A Picture of What Could Have...

By tori2012

529 11 3

Everyone knows of the slightly irritating highly interesting sidekick of The Joker, Harley Quinn, but did you... More

A Picture of What Could Have Been

529 11 3
By tori2012

"Life... is a very precious gift to give, delicate and enjoyable to the beholder. We can never choose a date when our death comes unless it's suicide. A criminal can choose who lives and who dies. Countless murders are reported on the news but there are no traces on the ones, or should I say one that is committing them. All they know is that he dresses like a clown. 

"It could be anyone in this city, your neighbor, your best friend...or even a family member. You never know, which is the scary part. Yes, I do have a confession, I know who this clown is, after all we went to the same high school. He was my best friend and I was his. He was a normal child with no mental illnesses of the sort, well from what I had observed from." 

The police man cut me off as he raised his hand. "They all start out like that. We need a name, NOT a life story," he said rather rudely.  

"If you please sir," I said a bit angrily. "As I was saying...he seemed normal at school, yes, always making jokes, he was a big class clown until he moved across town with his father, but it was the home life that may have triggered his current state of mind. You see as a child his mother left him and his father. After that his father drank and abused him until the age of eighteen. He moved into my apartment where I cared for him until he was mentally stable, again. At the age of twenty one he moved out, after telling me he had killed his father and couldn't risk me being in the middle of police controversies on his whereabouts and the whole nine yards because I had enough on my plate by being a new mom. After he left, he had gotten worse from the reports I have heard and now here he is, dressed as an insane sociopathic clown." 

"And his name?" Commissioner Gordon asked me very politely.  

"I'm afraid I cannot give you his name, because when I met him every one called him Joker, no one really knows his real name," I lied. "I know his mental state very well and am very well aware of the situation. I came here today to give you information on what you are dealing with. I am sorry if this does not help your case," I said. 

"At least we have background," Gordon said. "You may leave then, but expect to hear from us again alright Ms. Woods." I nodded then left the office to collect my seven year old daughter who was waiting for me out in the lobby. She looked up at me with the same brown eyes that her father had, but these eyes where full of worry. She grabbed my hand, and we then left the police station and walked home. 


"Yes Bridget?" I said looking down at her. 

"Why did we come here?" she asked. 

"Well...they wanted mommy to talk to them about one of her clients," I said.  

Bridget said nothing more for the remainder of the night. She went to bed after dinner and I went to my room as well but I couldn't sleep. Then I heard something drop in my bathroom. I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom only to see him. 

"You're kid is getting taller Brooke," he said not turning around. "Looks just like you." 

"What are you doing here," I sighed. 

"I wanted to see you doll. I missed you," he said turning to me. 

"I missed you too. Seriously why are you doing this?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and walked over to the vanity and looked at Bridget's pictures. 

"You're the only one who ever cared Brooke, but I don't regret anything that I did," he smiled. "I changed, and obviously you didn't since high school." 

"Maybe it's best you leave then," I sighed. He walked over to me and raised his hand ready to strike me but I caught it. "You don't want to do that. I'm transferring you to another doctor and consider our friendship deceased." I let go of his wrist as his face dropped. 

"You're just like him," he growled. 

"Correction, I'm nothing like him. I never left you, I never hurt you. I tried to help you but you just threw it aside. You threw me aside. You're right you did change into a heartless mass murderer." 

"Don't talk to me like that Brooke!" he yelled. Then we heard a faint voice and looked towards the bedroom door. It was Bridget. She came up to me and I picked her up, holding her close. 

"Mommy who is that?" she asked looking at The Joker curiously. I didn't answer her as he looked at her. I handed Joker a picture he had given me before he moved out and he left without saying anything. "Mommy?" 

"Let's go to bed sweetie," I sighed as I walked her back to her room. "We'll go to the park tomorrow alright?" She nodded as I put her back into her bed and shut the door behind me. 

The next morning I woke up before Bridget and got ready for my day. After I was done with my routine I went into her room to wake her but...she was gone! Panicking I searched the whole apartment and couldn't find her. "Bridget!" I called. "Where are you?" Then my cell phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?" My voice shook. 

"I see you noticed," the voice chuckled.  

"Where is she!?" I shouted into the phone. 

"She's safe with me. Well...for now at least," he said flatly. "Now, I didn't appreciate the way you talked to me last night doll so I decided to take little Bridget away until you cooled down. Do as I say, you can have her back, if you don't then, well, use your imagination. Are we clear?" 

"Yes," I said and waited for instructions. 

