The Mating

By Nisha2525

42 1 2

Luna Carnagan is the daughter of Alpha of the Carnagan Pack. Marcus Levitt is a pack enforcer in the Carnagan... More

The Mating

42 1 2
By Nisha2525

This is my first story on Wattpad. I am actually not even sure how all this works, I am stubling my way through it. I am assuming all you need to do is vote and comment...I would very much appreciate it if you do both. Let me know if the story is good enough to continue. Btw, the summary is very bad right now but that's because I don't exactly know how the story will progress. I still have to include the vampires and until I have written many parts, I won't be able to post the final summary. 

Moonlight swept over Luna Carnagan's face as she slept in her elegant champagne colored room of the Alpha Pack house. A chill crept up over Luna Carnagan from the open window causing her to shiver.

“No,” Luna whispered. “Don't leave me.”

Luna could see her mother, Carrie, behind her lids. An angelic like vision with her arms spread out calling to Luna. But the vision was slowly moving away her.

Her mother's angelic face slowly morphed into a terror stricken face as she was being held down by those vampires. Her father standing in the sidelines, unable to do anything, in her dream as her mother was slowly losing her life.

Luna woke breathing heavily, beads of sweat running down her forehead. 'Same dream again. Thank god she had woken up before the dream could progress' was Luna's first thought. Luna had been having this dream since her mother had died when she was 9 years old. Her mother, Carrie, had been kidnapped by some rogue vampires and she had been tortured and killed. Her body had been found the next night in the woods nearby when one of the Carnagan Pack member's had been out patrolling. Luna's father had exhausted all his resources first trying to find her mother, then trying to find the vampires who had done this but to no avail.

Luna leapt off the bed and went to stand in front of the mirror gazing into the eyes of her mother, into the face of her mother. She looked like her mother. The same hazel eyes, the same smooth chin, the same high cheekbones, the same glossy red hair. She could never look at her face without remember her mother. It was a blessing and a curse at the same time because she always had a piece of her mother with her but a curse because her father could never look at her without remembering her mother.

Five am. It was only five am, so Luna tried rolling back to sleep, but she tossed and turned until seven am when her alarm clock went off. 'Finally,' Luna thought. She could not bear tossing and turning anymore.

She went downstairs to the kitchen to grab some breakfast to quiet her growling stomach. She was entering the kitchen when she ran into him. Marcus Levitt...a chill went through her as it did every time she was near him. They were seemingly connected because the same night her mother had been kidnapped and killed, Marcus's parents had also been kidnapped by the same band of rogues and killed.

She looked into his eyes and she felt as if she could see through him, but she did not want to. He scared her. His parents death at his tender age of 13 had hardened him up a bit too much. Most of us did not turn until our 16 or 17th birthday, but he had turned into a wolf shortly after his parents had died at such a tender age because of the trauma his parent's death had caused him. Sometimes emotionally or physical trauma can cause the wolf to come out sooner than others. Since, his wolf had come out so much earlier, he had matured a lot sooner and hardened. He had become intimidating but whether it was due to the early turning or his parent's death, she did not know. All she knew was that she needed to steer clear of him, or else he would steal her soul. He would ruin her. As it is, she was holding on by a thin thread, she did not need him to destroy her further. But lord he was beautiful. At 6 foot 3 inches, he was the tallest man and also the tallest wolf in the pack. His dark, almost pitch black eyes were so alluring and frightening at the same time. His chiseled cheekbones, his square jaws, his broad forehead, his dark hair...all seductively beautiful but the frown he always seemed to sport when she saw him warned her away, far away.

“Hey,” she said being polite. He just nodded and said, “I came to see your dad. Where is he?”

Why was he even asking? He came here everyday, so he knew her dad was in his study. She wondered why he didn't just come by a little later at 9 when everyone had the pack breakfast in the pack house, but then again she hadn't seem him there often. Well, she didn't go there often either, preferring to be alone especially during one of those days when she had those nightmares.

“In his study,” she mumbled and went about to fix her breakfast.

An hour later, she was alone in the training room in her gym clothes training to get better, fitter. She wanted to be one of the enforcers so she could help protect those who could not protect themselves, so she could fight those vampires for herself and her pack and hopefully find some measure of relief. But, she was not strong enough yet. She trained extra everyday when no one was around because she wanted to be fitter and stronger, faster than what the training in the practice provided her. She was tired of not doing anything important. She was twenty two years old and by now she should have established herself but she had gone off to college, wanting to get away from everyone...the pack, her father, and maybe herself, her own identity...her wolf. But after everything she had realized this was her place. She could try to escape it, but she would never be able to escape her wolf which was a part of her identity. So she had come back and now she needed to prove herself not only to the pack, but her father and herself.

She had been using a punching bad, when she heard footsteps. Marcus, she could tell from the musky scent of wood. It invaded her senses. In fact, now she wondered how had she not noticed that musky scent before when she ran into him in the morning.

Luna was contemplating running away but then she figured he already knew she was in here from her scent so it would be pointless to run.

“ early and that too all alone,” he said.

“I wanted to get a head start,” she replied without looking at him. She did not want to look into those glorious eyes. She just wanted to train in piece, but of course that was not allowed since he moved nearer.

“You are not doing that right,” he said as he moved closer still. He got behind her and touched her back, bending it a little. Warmth spread through her back where he had touched her. Stay far, far away...

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