Cross My Heart

By gopaperbackwriter

3.8K 357 206

**Main character IS Ed Sheeran with a changed name!** "Nate..." I called to him after he stood up. I stood up... More

Introductory Warning Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 10

55 6 1
By gopaperbackwriter

See, I figured I'd publish this chapter along with the last one, cause it's the same thing...only in Gavin's POV, so.....yeah. To get THAT overwith......hehehehe.



So we're in the middle of talking, and the fucking peep window opens. The security guy looked in longer than usual this time. I knew he was getting suspicous of me.
Then he starts asking about the trash bowl? Why? I'm supposed to have uninterrupted time, for all this money. What the hell.
And then it hit me.
The trash bowl.
I was naked, and that was great, but there was no semen or a condom in the trash bowl. For me to have done anything with her, there'd be evidence in there. And there's NOT. It's clean and empty.
Why didn't we think of that? I mean...I don't know what I would have done to make semen or a used condom in there anyway, but....we would have worked something out.
Shit. Fuck. SHIT.

The security guy finally got to the point of what he was trying to say, which was that I haven't used any condoms or ejaculated in any way the past three nights.
This was BAD.
He came in yelling shit to me. Degrading Gwen, making me want to punch my fist through his neck. How dare he call her trash. And a whore. She wouldn't have chosen this life if it weren't for him and the assholes he works for.
I clenched my fists at my sides, and I knew that right now was when I needed to exert perfect, control over my temper which was rising fast. Because if I fucked this up, I'd never get to come back here for Gwen and the others again. This would be the last night she didn't have to have sex all night long. This would be her last break. And, they might end up taking it all out on her, beating her....who knows. Possibly to death. I had to chose my words wisely, and not flip out and beat the shit out of this guy.
For Gwen.

Poor Gwen. I could see all hope disappearing in her eyes. The first night I'd come here, she'd seemed totally hopeless. But the last two nights, she's come a long way, for her situation. She seems to have a small spark in her eyes though now, especially tonight. It's like she's coming alive...being revived, right before my eyes, however slowly. She'd even smiled for me! It was a really tiny hint of a smile, but I know it was a smile, and it was probably a lot of work for her to do. She might not even remember how to smile, for all I know.
But now...I couldn't see the spark in Gwen's eyes. This duche bag had just taken it away. She'd had hope. Hope of a better life. She'd had a friend in me. Well, I hoped she considered me a friend. She even told me the entire story of her encounter with the strangler last night, and didn't say that she let herself choke too long, hoping she could last through it and die, like when she told me about him the first night. This was a big thing, whether she knew it or not.
And now...I might never get to see her again.
Not that I'd stop working on getting her out of here. I'd send in a friend if I had to. I'd call in the fucking Marines. I'd still get her and the other girls out of here. Don't get me wrong. It's just that she wouldn't know about it until it happened. And she would have to have sex all night, every night, without me to give her a break when I could "buy her" for the night.

When Gus pulled his fucking pants down, I knew what he was going to do. Right in front of me. That sick twisted fucking pervert.
Sure enough, he made Gwen suck his dick. He wanted to "show me" how it's done here. Show me what I'm supposed to be doing. Show me that she's not my imaginary girlfriend or some shit.
Was I supposed to be turned on by him forcing his dick down her throat, and push him away and stick mine down instead? Does it actually work that way for some men? My God, the life she's had. It's one thing to hear the stories, but seeing her actually get r&ped in the mouth....and it WAS r&pe. She was not doing this willingly. She'd never had sex willingly in her entire life. She's been r&ped every single day for how many years, I wondered.
I started to get more and more pissed off, but I kept my composure with all I had inside of me.
My heart dropped all the way to my feet, with a hard thud, it felt like, when he rammed himself into her mouth violently. Poor girl was gagging everywhere. And he trapped her mouth on himself, and she could barely breathe. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't beat him up. Everything would go wrong.
When Gus slapped her head, that was when I couldn't do nothing anymore. I can't STAND to see a girl being hit. Let alone what else he was doing... It's just not right. Women are totally innocent on this Earth.
All they want is to be loved and cared for. All they want is to raise their babies and have a happy family. All they want is love, for all they do for the human race. They just want love back.
And all they get in this life, is shit on for the most part. They get blamed for not raising their kids, if they need to work. They get shamed for breast feeding their babies like nature intended. They get blamed for holding the family back if they DON'T work, but stay home with the kids. They get paid less in the work place.
They get constantly used by men. They get r&ped. Abused. Picked on. Held down.......
They are mere sex objects for most men. She's right, when she says she hates men. She's absolutely right. Most men ARE assholes, just looking to stick their dick in someone.
But if I can get her out of here, she'll hopefully find a great man someday. And I'll make sure he's great. Because I'll be her friend for life, and I'll watch any man that comes near her like a fucking hawk......or any woman in her life. She just might fall that way, the way she hates men.