"Good. Now why don't we finish this at Arkham shall we?" The phone disconnected. I put the phone in my pocket and paced around the living room trying to figure out a plan to get my daughter back safely. Going to the police was no option for me. I looked at the clock that read 7:30; I grabbed my purse then drove off to the Asylum. 

Confused and trying so hard not to panic I went up to my office and as I opened my office door and saw Joker standing there smiling. "Thought you'd never make it, and how are we this morning?" I glared at him. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" 

"Ha ha, you're funny," I said sarcastically. "You got a lot of nerve doing this you know?"  

"Well I figured that taking your daughter was the only way to settle some things between us." He pulled Bridget out from under the desk and held her close to him. "Light weight she is." 

"What did you do to her?" I said shocked. 

"It's just knock out gas doll. She's fine," he laughed as he took out his knife. "She doesn't smile much does she?"  

"Don't!" I gasped. He laughed as he set Bridget on the lounge couch. Then he came towards me and grabbed my face. "Please." 

"I like it when you're so vulnerable, it shows who you really are," he said licking his lips. "I really like you Brooke but it's just not going to work out anymore, I found another girl. HARLEY!" 

A girl in a harlequin costume came in smiling. She seemed to be around my age, maybe a little bit older maybe 23 or 27. She looked at me and glared. "You rang Mistah J?" she asked in an annoying voice.  

"Take the child back to the hide out," Joker smiled. 

"Don't you dare touch my daughter!" I yelled at her. The girl smiled at me as she proceeded to her orders. I jumped onto her and plowed her onto the tiled floor. I held her arms back with one of mine and I did the same to her feet. Joker said nothing as he watched. "You put one finger on her I will kill you do you understand me." She groaned in pain as I let go and slammed her face onto the floor. "As for you! I let you into my home, I cared for you when no one and I mean no one wanted you, and this is the thanks I get!?" Joker just laughed. 

"I used you Brooke don't you get it? I used you for 9 years. I thought you would get it by now," he smiled. "I never looked at you as a friend or a lover." My eyes widened in shock. My heart ripped in two as I stood there and looked him in the eyes. Could he be lying? Why do I even care anymore, I ended the friendship last night. Then he grabbed a hold of me from behind and placed his gloved hand onto my neck. "Now, Harley is taking your daughter somewhere safe and if you so as much step out of line then I will kill her." 

"You would honestly kill a seven year old child?" I asked in disgust.  

"Don't tempt me doll," he laughed. 

"You're insane," I said shaking violently. He just laughed and brought his chin to my shoulder. 

"I'll take that as a compliment for now. Harley get the girl. As for you Brooke, we need to have a little chat," he said throwing me onto the couch. Harley took Bridget and walked away with her leaving me alone with Joker who closed the door and locked it, then turned to me. 

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered looking up at him trying to make eye contact. He stared back, eyes empty. 

"That is a good question, too bad I don't feel like answering," he laughed.  

"Tu ferais mieux de me dire Joker!" I said angrily. Yes, when I got angry I start speaking French, don't ask why. 

"Aw, is someone getting mad?" he said mockingly. "And why should I tell you anything anyways?" I said nothing, I drew a blank and I wanted to kick him so bad in the face. "Well it's been nice and all but I have to go. Places to destroy, people to terrorize." Then he left me alone in my office with the feeling of helplessness. I went straight to the phone and dialed my sister's number and after a few rings she answered 

"Hello?" she said in her thick French accent. 

"Bella, c'est moi Brooke," I said. "Je sais que vous savez comment contacter The Batman. O\u00f9 puis-je le trouver?" 

"Brooke est tout est correct? Que s'est-il pass\u00e9?" 

"Il a Bridget, Batman j'ai besoin pour m'aider \u00e0 la retrouver," I said. "S'il vous pla\u00eet pouvez-vous contacter?" 

"Oui, Je vais avec lui," she said then hung up. Bella was the only person I knew that could contact The Batman directly, how she did it was beyond me. I looked at my watch which said 2h30. I was trying to stay calm but my nerves wouldn't let me. I constantly worried about my daughter and what Joker would do to her. I felt lost, angry, and stupid for ever letting him into my life.  

I stayed in my office all day trying to figure out a way to get my daughter back, and where Joker was hiding her. There was a knock on my door and my sister Bella walked in. 

"Qu'est-il arriv\u00e9 \u00e0 Bridget?" she asked worriedly. 

"Le Joker," I answered. Her eyes widened as she collapsed into the chair in front of my desk. 

"Non, il ne peut pas \u00eatre vrai," she whispered. 

"It is true Bella. That's why I called you," I said as I started to cry. "How could I let this happen?" 

"Il va \u00eatre bien Brooke, Batman peut nous aider. Je te le promets," she said hugging me. "Nous devons nous battre et c'est ce que nous ferons!" 

