Jaggedstar's Twist

By Beggon

737 35 20

Furzepaw had always dreamed of becoming the fastest moor-runner, but soon enough his dream is crushed by a tr... More

Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:

Chapter One:

86 3 0
By Beggon

"Wait up Furzekit!"
Furzekit glanced over his shoulder at the narrow entrance of the nursery. A russet-furred kit tumbled through the entrance, squeaking in delight.
"What does Tawnykit want now?" Furzekit mewled to a small white tom beside him. The tom simply shook his head in reply, not saying a single word.
"Why won't you answer anything I say, Whitekit?" Furzekit inquired.
Whitekit's shoulders sagged, but no word emerged from his tiny mouth.
Tawnykit squeezed in between the two. "C'mon! Our mamas said we could go explore the camp!"

"But don't go too far!" A gray-and-white head popped out of the opening of the nursery. "I'll be watching you."
"Why can't Mothfur watch us?" Furzekit complained. At least Mothfur wasn't as protective as Hailspot. She would at least let them explore through the camp without being watched!
Hailspot glared in the direction of Furzekit. "Perhaps Mothfur would like a morning full of peace."
"But she's more fun!" Furzekit exclaimed. He was silenced by a sharp glance from the queen.
"You better go and play, unless you want to sleep for the rest of the day." She meowed.
"No thanks!" Tawnykit yipped from beside Whitekit.
"I don't want to sleep!" Furzekit whined.
"Then go and play." Hailspot's tone grew stern.

Huffing, Furzekit turned and bounded after Whitekit and Tawnykit, which were already a few lengths ahead of him. A gentle breeze wafted through Furzekit's fluffy pelt. He couldn't wait to run in the moorland with the fresh wind flying through his pelt.
I'll be the fastest moor-runner- faster than Shadewhisker!
Furzekit had heard Hailspot and Mothfur talking about the deputy. The slender black tom could easily stride through the moors, better than a rabbit running from an intruder. Furzekit was sent away for eavesdropping and he didn't get to hear the last of the conversation.
He skidded to a stop. His paws kicked up dry earth, sending dirt showering around.
Tawnykit let out a squeal as dirt sprinkled onto her pelt. Whitekit ducked his head, avoiding the earth from meeting his eyes.
"Be careful!" Tawnykit mewled as she shook the dirt from her pelt.
"I didn't mean to!" Furzekit yipped in reply. Was it really a big deal? The dirt could be easily removed from her pelt.
With a quick wash from her mother. Furzekit's fur prickled. How did Tawnykit survive with that grumpy furball? If she had the chance, Hailspot probably would've kept Tawnykit in the nursery until her apprenticeship.
"Follow me! I want to show you something!" Tawnykit's voice jolted Furzekit from his thoughts.
The russet she-kit was already trotting away from the two, and Furzekit had to run faster than he ever did to catch up with the older kit. Even though Tawnykit was two moons older than him, she was quite swift on her paws.
She slowed down as she approached a lower level of ground.
Furzekit strained to see where they were going. Whitekit padded behind Furzekit, his chest heaving.
"Why did we go back to the nursery?" Furzekit mewled, puzzled. The den was just near them, and Furzekit wondered if Hailspot would send them away if she saw them near the nursery.

"Shh! We're not going in the nursery! Just follow me." Tawnykit flicked her tail-tip.
The cold sunlight shone into Furzekit's eyes, and he had to squint them so they would adjust. He and his brother had opened them a few sunrises ago, as if they were both eager to discover the world outside of the damp nursery.

Tawnykit motioned for them to come closer. Obeying, Furzekit stood behind her and strained his eyes to see. His ears pricked curiously.
"What is it?" He asked. Nothing was there.
He noticed that the she-kit had gotten shorter, as if she had suddenly shrunk.
Whitekit seemed to understand, for he pushed past Furzekit and stood in front of him. He watched as Tawnykit disappeared into darkness.
"Where'd she go?" Furzekit's eyes stretched wide. He couldn't make out the prickly russet pelt of Tawnykit in the sunlight anymore.
Whitekit nudged his brother, then jerked his head towards to what seemed like a small hole.
A hole behind the nursery? Furzekit pricked his ears.
"Are you two coming?" Tawnykit's impatient meow sounded from inside of the opening.
Furzekit gingerly padded down into the hole with Whitekit just behind. Darkness almost immediately surrounded him, but light shone from a short end of the tunnel, enlightening their pelts with dim rays. He could make out the shapes of his companions. The ground was wet beneath his paws, and it squelched with each step. It must've rained heavily for it to be soaked.
"I dug this!" Tawnykit boasted. A small thud sounded and a small shower of mud fell onto Furzekit's pelt.
"What was that?" His eyes widened. Was the nursery falling into the small tunnel?
He heard Tawnykit's coughs a few moments later. "I-I tried to jump, but it's too short." She said between breaths. "Heh."
There was a small slope, where most of the light was shining through an arch. It was suddenly blocked out, and Furzekit couldn't make out the shapes of Whitekit and Tawnykit. A pair of green eyes flashed in the darkness.
"What are you doing down here?" A voice snarled.
Furzekit couldn't make out who it was.
Before he could reply, Tawnykit interrupted. "We're just walking through, it's very short anyway."
"But you're covered in mud! Just think of what all of your mothers would say." The tom snapped. "Get out right now."
Light entered the tunnel as the larger shape pulled away. Tawnykit kept her tail high as she padded out into the light. Furzekit followed, stepping out to notice that he was covered in clods of mud. Whitekit's snowy pelt was stained with mushy brown mud.
The tom that had snarled at them stared at the three in disgust. "Ew! You better clean yourselves up-" he smirked, "before I tell your mothers."
"Stop being a tattle tail, Antpaw! Just because you're the leader's apprentice doesn't mean you can take away our fun!" Tawnykit hissed at the apprentice, bushing up her fur in fury.
Mock shone in the apprentice's eyes. "You're just jealous because I was chosen as Duststar's apprentice."
"Was not!" Tawnykit flattened her ears.
"Mhm, okay." Antpaw flicked his tail, then turned away from the kits. "Your mothers needs to know about this, incident."
Furzekit didn't argue. Mothfur wouldn't keep them in the nursery. After all, they weren't hurt, so it wasn't a big deal.
"We better wash this off before Antidiot brings them to us." Furzekit heard Tawnykit grumble before she began to stroke the mud off of her pelt.

