Gilinsky's little sister

By pixel_flowers

23.7K 264 61

Jay Gilinsky follows her older brother Jack Gilinsky on the journey on magcon tour. Jay wants nothing to do w... More

Chapter 1~idk what to name this chapter
Chapter 2-idk what to name this chapter either
Chapter 3~the party
Chapter 4- Stupid
Chapter 5-the news
Chapter 6-leaving
Chapter 7~to texas
Chapter 8-.......them
Chapter 9-secret keepers
Chapter 10-"talent"
Chapter 11- (not) fine
Chapter 12-i love you
Chapter 13-star struck
Chapter 14-youtube
Chapter 15- birthday(s)
Thanks! ☺️❤️
Not an update-just wondering
Chapter 17- birthday (mall-part 3)
Chapter 18-birthday (dinner- part 4)
Happy (late) Halloween
Please read-Please help
Chapter 19- birthday (dinner/hotel-part 5)
Chapter 20-magcon
Chapter 21-back home

Chapter 16-birthdays (part 2-mall)

638 6 2
By pixel_flowers

Jays POV

My eye lids start getting kinda heavy for me to fall back asleep but Dylan and "Officially Donnie" pull up to the hotel.

They get out of the car and start walking towards us. I squint trying to make out Dylan's friends face, and let me tell you when I saw him I did wanna make out with his face.

"Oh my..." I say but stop myself and bite my knuckle

"What?" Jack asks me looking up from his phone.

"You see Dylan's friends?" I ask my knuckle still I'm mouth so it's more like a mumble.

"What...his friend? Jack asks me looking up at them. "What about him?"

"Jack are you serious?" I mean like look at him

He gives me a confused look

"He's fucking hot like, oh my gosh just like fuck me." I say

"Yup there will be none of that." He gives me "the look"

"I'm not stupid Jack." I say punching his shoulder lightly.
"Ok." He says exhaling, "but if I hear anything else your dead, deal?" He says raising his eyebrows.

"Deal," I say letting out a small chuckle.

We both shake on it as Dylan and Donnie approach us.

"Hey Jay!"Dylan says giving me a big hug.

"Hi." I say with a smile on my face hugging back

"Happy birthday." He says breaking the hug.

I blush and nod

"Thanks." I say looking at the ground.

"Hi, I'm Donnie Hamm." Donnie says to me

(That's a real person, more well-known as Officially Donnie.)

"H-hi, I'm uh..." I stutter

"You name is Jay." Jack whispers into my ear.

"Uh yeah, my name is Jay." I say trying my best not to make a fool of myself .

"Happy birthday by the way." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"Ha, um thanks." I say rocking back and forth on my feet, looking at the ground.

"Ok before this get anymore awkward," Jack says stepping in and I notice Donnie blush, "I need Jay back at the hotel at 6 no later."

"Got it." Dylan says nodding, looking at the his watch.

"Ok Jay I'll see you later for dinner." Jack says

"Bye," Sammy says with a small wave.

"Ok let's roll." Dylan says starting to walk to the car.

"Come on." Donnie says grabbing my hand leading me to the car.

I instantly get chills down my spine, it just feels so right.

I turn around to see Jack and Sammy still looking at us watching until we leave.

I wink at both of them and Jack instantly looks pissed.

I smile and turn around facing Donnie. He opens the car door for me.

"Thanks," I say a little shaky, stepping throw the car door.

I scoot over the the end and Donnie comes threw the door sitting next to me. Our thys brush against each other, and another chill goes threw my body.

I rest my hands on my lap.

Dylan crawls threw the front seat.

"Ready to go?" He asks starting the car.

We back out if the hotel and start our drive to the mall.

"Are you nervous?" Donnie asks me with a smile.

"W-what?" I ask confused.

"I said are you nervous." He asks pointing to my hands.

I look down and notice my hands are shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh, um, no not really, just cold I guess." I say stupidly

"Cold? Ha, in that big Cargo jacket?" he says amused.

"Yeah I get cold easily." I manage to get out. I do a mental face palm, even though it's true I sound so stupid.