"I can't fight him are you crazy?" I said shocked. 

"Perhaps, but ma soeur, you need to fight in order to get Bridget back, comprendre?" I nodded. "Batman aura besoin de tout savoir sur ce qu'il a dit et vous pouvez vous joindre \u00e0 lui. Il voit le bon en vous." 

"How can someone see the good in me after everything I have done in my life?" I sighed. 

"Trust me," she said. "He told me that he would meet you at the top of the Wayne Industries building. Pensez-vous sauver la fille. Pensez \u00e0 lui sur ce chemin Brooke." 

She left my office with one last glance before shutting the door behind her. I went to the file cabinet and started to read Joker's file. Everything in this file was a lie and I now knew that. I wanted to break something but what good would that be? I lost the man I truly loved and now I may lose my daughter all thanks to Joker.

Joker's Pov:

I watched the kid sleep for an hour, like I said to Brooke, the kid's a light weight. She did look a lot like Brooke which was the reason why I stared at her, but as I stared I noticed something, she didn't have Brooke's nose or mouth. I wondered about her eyes, if they where the same. I opened one of her eye lids and saw a deep brown eye stare back at me, then closed it. Nope, not Brooke's.  

I thought for a while about the kid, and who the father was but nothing came to mind which kind of bothered me. "Mistah J, they're ready," Harley whispered from behind. I sighed as I stood up and faced her. "Mistah J?" 

"Watch the kid I'll be back in a minute and then you can go with the guys," I said leaving the room. I wanted to destroy Brooke's life and the key to that was her kid. Maybe I'll give her a little smile that she can wear forever, yes; Brooke would hate that very much. I laughed at the thought. I went into the kitchen and started to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the kid. I wasn't going to starve her, cut her maybe but not starve her. I needed her alive for now. 

I went back to the room with the food as Harley stood up. I took the kid by her shoulders and started to shake her lightly. Her eyes slowly opened then she started to look around. 

"Mommy?" she said, her voice weak. I chuckled which caused her to look at me, eyes wide as a little gasp escaped her lips. "O\u00f9 est ma m\u00e8re?" 

"Sorry I don't speak French little girl," I laughed which made her flinch a little. "Can you Harley girl?" She shook her head 'no'. The kid looked up at me like I was going to hurt her, she was right; I was going to hurt her, but not yet anyways. 

"Where is my mom?" she asked. 

"Mommy's gone," I smiled as she started to cry.

Brooke's Pov: 

I finally managed to calm down after what seemed like endless hours. When I realized what time it was I quickly gathered my things and hurried out the door to Wayne Industries where Bella said The Batman would meet me. When I got to the building the front doors where locked and I had no clue on how to get to the top. 

"How am I suppose to get up there?" I said to myself. After about twenty minutes of figuring out how to ascend to the top of the massive building, I felt a presence close behind me. 

"I had a feeling that would happen," the presence grumbled darkly. I turned to see an enormous figure draped in a black armour type ensemble. I also took note of his mask, which had bat like ears on top.  

"Are you the Batman?" I questioned eyeing his interesting choice of clothing. He simply nodded, grimly. "Can you get my daughter back safely?" 

"I can, if you can help me get Joker. I hear you have information on him. I would like to have a look at his files that you possess," he requested. 

"Whatever you need that will help find Joker and my daughter." I agreed. A smug look appeared on his face.  

"Then, yes, I can help." He stated serenely. "Now, we need to formulate a plan." 

"No. Joker claims that he doesn't 'plan'. He's like a dog chasing cars; he wouldn't know what to do if he caught one."  

"I see. So, what do you propose we do?" 

"Well..." I thought for a minute...how does one catch the insanity that is Joker? "I'm not exactly sure... I guess we'll have to start 'chasing cars'."  

"What exactly are you getting at Miss Woods?" 

"In order to catch a criminal, one must think like the criminal, it's self explanatory Batman."

Joker's Pov: 

The brat finally, after an hour of crying, fell back asleep due from exhaustion, new record for that. Who would expect so much panic over a small thing? It's not as though I've hurt her...yet. 

Soon enough, the fun would begin. Her mommy dearest would be too restless to sit still for a certain period of time. I brushed back the child's hair, imagining the panicked look on her mother's face as she watches her perfect angel die while she sits back helplessly. I'd be sure that she couldn't do more than watch the act that some would call 'insane'. It was the perfect way to repay sweet Brooke for all she'd done.  

The girl twisted in her dreams. Soon all of those dreams would be gone; she'd be stuck in a dark abyss of nothing, just like everyone else I've ever cared about. "Sleep now Bridget Woods. Who knows how many chances you have left for your petty little pipe dreams." 


