No More Parties (Boy x Boy)

By BlueCheckeredDemon

55 7 20

Just a random one-shot no one will want to read. Any who, warnings. WARNING: Suicide, cars, dots, and stuff... More

No More Parties

55 7 20
By BlueCheckeredDemon

Read description for warnings. Short authors note.

Word count: 2900

On with the show!


I stood up quickly as the door to my lover opened. The doctor came out smiling.

(Earlier that week)

"Hey babe."


"What did you call me for? Maybe a present? "

"No, baby. This is no present. David, I am so so so sorry! I didn't mean to! It just happened! I was--we were drunk! Please, please, please believe me..."

"Wyatt, what are you talking about? Is this about the party?" I clenched my teeth.


"You what, Wyatt?"

" Sorta had a party in the house--"

"Yea I knew that. You told me, remember?"

" Please let me finish." Wyatt took a deep breath. " I might of have with someone." He messed with ring around his finger. That's right, we are married.

I faked a laugh. " You're joking, right?"

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Davey--"

"Don't call me that."

I stared at the ground, grounding my teeth in absolute anger. This would be the fifth time. Five times....five fucking times. And after each time he would say sorry with sex.....Oh my god.

" Babe, I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to happen. I promi--" he tried to wrap his arms around me.

" Don't. I don't need your half assed promises. That's sick. I give you all the love I could ever conjure and you throw all away for some drunk twink?!" I pushed Wy away and backed up.

"I gave you my house, my clothes, my food, my money, -HELL- my virginity, and lots more! Why would you use me like that?"

" Baby it's ok. Just don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? You want me to NOT worry about it?! Because of you I could some STD or something! You say you're a pleaser, but you do anything but! "

"Please stop... I'm sorry babe... It's a lot more complicated than how I explained it." Tears started to fall down his cheeks

"I don't give a shit. Go get hit by a truck, you worthless disloyal bitch." I didn't mean for it to come out like that...

"Ok. " he mumbled something that sounded like 'as you wish'. I disregarded it thinking he was talking about leaving. Man, how I was wrong. So, so, so wrong.


(Please stay and read the rest. Mentions of rape.)

Almost a week has gone by and I still haven't heard anything from Wyatt. Not that I expected anything this soon. I've been moping around like some heartbroken teenage girl, but I don't know what or where he has been the past few days. This is his home. As far as I know, there's no where else that he could go. I called all his friends and they said he wasn't there.

I groggily stood up after hearing the mail bell ring. I stepped outside and shivered. Honestly, I love the snow, but this is too much. It's like 19° out here! I skipped through the envelopes to the largest one in the back. I walked back inside, thankful to be out of the cold, and tore it open over the living room table. 5 CDs came out each labeled in numeric order. I shrugged and picked up the first one. I slid it in and pressed play.

(Dialogue in video is in italics)

"So. Why did you come to us?"

" boyfriend and I got into...a little fight, and I was just going to get sent back home if I stayed with friends, so I was hoping that you would let me"

" No going back now. Not that you could. As soon as you walk into my house-- no-- any room I'm in, I own you. Everything about you. I OWN. You got that?"


As soon as Wyatt's face came into the frame, I knew for sure that it was him. At first I was about to just take the CD out, crack it, and send it back; but when that guy called Wyatt 'his property', I grew furious. I was mad at him, yes, but I still love him. I returned my attention back to the TV screen.

It was just a black screen, but I could hear Wyatt yelling 'NOOO I DON'T WANT THIS!!! PLEASE STOP THIS!!' in the background, accompanied by the sound of metal clinking together.

The cover on the camera lifted showing the guys face up close.

"Now now, hmm, David. Don't run away or turn this off or you'll never understand the greatness of your boyfriends asshole. HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

My heart clenched. If this is what I think it is...

"Hey boys! Our plaything is here! You know, from all those parties?"

About 4 other guys came out of nowhere and started smiling at Wy. The first douchebag moved out of my viewing point to reveal a naked chained up and gagged Wyatt. There was tears streaming down his face. Muffled, I could hear him scream out my name.


I sat there, shocked out of my mind. Was it because I am rich? Who knows. I did what they asked, I watched each disk. But I wasn't really watching. My eyes were glossed over with tears. I noticed that that the videos were hours long sped up and different men kept on arriving. Each day. I realized this by the third CD.

I was crying profusely, just letting them flow down by the 5th video. The 5 men who were on top of Wyatt dropped him roughly after defiling him.

