. We just happened to cross paths."

"Oh." I slumped onto the ground inbetween the two, embarrased for body-binding them.

"Sorry." I mumbled, twisting my wrist. The twins were free from the hex.

"Um, I hate to ask but would you by any chance know where the Barrow is?"

The twins gave me a funny look.

"The Barrow? Do you mean the Burrow?" One said.

"Oh, yes! I'm sorry..." I sheepishly said.

"Why are you looking for it?" The other said, crossing his arms.

"Well, some bad people, or at least I think they were bad, found where I was hiding, so I had to escape. Grandpa told me if I ever had to make a quick escape, to go to the Burrow."

The twins looked at each other, before one finally said, "Who are you and what makes you so special that you can be so honored to be hidden at the Burrow?"

I looked up at them and met their gazes.

"My name is Isabelle Ariana Marie Dumbledore and I can perform all spells without a wand."

The twins gave me matching stunned looks.

"D-Dumbledore?!" They both sputtered out.

I nodded.

"Who are you in relation to him?" One said.

"I am his only granddaughter."

"Merlin's beard!" Both gasped.

I looked at them expectantly, waiting for them to tell me where this Burrow is.

"Well allow us to introduce ourselves Miss Dumbledore. I am Fred-"

"And I'm George-"

"And the Burrow is our home." They said together.

Both put out their hand to help me off the ground. I blushed; the twins were cute...

"We'll accompany you to the Burrow." They said, grabbing either of my arms, and off we marched to the Burrow.

Where are you Grandpa?

As soon as we walked over a large hill, there was a tall building up ahead.

I've never seen anything quite like it ever- not that I've seen too many things.

It was like a house with like, four extra floors all piled up on top. There was also a chicken coup, a fairly large pond, a garage, and an overgrown garden. Actually, I think I see a gnome running around in it! 

It was BRILLIANT the place.

"Um, Fred, George," I said, grabbing their attention, "Would Grandpa happen to be here? Or Grandma?"

The one on my left, Fred I think, said, "Well if Grandpa is Dumbledore, who is Grandma?"

"Minerva McGonagall." I answered plainly.

The twins once again had their mouths open, gapping at me.

"Dumbledore-" Fred said,

"And McGonagall-" George said,

"Had a kid?!" The exclaimed similtaniously.

I giggled, I didn't know twins actually did that.

"Yes, my father Xavier Dumbledore who then married my mom, Celia Peverell."

Fred was the first to speak up.

"Peverell? Of 'The Tale of Three Brothers' Perevell's?"

I shrugged, I had no idea. I didn't even know what the heck that tale was.

George spoke up.

"Let's get you inside. We'll contact Dumbledore, and we'll tell Mum about you."

I nodded.

The closer I got to the Burrow, the more akward and out of place I felt. Not become the Burrow wasn't a nice place, but it was just so homey and warm, something I wasn't used too. It's not that Grandpa and Grandma don't love me; they love me alot, I just don't see them that often and I'm on my own most of the time. I wonder how it feels to be able to call a place like this home.

Maybe it was the two boys still holding onto me, or maybe it's just that feeling I get anywhere I go that isn't home, but I felt extremely out of place. Was I even welcomed here?

We approached the front door to the Burrow, so guess I'll find out soon enough...



(Questions, Comments, Concerns?)

Well obviously I still have alot to reveal and stuff.

And NO Isabelle isn't some amazing witch who can do anything and she's super powerful and she's going to defeat Voldemort and- just NO.

There's obviously going to be some drawback to her fantastic wandless magic powers- it just has yet to be revealed.

All will be explained...

And yes, this is a terrible chapter, I know I typed this at four in the morning.. ;)


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