Brooke's POV: 

Batman and I made our way back to my office, as Batman searched through Joker's files, I began to think more. How does one get into the mind of the mentally insane like the Joker? That's when it hit me. Creeps like him don't think; they just do! What do we do, though? "Joker's probably getting pretty impatient. What if we're too late?" Of course, I'm the one thinking of the absolute worst possible scenario. 

"We won't be. I've dealt with Joker many times before. He wants you to suffer as much as possible, which means that he'll want you around if he's going to kill your daughter," was his grumbled response. His thoughts on the subject didn't exactly calm my nerves, but at least he seemed sure that we would find Bridget alive at least.  

I started to think the worse. What if he was beating her? What if he was carving his infamous smile onto her perfect angelic face? What if I never got to see my baby girl ever again? "How can you be so sure?" With out waiting for a response, I continued. "Like you said, you've dealt with Joker before, which also means that you, of all people, know how unpredictable he is. How do you know that he's thinking that?" I rambled. I came up with every possible scenario that I could, Batman just listened intently.  

"I need you to calm down Brooke," he finally said. "You're not making this easier on yourself." I knew he was right, so I tried to breathe, and calm myself down. Of course, I still couldn't help but be some what nervous about what would become of my sweet only child.  

"I can't fight like this. I don't have the proper utilities like you do," I finally said.  

"Brooke-"The phone started ringing. I peered at the screen to see that a blocked number had picture messaged me. I opened the message and nearly dropped the phone. It was Bridget tied to a chair, eyes covered by a bandana and blood running down both her cheeks. I couldn't speak as my breath caught in my throat. This was all my fault, and I couldn't even think of any way to save her, I was defeated. 

"Come with me, you're going to need some items," he continued after looking at the picture. He pulled me by my arm, almost pulling it out of the socket. Where were we going? I would soon find out, until then, I simply followed Batman into the unknown, wondering the fate of my innocent little girl.

Joker's POV: 

I put down the phone, simply imaging the look that crept upon Brooke's face, the worry and fright in her emerald green eyes, oh how I wished I could have seen her reaction as poor little Bridget sat helplessly blinded.  

"Harley, be a dear and bring in the...hostage..."  

"Yes, Mistah J. Oh, and Puddin', the boys wanted to know if they could have the night off." I sighed deeply, due to the annoyance at hand. I suppose I'll have to deal with it, though. 

"Do as you're told my sweet or I'll show you out the door myself and trust me, you don't want that," I threatened, my voice rising slightly only enough to scare her. 

Minutes later, a sniveling three year old was in my presence. "You're a bad man," she squeaked bravely. I laughed so hard I almost fell to the ground. I collected myself and stared her down, she shifted uncomfortably. 

"Little girl, you haven't seen 'bad'." I cackled a bit, as Bridget continued to glare at me. As hard as she tried, the child couldn't quite hide her fear, when she stepped farther away from me. "Don't worry little one, mommy will be here soon. Though, I can't guarantee that her presence will do you any good." 

"Why are you doing this?" She started to cry harder and louder. As much as I wanted to, I didn't slap her. I breathed deeply and answered her. 

"Why my dear, I'm doing this because I am a bad, evil man, as you've already taken the liberty of pointing out. My reasons are my own and you don't need to know them." I cackled as I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her off my feet so we could be face to face. She let out a small yelp, I smiled more. "Do you really think Mommy's coming for you?" She nodded, flinching away from me as much as she could while I was holding her arms. "What a na\u00efve little girl you are. You've lived such a charmed life, completely sheltered from all of the lies and evil in the world." She looked away from me in fright. "You can whimper all you like kid, it doesn't faze me. Thanks to 'daddy dearest', I lived most of my life whimpering, hiding in corners. I spent my childhood in the dark, praying that dad's day at work was good, maybe then I'd only have a few bruises." I started to put the kid down. Memories rushed into my mind. I looked down to see tear filled brown eyes. How could they be so familiar, and yet, I don't know where I've seen them? I released her, she landed with a thud. I began to leave the room. I needed to think. 

"Mistah J, the boys still want an answer." I glanced up. 

"What? Oh, um, fine. Just go," and with that, I left.

The place was quite last night with Harley and the boys away. The only sound I heard was Bridget whining in the other room. Eventually, she passed out from exhaustion. I laid in bed and thought, until I was caught in the hungry jaws of sleep.  

In my dreams, Brooke filled my head. I constantly saw her agonized face, painted with fear and worry. I wondered if that's how she looks now. Every dream I had was about her for as long as I could remember. They were dreams that could have been and now the dreams were of fear and pain.  

