The Violinist's Sheet Music

By SallieAltie

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Elodie’s been trapped in a hospital for three years of her life due to a mystery condition that rendered her... More

The Violinist's Sheet Music
Chapter 1: The Violinist's Sheet Music

Chapter 2: The Violinist's Sheet Music

233 10 6
By SallieAltie

Chapter 2! Came kinda late, but I guess it's okay! You get to meet more people in this one! And the plot starts to get introduced! Yes! I do hope you like it. Comment please, even if you think it sucks! And vote if you like. :) Thanks for reading! I'll try to have the third chapter up here sometime this week! Have a good Fourth of July too!


“Tristen, I’m pretty sure no one else plays Go fish when we’re supposed to be cleaning up,” I whispered to him, ignoring a glare from one of the waitresses.

Tristen waved me away easily and glanced at his deck, rubbing his chin in thought. “Jacks!”

“Go fish.”

 When he growled and muttered under his breath, I couldn’t help but laugh. Tristen shot me a look and I zipped my mouth, smiling. He reached for the card on the deck and scrunched up his nose. “Why do I keep getting Ac-“

“Stop telling me your cards! Do you want me to cheat?” I said, reaching over the table and covering his mouth. He stared at me through slitted eyes before licking my palm. I quickly pulled away, glaring at him through my eyelashes as he burst out laughing. “You’re really nasty, Tristen.”

“Ah, my juvenile,” He started in a French accent, twirling that imaginary moustache of his. “You are so young. And so naïve.”

“Well then stop hitting on me and I wouldn’t have to be,” I muttered, pulling my deck out and glancing at his strewn across the table. When he saw me looking, he hastily picked them up.

“That’s cheating!”

“You just don’t know how to play the game right. It’s not cheating. Anyway, do you have...,” I thought back to his cards and smiled. “Queen of hearts?”

“Bullcrap! You looked at my cards!” Tristen said, standing up and knocking his chair back. “You can’t cheat like that and expect me to give you my cards!”

“You’re supposed to say BS, Tristen!” Felicity said, Tristan’s little sister, as she walked over to us and sat down beside Tristen.

“You should’ve been holding them! It’s not my fault you showed them to me! And you were telling me what you had anyway, so either way, you would’ve lost!” I rolled my eyes, ignoring her. Tristen chose to glare at me before Felicity spoke up.

“Uh Tristen?”

“What?” He snapped, turning to look at her. I couldn’t help but kick him under the table. Why was he yelling at Felicity? She just got here. Tristen jumped as soon as my foot got in contact with his knee.


“Dad wants you,” She said, confused, staring back and forth at us. Tristen got up with a sigh and went to the kitchen, disappearing behind the folding doors. “Did I do something?” Felicity asked, staring after him.

I shook my head and smiled at her. “You’re good, Felicity, don’t worry about it. Tristen’s just being a jerk.”

Felicity nodded like she understood and turned back to the table, taking a peak at Tristen’s card. I know they were brother and sister but they shared a lot of physical traits. Felicity’s curvy, and really energetic like Tristen a lot of the time. She has fuzzy strawberry-blonde hair, grey-blue eyes and a sardonic smile all the time like she knows something no one else does.

Felicity’s four years younger than Tristen and has no musical ability so she works at front. She’s one of the hostesses that welcomes people and directs them to her table. It was a pretty smart choice, considering how charming she is with strangers. She always can make them feel welcome.

“Only two guys weren’t playing BS?” She whined, putting down Tristen’s cards. “I love that game! I wanna play that!”

“Tristen already suggested that. And I don’t want to play because one, I don’t want to get fired by your dad and two, I can’t play anyway.” She looked at me incredulously.

“You don’t know how to play BS?’ve lived a sheltered life, Elodie.”

I rolled my eyes, laying my cards flat on the table. “Why aren’t you helping clean up?”

“The better question is why aren’t you?”

“Tristan wanted to play this stupid card game. He said as long as we cleaned our instruments, your dad wouldn’t bug us,” I shrugged, stacking up the cards in one pile. “Now you answer.”

Felicity sighed dramatically, taking the cards and shuffling them in her hands slowly. I got prepared, resting my elbow on the table and putting my hand on my fist. I’m sure this was gonna be a long story.

“Well,” She started, sighing again. “Today’s just been a horrible night! First, there was this huge family; a party of like...12. And about 3 of them were kids! And you know how they are, rowdy, crazy, always bugging you, right?”

I nodded. I did remember that party. One of the little girls around 4 wanted me to play ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ on the violin.

“Anyway, they realized we didn’t have the little coloring menus for kids and one of the kids just threw this fit. He started screaming and crying and telling his dad he didn’t want to come here. I mean just all out spoiled brat. So the dad asks if I can make one for him. Honestly make like a 3 booklet coloring menu! You following me?”

