Straight Trap (BxB) {Complete}


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'Falling In Love is Easy, Being Loved Back is Hard' is Aaron Thomas's life. Falling into straight traps is Aa... More

Straight Trap (BxB)
Chapter Two (Before The Fallen)
Chapter Three (Breaking Free From The Last Trap)
Chapter Four (Once in Dean's Trap, Always Haunted by It)
Chapter Five (The Heart Starts to Skip)
Chapter Six (Into the Fallen)
Chapter Seven (Being Force Between)
Chapter Nine (The Other Side)
Chapter Ten (Deny Deny Deny Deany)
Chapter Eleven (Hot Jealousy Trouble)
Chapter Twelve (Replay, In Dean's Mind)
Chapter Thirteen (Burnin' Up)
Chapter Fourteen (Love Sucks)
Chapter Fiften (Nicely Done)
Chapter Sixteen (Friday Night Fever)
Chapter Seventeen (Blame It On The Hickey)
Chapter Eighteen - Caught Red-Handed
Chapter Nineteen - Operation 'Kick Out The Trash'
Chapter Twenty (Meeting The Kruise)
Chapter Twenty-One (Abort Mission)
Chapter Twenty-Two (NRE)
Chapter Twenty-Three (The Rise Of The Heroine)
Chapter Twenty-Four (Rumour Has It True)
Chapter Twenty-Five (Past)
Chapter Twenty-Six (The Girl is a Witch)
Chapter Twenty-Seven (Encompass)
Chapter Twenty-Eight (Doing the Right Thing)- Ending

Chapter Eight (Unexpected Differences)

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Chapter Eight - Unexpected Differences

                My room was a mess, mostly near my bed and wardrobe. Why you asked? Well, today was the day that both of my crushes asked me out. I woke up in bed at 7 and quickly prepared myself for this big day. But unfortunately, I stared at the clock wall now, 8.30 was read on it and I was still walking around in my room with a towel around my waist. I was having a fashion crisis!

                 I just couldn't decide which clothes to wear and which hairstyle should I choose. I was standing in front of these jumble of clothes and gels, shirtless and a uncombed hair. Who said only girls and women got fashion problem, that's bulllocks!

                  "Someone helps me!" I yelled, causing it to echo around my room.

                  Within a minute, someone's footsteps were getting closer in a fast mode.

                   "What happened honey! Did someone break in?"

                    A tall and beautiful lady that didn't look like she was in her late 40 were standing in front of my door, with a pink spectula in her hand. She's wearing her extra large T-shirt and a pair of short jeans. This lady here is my mother. I inherited most of hers than my father's, her black hair, her butterscotch eyes, her height and her fair long legs. But I dyed mine with a little brown highlight. The funniest thing was when I went out with my mother, going for a shopping trip. People often took us as twins, which I enjoyed so as my mom.

                    "No mom. I'm just having a problem." I told her and pointed at the colorful clothes that had spreaded out everywhere in my room.

                     "Oh yeah, you are saying you are going out with a couple friends right?"

                     "Yes mom." I mumbled. Couple friends... More like a couple troubles.

                     "Don't mumble Aaron! I don't give birth to you to mumble!" She scolded me nicely.

                     "Yes madam," I saluted her with my best soldier mode. She laughed at me so am I. We were weird and funny together.

                      "I think you are better with your usual clothes. Whatever you wear, you look cute in it honey," She kissed my forehead and went out from my room. Before that, "Don't forget to clean it all up!" She yelled. I laughed, this's my mom.

                      So after my mom told me that I could wear anything. I decided to wear a sweater with a bunny hoody and a pair of yellow baggy trousers!

                       No way in hell I was going to wear those, besides I didn't have those. So I just wore my usual clothes but a little catchy. A V-neck white T-shirt with a big ' Being A Teenager Is NOT A Crime' printed on it and a pair of dark purple jeans. I chose a spiked up hairstyle and put on a pair of big rectangle white frame fake specs without the glasses.

                        I looked at my reflection. I looked adorable and edible. Cedric and Dean, both of you were in a serious gay case. I looked at the time. Shoot!