Today was a new day, bright with the promise of turmoil and demise, well, for others at least. In my head, I still couldn't shake the familiarity of Bridget's eyes. Even when she was sleeping in the other room, they haunted me, like a ghost from my past. They weren't Brooke's eyes; I knew that for sure, Brooke's were green, the eyes that haunted my nightmares. The eyes of her daughter were a rich brown color that could melt a person's heart. They may not have affected me, but that is to be expected by everyone else. Nothing could break me, nothing, except my past, but all of that was gone. Though, it has come back to haunt me so it seemed, and it has taken shape in Brooke Woods, and her daughter, Bridget. 

How could I deal with the problem at hand? I'd push it to the back of my mind, to the darkest depths, where it would stay for as long as I willed it. Would it be long enough? I hoped that the picture would shake up Brooke enough that she would be breaking down my door to save her precious daughter. Of course, Brooke's far from stupid. She'll have a plan of how to get what she wants. It would take more than one small picture to break her little plans.  

I looked down at the sleeping child. What would scare Brooke more than anything? Scars, permanently smiling scars on Bridget's angelic face like mine? No, not yet, that would have to wait.  

Brooke never was one to be spontaneous. Even in high school, she liked to have a plan for everything, where to go, who to be with. She always knew what was going on. This time was different. She was running on my schedule. As long as her daughter was in my possession, she would do everything on my time, no more planning. It would be fun, just like the few times she let me pick what we were going to do when we were younger. Things would change without notice, and she wouldn't do anything to fight it. Just like high school, but now it was serious. Of course, I knew exactly how to mix things up. Twisted comedy has always been a specialty of mine and why would I want everything to be so serious?

Brooke's POV: 

The Bat-cave was cold, unwelcoming to all visitors and trespassers alike. I was learning how to use weapons, mostly guns and knives. I liked the guns more. I knew, basically, where to aim and how to kill, but I wanted to know more, like how to disarm my enemy if they were about to attack me, or worse Bridget. She was always on my mind, greatly hindering my ability to learn. Bridget always comes first in my mind. I was doing all of this for her, but now that I was trying to learn more, it was harder for me to perform when I was so worried. I missed everything, being preoccupied with thoughts of what he could be doing to my poor little girl. I was doing all of this for her, but would she be proud of her mom if she knew I'd probably kill someone? Would I even be able to kill anyone? Could I really kill the man who was once my best friend? 

"Brooke I need you to focus," Batman said after he took the knives away from me. "Maybe teaching you weapons isn't the best idea." 

"Why not?" I asked curiously. 

"I can't kill people, it's inhuman and me teaching you this isn't the way to go. We can't be like The Joker I realize this now. You're combat skills are as good as mine now and I believe that we're ready to find him and your daughter," he said. He was right, weapons are a dangerous thing and I never intended on taking someone's life, no matter the crime. 

"Alright, no plans?" I said. 

"Just do, no plans. We have to think like The Joker remember?" 


That night we set out, I wore a costume to hide my identity from Joker. I knew he would expect me coming through the door but if I wore something like Batman he would think I was some one else and that's what I wanted, so I was now known as Serenity. Batman picked the name and I liked it honestly. It fit me well, usually, but, right now, I was everything but serene. I was worried, anxious, and scared to death of what would happen. I had to put all of that out of my mind though. Batman had taught me how to do that sort of stuff. Ever since my training had that big down drop, he thought it necessary for me to learn how to concentrate my thoughts. Now was the time I would need all of my training. 

It felt weird to be fully armed, but I would just have to get used to the feeling, for Bridget's sake. I was pulled out, harshly, out of my thoughts by Batman's voice. "Focus, Brooke. Now, how much longer will it be before we find Joker?" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me a bit to make sure I comprehended the seriousness of the situation.  

"Last I heard he was at the abandoned toy factory," I said trying to remember. "I'm not really sure exactly but that's my best guess." 

"Better than nothing," he grumbled.

Joker's POV 

I was beyond frustrated as I threw my blue prints to the ground. Brooke should have been here by now, it's been several days. She probably thought I was still at the toy factory and went there. I looked down at her daughter, then grabbed her by the wrist and threw her to one of the boys. 

"Take her in the other room and watch her," I snapped.  

"Yes Boss," he said dumbly and took the child out of my sight. For once, I had nothing. I couldn't think straight and it was Brooke's fault. I sat down in my office chair, holding my head in my hands. Brooke could see right through me, and was always a step ahead of me. I needed to do something, something that would be unexpected to her. 

"Whatcha doing in the dark Puddin'?" Harley said as she started to rub my shoulders.  

