A Cat's Life (Stray Cat Cross...

By BlueDawnMoon

160 4 2

Hi , I am Cat . I can't really remember all the things from my past, but I know I would have to face them aga... More

Runaway Cat

157 4 2
By BlueDawnMoon

Hi, my name is Cat and this is my life story of what had happened in my short life of 25 years.

My childhood was normal, like the ones that you had would thought to be fitted for a kid to grow up in. The tons of affection that my parents, Mom and Ben had showered me with privileges like the constant bedtime stories that I would selfishly ask my mom to tell me about the tales of the mother ram, her son and also the four wolves and so on. Ben would often showered me with tons of gifts, he had given me toys, books, dresses, but my most favorite gift were a beautiful red scarf as it is like what Ben had said that it had provided a warm and protective vibe to me and it was also my fifth birthday gift.

I would say that I was a pretty spoiled kid who has everything any kid would want and hope to get as I had gotten to enjoy the first five years of my life getting all the affections that both my parents had showered on me and that my Mom was a full time stay home Mom as most of my friends my age has siblings or both their parents had to work and thus they would not have a close bond like what I have with my family.

I had missed all of these things that I had once taken it for granted as I was too young to comprehend all the changes after my fifth birthday, which had led me to make a regrettable decision which will change my whole family dynamics and also my life upside down.

If I had one wished right now, I would want to go back in time so that I could prevent this horrible incident from happening, but I can't and thus I had decided to document this story down on paper and published it into a book so as to make it into a form of atonement towards my family and also a dog named Sebastian and the boy whose name was still unknown to me.

I had never wanted to run away from my home, but Mom and Benjamin seemed to be constantly arguing about the unborn twins, moving out from the countryside to the city where there will not be the four seasons that I had always adored and also mom's illness.

These constant arguments had made me feel lonely as Mom had stopped coming to my room during bedtime to tell me bedtime stories and Benjamin had also stopped giving me gift after he had given me a pretty red scarf which he had told me will keep me warm and save even when he and my Mom is not with me.

Benjamin and my Mom would often argue in their bedroom which was beside mine and thus I had always known that they had found it hard to adapt after Mom had found out that she was pregnant with twins. My parents had always tried to act like as though nothing was wrong as they pretended in front of me so that I won't be upset about it, but this had in turn made me feel left out and had also left me worried due to my parents strain relationship and their attitude towards me.

A few weeks after my fifth birthday, my parents had been arguing for a very long time in their room, I was worried about them and thus I had decided to check on them. I heard them talking, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about and thus I had slightly opened the door of their room so that I will be able to hear their conversation.

"Are we going to move away from this place?" A female voice echoes through from the ajar room.

"Stop asking me that! We had talked about this.It is so that your illness can be cured and also moving to the city would also be a better place to raise Cat and also the twins." a male voice shouted back.

"I know! But it is just that I think that Cat would miss this place as she had told me how she loved the four season that this place gave and that I also do not want to move to the city as it is loud and noisy there as compared to the place that we have right now.What would happen to this place after we had moved? "

'I know, but then I think that the city would be a better place to raise the kids as they will be able to made more friends there as most kids in the country are living in the city rather than this country side place.Well, as for this place.It will become part of our memory where we would treasure it as it would be torn down after we moved as I had found a potential investor who will buy this house and also this land for farming purposes."

"Oh, okay.I hope that Cat won't disagree about this."

"I know she won't, she is our daughter and I know her well. By the way, is the door closest or was it opened when we came into the room? "

"I think it was closed, why do you ask that?"

"It is because it is slightly open, I think I will go check on Cat right now."

"How could my Ben and Mom say such thing? " I thought while dashing out of the house. "Is it because of the twin in mom's tummy and that is why Mom and Ben had no cares about me?" I question myself as I walked down the main road.

I continued down the main road from my house for about 15 minutes while looking up into the sky staring at the breathtaking night sky which was filled with stars and also a full moon.

