Memories and Happy Endings (C...

By cmrnotp

2.7K 90 15

Lauren and Camila have a wonderful life together. But has the ride really been that easy for them? More



1.1K 34 2
By cmrnotp

"I was born in Miami. I lived in Miami until I was 18. Prior to leaving the city, I found a job working as a waitress. There was this diner down the road from my school and they hired me the minute I walked in. It wasn't a great job, didn't pay well but it occupied my mind from school and home life. It was the job that changed my life. It was where I met my soul mate. "

"I walked into the diner one night, ready to start my shift. It was pretty empty as always, mostly filled by truck drivers making quick pit stops. I was behind the counter, bored playing around on my phone when this one customer walked in. She was beautiful. Her hair was gripped back but I could tell straight away how long and soft and wavy it was. Her eyes were this captivating green that made you completely lose track of your surrounding. I know because it's what happened to me. "

"She sat at a table and I slowly walked up to her. I started staring at the girl a little too long and I think she noticed it too because she awkwardly chuckled. "

"'Hi stranger'." Those were the first words she ever spoke to me and I almost passed out at the raspiness of her voice. It was so beautiful and smooth and it had the poorer to lull me to sleep every night."

"I was at a loss for words and the only thing thing I managed to get out was 'hi'."

"We simply kept looking at each other until I felt awkward and left. I admired her from afar that night and every night after. She would walk in, order coffee and sit there until closing time. I wasn't sure why but she never spoke to me and I was too awkward to say anything back. "

"A few weeks later I was heading to school with my friend Ally and we were talking about her boyfriend when out of nowhere, I saw her. Her hair was curly and dark and she was talking on the phone. She didn't notice me so I kept looking at her, the way she played with her thumb ring and how the choker around her neck complimented her skin perfectly. I only looked away when Ally nudged me, asking me who she was. I simply shook my head and walked away, not wanting to share my little story just yet. "

"Ally would constantly ask me who the girl was and why I was staring but I always blushed and kept quiet. I think she might have guessed that I liked her a little bit. "

"Another evening at the diner and another evening of me sending heart eyes to the green beauty. I had never thought of myself as gay, but then again I had never come across someone like her in my life. "

"I was pouring coffee into her cup this one night when I got completely lost in her beauty while she looked back at me. She looked terrified all of a sudden and that's when I noticed that I had spilled coffee all over her! I was petrified, I had made a fool of myself. I ran to the kitchen to quickly grab a cloth but when I came back, she was no longer sat there. I felt my heart break, thinking that I had scared her away for good. I noticed a napkin on the table and picked it up. My heart raced as I read the note - I'm sorry I had to leave, I lose track of time when I look at you. You're just so beautiful. I still had to change my clothes so I left. But how about you make it up to me by letting me take you out sometime?"

"It was so simple yet it made her sound all embarrassed and a stuttering mess. Maybe my imagination was just running wild but I couldn't wait to see her again."

"I woke up really happy the next day. I couldn't wait for school to be over so I could start my shift and see the girl again. I didn't know what to expect and I think maybe that's what made me all giddy. My happiness came crashing down when I got downstairs and found suitcases in the living room. I panicked and asked my parents what was going on. They just told me that they got a raise at work and were moving to California I cried and begged and blackmailed but nothing worked. I was on my way to California and I never even got the girls name, her number or given her an explanation. She would walk into the diner and wonder why I wasn't there. It was breaking my heart."

"My parents didn't even care about how I felt moving states so the rest of the day was spent packing and crying with Ally about having to leave, I only had time to call the diner and quit my job."

"Then what happened?"

"I was completely alone in California. I didn't know anyone and school was horrible. It wasn't bad in the sense of bullies or anything, it was just so lonely and everybody already had their friends so I didn't really fit in.  It was like that for a long time, I would get up, go to school, get home, do chores and go back to sleep. I would always go to the beach during the week and it was amazing. The ocean was blue and the breeze was refreshing. It was like a little get away, you know?"

"I remember it so well; one day I just walked up to my mom and told her that I was really lonely and I needed to move back to Miami because at least there I had friends and she went mad. She kept saying that they give me everything and I still acted like a spoiled brat. I was really upset so I went for a walk around the promenade. I think that was also one of those moments that change your life."