Feigning a yawn, I nodded, glancing at my watch. It was already 10:30. I really needed to get home soon to get ready for school tomorrow. “Is this story almost over Felicity because-“

“Don’t interrupt me! And yes! So I made the stupid coloring book and the kid got all happy the end. Are you happy now? God, you’re so impatient, Elodie. Didn’t you like my story?”

“Sure,” I rolled my eyes smiling. “And I’m glad it’s over now because I need to get out of here,” I said, standing up and stretching my arms out. I looked back at the kitchen doors where I could see Tristen and his dad arguing. Over what though? “Felicity can you-“I stopped as an arm slung around my shoulders lazily.

“My two favorite girls!” Brennan said, guiding me to sit down beside him. “Cool, you guys were playing BS?”

“No we weren’t! And now I have to leave so get off,” I scowled, pushing at his arm but it didn’t budge. Why’d he have to be so freaking strong? “Brennan, please...”

“I’ll just drive you home don’t worry!”

That definitely wasn’t gonna happen. From beside him, I could smell the wine on his breath. Brennan was a freshman at the university across from us and took this as a job to earn some quick money. As kitchen help, he’s allowed to drink the alcohol after closing, even if he’s under aged.

“I don’t want you to drive me home, Brennan. I’ll just take a cab later,” I sighed as his chestnut hair brushed my cheek. “Don’t you want me to get home without being stalked by freaks?”

Brennan looked at me with a confused expression. “But If I’m there...”

“You’ll drive her into a pole!” Felicity said, exasperated. “You can’t drive Brennan! I’ll drive you back to your dorm!”

“But my car-“

“It won’t get towed,” Tristen said behind me. “Come on Elodie. You need to get home,” He sighed, offering me his hand. When I turned around to take his hand, he had a hard expression on his face. There was a crease on his forehead and I could tell he was thinking about what him and his father argued about.

 “Are you okay?” I asked him once I made it to the front. Tristen held out my coat and helped me as I shrugged it on my shoulders. “You and your dad looked pretty pissed.”

Tristen looked behind him before taking my arm and leading me outside to his car. “We have a new employee working tomorrow,” He said bitterly, pulling his keys out of his coat pocket and shoving them in the lock.

What was so wrong with that? So I decided to ask him. “And that’s”

“It’s not like he even asked me in the first place. He just wanted to hire the guy because he went to this performing arts college and he’s skilled in playing the sax and he’s got some damn degree to show. What the hell was he thinking? He never interviewed the guy or anything just hired him. It’s just a load of bull to me,” Tristen shook his head, his hands tightening on the wheel.

“You’re mad...,” I started, picking my words delicately. “Because some stranger is gonna start working here and you weren’t told ‘till the last minute?” By the end, I just had to laugh. He was getting frustrated over something not that big. Tristen glared at me for a while before starting to laugh too. “I see you’re point, but it’s not that serious Tristen.”

“Yeah I guess,” He said quieter, scratching under his nose. “I just don’t like the fact I don’t know the guy. My dad could’ve told me, you know?”

“Maybe it’s all for the better,” I smiled, pushing his shoulder. Serious Tristen just wasn’t cutting it; it was weird. “You’re okay though, right?”

“As long as I won Go fish and hey; how’s that smoking thing going? Did you cave?”

“Will you pissed if I admitted I did?”


“I’m sorry but it’s hard,” I sighed as he pulled into the apartment parking lot. “But I am making an effort and I think that calls for some applause. And not your sarcastic applause ‘cause that’s just kinda mean... Tristen?” I sang, waving my hand in front of his face.

He jumped and looked at me with a mischievous grin. “Can I stay at your place tonight?”

“Um why...?” I asked warily as he unlocked the doors and slid out easily, walking inside the apartment building.

“’Cause, it’s past eleven and knowing me, I’ll fall asleep at the wheel. You worry about my safety don’t you?” He teased, wagging his finger. “Besides, it’s not like you fantasize seeing me sleep.”

“No I don’t,” I said flatly, unlocking the door to my room and stepping inside. “And I don’t have any clothes for you to wear.”

“That’s no problem! I sleep naked!”

“Tristen...,” I sighed, as he walked over to the couch and plopped down, crossing his arms behind his back and closing his eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh but I am, my love. Now go. Shoo, shoo,” Tristen said, waving me off. “Do whatever you do when I’m not here.”

“Alright...night, I guess.”

“Night I guess to you too!”         

I rolled my eyes and walked into my room, closing the door and throwing my pajamas on before slipping under my covers. It wasn’t until I could hear Tristen’s light snoring before I could be lulled to sleep.

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