                        I quickly grabbed my cellphone and texted both Cedric and Dean the exact same text. This plan couldn't be ruined!

                        I texted 'No need 2 pick me, Have ride.' to both of them.

                        Thinking about Alice's words tomorrow after we were done with our movie, made me nervous. She told Seth and I the plan, which was a great one. Even Seth gave up to reject it. She told me to text them the those texts to them and waited for their reaction. She said according to both of their personalities, Cedric would text back 'Okay.' and Dean would text back 'No, I am picking you up'.

                          Bling. Here went nothing.

                          Cedric: M'kay, c u thr. *wink*

                          Dean: N.O. I already told you that I am coming to pick you. Don't let me find out you go on with some losers. Stay right there, I am coming.

                          Wow, was Alice psychic or what? But I was kind of dissappointed of Cedric's reply. He looked like he didn't care about this trip.

                           I called Alice and told her about the text.

                           "See? Leave the rest for us. Enjoy the dates." She said and hung up.

                           I hoped she's right.


                         "What the hell Aaron?" Dean yelled at me once I sat inside his jeep. 

                          "You think you can just bail on me with some losers?" He started the engine which made a loud noise and drove away from my driveway.

                          "Sorry" I said and lowered my head.

                          There's a silent between us that moment. But then, I heard he sighed.

                          I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. He relaxed a little bit and sank back comfortably into his seat. Thank goodness.

                          A sudden relief washed over me and I sank back too into the leather seat of his.

                         I took in the scene in his car.

                         His car was what I thought it was. Yes, I visualized his car. So? I was in love with him badly! I also visualized his house too. Like beers everywhere and dirty laundries. He's a gangster, what should I imagine? A rainbow wallpaper in his bedroom?

                          I looked around his car. It was clean and neat. Which was weird. I shrugged off the thought of him being filthy, instead I took in him.

                           He was wearing a dark checkered button-up shirt, a shirt that he normally didn't wear to school. Oh what the heck, he never wore this kind of clothes! And where's the PlayBoy's perfume? The only smell I smelt was his body odour, no perfume or anything. His body odour didn't stink, it was refreshing and damn nice. This was so weird.

                            "So Aaron, what are you going to play first?" He looked at me in the eyes and shoved his carkey in his left breast's pocket.

                             "What?" I always spaced out when I looked at him. Dean sent a playful smirk at me, making me felt embrassed.

                             "We're here Aaron. Come on." He alighted and went around the car, opened the door for me. He streched his hand out for me to take. I blushed as I took it, I felt like a princess.

                             JoyLand came in sight as I stood in front of it. It was big but there's no line at the ticketbooth. Usually this place was filled with customers. Adults and children loved this place. I came here once with my family, when I was really young. I didn't come here after then because my family got busy with their works. I used to love the Marry-Go-Round here and the rollercoaster.

                             "Tickets please." A bored girl was chewing a gum when she took our tickets rudely, ripped it and gave it to us. "Have a nice day."

                              "Thank you" Dean kindly said and took my hand into the funfair. Why he always took my hand and now he was making me hot! I didn't even start to run and the nervous sweats were coming out from inside!


                               I was amazed by the colorful and big tents around. There were lots stalls and games to play. The most important was, it didn't change much. The rollercoaster was at the same place, so as the Marry-Go-Round. But there were only a few people here.

                               "Pretty amazing right?" Dean smiled with a smile that filled with happiniess when he said that. He was looking at the rollercoaster with awe. A sudden idea bulb lighted up.

                               "Rollercoaster first?" I asked and received a eager look from Dean that made me giggled.

                     *                 *                     *                                       *                         *                  

                             We were having so much fun. Dean was smiling all the time, I rarely saw him in this mood before. He even laughed cheerfully when I wanted to puke after playing the 'Bump Car'. But I enjoyed myself, until...

                              "Sorry Dean, my stomach's hurt." I grabbed my tummy and bent down.

                              "Are you okay? I told you not to eat so many corndogs!" He patted my back nervously.

                              "I think I have to go to the toilet. You go look around at the giftshop first. I will be late." I told him.

                              "Okay, call me if anything wrong." I nodded and walked to the toilet.