"I was walking along, feeling the wink hitting my face and minding my own business when I heard somebody shouting. I didn't even think to move, the next thing I know this skateboard is hitting me right on the shin and it was so painful that I almost fell down. I felt a pair of big yet feminine hands holding my arms, keeping me from falling and when I looked up, it was like every breath I had left my body completely. It was her."

"She shot me the megawatt smile I adore and I could have sworn I'd fallen in love right there and then. I thought I was dreaming, surely this couldn't be real; destiny wasn't this good and my luck wasn't this amazing. I was right; after we said our hellos, she told me that she was only here visiting friends, she would leave soon. I slumped a little but I don't think she noticed."

"She asked me if I wanted to hang out and obviously I accepted. We went to the ice cream parlor just off the street and she told me her name was Lauren. I loved it. It suited her perfectly.

"After a few hours of just talking and getting to know each other, I found out that she lived in Miami with her parents and siblings. She's older than me by a year and very gay, according to everybody around her! I didn't tell her much about me or my home life, afraid that she would pity me or be friends out of sadness. I just told her the reason why I moved to California and I apologized for not being able to have said goodbye. The time we spent together was perfect. I was aware that it was ending and it made me a little sad, so imagine my surprise when she asked me to hang out the next day!"

"And then they fell in love and moved in together and had a baby, the end. It's past your bedtime monkey, get some sleep," Lauren said, turning off the light and practically dragging Camila out of the room, leaving the door ajar.

Camila groaned and pouted adorably. "Bye baby, sweet dreams," she called out before she left.

The two made their way to their bedroom, closing the door behind them. "I love hearing your side of things," Lauren gushed, getting into her side of the bed.

Camila left their on suite bathroom and joined her wife in bed. "I prefer your version baby." Camila cooed, "especially the one where you told me what happened while I was in a coma after Sasha was born."

Lauren smiled. "I don't, that was the worst time of my life, I never want to see you like that again, you got me?"

"I gotchu babe," Camila winked and laid down, her back to Lauren's front. Lauren snaked her arms around Camila's waist and nuzzled her face into the brunette's neck.

"Did you remember to defrost the chicken?" Camila asked, half asleep.

Lauren didn't even reply. She knew how mad her wife would get if she didn't do something that was asked of her. She jumped from the bed and practically ran out of the bedroom in her underwear. Camila laughed and drifted off to sleep.


Lauren felt something moving on top of her, she instantly smiled and lifted her arms, getting ready for the hug. The little person snuggled into her open arms and yawned.

"You're up early munchkin, where's mommy?" Lauren asked.

"She's crazy again," the girl replied, making Lauren laugh loudly. "She always is, but don't tell her I said that!" Lauren replied, also gaining a laughter from the toddler.

Lauren got up and carried the little girl down the stairs, coming face to face with an angry Camila.

"Uh oh," Lauren looked to the child on her hip, "someone's in trouble. Five bucks says its you," she whispered.

"Lauren!" Camila yelled.

Lauren placed Sasha down and patted her bottom for her to go to the living room. "What did I do now?" She asked her wife after her daughter had left.

"First, don't make bets with our daughter, it's enough that Dinah teaches her rude things! Second, you invited Keana to dinner?!" Camila was shouting now and Lauren was slightly worried that Sasha would heard them.

"You invited Austin. " Lauren shot back in a hushed voice.

"Keana slapped me while I was pregnant!"

"It was an accident and at least she didn't try to rape you like Austin.." Camila gasped.

"Don't even...I can't believe you would bring that up. He was drunk and it was a mistake and he apologized."

"I can't believe you're defending that douche bag. I don't want him anywhere near my daughter or my wife."

"I don't want that whore anywhere near you so I guess we're even." Camila replied.



"Whatever, I'm taking Sash to school," Lauren sighed.

The green eyed girl slammed the door and drove her daughter to school in silence, thinking about their fight.

"Did you and mommy fight?" She heard from the back seat. Lauren shot her daughter a small smile through the rear view mirror and shook her head. "No baby, we were just talking loudly so we could hear each other better." Sasha seemed to have believed her and went back to mouthing along to Taylor Swift.

