Big world, small me ~Wicked s...

By FleurNijland

6.4K 221 16

Lucy Riddle Daughter of the famous and feared Voldemort. Goes to Hogwarts. After being bullied for several... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16

Part 2

536 17 0
By FleurNijland

I had heard there was an upcoming Ball to welcome the other schools. I wouldn't be going, I never came to things the school pulled. Because if I go I have to search for a dress and all. The girls would still embarrass me and I wouldn't have a date, because no one will ask me. So I'm just going to read a book in the common room of the Slytherin chambers.

The Ball soon came closer and I heard Fred had asked Angelina. And I thought he was nice! I apparently thought wrong, because he asked the biggest bitch I know.

On the night of the Ball I was as I expected sitting on one of the couches in the common room, in front of the green fire. I was reading a muggle romance I had bought one time I was in a muggle city, called Wales. It's from a muggle writer who died hundreds of years ago. It's about a boy and a girl who fall madly in love with each other, but their family's are having a big fight, they got married secretly, but the girls family wants her to get married to a man of their choice, the boy goes away for awhile and when he comes back he sees her lay dead. She had taken some potion and was being like dead for a couple of hours. He didn't knew and killed himself. She woke up minutes later and when she saw him, she killed herself out of love for the boy. The family's found them entangled in each other's arms dead, they made up. The love of the two has brought their family's back togheter but dead was the price they had to pay.

I hated romances, because they are always.. well so.. romantic. This tragedy was also romantic, but I liked the end. The family's were reunited and the boy and girl would be togheter in death, so I don't get why it's called a tragedy.

Later at night the people came leaking in to the common room. The night was comming to an end so the people were comming back tiredly from the Ball. I decided to go to my room. I walked towards the stairs that led down to the girl dorms. The Slytherin chambers were under the ground, so we don't have any windows and it's always cold. We even got our own fireplace in our rooms, against the cold. The fire was green, the main color of Slytherin. Just as te rest of the room was. We didn't have to share our rooms in Slytherin. Everyone had their own.

Mine I hadn't really changed since I lived their. Still the same wallpapers, still the same floor. I had hang some posters on the wall from my favorite Quidditch players -myself I'm a beater on the Slytherin team, my teammates are a little scared of me, just like the other teams in the school. So they never come close. But I'm so good they had to let me on the team, I can shoot a blutcher so precisely it's scary. I once had hit a blutcher towards a girl from the Ravenclaw team. She didn't dodge on time, so it hit her right were I meant it to hit her. In her stomach. Most blutchers I shoot are on the stomach, because you're almost immediately collapsing and not anymore focussing not the game. But this time I had hit the blutcher so hard she was thrown of her broom and collapsed against on of the towers of the stadion. She fell down and hit her head. When she hit the ground, she was out. She didn't woke up in two weeks! Oopsie..-. Furthermore stood in my room a bureau, chair, bed, closet, many bookshelves and on the floor layed a dark green rug. In Slytherin we even had our own bathrooms, that was only because most of the Slytherins parents are rich and donate money to the school and because the Slytherin dorms are in te dungeons under the school we have all the space we like.

I put the book I was reading back on it's shelve and then let myself fall down on my bed.

'Arghh..' I said into my pillow. My dear cat, the only thing tat actually likes me on this earth, layed down on my back. 'Hi Argon' I said, while I turned on my back. Argon, my black cat, jumped of my back and crawled u against my side. I pet him over his beautiful soft hair. 'You are my only friend' I said to him, I know it's kind of sad but it's the truth. Argon looked up at me with his big dark eyes.

I don't get why Muggles say black cats bring bad luck. They're just cats, like others. They aren't any meaner or more sneaky. It's just something they made up. Just like they say bad things happen at friday the 13th. Or walking under ladders brings bad luck.
I fell asleep with my arm around the only friend I had. How pathetic is that.

My hands were wrapped around the rail of the Astronomy Tower. I stood, my face forward looking out over the hills, the Quidditch field, the forbidden woods, Hagrids little house and much more. I took a deep breath and felt my fingers slip away.
What would happen if I let go? Would the pain be over? Or was it just my imagination that told me that death would be better than the hell I lived in right now?

'Hello?' I heard a voice from behind me.