                            When I reached there, I quickly ran into a corner and put on a black hoodie. I took off my white frame spectacles and put on a black one. Okay, I was ready.

                             This was the plan. Alice told me to have fun with Dean until she texted me when they couldn't hold on Cedric anymore. After that, I had to pretend to avoid Dean and met Cedric. She reminded me to bring another clothes for disguise. Then I would go meet Cedric outside, of course using my slipped in and slipped out ability. After that, Alice and Seth would try to hold on to Dean, which was a tough job to do. But Alice said she could handle a gangster pretty well, but I told her this's not school. She didn't listen, well I tried my best to convice her.

                             "Hey Cedric!" I was now at outside, pretending to wait for Cedric.

                             Cedric was in his 'Don't be Mean, Go Green' green T-shirt. He was rushing toward me and held me for support to take some breaths.

                             "Relax Cedric. What happened?" Although I knew exactly what had happened, but I still wanted to ask.

                             "I'm so sorry Aaron! Alice and Seth kept on randomly showed up in my house and kept on blabbering. What's wrong with them today?!" He kept on apologising, making me felt bad.

                             "Is okay Cedric. Let go in" I took his hand and went in. Thank goodness the bored girl that I met before still uninterested to look at us but our tickets.

                             "Let's play the 'BumpCar' first, I like to run that a long time! Come on!" Cedric said and hurried over to the place. Oh god, not again...

          *                     *                               *                          *                                *                     *

                              I felt horrible. Not because I literally puked when I played the 'BumpCar' again. It's because I had to avoid the giftshop and hid everything I saw a blue checkered shirt. Cedric didn't say anything about my weirdness because he was too busy looking at bimbos! I was very sad when he told me which girls who the best, which girls had the best hips. Seth warned me before, now I just got my punishment. I wondered what Dean was going.

                               "Hey! There's a game stall! You wanna play?" He asked and I nodded. He smiled happily and went on without me. He never took my hand like Dean did. He was enjoying himself with me following him around the funfair.

                                "Welcome boys, you like to play a turn? That will be 1 dollar for each turn." An old greasy man told us behind his booth. It's a coin throwing. If you threw the coin exactly into the red glass that located around a hundred of glasses, you won a big prize. If you threw in three yellow glasses you got a medium prize and two green glasses were small prizes. Transparent glasses won nothing.

                                "Two turns please," Cedric paid 2 dollars at him and gave me a bowl that filled with 5 coins. He got himself one too.

                                 "You ready?" Cedric asked me. I smiled nervously. To tell you the truth, I was bad at throwing things. I once threw a ball at one of my juniors' head and also threw a ball of note right into my teacher's eyes. You could call that a teacheye.

                               Cedric threw the first coin and it landed into a yellow glass. He got skill. His next two coins also into yellow glasses.

                               "One medim prize for this young boy here." The old man told his assistant to jot down.

                               His last two coins landed into the green glasses.

                               "Small prize for this young boy."

                               "Your turn Aaron" Cedric winked at me and moved away.

                                I gulped and took one coin out from the bowl. I threw it and it landed into a transparent glass. Damn, Cedric chuckled as he found it amusing. Jerk.

                                I threw three coins and two landed in transparent glasses, one landed into a green glass. I prayed for the last coin to throw into the green glass, but it didn't. Instead it bounced off from the glass and onto the floor.

                                  "So one medim and one small for the same boy." The old man handed a Nemo stuffed toy and a small notepad for Cedric. Cedric took it. I got nothing!

                                    "Wanna play for another round?" Cedric asked, trying to hold a laughter.

                                    "Don't want to." I walked away. Cedric laughed and blocked my way.

                                    "Don't be so grumpy, take this." He handed me the notepad. "A gift of failure." He laughed and walked off. He's a real jerk! He's not a gentleman too, I thought he was going to give me Nemo!


                                    I sighed and took out my phone.

                                    ' Where the hell are you Aaron! Are you okay? I am going to find you at the toilet now! BTW, your friends are annoying!'

                                      Oh god, Dean! I hurried toward Cedric.

                                     "I gonna go Cedric. I have thing to do. Thanks for the fun. I really enjoy myself."