Lauren arrived back home and parked her car in front of their garage. She opened the door and was pushed against the wall straight away. She felt the thin waist of her wife flush against her and moaned at the warmness her mouth provided. Their tongues fought and clashed and Camila moaned.

"I'm sorry," she said in between breaths. Lauren nodded, "me too baby."

They kept kissing and groping each other until Camila reached down with her hand and slipped it inside her wife's jeans. The brunette flicked her fingers through Lauren's folds and smirked at the wetness already present. Lauren started grinding on Camila's hands, looking for more friction since she was already close. "I won't last long Camz," she panted.

Camila nodded and entered two fingers inside Lauren's core, the older girl moaning loudly and shaking, her knees almost buckling at the sensation.


"Come for me baby, give it to me Lauren."

Camila knew how much Lauren loved it when she spoke dirty to her and she was right when she felt her wife come all over her fingers with a slight groan.

The brunette smiled and retreated her hand, bringing it up to her lips, licking and sucking them, making a show of it to Lauren who widened her eyes and whimpered slightly.

Just as Lauren was about to get on her knees, Camila quickly stopped her and shook her head. "No, that was on me. It was an apology for being a bitch, I'm sorry."

Lauren chuckled. "Please be a bitch more often," she pleaded jokingly.

Camila laughed and punched Lauren on the shoulder, harshly, causing the older girl to flinch. "Ouch!"

"I'm sorry that I invited Austin to our dinner."

"I'm sorry that I invited Keana," Lauren replied.

"We'll just have the others," Camila smiled widely.

"Yeah..." Lauren whispered.

Camila knew why her wife suddenly seemed upset. "Hey," she grabbed her jaw and lifted her face so that she was looking at her. "I know you don't want to have this dinner, but it'll be fine..I'm not pregnant and I won't drop any dishes out of nowhere and I won't go into a coma this time ok?"

The couple hadn't had any friendly dinners or eaten at the table since Camila went into induced labor with Sasha. Lauren was to traumatized watching Camila fall and bleed that whenever she went anywhere near the table to eat, she would get flashbacks of what happened and have a panic attack. It worried the shit out of Camila but she never let it show.

Lauren nodded and braced herself for tomorrow. The two hugged and spent the next few hours just watching tv and making out like teenagers.

After Camila went to pick up Sasha from school, she called Dinah and Normani to ask if they were still on for dinner. The two agreed immediately. She did the same for Ally and the older girl also accepted quickly, saying she would arrive in California tonight.


'Ok Lauren, don't be such a fucking pussy.' Lauren was in front of the mirror in her bathroom adjoining the bedroom. She was about to head down and join her friends for dinner. She couldn't get the image of her wife falling slowly to the floor, lifeless, out of her mind. No matter how tightly she shut her eyes.

"Hey, it's ok...nothing will happen," she heard a small whisper behind her. Camila was standing by the door in her matching underwear and arms crossed. Lauren nodded and left the bathroom, coming across a white summer dress placed on the king sized bed. She turned to look at Camila and tilted her head. "Please don't wear that," she pleaded. The brunette saw how conflicted her wife was and simply nodded, promising to wear something else. Preferably not white.

The dinner went perfectly well. Lauren did indeed panic when she saw her wife leaving the kitchen but Normani quickly comforted her and told her it was alright. After that, they kept talking and catching up and messing around with each other.

Camila was washing up when Lauren came up behind her and hugged her waist. "I would say that was a success, wouldn't you?"

Camila smiled and leaned back into Lauren's touch. "I'm proud of you baby," she whispered into Lauren's neck.

The two quickly got ready for bed. Lauren lied on her side and eyed her wife suspiciously. "Where do you think you're going missy?" Camila gave her a cheeky smile and left the room.

Lauren knew her wife would be on her way to Sasha's room to tell her their story, all over again. Luckily, her daughter never got bored of it, even after hearing it a thousand times. She sighed and turned the light off. The green eyed girl settled on the bed and quietly listened to Camila's voice through the baby monitor, lulling her to sleep.

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