
By worthlivingfor

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❝There's only a thin line between love and hate, and sometimes it feels like we're dancing on that line.❞ *Di... More



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By worthlivingfor

After Zayn removed his helmet and placed it by the back of the bike, he locked eyes with me, and I simply stared back.

I stared as Zayn's lean, and slightly hunched body moved from his parked motorcycle towards us.

Had he noticed our kiss? It happened so quickly, and he appeared so suddenly that maybe he did see it? I was pretty scared if he had, mostly because I knew Zayn and Louis didn't like each other, and I certainly did not want a fight starting on my driveway. Maybe I was being too shallow and Zayn didn't even care about seeing us kissing.

Yeah, that seemed like a more reasonable fact.

Except, I didn't really know what Zayn and I "were", or if he had any physical attraction towards me. He did try to kiss me once, but I just figured it was an impulse. I did consider us friends, yet I wasn't even that certain about that either.

It was very confusing, nonetheless.

Then, within a single second, my mind shifted from wondering how Zayn and I stood together, to how utterly angry I should be.

I straightened up, crossed my arms across my chest and gave him the biggest scowl I could muster.

"You son of a bitch," I blurted, just as he was a couple of feet away from Louis and I.

"Sam, let me explain," he pleaded. Well good, he knew exactly why I wanted to smash his face into a brick wall. Okay, that sounded way less harsh before thinking it. It was more like; I wanted to dump a very cold milkshake on top of his perfectly shiny hair.

"Explain what Zayn, the fact that you left me alone in a freaking forest miles away from the city with no source of communication or transportation, or maybe that I had to walk fifteen miles home? Fifteen fucking miles, Malik. FIFTEEN!" I was pretty much screaming. We were also nearly four feet apart, yet it felt like I was just inches away from his face.

"He did what?" Louis spoke from behind me. I didn't turn around, but simply put my hand out as a signal to stop talking. Thankfully, Louis complied.

"Sam, I tried going back but I couldn't find you!" Zayn continued. He seemed unaware of Louis at that point.

"Oh is that right? Because I waited and waited, yet you never showed up!"

"I was there okay, it just took longer than expected, but I still didn't see you, I even stayed there for a while too hoping you'd come back until it started to rain. Do you have any idea how paranoid I've been?" He said calmly, yet I kept thinking that he was actually angry with himself, just not angry enough for my liking.

No one makes me do unnecessary amounts of exercise and gets away with it so easily.

No one.

"Oh, because it's so hard to wait there and leave with your motorcycle instead of walking for what seems like an eternity, while it's raining, and not to mention the blisters I'm getting as we speak," I replied back. I had been angry so many times before, especially when it came to Louis and my dad, but this was a new type of angry. I had barely met Zayn, and I really hoped we were friends, but friends didn't leave friends fifteen miles away from home in a freaking forest.

I was disappointedly angry?

I heard Louis chuckle behind me, which made me turn around and stare at him with a frown.

He stopped laughing, which mostly saved him from getting punched in the face by a very, very angry teenage girl.

"Look, I'm sorry alright? I shouldn't have left you, it was a stupid decision."

"You bet your fucking sharp jawline that could slice up cake that it was." Why the hell was I complementing him when I was supposed to be furious? I didn't know, but it came out anyway, and it was too late to take it back.

"What?" Louis spoke from behind me.

"What?" Zayn mimicked.

I raised my hand like before and spoke again, "I don't care if you're sorry, sorry doesn't change the fact that I had to walk fifteen miles, so you can take your sorry flat ass back to where ever you were and leave me alone!"

Wow, first I complimented his defined jawline and the next I was taking a hit at the booty? I guess all that walking and running really screwed my brain.

Especially because both boys were staring at me like I had gained a second pair of eyes on my forehead.

"Go away, Malik!" I yelled once more. His presence was very irritating at the moment, and I needed at least a full day of hatred towards him to make me feel better. Maybe even more. I was feeling feisty.

"Sam, listen t-" I didn't really hear anything else from that sentence, because then I remembered the biggest loss of the day, the one that truly and utterly pained me to remember.

My McDonald's was probably so stale not even Patrick Star would want to eat it.

"Ah you stupid fucking, horrible day!" I whined.

"Sam-" Zayn began, but before he could continue, I cut him off again.

"Fifteen miles of walking, then the stupid rain, then my grandparents show up unexpected, then the kiss with Louis, and now worse of all, my McDonalds has probably gone completely bad from waiting, hoping for me to start eating it!