                                     "No problem Aaron. I have fun too. I'm going to head back after all, wanna hitch a ride?" 

                                   His answer made my heart hurted. I thought he was going to ask why, and he wanted to stay with me. "I'm fine." I said and walked away. "See you tomorrow" He yelled and went off.

                                    I went back to the corner and took off the black frame and hoodie. My heart was bleeding like it'd been shot by a gun. I never knew this part of Cedric, he didn't care about me. He didn't even know me. I walked back to the gift shop and saw a very angry Dean.

                                     He charged at me. I thought he was going to scold me but instead, he hugged me tightly. Which my bleeding heart turned frozen from the second he hugged me.

                                    "Are you okay Aaron? God, you scared me!" Dean pulled me back and looked into my eyes. His eyes filled with concerned and worried. What happened to the Dean I knew?

                                     "I am okay Dean, I feel better now! Let's continue our date, I mean hang out" I blushed when I said out my mind. Damn I was stupid. Dean nodded and took my hand to tell me to catch up. I guesses it was hard for me to go now.

                                      "Wanna play a game Aaron?" He asked sweetly. I nodded and blushed again.

                                     I didn't look at where we went, I just followed him where he took me. We ended up at a game stall. It was a coin throwing stall... A WHAT!?

                                    "Welcome boys, you like to play a turn? That will be 1 dollar for each turn." The same old greasy man told us. He looked at me weirdly, like he was memorizing me. He shrugged off and focus back at Dean. I sighed of relief, thank goodness he didn't recgonize me.

                                     "How much is a coin?" Dean asked coldly. The old man creeped out by the voice of Dean.

                                     "We don't sell one coin." The old man told him kindly. Dean thought for a second and pulled out 2 dollars from his pocket. He gave the old man and took two bowls from the old man's shaking hands. He gave both of them to me nicely and took only one coin. He smiled at me and threw the coin.

                                   "Oh my god! Bulleyes! Red glass!" I said, amazed when the coin dropped swiftly into the red glass. Dean was smiling at me and said "Is okay"

                                    "One big prize for the young man here" The old man told his assistant.

                                    "How?" I asked, still looking at the red glass.

                                    "Lots of pratices at playing darts" He answered shyly. 

                                    "Now is your turn," he said and moved away for me. I was shocked.

                                    "You have four coins left!" I stared at his bowl.

                                     "Those are all yours. I only need one," He said proudly. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. Wait, did Dean just chuckle? This was so weird!

                                     In just a few minutes, I had wasted his four coins and four of mine, by throwing them into those transparent glasses. Dean was watching me carefully, he didn't laugh once. Not like Cedric. 

                                      When I was about to throw another one, someone went to my back and grabbed my hand. I was shocked. It was Dean's hand.

                                     I could feel his hard tonned chest and abs were pressing against my back. His hotness were making butterflies in my stomach. His breath was near my ear when he whispered, "Follow my lead".

                                   As the coin threw out, it landed perfectly into the red glass. I was too shocked to say anything. I was utterly over the moon and shouted happily. Dean just smiled at me and told the old man to pay up. The old man handed him two big stuffed toy. A Scooby Doo and a red AngryBird. I smiled back at him and walked away with him followed me closely behind.

                                    A sudden force at my arm pulled me backward and I once again crashed into Dean's hard chest. I turned around confused when he handed me the angry bird.

                                   "Why?" I asked him. I examined the angry bird. "It doesn't look bad, why you give to me?"

                                  "What do you mean why I gave it to you? I gave it to ou because I want to. You are very funny Aaron," he laughed and hit my head with his Scooby Doo.

                                   "Really?" I was shocked. He looked confused and nodded. I hugged him gratefully. I really love AngryBird, that's why I wanted to have it when the old man gave it to Dean. I lost hope because I knew Dean wouldn't give me. But I never thought he really gave it to me! When I realized what I had done, I quickly pulled back. He frowned at my action. Oh god, he's going to hit me.

                                   "Let's go!" Dean said happily and took my hand. Now I was confused, why he didn't hit me? Today was so weird.

                                   "Where are we going?" I asked as I was taking away by Dean out from the fair.

                                  "My house," he smiled evily and pushed me into his jeep.



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