"Hey. Looks like you have a caring boyfriend. IF he watched this far. I think you had enough, you aren't fighting back that much anymore. I'm dropping him off at First and Amistad.

My ears perked up to this. I can get him back? I can get him back! I jumped up but stood standing, watching for anything else. Which is good cause my baby was trying to talk. He snorted and spat to the side a glob of really creamy saliva. I cringed, but listened intently.

" David, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I lied to you baby. Yes what you just watched is what happened at the parties. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I would love to see you and hold you and smell you and hear your voice, but I'm not worthy enough. So, no more parties. I love you."

"Oh shut up you piece of shit. Stop your whining." The video cut off.

I quickly went up stairs and got dressed after safely packing up the videos. Grabbing my keys I locked the house and ran to my car. Revving up the engine I sped to First and Amistad; probably breaking some laws. But none of that mattered anymore.

I was going to get my baby no matter what.

Swerving around I saw my baby standing right under the sign. I parked haphazardly and jumped out running to him. Seeing me, Wy ran toward me and we hugged in the middle of the seemingly empty street.

"Promise you won't forget about me David!"

"I would never Wyatt! I love you I will never forget you! I forgive you!"

"I'm sorry but I can't do this... Don't cry when I'm gone ok?" He stepped back, tears streaming down his face. (At this time, Spotify thought that playing every sad song I had in my playlist was a good idea).

"W-what? Baby stay with me, I'll protect you!"

"No. WATCH OUT!" He pushed me out of the way and spoke something to me. I gasped and stumbled far back, but looked up fast enough to see my beloved, the number one person I cared about, my rock, my husband give me one last smile as a large truck hit him.

I stood there in shock as I watched his body fly away, hit a tree and fall heavily onto the concrete below. Still in shock, I ran over to him immediately calling the police and ambulance.

He was miraculously still breathing.

I laid down with him careful not to move his body and looked him in his eyes.

"Baby, baby, baby it's going to be okay I call an ambulance and they are going to patch you--"

"I..... Love you....."

"I love you too. I love you, I love you, I love you don't leave me please."

"Please.... Don't forget..... About me...."

"I would never. Please push--"

"David, find someone........ to love you....... instead of me."

"Thats-thats madness! I won't cheat on you!"

"I won't survive this..." he coughed up blood and the dead look in his eyes was taking over his shine. "The final CD in my--*cough*--pocket." I took the CD out of his pocket and slipped it in mine securely, making him smile.

"Please don't speak anymore. You're--"

"I love you. I will watch over you, *cough cough cough* forever and always." He tried to smile again, but a cough got in the way.

"Sir, we need you move please."

I hadn't even realize that the paramedics were here. "I can't, he needs me. I need to stay with him!"

He lifted up a hand and laid it on my cheek, wincing. It was so cold, but this time he smiled with no interruptions. "Come with me in the ambulance..."

"Okay..." I watched the paramedics place him on the stretcher and load him in; beckoning for me to come in. They already had needles in him, supporting him.

He looked directly at me and said, right before we got to the hospital, "Don't kill yourself." He gasped. "I'll personally get someone to stop you from trying if I can't stop you. You hear me?"

He had a coughing fit and started to gasp for air. So they put a air mask on him to force oxygen into his lungs. As soon as we stopped at the hospital, I was pushed out of the way so the stretcher could get out. Not that it mattered. I was next to him holding his steadily chilling hand while Wy was wheeled to the ER. Forgetting my place, I tried to walk into the room until a nurse stopped me.

"Please sir, I need you to wait in the waiting room."

I looked down at her. "Please don't let him die. If you can't manage that then just tell him I love him."I hugged her tightly. It didn't matter that I didn't know her, I needed him to know. "From the bottom of my heart I love him and I forgive him for everything."

The nurse nodded quickly. "Yes of course! Good thing you asked me; I like to take care of things like that."

I smiled warmly at her. "Thank you."


Eight hours. Eight hours and nothing has come from that room! As cliché as it would've been, I'm not the only one here. There was an old lady quietly sobbing. Two old guys with one wobbling came in. The hospital staff came to bus him to a room and where's my baby? Still in that room, is where he is! Take care of my husband, please lord don't let him die. I'm sitting in a room of sadness surrounded only by death.

I'm scared. So so so--

"Hey. Don't cry."

"Wyatt?!?" I look up, hoping that my baby is there in front of me. It's not.

"I'm sorry. I'm not who you are looking for, but I have come over here to cheer you up."

"Why are you here?"