I tried to calmly but assertively pull Gus off of Gwen. But he pushed me back.
So I yelled, and acted like I was gonna fvck her eventually, but I was just playing a game in the meantime. I didn't quite know what to say. It came out seeming more like I just had a cuddle fetish, and I'd lead up to sex in my own time. Whatever. I'm sure that was 'a thing' for some guy out there, right?

He gave me a choice now. Fvck her right here and now, or leave and never come back. I guess he wanted to make sure I'd actually do it. Make sure I was mentally capable of using her as a fvck piece. Having no care, except getting my dick wet.
The problem was, I was NOT capable of doing that!
This was deep shit now.

I looked desperately to Gwen to see if I could read her face. Should I do it? Because I would, if I could tell she ok'd it first.
This was the ONLY way I had hope of seeing her again. And I'd do it for her.
I know. It sounds funny. I'd break down and have sex with this beautiful, sweet girl, as charity. I'd "force myself".
But in this situation....I wanted nothing more than to NOT have to screw her.
I did NOT want to be another "client". I did not want to actually have paid tonight, to have sex with her. I did NOT want to make her have sex with me.
I just finally started to get her to trust me, for fuck's sake!!
I promised her how many times? How many fucking times did I promise her that I would NEVER touch her in that way? NEVER hurt her?
And now.....

I couldn't read Gwen's thoughts, but I could tell she was deep inside of them. I could tell she was being mentally torn apart inside. 
She FINALLY looked up at me, and I gave her a pleading look, wanting her to make the decision and I'd go through with whatever she picked.
I didn't know WHAT I wanted her to pick. If she said no, I could walk out that door tonight, and never see her again, BUT, I wouldn't have been a fucking bastard and PAID to have sex with a woman. I wouldn't have to be just another guy she HAD to fvck.
BUT, if she said yes.....I could hopefully continue to help her have a break every night, and give her some hope in life, and help her plan her own escape.

I left it up to her. And I could tell she was equally as torn as me about it.

Her eyes met mine, and read my face.
I read her face back. She seemed to have the same pleading look I did.
She nodded her head at me, which meant she wanted me to go through with it.
I would have to have sex with her. Right here. Right now.

Oh my God.

I didn't know HOW I was going to do this.
I went over to her, and I was shaking all over.
This would be the worst sex in the history of the Universe.
Which made no sense, because it would be with a beautiful girl, who I truly cared about greatly.
If only it could have been love. If only it could have been under other circumstances.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
I'm doing this.
Breaking my promise.
But she knows why. She ok'd it. Right? She'll forgive me, right? She has to. She WANTS me to do it, so she doesn't lose me.

"Fvck her hard....." Gus was babbling, making everything more hectic and scarier for us both.
Really? He wants me to hurt her? I won't do it. No fucking way. I will do it MY way. And it will be gentle, dammit. As gentle as I can get away with, anyway.
Shit! He yelled at me about a condom. I'd totally forgotten in my confusion.
How the HELL was I supposed to get this on? I couldn't wrap my BRAIN around what I was about to do, let alone wrap my DICK!
I wasn't going to be able to do this. He'd prove himself right. He'd prove that I wasn't mentally capable of taking a woman by f0rce. And he WAS right. But I HAD to do this, dammit.
Come on......come ON stupid fucking limp penis!!!!!!!!!!!
This was also quite embarrassing, even though she had to know why it wasn't happening for me.