"Harley I'm a little stuck, care to add anything to little Brooke's situation?" I asked. 

"Well, we could just kill her kid," she said. I stood up quickly and turned to her about to slap her, instead I grabbed her by the throat and pinned her against the wall. 

"Killing the kid won't..." I stopped and let Harley fall to the ground. "Hmmm...Giving the kid scars like mine will do, and killing her in front of Brooke would simply kill her inside and out. You may be on to something." Harley said nothing as I continued to think out loud. "But the question is how? I want something different, laughing gas is normal for Brooke, and shooting her is too fast. Torture maybe? What do you think Harley?" 

"Like a torture video?" she whispered as I bent down and lifted her head up with my index finger. 

"Something like that perhaps, but for now why don't you go get a straight jacket and put the kid in the padded room for a few days and see what happens to her little undeveloped mind." 

"Sure thing Mistah J," she said as I helped her up and she left to do her order. Letting Brooke see her little girl in an awful state of mind would be somewhat funny. Her little girl, crazy. I almost laughed at the thought. What about brainwashing? I never tried that before and turning her only child against her would be a big slap in the face, and maybe letting the kid attempt to kill her own mother... 

"That's it!" I smiled broadly. "Brainwash the child and turn her against her own mother. Throw a weapon in there and we have a show! The padded room should do the trick." 

I walked over to my bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling but as I stared my mind wandered to the old times with Brooke. She was beautiful, still is even now. She was the only one who cared and she showed it every day by coming over when my father was at work and just spending time with me. What a waste of her time.

Brooke's POV 


I heard them again, arguing about nothing. We were neighbours and his bedroom window faced mine on the second story. I wished I could do something about the abuse his father gave him but he told me if I ever interfered with disciplining his son he would hurt me in the worst possible way. I never told anyone nor got in the way. I only went next door when his father left and I would always find him picking himself off his bedroom floor, blood coming from his mouth and nose. One, or both his eyes would be black and bruises would cover his ribs. I was 15 at the time; he was 16, turning 17 in less than a week. 

I helped him into the bathroom, telling him to hold his head up while holding his nose. He sat on the toilet as I went through the medicine cabinet to find bandages and a liquid gel that would help with the cuts not getting infected. 

"Brooke..." he whispered as I started to clean his wounds. 

"Yes?" I said looking into his chocolate brown eyes. 

"Thank you for being here. It means a lot," he said. I smiled as I brushed back his soft brown hair but it faded when I saw another cut on his forehead.  

"Why do you let him do this to you?" I asked in a whisper. He didn't answer me as he looked away. "It's okay; you don't have to say anything." Before I could tend to the other cut he stood up and stopped in the door way and turned back to me, face full of panic. 

"He's back! Hurry!" he grabbed my arm and we ran into his room; he pushed me into his closet. "Hide under the clothes and don't make a sound." I nodded as he closed the door. I hurried and buried myself under his laundry and stared out the crack of the door. He was sitting on his bed staring at the floor until his father walked in. I held my breath as his father got closer. 

"Come here," his dad mumbled as he grabbed his only child by the collar of his shirt. I closed my eyes and I heard the abuse go into effect. I heard the pleas to stop but his father never stopped. I wanted to go out there and stop it myself but what good could it do, a little girl standing up for her friend to an abusive parent who could also hurt her. I was scared and confused. "Not so tough now eh? And where's your little girlfriend? Oh wait I forgot you don't have one!" He laughed insanely. I opened my eyes and saw him crying as he got kicked in the stomach. "That little neighbour girl, you think she actually cares about you? You're nothing." 

"Don't bring her into this!" 

"Aw did I hit a soft spot?" Tears came from my eyes and I held my mouth so I wouldn't cry out loud.  

"This is why Mom left! Look at you!" His father raised his fist and brought it down into his face. 

"Yeah and too bad she didn't take you with her." I wanted to leave, get away but deep down I knew I had to do something, but what? Then I remembered I had a pocket knife in my back pocket; I could use it for protection right? I carefully took the piles of clothes off me and waited for the right moment, but when was the right moment? 

Then there was silence and a slamming of a door. His father left. I literally kicked opened the closet door and ran over to him. When he looked up at me my heart sank, his face was covered in blood. I pulled him close to me and we both held each other tightly. 

"Jack..." I whispered.


I sat up in bed and looked around, panting as I did. I had a dream about my past...was that even possible? I rubbed my temples as I got out of bed and headed down stairs to the kitchen. I need something to drink, no not alcohol, just something simple like milk or water. It's been over a week since Joker took Bridget and since I have gotten a good night's rest. 

