Life Is A Beach

By HannaXORachel

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Sixteen year old, Charlotte Ackerman, is in for one hell of a ride in her Junior year. Living right next to t... More

Life Is A Beach
Chapter 1: A New Start
Chapter 2: The Bartender

Chapter 3: The Date

831 23 6
By HannaXORachel

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ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 3: ⓣⓗⓔ ⓓⓐⓣⓔ

Rays of light from the bright morning sun streamed through my window. I squinted a little at first before letting out a satisfied sigh. I have always been a morning person, maybe due to the fact that I usually get up at the crack of dawn to go surfing anyway. I loved waking up to the morning sun and snuggling into my quilts.

Looking out the window I saw the beautiful early morning, blue sky scattered with an array of white, puffy clouds. I smiled before rushing to my closet and throwing on my bikini and a white loose t-shirt. Bounding down the stairs, I fling open the back door with a great welcoming. I grab my surfboard leaning against the post and open the gate to the path. Bailey wasn't coming to the beach this morning. Hangover.

It was later than usual - ten in the morning - and the sun was already making it's tracks in the sky as I padded across the sand. It was beautiful out; the water was sparkling under the suns intense rays, making the turquoise waves look gorgeous.

I kept travelling across the beach until I met the outskirts of the rocks that surrounded the edge of the beach. Taking my normal rout, I handled my stepping carefully as I traipsed across the rocks. With a surfboard in hand, it wasn't the easiest task to do, carefully avoiding the crevices and pointy edges.

Finally, I made it to the other side of the rocks, where I was met with dense bushland. Luckily, I knew my way off by heart as I travelled across the slightly eroded path way, rounding the corner to a deserted beach. Smiling, I stepped onto the soft sand of the small beach I had called mine for so long. The waves were crashing beautifully, unseen by anyone else, as a formation of rocks a hundred yards either side of me hid it from sight

My little cove has the tons of memories per square inch of this place. Bailey and I used to hang out here all the time, surfing, building sandcastles, and we even made a cute little tree house near the small wooded area. Eventually Bailey came here less and less, until this place was but a memory. But, I don't mind. I love it here; being alone. I have time to clear my head and think.

I got a tonne of good waves before I decided to take a break. I briefly checked my phone. Shit. It's 11:20. I ran home and took a quick shower. I decided on a white strapless beach dress and complimented it with some light brown leather flip-flops. I added a light brown leather belt around the waist and some bracelets to complete the look. I put on a bit of make-up and perfume before I left with my phone and wallet. I drove quietly to Coastal Edge Tavern, the best cafe-style restaurant in town. They had everything from seafood (which was delicious) to a steak; all of which is good.

An excited feeling was buzzing around in my stomach - nerves. The drive to Coastal Edge Tavern was short; I probably would have walked if I wasn't already ten minutes late. Hopefully he wouldn't think I had bailed him.

Pulling into a parking spot, I jumped out and walked up to the entrance. As expected for a Saturday, there were quite a few people sitting out on the wooden deck. Soft music played in the background, loud enough to be heard, but quiet enough to also notice the calm sound of the waves crashing right in front of us.

I spotted Ashton in some khakis and a light yellow polo. Striding over to the table, I felt all nerves disappear.

'Hey there!' I said, flashing a grin as he glanced my way. A grin broke off on his face.

'Hey yourself!' He jumped up from his seat, wrapping me in a hug, before pulling out my chair. A blush dusted my face, as I sat down.

'Sorry I'm late.' He waved his hand dismissively.

'Ten minutes is nothing!' he assured me, before passing me a menu and scanning his own.

'What are you going to get?' I asked, scanning the menu even though I already knew what I was getting.

'Hmm... The T-Bone Steak looks good.' he said, practically drooling. I laughed. Typical Boy. 'How about you?'

"Pasta!" I said with a huge grin. He cocked an eyebrow, a grin breaking onto his face. 'What?'

'Nothing. It's kind of a relief that you aren't ordering salad or something. Most girls I have ever been out with are too afraid to eat carbs.' he said. I shrugged.

'That's boring.' I commented, pulling a face. I could never survive on salad. A waitress came around sending Ashton a flirtatious smile. I covered my mouth to stifle a giggle at how shamelessly she had done so, even when he is clearly sitting with another girl.

'What can I get you honey?' she asked Ashton.

'I will have the Coastal Edge T-Bone Special.' he requested with a grin, completely oblivious to the waitress.

'One T-Bone Steak coming up!' she said with a flirtatious grin before stalking off. I stared off at her, my jaw hanging open in shock.

'Hey!' I called after her. I caught a few strange looks from surrounding people, but I didn't care.

'Excuse me.' Ashton's sexy voice sounded. The waitress turned around, her eyes wide, a fake smile on her face.

'What's wrong?' she asked politely, her ignorance killing me.

'You forgot the lady's order.' he responded with a grin. I looked at him in disbelief. How could he not see this?

'Oh.' she responded, turning to me, sparing a sickly sweet smile.

'What can I get for you?'

'I will have the pasta please.' I said with a smile. I couldn't exactly blame her, sure she had gone a little far, but Ashton was extremely handsome, so I could understand why.