"Wow! It is so pretty! " I said while staring and walking on the main road until I trip and fall onto the side of the road.

"Ouch! What the?" I stared at the item that I had tripped on.It was a small rock.I felt a sting on my left knee area and saw a small cut where a small amount of blood was already pouring out of the wound due to scratch from the fall.

"Oh, what should I do?" I thought to myself as I didn't know what to do as I had never been in this situation before as my parents had always taken care of me and make sure that I would not be in harms way and thus I had not learnt the most basic first aid and also the things that I was supposed to do during such situations.

Thus, I curled up and started crying and wished that my parents or anyone would find me and help me. My Prayers seemed to be answered as I had felt a presence approaching me.


"What was it Sebastian? " A soft male voice cooed towards his dog.

I looked up and saw a kid who might be a year or two older me and his dog who was sitting near me.

"Oh, you mean there was a girl sitting beside the road crying? " The boy said as he walked towards the dog and also toward me.

"Are you injured?" The boy asked in a worried tone as he slowly bends down and was trying to reach for my arms so as to reassure me that I was saved.

It was when the boy was doing this action that had made me realize that he wasn't like any normal kid that I had met.He was blindfolded with pieces of bandage covering his eyes as he was moving his hands around trying to find my hands.I had let him help me up even though my leg still hurt but it is no longer that painful.

At close range while the boy was helping me up, I could smell the lavender scent from the boy. He wore a long white robe and was carrying a Polaroid camera in his hands.He was also very careful and his touch was soft yet firm as though I would be hurt by him if he was too rough when he had helped me up. There was a dog like a wolf on his side and that dog has a red collar with a tag showing that it was a guide dog which helps assist the boy in his daily activities.

Even though my encounter with him was so brief yet he gave me a familiarity as though we had already known each other for a very long time. I didn't know why I still remember all those small details about him even though our last encounter was about 20 years ago. But after that brief encounter with him my favorite flower soon became lavender as I had once loved lily as I love how they look and smelled and I had planted some of them in my garden of the land where my family had once lived and also in the front pouch of my own house. He was also one of the people that I was grateful to have met in this life and this story was also a form of atonement for him, and also his dog as I did not know that my actions would caused and tear both of our lives apart with no amendment could be made. If I had known what I had known now, I would have rather I be the only person to be held responsible in the event that will take place soon in that horrific night that would sell everything for all of us.

"Yes, I fell down while walking down this road." I said not including the part where I had tripped on a stone and fell onto the road as I did not want to showed the boy that I am such a clumsy person.

"Do you need any bandages for your injury?" He asked me as he was fondling his robe pocket to find the bandage that he was going to offer to me.

"Yes, but I do not how to put the bandage on. " I said shamefully.

"Oh, it is okay.Is there any tree stud you can see near you?" He asked.

"Yes, there is one near us." I said.

"Well, I will walk you there so that you can sit down and, can you please hold on to me? "He asked.

I had done as he had told me to and we had slowly and carefully walk towards the tree stood with the boy's dog walking by the bay side.

"Sit down on the stud for me, which leg did you injured yourself and where is the injury located at and hold still while I help bandage your injured leg."He said as he pulled out the bandage from his pocket after he had helped me down onto the tree stood.

"It is on my left leg in the knee area."I said.

"Okay."He said as his knee down near my left knee area and started to wrap my wounded knee.

After a few minutes, he had finished his task and he had told me to try and walk around to see if the bandages had been properly done and fitted to my knee.

I had walked around and was very surprised as the bandages was fitted nicely and I had also found that the boy was the one of the best people who was good at giving first aid to injured people who has ever treated me in my 25 years of living on this planet.

"Thank you for treating my leg, I really appreciated!" I said, smiling brightly back at him even though the boy could not see me smile, I think that he had felt my honest gratitude and was smiling back at me.I had walked towards the boy wanting to hug him, but before I could do it his dog was barking angrily at me as though wanting me to back off from his owner.