The scorching sun was rising steadily in the sky by the time the kits were finished washing out their pelts. It felt better not to be covered in wet gunk.
Furzekit had expected for a pair of angry queens to stomp out of the nursery and scold them, but surprisingly he saw Antpaw padding out of the nursery with his tail low. He smirked. At least Hailspot wouldn't get onto them now.

"What do you want to do now?" Tawnykit asked, brushing past Whitekit. "I'm bored! Do you know anything we can do?" She glanced at the two brothers.
Furzekit shrugged. "I dunno." He muttered as his blank gaze traveled through the camp. Duststar was sitting atop the Outlook Rock with his deputy Shadewhisker silently muttering words to the leader. Rainsong was putting herbs to dry outside, and Iceclaw and Owlflight shared a plump rabbit together.
Where's Sharpstream? Furzekit gazed around for the silver pelt of his father. He must've been hunting. Or... he could be battling with a stinky patrol of ShadowClan cats!
I would claw them until they begged to stop! Furzekit flexed his tiny claws. No mangy ShadowClan warrior would be daring enough to enter the WindClan camp if he was out there!

Furzekit then realized that Whitekit and Tawnykit were padding back to the tunnel behind the nursery. He shrugged. I don't want to be confronted by Antpaw again. He glared over where the apprentice was at. He was muttering to Swiftpaw, a white she-cat with black splotches, and Heatherpaw, a light brown tabby she-cat.
He's probably talking about me. Furzekit assumed silently as Antpaw and Heatherpaw snickered through sentences. Swiftpaw stared blankly ahead of herself, her blue eyes unclear. At least she wasn't satisfied by Antpaw's foolish behavior.
Furzekit's gaze aimlessly scavenged the camp. There was nothing to do. Who knows, if he was an apprentice there would be plenty to do instead of being told to go and play everyday!
And it's worse with grumpy o' Hailspot.
He glimpsed back at Duststar, who still was discussing things with his deputy. The black tom was propped up on a rock beneath the Outlook Rock with his tail curled neatly around his paws.
Furzekit strained to hear. At least they would have interesting things to talk about instead of trotting around camp like rabbits. He carefully crept closer to the two toms, crouching against the ground.
" . . . Tunnels would do no use anyway." He heard Shadewhisker rumble in agreement of whatever the leader had said.
Tunnels? Why are they talking about tunnels, that's stupid! Furzekit's ears perked. But maybe it's something important.
Furzekit crept closer to them, intently straining to hear their discussion.
Shadewhisker glanced over his shoulder for a moment with narrowed eyes. They landed on the kit.
Oh Mouse-dung! Furzekit shrunk against the ground.
"I guess somebody wants to listen to our talk." Shadewhisker chuckled, glancing up at Duststar.
Furzekit stiffened as the leader rested his gaze on him. They were like honey, deep with shiny amber.
"I guess so." The large tom grinned slightly, flicking his tail-tip.
"I'm guessing you're Furzekit, Sharpstream's son?" Shadewhisker tilted his head.
Furzekit sat up, glad that the two were getting along with him. "Yep! Me and Whitekit!"

"Sharpstream does talk about you quite a lot." Duststar murmured. "He said he's glad to have you as a son."
"What about Whitekit?" Furzekit cocked his head. After all, Whitekit is Sharpstream's son too.
". . . He likes him too." Duststar started awkwardly, then flashed a reassuring grin at Furzekit.

Whitekit's his son too; of course he loves him! Furzekit told himself.
"You're probably wondering what we were talking about," Shadewhisker slightly grinned.
Furzekit felt a pang of relief. He didn't want to talk about his father anymore for some reason.
He loves both of us, and he always will.

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