When he told her to suck me, my heart sank again. I didn't want to do that to her. It's one of the most demeaning things you can have a women do to you. Having a woman on her knees in front of you is just....plain old demeaning. Even if they WANT to do it for you. It still demeans them. It still puts the guy in a position of power over her. Sure, I'd had plenty of blow jobs over the years. But that doesn't make it any different in the long run.
Trained to take orders and not hesitate, Gwen sat up and got right to it.
I still couldn't get hard, more so now, because I was officially participating in a f0rced s3x act.
I was being forced too, don't forget. This was all totally against my OWN will, too. I was enjoying this just as much as her. Which was NOT AT ALL.
But I couldn't fake it. She could. That's how she got through it every single night.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate.........nothing was happening.
She tried everything she knew down there. I could tell.
But still nothing was happening.
And then....she pulled me down towards her. I lowered myself down, confused as to what she was doing. She looked me in the eyes, and then she kissed me. I started getting sparks coarse through my lips where hers touched mine, but seconds later, I realized what I was doing, and...I stopped. I pulled away from her. I looked at her, and I was just.....confused! I had a zillion thoughts racing through my head at once. I felt a zillion different things. From lust, want and need, to disgust. Her lips had just been on that fvcking security guy's dick a few minutes ago. That's disgusting. HE'S disgusting. Her lips had been on two other guys bodies tonight. She was a prostitute, after all.
But.....kissing her had felt.......right.
I had liked it.
And I think it had woken my dick up.
So I had to kiss her again. I had to. I had to just....stop thinking about it, and kiss her. It's not like SHE was disgusting. SHE was fucking beautiful. SHE was SOOO kissable. So, I could do this.
After looking at her for a few seconds, I brought my lips back to hers, and continued where I'd left off.
And it gave me chills. And heated sparks. At the same time. All over my body. If this had been a kiss in the "normal world", it would have been the best kiss I'd ever had.
I took that feeling, and ran with it, and I felt my dick start hardening. Oh thank fucking GOD.
I knew she didn't WANT to kiss me, and she was probably cringing inside, but she was great at covering it up. I actually felt passion in her kiss. Real or not....I felt it. And that turned me on.
But if she could fake it, then so could I, right? I could pretend she loved me, in order to save her.
I was able to clear all the terrible thoughts of what I was doing, and pep myself up to stay hard and roll with it.
When she had me hard enough, she wasted no time to put on the condom, and I got into position.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to prepare. When I opened them, I couldn't look at her. I just couldn't. If I saw the wrong look in her eyes, I'd instantly go limp, and it'd be over.

And then I forgot that she had her bra and panties on still. Gus reminded me about that, and she took them off as much as she could, and I did the rest. When I looked back down at her now naked groin, I heard myself gasp involuntarily.
NOW there was nothing else to stall me. I had to do this.
I had already looked her in the eyes and told her I was so sorry. She said that she was sorry too.
What could she possibly be sorry for? Then I thought, she must be sorry for ME.
She hopefully knows how badly I don't want to do this to her. I'll just go with that thought, so I can go through with this atrocity.

When my dick fell between her legs, the realization hit me, that I was going to have sex with this girl. This beautiful, wonderful, smart, kind girl. And I really liked her. Even after only 3 days of knowing her, I could tell that if she'd had a different life, and we met, I'd fall head over heels in love with her.
Hell....a small part of me, the human male part, was hoping that after she got out of here, that she'd fall for me, and I'd gladly fall back, and we'd ride off into the sunset.....