The next hour or two went by extremely fast with no awkward silences. Ashton was the funniest, sweetest boy I've ever met!

'Cassie, my twin sister, watching this WHOLE event take place! And she was recording it!' he said. I laughed.

'Your sister caught you dancing to Gangnam Style on your bed with only a towel wrapped around your waist!' I repeated. He nodded wildly.

'Yes! And I don't even want to know who she showed! That could be the end of me Charlotte!' he said, his eyes wide. I laughed again for a while.

"You should have let me paid." I say as we reach the parking lot.

'But then I wouldn't be a gentleman?' he pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

'Like I care.' I responded laughing. We walked in the parking lot in a silence that I desperately wanted to end.

"So do you live near here?" He asks.

'I'll show you.' I said. We walk a little further before I pointed to the quaint two story beach house I called home. With a huge balcony on the upstairs floor with a spa that looked over Coastal Edge Beach, and an indoor out door living area, it looked awesome if I can say so myself. A little boardwalk led from the front steps to the sand, surrounded by grass and a garden of flowers on either side.

"Is your Mum home?" he asked.

"Nah, she's at work."

"How about your Dad?" I froze. My eyes widening as I peered up at the house.

"No." I responded coldly, immediately scolding myself for my harsh tone. He looked at me hesitantly, but decided not to question me any further.

"Oh, well I'll get another chance to meet them....right?" He looks up at me with a smile impossible to say no to.

"Of course." I say, smiling back.


'I am so excited for you!' Bailey cried happily. I rolled my eyes.

'As I have told you only two million times Bailey - WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!'

'Friends with benefits.' she commented slyly, a smirk on her face. My face turned a crimson colour.

'Bailey!' I screeched at my so-called 'best friend' that had broken down into a fit of laughter. I slammed my fist into her gut.

"C'mon, let's go find him." Bailey grabs my hand and we make our way to the opposite side of the building, where most seniors' lockers are.

"Bailey no! I'll see him later!" I yank in the other direction, but some how her arm doesn't let go and we're still well on our way to Ashton.

"What do I say?!" I ask my best friend as we reach the senior section.

"Just wing it!" She smiles widely as she sees the familiar brunette a few feet away. He turns and I see his eyes open up a bit with a smile. "Ask him to the movies!" She says into my ear as she shoves me towards Ashton. "Hey Charlotte!" He waves.

"H-Hey Ashton." I smile, feeling the butterflies once again being unleashed in my stomach.

"Hey Charlotte! What's up?"

""I-I umm...I was wondering if you, if you wanted to go to the movies with me?" I say, feeling my heart beat even faster than before.

"Yeah! That sounds great! When were you thinking of going?"

"How about-"

"Tonight. Charlotte would love to go to the movies with you tonight." Bailey cuts in. "Here is her number." She hands Ashton a small slip of paper with numbers on it.

"Oh, ok then. Great. I'll see you tonight then." He grinned, our eyes meeting briefly before the bell rung, interrupting our locked gazes. I put a hand on my heart and panted a little. He smirked at my obvious fright before attracting the attention of two other jocks symbolising my cue to go.


I managed to get to English Advanced just in time, merely missing the second bell.

'Hi Charlotte!' a quiet voice sounded. I glanced up from the story I was writing to see Jackson standing there with a small smile. I smiled back at him after a moment, his attractive looks catching me off guard for a moment. I slapped myself mentally, blaming my thoughts on my hormones being out of whack after the break up with Ryder.

'Hey Jackson.' I said with a grin.

'Would you mind if I sat next to you?' he asked quietly. I laughed at his cuteness, and pulled the seat beside me out. There weren't many in my English class, mainly because it took good grades to get into English AP. He smiled, and flopped down, sighing as he pulled out his paper.

"Can I read yours?" he asks hesitantly.

"If I can read yours?" I say playfully. We exchanged our papers. I started to read it and it was amazing!

"That was so good Jackson! Are you professional?" A deep blush dusted his face and I giggled a little.

'N-no it's not.' he responded.

'It is! It was so emotive, and descriptive!' I said enthusiastically, recalling the boy that had lost his parents, only to be forced into a family through all his depression, and expected to live a proper life...

'Charlotte. Jackson. Have something you'd like to share with the class?' Miss Ancestor asked. I glanced up at the old woman whom really matched her name and nodded enthusiastically, thrusting his book at the teacher.

'This is Jackson's! It is so good Miss! You have to read it!' I exclaimed.

'No!' Jackson yelled, snatching the book from my hands, and pushing it into his bag. As if his prayers had been answered, the bell rung and he bolted out the door as I stared after him, shell-shocked. What just happened...?


Hey yall!! Sorry it's been so long!! Life has kinda been in the way! Hehe :P Anyway, hoping you like this chapter! Your comments, opinions, votes, and constructive criticism is well invited for this book! We love it, because at the end of the day, it makes us better writers (or at least gives us a chance to :P) and it gives you something better to read! :)

Send us a message just saying hi if you like! We are pretty chatty, and as one of us lives in America, and the other Australia, were pretty odds on to answer you asap... but no guarantees!!!

Hope you enjoy this book so far! -HannaXORachel

What's wrong with Jackson?

How are things going for Charlie & Ashton? --Find out in the next update!

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