Traveling Soldier

By RaygenAllen

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Traveling Soldier

29 0 1
By RaygenAllen

Everybody thinks the worst way to loose someone you love is through death, but really the worst way to loose that loved one is through the military. I'm Katie, I am now twenty years old and have been in love with the same amazing man for five years. His name is Damien and he has been my childhood sweetheart all my life. We have been dating since junior high and it was going great, until we turned eighteen. Damien is a Marine and at eighteen he was deployed to Iraq.

It has been three weeks since Damien left and I still haven't recieved his first letter. All I can think is somethin bad happened before he left. Finally, after three more days of waiting I got his letter.  Dear Katie, We have finally landed! I can't tell you where I am, but I can tell you that I am perfectly safe. I will try to skype and call often, but for now letters will have to do. I love you and will miss you every waking hour! Love, Damien

At first I had no idea how to respond to this, it was hard thinking of something to say that wouldn't upset him. I left the letter for about two days hoping I would figure out something to say, finally I wrote my letter. Dear Damien, That is great news! I completely understand, all that really matter is that you will be safe. I would love hearing from you and seeing you, but if all we have is letters I am not complaining. I will love and miss you too! Please be really really careful! All my love, Katie. I hoped he would get the letter soon. Now I regret talking him into the military in seventh grade, then maybe this wouldn't be so hard.

*FLASHBACK*"Oh come on Damy! I can see that you want to go over there and talk to them!" He was gazing over at the trophies and other awards like they were some extremely hot chick. "I don't know Katie, ROTC is really strickt! I don't think I have what it takes!" He was trying so hard not to run over and show off like crazy. "Awwww come on babe you and I both know you can do this!" I looked at his expression... He looked stunned. "Did you just call me babe?" I could feel my face getting red. "Yeah, I....I guess I did...." "Katie?" I looked up, "is there something you aren't telling me?" I couldn't tell him, not yet. "Well... I will only tell you if you go sign up for ROTC." "Fine, but you better tell me Katie bear!" Finally, he is so stubborn, sometimes I just don't know what to do anymore. He came back over after at least fifteen minutes. "Okay now what were you going ot tell me?" He smiled, gosh why did he have to be so freaking cute? "uhh yeah right..... What I was going to say ummmm...." "Come on Katie quit staling or I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you off." Grrr... that one got me. "Fine! It's just I didn't know how to say it. I was just afraid yo..." My words were cut off by his kiss. "Katie, I have felt the same way for a long time."


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