But I knew it couldn't be that simple. And she probably didn't like me like that anyway. Or wouldn't like me like that later. I was a friend, and I was the only one who could give her any hope to live and suffer through another day. And I was fine with that. I'd settle for that, if it was all I could get.
Wow. I liked her more than I knew.
That realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I lost all concentration for a second, as I drifted off in my thoughts. I realized I was staring into space, right above her head, and I quickly snapped out of it, and got to work. "Night work". Now I knew what it was like. Being f0rced to have s3x when every single cell in your body didn't want to. My God, poor Gwen.

I started pushing into her slowly, but fucking Gus came over and kicked me with his gross ass shoe, I guess trying to make me hurt her and be f0rceful or something. But it didn't work. I kept my ass where it was, and I sunk into her slowly. And I stopped and let her adjust around me. The look she gave me was sort of appreciative, and I think I saw a small nod when she was ready, so I started moving inside of her.
Bloody HELL she felt good.
She felt good because I liked her so much.
But I instantly felt horribly guilty for letting it feel good. This shouldn't feel good. This wasn't right.
My guilt got the best of me now, along with all the emotional stress I was going through, and I turned into a fvcking sissy boy, and I couldn't hold back the tears that started to fall the second I opened my eyes and looked at her. They fell down on her face. I felt bad, but for some reason, she looked up at me, and she actually SMILED at me! ????? !
It was a true, real smile. It went all the way up into her eyes. She looked touched? I didn't know. But her smile gave me a whole new strength to keep going.

I wiped the stupid shocked look off of my face, and gave her a smile back. I didn't quite know what all the smiling meant between us, but it was comforting. I mean her smile allowed me to be actually be turned on by her, and by being inside of her. I actually got harder inside of her, as I let the good feeling of her walls grabbing my member flow through my mind.
I started to feel like we were having s3x together because we wanted to.
At least, that's how she managed to make me feel. And if that got me through this, then great work, Gwen!
But it did feel genuine. Unless she was a REALLY good actress.
I lowered myself to be closer to her, wanting to feel anything warm she could give me back.
As if she read my crazy mind, she whispered into my ear (which drove me wild) "I didn't know sex could feel GOOD"!
She gave me chills by saying that to me. Besides her lips at my ear, I mean.
I mean, she just told me she was LIKING this!
I wasn't hurting her and I wasn't being uncaring to her. And maybe, just maybe, I was actually making her feel good? She LIKED it? She felt GOOD?
She'd never liked sex before. I knew this. She'd told me many times. She thought it was the stupidest thing ever "invented". And she was convinced it was ONLY for men to like.
But just now, she realized, with ME, that it COULD feel good?
I was so happy, I could explode.
I stared into her eyes, to try and read her thoughts. She seemed content. Soon, I was naturally distracted by her lips, and I stared at those. How much I wanted to kiss her in this moment.
I wanted it to feel even BETTER for her. I wanted to show her I was sincere, and I had feelings for her, and I wasn't just "fvcking her" because I had to. This ended up being me sort of making love to her. Because I was doing it FOR her, so I could help her later. I can't explain it. But I knew what I meant in my head. Either she was actually liking this, as much as she could considering the circumstances, or she was so giving and kind, that she was doing everything she could to make this easier and more acceptable to me. I didn't know which, but I figured maybe it wouldn't just be a waste of sex? Maybe we could both get something out of it, since it was happening anyway....

As I stared at her lips, they suddenly got closer and now they were touching mine.
I got a chill down my spine, and I gave in to the feeling, and I pressed into her lips. I couldn't help it. And she started it, so there. Heh.
I kissed her tenderly and when my tongue grazed her bottom lip, I found my chance open up, and I took it. My tongue invaded her mouth and I felt bad that my first thought was of how many men had emptied themselves into her sweet mouth. But the way she made me feel, I didn't even care at that moment. I know I should have. But I just didn't. If she could live all these years and not die of a disease, then I'd be fine. Right? Sure. I'd get checked later. If she wanted to kiss me, and she did, because she was the one to initiate it, then I'd kiss her, dammit. And I liked it.
Nope, it didn't even stop me from enjoying her sweet tasting tongue. She still tasted like toothpaste a little bit anyway.
When she moaned into my mouth, it drove me crazy, and I started thrusting into her faster, as I held her face so I could devour her lips in mine. I was starting to get close now. I nearly forgot the rest of the world. I forgot about Gus standing there like a perv, watching us. All I knew was Gwen. And she sure seemed like all she knew was me.
The chills all over my body were unlike anything I'd felt before. This was a new experience. I'd been in love before. I'd had great sex. I'd had plenty of chills. But these chills......different. More intense. Focused. I don't even know. It was just different, ok?