"Brooke you're up?" Bruce said a little surprise. Over this week I figured out who Batman was and honestly, we've gotten close, not close as in 'dating' but a close friendship, like brother sister type relationship. "Is everything alright?" 

"Yes...and no," I sighed as I poured myself a glass of milk. Bruce looked at me then away trying to figure out what to say. Then my cell started to go off so I answered it. "Hello?" 

"Hello my dear Brooke, miss me yet?" Joker laughed through the phone. I sighed, I was tried of his games but then I thought, why not go with it this time just to throw him off. 

"I'm so glad you called sweetheart," I said sarcastically. Bruce looked at me at my sudden mood change and I mouthed 'Joker' and he nodded. "And how are we today? Is the medication helping?" He chuckled. 

"I would watch that pretty little mouth if I were you my sweet," he said. "I'm just calling to let you know that your daughter is suffering from separation so I treated her with a padded room. Isolation is the key nowadays for children her age." My eyes widened but I remained in character. 

"Well I assure you that Isolation is an uncanny treatment for a seven year old, what are her symptoms?" I asked trying so hard to stay calm. 

"Hmmm...well she talks to herself, that's unnatural. She panics when people are near her. Tell me, was there any abuse to the child that you could think of?" He was trying not to laugh. I started to grow very impatient and he knew that, he could always get this way when he was like this. 

"Well," I said clearing my throat. "What do you want me to do about it?" 

"You're her mother toots. Why don't you come down here and help the kid out before I treat her with something else," he laughed insanely. "I could send you another picture." 

"That won't be necessary," I said. I thought for a minute, what kind of place would have padded cells besides the Asylum?

Joker's POV 

I hung up the phone before she could say anything else. I knew she was getting anxious even when she tried to hide it, but what confused me a little was her going along with the conversation like that. She never went along with me like that before. 

I walked slowly to the padded room and peered into the little window that was on the door. The girl was just laying there staring at the ceiling speaking nonsense. Curious, I listened. 

"She never knew what could have been, nor did he. They let go of each other and parted only to be reunited by hatred," she said. Then, her head shot towards my direction. "They once loved each other, and through everything that has happened between them, they still had a connection through love and blood." Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep. 

Now why would a seven year old speak like that? This somewhat baffled me. It sent a small shiver down my spine as I opened the door. I walked in to see the small girl curled in a ball as she slept, tossing in her dreams. I wish I could just peer into her mind, find out what she's thinking, for one minute. The way she spoke before sleep stole her away sparked my interest. Maybe I underestimated the mind of Brooke's sweet daughter. I began to walk out, as Bridget tossed. What was she dreaming about? I supposed I won't find out. I made my way out of the room. Soon, she would be at my disposal.  

I thought about her words, 'connected by love and blood'? By blood...Now what the hell would that mean? Who could she be talking about?  


It was the middle of the night when I knocked on Brooke's apartment door. She answered the door, appearing tired. Her stomach had swollen more than the last time I'd seen her. It seemed to grow more over every period of time we were apart. Eventually, I knew it would stop, but it seemed to be a never ending growth.  

"Hey," she smiled weakly. "For got your key again?"  

"Yeah sorry," I laughed as I scratched the back of my neck. She stepped aside, marking my way into the house. I walked inside after her. "How are you feeling today?" 

"Blah is what I'm feeling, any day now and this little buggar is going to pop out," she said pointing at her oversized stomach. "What about you?" 

"Just fine, I got a movie while I was out," I smiled as I sat on the couch with her. 

"Really? What movie did you get?" she asked excitedly.  

"Freddy vs. Jason," I said popping in the movie into the DVD player and turning on the TV. Her eyes widened in delight. I laughed as she pulled me closer to her; I wrapped my arm around her and held her close as we started to watch the movie. Even though we were only friends, I would always love her. About thirty minutes into the movie, she screamed. "Calm down, it's just a movie," I laughed, wrapping my arm around her, "I promise I won't let Freddie or Jason get you." 

"NO YOU DUMB SHIT! THE BABY IS TRYING TO FIND ITS EFFING WAY OUT!!!!!!!!! Get the car. NOW!" she screamed between her contractions. I did exactly as I was told. I snatched the keys off the counter and ran outside. Brooke was following behind me holding her enlarged tummy. I drove her to the hospital as quickly as I could, without getting pulled over by the police. We arrived.  