There stood a redheaded boy. I recognized him as one of the Weasley twins, first I thought he was Fred, but then he looked at me like he didn't knew who I was -personally of course, everyone knows who I am, I'm the Riddle girl for crying out loud-, so he must be the other one.

'Isn't it beautiful' He said comming up the little stairs and looking past me over the railing. I was on the other side. I nodded. 'So what brought you up here?' He asked, now looking at me. 'Problems at home, I think you have many of those' I felt my cheeks heat up. Why did he say such thing? 'or did the bullying after all those years finally took the upper hand and you thought nothing was worth living for?' I shrugged my shoulders. It felt just like I couldn't take it anymore, anything, everything, it was just to much. 'You know, I always thought you were strong. Whenever those girls did something you just looked like you didn't care' Did I really? Wow, I'm a better actor than I thought. I sighed. He outstretched his hand for me to take.
I knew that if I took it and got down, I wouldn't get up here anymore. I sighed, did I really want life to end? No, so I took his hand and he helped me down.

'George Weasley' He said.

'Lucelin Riddle' I said, smiling. He smiled back. 'But if you like you can call me Lucy' He nodded.

'You aren't like the other Slytherins, are you?' He asked.

'How's that so?' I answered his question with another question.

'You aren't as cocky' I put my nose up in the air.

'I can be' I said honestly. He laughed

'Care to go with me to grab a bite in the Great Hall? It's lunchtime and I'm hungry' He asked. I nodded.

'Yea, sure'

We walked through the hallways talking. Well, he talked. I listened. He told me about his family. I found out he had one little brother Ron, who was friends with Harry Potter -that could come in handy-, three older brothers, Percy, Charlie and Bill. A twin brother, Fred. I already knew that and I learned he had one little sister named Ginerva or Ginny as she liked to be called. He had a really big family, mine had always been my father and me. I didn't even knew who my mother was, I only knew my dad killed her right after I was born.

We walked into the Great Hall, I stopped. Where was I supposed to sit? I couldn't just go with George and the Slytherins didn't want me there.. I was already turning around when George called for me.

'Lucy, are you comming?' He asked, I nodded smiling. I followed him to the Gryffindor table. Luckily for me George sat down far away from the bully girls. We sat next to Fred and a boy I didn't knew.

'Fred, Lee meet Lucy' George said. I felt a blush appear on my cheeks. Why do I always blush?!

'We already met' Fred said grinning at me.

'You did?' George asked looking at me questioning. I nodded to let him know it was the truth.

'Well, we didn't' the boy called Lee said when he stretched out his hand for me to shake. I took it. 'I'm Lee, but you can also call me the boy of your dreams' I felt my cheeks burn like hell. He just grinned.

'Lee, leave the girl alone! Such a beautiful girl doesn't want to hear that from such an ugly face as yours' Fred said meanly. My cheeks heated up even more, if that was possible. He called me beautiful, I'm not beautiful. Every time I looked in the mirror I just saw a girl with light blond, wavy long hair and big green eyes staring back at me. My figure is nice, I think. Normal sized breasts, cup C. I'm skinny and have a flat stomach. So that's good. But I'm 5'3', really short.

'Look! Morron, you made her feel embarrassed!' George said to Lee. He turned red in his face.

'Sorry' He muttered.

'No problem' I whispered, still blushing.

'Sorry, here we are used to the flirty Gryffindor girls. I guess it works differently in Slytherin' Fred said also apologizing.

'I don't really know how it works with flirting in Slytherin' the three of them raised their eyebrows.

'You say you never flirted before?!' Lee asked confused. I shook my head.

'Never' I said.

'You never had a date?' Fred asked surprised. I shook my head.

'Or a boyfriend?' George fell in. Again I had to shake my head.

'A kiss?' Lee continued.

I just kept shaking my head at all the things they suggested.

The three of them looked really surprised.

'But you are like sixteen!' Lee said, when they were finally done suggesting.

'And the daughter of the Dark Lord. Boys do not seem to like that in a girl' I said, shrugging my shoulders.

'Wow' Lee said.

'Well, the boy who gets to be your first at everything is a luck lad' Fred said warmly. I blushed, again.

I felt a pair of eyes burn in my back. I turned around to see Angelina looking at me with narrowed eyes. I knew exactly what she thought.

Stay away from Fred or it's on.

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