"What kiss?" Zayn demanded.

Well, that definitely shut me up. If he didn't know about the kiss before he certainly knew about the kiss now.

"What kiss?" He asked again.

I turned back to Louis with wide eyes and pleaded for him to not say anything. Louis looked confused for a second, but his expression quickly changed to a smirk.

"None of your business Malik," Louis said.

"Nobody is talking to you, asshole," Zayn commented with a slight raise of tone.

Louis's face twitched of sudden anger, but before he could say anything back to Zayn, I interfered. "Hey, none of that!"
"Why'd you kiss him for? He treats you like shit," Zayn blurted.

Well, he was right...but also wrong. I mean, yeah, Louis did deserve the title of "asshole" sometimes, but no matter how much of an asshole he was, I was in love with him, and love makes you sustain more than you thought you could.

Plus, right now, they were both assholes in my opinion.

"It wasn't planned alright? It was for Nana anyway, now can we just continue to discuss the fact that you left me to walk fifteen miles away from home?!"

I was trying hard to stop the kissing conversation from continuing on, but suddenly it seemed that both conversations had lost their interest from me.

"Zayn, just get the hell out of here, nobody wants you anyway," Louis added after a moment of silence.

But before Zayn could reply, I decided it was time to end the awkwardness by getting rid of both Zayn and Louis. "How about both of you go home, I'm not in the mood for two angry hormonal teenage boys."

Mostly, I just wanted to get inside the house, throw on my pajamas, eat some food and watch TV.

"I still need to talk to you," Zayn said.

"Fine, I'll talk to you at school alright? Just go home." I commented in a pleading tone.

Zayn intently stared at me for a couple seconds, and then at Louis, but instead of saying anything else, he backed up and walked to his motorcycle.

After settling and grabbing his helmet, he looked up to look at me for a second, gave me a nod, then started the bike and headed off.

I watched him leave for a bit, but with every second that went on, my heart rate sped up at the realization that I was once again alone with Louis.

I didn't know what to say, or if I should even say anything. The kiss was not spontaneous; it happened because we were under pressure and was merely an act to get my nana to believe in our lie.

Yet, I wanted to believe it was real, I wanted for Louis to kiss me again and say that he had missed me. I wanted it to be the icebreaker to becoming friends again.

Except it wasn't, and we both knew it.

I just didn't want to be the one being told it wasn't. I needed to say it first.

"I'm leaving," Louis said, breaking the silence.

"Okay," I replied without making any eye contact.

He didn't move for another couple seconds until I finally decided to encourage him by staring right at him. Louis must have sensed my gaze by the way he simply turned around in a swift movement and started walking away.

No goodbye, no words.

It was quite awkward.

Nevertheless, I did the same thing by walking to my front door, entering my house and closing the door with a slight push.

Once I was inside, I sat down on the sofa and sighed. Then, I lost it.

No, seriously, I started laughing so hard I thought my stomach was going to explode.


My life seemed so difficult, but really it was just so funny. It seemed like a comedy TV show that would only last one season before being cancelled.

Two really good-looking boys fighting for me (although they weren't really fighting but whatever), a drunk dad and unimportant extras that just added no sense to the show.

It was quite hilarious to think about.


I sat there for a while, thinking about the ridiculousness that was today until I heard a knock at the door. For a second I thought it was my father in such a drunken state that he had forgotten his keys, so to be a bit dramatic, I waited a long while before walking over to the door after not having heard any other knocks.

When I swung it open, there was no one there. But when I gazed down, there in all its glory, a McDonalds bag and a large sweet tea had been placed.

I leaned down and grabbed it, opened it, and noted a Big Mac and medium fries.

I almost cried.

It was beautiful.

He had brought me back the exact same order I had gotten when he picked me up. He knew my other bag was bad. He knew, he just fucking knew.

Well, shit.

Things were starting to get weird, weren't they?


Sorry about the wait everyone. The past six months have been such a roller coaster ride it's insane. But anyway, I wanted to make this chapter long but I didn't want to keep you waiting so here it is. 

My mom says thank you to every single person that wished her well. She's in her last month of chemo and most of the cancer is gone so things are going pretty well!

Also, the story is about to pick up, like, a lot. So be prepared :)

Lastly, how mad would you guys be if I changed Zayn's name to another name. I really really really want to, and I might tbh. You can still picture him as Zayn, I just want to change the name, but anywho, see you next chapter! 

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