The contractions were much closer together now. She was getting closer to giving birth. We brought her into the hospital, and immediately, staff was surrounding her, making sure everything ran smoothly. As I slumped into one of the incredibly uncomfortable hospital chairs, I sighed. I was relieved to have other people there to deal with the stress, instead of me, but deep down I felt like I should be in the room with her comforting her like she did to me after the pleasant beatings my father gave me. I just didn't know how to be comforting... I'd never had anyone in my life that comforted me, except for Brooke. My dad abused me for my entire life, and my mom left. Brooke was the only person that had ever been there for me, and I couldn't even help her through having her baby. What kind of person was I to not even be able to help the only person that had ever helped me... 

I started to walk out of the hospital; I couldn't just sit in the waiting room with my head in my hands. I had to do something. I couldn't seem to help Brooke, but maybe I could help myself. I'd do something to fix my screwed up life. 

I roamed the streets for hours thinking my life over. My father made me this way right? Should he be punished for the abuse he gave me many years ago? I thought so, as I made my way to the old apartment that he lived in. Would he still be there? Probably. Good ol' dad would never let that apartment go. "Too many...good...memories" he always said. Hm, good for whom? That's what I always wondered. Well, now, I'd have at least one good memory from that Hell-hole he called my home. After tonight, I'll have the memory of his death to comfort me. Maybe, just maybe, I'll have a normal life after tonight.

It was settled. I couldn't allow that man to live another day endangering the lives of everyone he past on the street. I walked back to the prison I'd been trapped in for so many years. The old man didn't see it coming when I put the knife to his mouth. He'd left his mark on me all those years...why not return the favor? But I knew that wouldn't do the trick. he might bleed out eventually, but the cuts were likely to clot before that happened. No, i had to be sure that I succeeded. So I put the .22 to his temple, and Pops saw his whole life drain through it's barrel. That was it. Daddy-dearest was gone, and it was by my hand, just as I'd always wished.

There was a flaw in my plan though: How could I go back to Brooke after this??? The police would catch wind of this crime; it would only be a matter of time until they were after me...I'd have to leave...


I never did go back...Not until now...She never did change...It's funny...I looked at the little girl, sitting in the padded room, she looked so peaceful...So much like her mother...Where could she have gotten those big, brown eyes??? I knew every one of the men she'd been with when she was pregnant...Blue eyes, every last one of them...It just didn't make sense...So why do her eyes look so familiar to me??? I didn't have too much time to ponder on it, as I heard a squeal come from Harley in the foyer.

"Harley," I shrieked, "Shut it! I'm trying to think in here!" She rushed into the room, fighting to catch her breath, holding her eye.

"Mis-mis-mistah J," she stuttered, "We have company..." Fear crossed her face just before it was slammed into the wall by the door.

"Well, hey there Toots," I laughed, as Brooke and The Batman stormed in.

"Don't you 'Toots' me you son of a bitch!" she yelled at me, "where's my daughter???"

I just laughed, "Oh, she's safe, enough." Against my better judgement, I brought the duo back to see the child, but not before making sure neither of them could get in. A drop of sleeping gas knocked them right out. A few minutes or so later, they came to and saw sweet little Bridget tied to a chair in front of their terrified eyes.

"You let her go Joker, or I swear, I will kill you before the police even start looking for you," she threatened from her own chains. I ignored her though. She couldn't follow through with her threats...Not as long as she was chained to the wall. I simply flipped out my knife and made my way to the little girl.

"Please," she cried, "she's just an innocent little girl...don't hurt her, please..."

I saw the fear in her eyes, and it was enough to melt anybodies heart, well, anybody with a working heart, I laughed to myself. I brought the knife up to the corner of Bridget's mouth, but stopped short of pulling. "But don't you want your daughter to have a permanent smile? She'll always be happy," I suggested sadistically.

"Jack, no!" she screamed just before I pulled.

"Jack? No one's called me that in years..." I thought back to the last time I'd heard my real name...I was with Brooke, in what used to be our shared apartment. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, and said she needed a shoulder to cry on...Oh, she cried alright. I consolled her the best way I could...When compliments, and teasing didn't work, I kissed her. She amazingly kissed back and it just continued from there...Neither of us expected it, so we didn't have a condom...It was weeks later that she found out about Bridget...I hadn't thought much about it then, she'd been with a couple other guys around the same time...I looked down at my knife, to see my eyes looking back, muddy brown, that's how I always thought of them, it hit me then though...There hers...I looked up to see Brooke nodding, she knew I'd figured it out. "Sh-sh-she's mine isn't she?" She just kept nodding.

I dropped my knife to the ground. Then, I dropped myself to my knees. I untied Bridget's bindings, and watched as she ran to release her mother and Batman. A daughter...I have a daughter...

I looked up to see her staring down at me from her mother's arms, then they left.

"How could I have done that?"

Hey y'all, this isn't the end....look for the sequal comin up real soon! (: Thanks for readingggg (:

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