I opened my eyes when she suddenly threw her arms around my back and pulled me closer. She was wanting me. She didn't have to pull me closer, but she did. She was driving me bloody crazy, and she was rocking my world. I didn't even know how it got to this, from how it started.
When Gwen started panting in my ear, I knew she was going to come soon. I couldn't believe she would come. She had told me how much she HATES coming, because it's her body betraying her, and it makes her feel ashamed, because she DIDN'T like it.
I hoped this wasn't the case now. I kept moving and just went with it, in hopes she was getting a little bit of REAL enjoyment out of it.
Her voice in my ear made me shudder again. But she was desperately trying to tell me something this time. It took her a few seconds to get each word out, but she managed to say that she was in fact going to come soon, but since Gus was watching......oh......right. She's not supposed to enjoy it.
If she enjoys it, he might kick me out anyway, in fear that she's attatched to me, perhaps??
Her eyes were now rolling back in her head, and she looked like she was in pure orgasmic lust.
So I did the only thing I could think of. I covered her mouth, making sure she could breath through her nose. She looked at me, and seemed to approve. Within seconds, her orgasm started. I could feel it.
I could feel her inner walls spasm around my dick. Her back arched under me, and her hips bucked up trying to take my dick deeper inside of her. And her first moans started to come through my hands. Nice and muffled. I know Gus could hear them, but at least I'd make it seem a little less wonderful for her, to him. Maybe he'd think I was hurting her, especially with my hand over her mouth. I hoped he thought something like that.
Her entire body jerked underneath mine, and I could feel every contraction around my dick, and that....put me over the edge now.
The feeling came over me fast, and in seconds, I was in the throes of my own orgasm. I lost all rhythm in my hips, and they just shook like crazy as I emptied my pleasure inside of the condom.
I didn't have to conceal my sounds, as I was a man, and I was allowed to enjoy sex here. I don't think I could have kept them in anyway. This was one POWERFUL, intense orgasm.
I don't know how it built up from being f0rced to fvck her, to what it turned into, but holy fucking HELL, this was the best sex I'd ever had in my entire life. And I'd had plenty of sex. There was just something different this time. I mean, the whole situation was different, I know. It was downright preposterous. But besides that....something about HER. She just felt....different. Better. It was like I was....bedazzled by her.
All I could think, was "Holy Mother of God", and that's what came out of my mouth as I stared into her lust filled eyes, joining her in catching our breath.
I think the throbbing of my cock inside of her made her spasm again, because I felt it. And then came the sensitivity, which made me jump when her walls clenched onto my relieved dick.
I looked up and noticed my fist was wrapped into Gwen's hair so tightly, I almost felt bad, except that she didn't seem to notice or care. My other hand was still on her mouth. Oops! I removed it quickly.
I was so weak from the emotions I'd just experienced, along with the most powerful orgasm ever, that I let my arms collapse, and let my weight down upon her slowly. She didn't mind, so I laid my face next to hers, and breathed with her.

Hole. Eeeeee. SHIT.

What had I just done?

Ya just had s3x with a prostitute, Gav....THAT'S what ya just done!

Hey, thoughts happen to go through your head at any keeps me going. It's what I look forward to all day, every day. 
Like, seriously. It does. 
I check her all. the. time. 
Just waiting for someone to say "Omg....I'm loving this", or even "Ew....this story is gross!"
I don't even care! Bad or good, it means people read it. 

Anyway, yeah....let's see if I get the next chapter published tonight too? It's done....I just go back for one final edit before I publish every time.

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