"Bark! Bark! Bark!"

"Sebastian, down boy! It is okay for her to approach me, he is of no danger to me."He coaxes his dog and his dog, then stood upright beside him.

"Your dog is named Sebastian? Why do you give him this particular name?" I asked curiously.

"Yup. I named him that as I think that my dog is very courageous as he had stood up for me during when I was bullied at school."He told me this as he pet his wolf-like dog.

"What! You are bullied?Why would you get bullied I mean you are such a kind-hearted person who has helped me when I am injured, if I am in your school and class I would stand up for you! "I had told him this as I cannot stand people who bully others and he had also helped me.

"Thank you! You are the first peer outside of my family members that I had gotten to have a normal conversation with." He smiled sadly at me as he continued to pet his dog.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"As I am the only person who was blind and most of my classmate thought that I was a burden to be friends with and thus they had decided not to interact with me, some of them had called me names that really hurt me at first but ---"He said as though he was about to cry.

When I saw that, it almost broke my heart that I had rushed up towards him, not letting him completed his sentence and had hugged him. He was surprised at first, but he had let me hug him. We had stayed together with each other embrace for about a couple of minutes before I had let go and told him this.

"Do not let their words get to you! You are so much more than what they had said and also you are the most interesting person to be around." I said

"You think so? " He seemed surprised and I replied back with a yes.

"Do you like to take photographs?" I had asked him as he was still carrying his Polaroid camera in his hands.

"Yes, so that when I have my operations done by Dr. Faust in a few months time so that I can finally see and these pictures that I had taken using this camera can help me know show me where I had been." He said with so much hope and excitement in his voice as he pulled out from his other pocket all of the pictures he had taken up until now.

There were a lot of pictures which he had laid down on the tree stood. But most of them were blurry.

"Er, sorry to sound rude, but you most of your pictures were blurry."I said.

"Really? Oh my..." He said, feeling a little disappointed.

"Can you lend me your camera?" I asked him.

"Of course, but why do you need it?" He asked.

The boy passed me his camera and I put the camera in his hands and put both of my hands on top of his and point the camera to his dog and taught him how to use his camera properly.

"You just have to hold your camera upright and hold still while the image is being produced by the camera." I told him.

He blushed as I did that and later asked me a very funny and interesting question.

"Er, are you a girl?" He asked me.

"Yup, I thought you knew.What made you think that I wasn't? " I said as I laughed as I finally understood why he had blushed.

" This is due to the reason that you don't 'feel' like a female to me at all. Sorry about misunderstanding you gender " he said blushing even more.

"It is okay, I had been told by my classmates that I am more boyish than normal girls in my class so I am already immune to such statements already." I said while giving a small laugh.

"What is your name? If I may ask." The boy asked.

"My name is Cat!" I exclaimed.

"Such an interesting name. "He said while he gave a small smile.

"What is your name?" I asked as I had realized that I still do not know the name of the person who had helped me.

"My name is ---"before he can complete his sentence, there was a sound produced in the middle of the road.


Both of us turn towards the direction where the sound was coming from.

It was from a beautiful black fur coated cat sitting on the middle of the road and meowing trying to get me and the boy's attention.

"Wow, hey.There was a black cat sitting on the middle of the road. " I told the boy and both of us and also the boy's dog had walked towards the cat.

I pet the cat and the cat was purring.

"Can I take a picture of you petting the cat?" He said.

"Of course, " I told him and he had taken that picture.

"Thank you so much. I would treasure it." he said.

"By the way, can I ask you, why are you out here at such a late hour?" He asked as I had continued to pet the cat after the photo taking with the cat.

"I ran out of the house as I can no longer stand my parents." I bluntly said out the situations about my family.

"What had happened?" He asked curiously.

I told everything that had happened until then.He had listened tentatively at my situation.

"Oh, I am sorry about your situations." He said.