"I don't work here if that's what you are thinking. I just like to make people feel better is all."

We talked for awhile my mood steadily increasing with every smile the man made. We even exchanged phone numbers! He told me about how he was adopted and I told him about my married life before all this happened.

I stood up quickly as the door to my lover opened. The doctor came out smiling. When he saw me his smile disappeared. My new friend next to me gave my hand a squeeze. The doctor came up to me hesitantly.

"Hello sir are you, um, David Amare?"

"Yes... Can I see Wyatt now or is he sleeping?"

"We are terribly sorry, but......... he didn't make it."

My world stopped. Without Wyatt what was I going to do? No one will wake me up in the morning with a kiss. No one will tell me that I'm the baddest bitch thus far. I'll be sleeping alone in a cold, cold bed. I dropped to the floor. Who was going to walk with me on midnight strolls? Who will make 'Wyatt's Magnificent Waffle Supreme'?

Who will ever love me the way he did?

"Come here."

My mind vaguely remembering that voice, I crawled into his lap and broke down. I sobbed into his chest getting tears and snot on his sweater but he didn't seem to mind much. I felt hollow. The only warmth I felt was through the man that I didn't have the name of. So what? I had noth--

"Stop bringing yourself down. I know you miss him, but life isn't over yet. Instead of feeling bad and beating yourself up, live your life to the fullest and find new love. Just don't forget about him."

As soon as he said that, I looked up at him. The hospital lights flickered, but in that flicker, I saw Wyatt behind the man. He smiled and said something that looked like,

'This is Perrier. Let him take care of you. I love you.'


"How do you know my name?" He looked down at me, not with fear or anger; but with a warm smile that seemed to already know the answer.

Rather than answer, I unzipped his sweater, straddling him, and hugged his torso. Understanding what I want somehow, he zipped up the sweater encasing me in his scent.

"You are a complete stranger, yet I feel so safe in your sweater..."

"Isn't it strange? Haha, life is strange. Do you want me to take you to... Him?"

"I want to stay here in your arms."

A manly chuckle rose in his throat. "I regret this but I have to leave. When you are ready, come find me on the bridge. I have a feeling that you know what one I'm talking about ."

"Ok..." I waited until he unzipped the sweater to lean out and stand up; offering a hand in which he gladly took.

I sighed and let go. He smiled and left this building of bad luck, of course after turning around and giving a wave goodbye. I have to say, he really is handsome.

I turned around and walked to the ER. Time to face the light. Ironically, all I'll be facing is my life spiraling into darkness.


(Flashblast end)

It's been a month after Wyatt died. My heart breaks just as much as it did on the first day every time I say his name. But he is still watching over me like he promised.

(Another flashback start! Aren't you proud? Thank you for reading this far.)

I am done. I'm done with all of this. I don't want to go another day without Wyatt. I speed walked into the bathroom a picked up the razor. Sitting down harshly, I readied it. But the lights flickered and a figure stared at me it was shaking it's head with displeasure. After the lights stopped I read the text on the mirror.

'Don't do it. David, I'm still here. I still love you, so don't hurt yourself. '

I immediately dropped it. I ran to the mirror scribbling 'I love you' and smiled seeing a shadowy smile behind me.

(flasherbacker ender)

I walked across the bridge railing and stopped at the middle. It was a beautiful sunset that Wyatt and I liked to look at. We'd take turns holding the other and murmuring in each others ear. I looked down at the murky water below.

"Everything is gonna be ok."

Startled, I swiveled around to see the man I haven't seen in a month. Perrier.


"Hey David. Whatever you do, don't do it. It would be a waste of a perfectly good life. And a handsome face."

"You think I'm...Handsome?"

"Of course. I could get lost in your deep green eyes."

He held out a hand for me to take, but instead I jumped on him and wrapped my leg around him. Lips almost touching, I stared into his own greenish yellow eyes.

" Do you want to come back with me? By that I mean live with me?" he had a small blush.

" Of course, he sent you down here for a reason." He smirked.

And with that, we shared our first kiss.

Lol I wrote too much. Good job me lol. This is actually a flash back that I made into a oneshot FOR MY NEW BOOOOOOOK!!!!!!! EYYYYY. Anyway thank you for reading this far because I know how people don't like râpe and stuff and triggering shit like so (^^^) so yea. I plan on making the next book fantasy too with angels and shit so yea. Damn this is long... This is awkward...

Nightmare - You're stupid Midnight

Midnight- Tanks man lol 😄

And Cut!

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