Stealing Solos *Zarry/Nouis*

By fuxkzouis

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Harry Styles hasn't seen hell, but Zayn's about to show him. Sick and tired of everyone paying attention to H... More

Stealing Solos *Coming Soon*
Fishing For Compliments
Eating, Crying, & Pointing Fingers (Cycles)
Changes & How Fast They Happen
Sorry My Friend (After)

That Thing That Comes Before The First Chapter...

441 17 0
By fuxkzouis

Chapter 1.5- That Thing That Comes Before The First Chapter...

    There was only one person of One Direction that wasn't the least bit happy nor excited about the recording of their new album. Take Me Home was a lot of work, but the new one they would be laying the tracks for, it was the newer, older them. But unlike Niall, Liam, Louis, and Harry- Zayn couldn't give two fucks about the new and approved them. He felt as if he had been asleep most of it, which was true, but he still didn't want to go through with it. So, he was the last one to haul his ass into the recording studio, bed head still in tacked and his PJ's looking worn in. He was most likely going to get shit from Ryan, their boss on the record. But again, as I said Zayn didn't give to fucks.  

     Harry, on the other hand, was filled with so much joy his hands trembled. He had gotten most of the parts he wanted on the tracks of the last album, so he didn't worry about not getting what he wanted. But, the time of Zayn's appearance made him have to contain his joy longer than he had to. He hadn't even noticed that Zayn had even came in when he did until Niall had loudly said hi to him. Harry just nodded towards his sleepy figure, and finally stood to make the circle around Ryan, who would be assigning and working out the parts to each track.

     Louis smiles toward Niall, his wonderful fuck buddy. He doesn't care for his girlfriend anymore, her number blocked on his personal phone long ago, nor does he bother taking her outside the flat. He just leaves her there, at the flat they share with the other boys too, and comes down to lay tracks with his five brothers- something he enjoys doing. So today which is like many for her, Eleanor stays inside listening to the boys  on the telly or the radio, waiting for Louis to come back to her. But Louis doesn't give to flying fishes (fuck has been overused) about the girl, which is why he has Niall, bubbly and sweet. Something he could always find with the lad. Besides, and he couldn't get him pregnant, like he might of got Eleanor. But know one needs to know, (besides Niall) he had it all under control, his secrets buried in the house until they came back later. But for now he was stuck on Niall, the new tracks, and wondering why Zayn even bothered to show up.

      Liam hates the fact that his band mates did not trust him still at this point. He wondered why he had to find out things he hard way, instead of hearing it from the lads. Like why Zayn was late, the same look he wore with their last music video was displaced  clear as day on his face. He didn't want to do it, he felt that unwanted tug in his heart, one Liam knew he had felt when the boys did things without him. And Harry, how he knew that he had broken up with Cassandra days before he told the boys, and days after he had informed the press. Or Louis, who keeps El in the house like a dog, even though she was a friend to all the lads, not just him. Maybe even Niall, when he would eat an immense amount to decline food later, which was unlike him. Liam hated the pained looks he gave when he said no to even a small piece of cake, which was becoming more often. All in all, today he was thankful the day was about their album, not their real life.

    Niall just didn't want to face the truth. Things weren't what they appeared to be, and he was tired of having to figure it all out. All he wanted was back in the days they started, when there weren't girlfriends, secrets, and cruel lies. He wanted his life back, but with that gleam seeping from Louis pale blue, almost grey eyes, was pulling him from earth. He wanted Louis this minute, and he told him so in a quick text.      

End of Chapter 1.5

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