"It is okay." I told him and I had asked him whether I can borrow his camera from him so that I can take a picture of him and his dog and he agreed.

I took the last photo from that Polaroid camera would ever take and print out and returned the camera to him.

"What is your name?" I asked him again.

"My name is M---" He was interrupted again by the bark of Sebastian.

"Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! "The dog barked furiously that is approaching us at a very fast pace.

"What was it?" I asked.

"It is a car! Please live and don't forget me." The boy said as he pushed me away from where I was standing as he and Sebastian had gotten hit in front of my eyes and I was so shocked to have reacted as I fell backwards onto the cold hard ground out cold due to the impact of falling.

That would be the last time I would have seen the boy who had helped me his dog, Sebastian and also both my parents. This was because the car that had ran over the boy and Sebastian was my parent's and I had only learnt that they were very worried about me when they found me missing from the house that they had to ride in the car driving at a dangerous speed of 80 km per hour when that road maximum speed is only 70 km per hour so as to be able to find me. The crash would not be preventable.

I had only woken up 3 days after the accident and had forgotten all of the memory of that particular day, my parents and also the life that I have lived as Cat. I was discharged in two weeks time and after that, placed in an orphanage and I was adopted a month after being placed at the orphanage.

I had always thought that my adoptive parents were my biological parents as they treat me the same as their younger children and I had become the big sister I was meant to be years back if I haven't run away from my family. I was given the name of Alice and I had loved it.I had also hoped to be a professional dentist after I grew up, but everything had stopped for me after my nineteen birthday.

I had only learned that I was adopted at the age of 19 when I had found the photograph of the boy and his dog and also pictures of the burly pictures and also the photo of me petting a black cat when suddenly my memory had returned to me like a floodgate that was finally opened to let the water in which the water was all the memory that I seemed to have chosen to forget and that was also the start of when my daily nightmare start to occur.

I was still studying for my degree when my daily nightmare start to occur and I had to drop off school due to this as I wasn't able to focus and study for my test, but my adoptive family had stayed by my side when this happened and I was happy yet scared as I still do not know if I would want to re-live the life that I had chosen to give up again as it was too traumatizing for me.

This is due to the reason of all the dreams I have about the Doll-faced gentlemen. Baby-faced dogs. Winding hallways, disturbing nurseries, chattering nutcrackers, bandaged children and also a girl named Cat that I had felt threatened by as she kept asking you questions and she would not answer you your question about the past, even though I knew that she knew more things about my past than I knew at this stage.

But I was never prepared for my nightmare to make me to fall into a coma after being too tired after a three months of little and up to no sleep every single night due to the reason that I was too scared to even close my eyes as I do not want to re-live everything that had happened again and I would rather choose to forget or run away from all of this rather than to face the truth as my guilt towards my family and also the boy was too great.

I was asleep for 9 months and my adoptive family never thought that I would be out of coma as the doctor had told them that I would most likely be dead after a year as my pulse was too soft and I need to hook onto an oxygen tank so that I can breathe or I would die.

I was extremely grateful of them not turning off the oxygen tank or I would really have died, but this near death encounter had pushed me to want to finish writing my life story so that I can be relieved from this sadness, pain and guilt that I have towards my deceased family and the boy who I had deemed as my friend.

To Be Continued

(Author's Note: I had lots of fun playing the game and also looking at other play this game and thus I had decided to write a fanfiction about this game and the first chapter of the game will be a biography of Cat the main character of the game.I had adored the game as it had good quality music and sound and the story and art of the game was very good and that the author of the game are quick to sort out any virus or problems in the game. Please take note that some parts of the stories are make-up ones and some parts are real spoilers of the game. The next part would be the main part of the game.)

Words and Meanings:

Sebastian: The kindest and coolest person you will ever know. Known to be loved by all. Known for strength and courage. The real definition of Sebastian is "venerable" (a translation of Latin Augustus, the title of the Roman emperors) "to worship, revere"

Adapted from: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sebastian

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