"Oh that sucks, if you want you can borrow my jacket." He offers already taking it off.

"Oh no that's ok." I say waving him off.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Ok." He says smiling putting his jacket back on.

"We're here." Dylan says pulling into  a parking spot, interrupting Donnie and I.

Dylan and Donnie get out and Dylan opens the door for me, and holds out his hand, so I take it. We walk into the mall fingers interlocked.

"So birthday girl what's first?" Dylan asks looking at me.

"Well......I had something in mind but you guys probably wouldn't be very fond of it." I say looking at the ground with a small smile.

"Oh geez spill." Donnie says immediately paying attention to the conversation now.

"I was going to go to the salon, to get a mani pedi, a massage, and a facial."

"How long is that gonna take?" Dylan says with a worried look in his face

"Haha don't worry we won't be there all day." I say laughing, then I stop because I remember the tweet. Shit.

"Thank the lord." Donnie says laughing.

"Haha...yeah." I say nervously.

"Ok let's go." Dylan says marching towards the salon.

I look at Donnie, while I'm laughing at Dylan and he just shakes his head at him.

"Come on," I say to Donnie pulling him towards Dylan.

I link up arms with Donnie and then link up arms with Dylan so then I'm in between them, and we march along

When we get the salon they're are about 20 starstruck fans.

There are so many things being said at once

"Omg I think I'm gonna pass out."

"Follow me on Twitter!"

"Is that Jay Gilinsky?"

"Is Jack here?"


"Are they dating?"

"I hope not she's so ugly."

I ignore the last one and just awkwardly look at the ground, trying to not draw attention to me.

"Oh my gosh Jay Gilinsky! I love you so much can I please have a picture!" I hear a squealy voice say

I look up and smile. "Sure Id love too." I say and wrap my arms around her in a hug.

She snaps the picture and leaves, "thanks!" She says walking away.

When she leaves I sit back down still upset, I mean don't get me wrong I love my fans I just wish she would've stayed longer, you know at least talked to me instead of snapping the picture and leaving.

Once all the fans go I walk up to the desk.

"Hi I have an appointment, my name is Jay Gilinsky."

"Hello Miss Gilinsky right this way." she says sweetly gesturing to a tub of water and a big chair for me to sit on for my pedicure.

I go over sit on the chair, and adjust it so then its massaging my back.

"Ok what color shall you have today?" The lady asks me with a sweet smile.

"Black," I say plainly.

"Going a little emo? I dig it." Donnie says.

I just roll my eyes and laugh at his remark.

After the lady finishes my pedicure, she tells me to go to a different lady for my manicure.

"Hi, your really beautiful, what would you like for today?" She says so politely.

I take my phone out of my pocket and show her the picture I want.

(At top)

"That's pretty, I might just have to do that to my nails." She says with a smile.

"Yeah uh, thanks." I say putting my phone back into my pocket. Ok it honestly scared me how nice they are, it's ok to be nice, but I feel like they're under a spell.

She sharpens my nails, and concentrates to make every line very precise.

"There you go hun." She says sitting back in her chair.

"Thanks." I respond and go sit over and put my hands and feet under the light, to dry them.

Once their dry I carefully slip my shoes back on. I give the lady a $100 and tell her to keep the change.

"Come on let's go," I say quietly to Dylan and Donnie, gently pulling them out.

"What happened your done already?" Dylan asks confused.

"No they were just waaaaay too nice for my liking." I say examining my nails, then I'm interrupted by laughter.

I look up and see Donnie laughing, and I can't help but smile.

"They were too nice? Oh my gosh Jay you kill me." He says still laughing

"Whatever," I respond with an eye roll. "Let's watch a movie, I wanted to watch paper towns but I didn't want to bore you with sob story movies do what do you wanna watch?" I ask

"Let's watch the visit." Dylan says with a smirk bringing his fingers together in a creepy way.

"Yeah," Donnie agrees.

Fuck me honestly this is gonna be embarrassing, I remember the night Jack, Sammy, Johnson and I were watching a scary movie and me being scared shitless.

"Yeah sure let's watch that" I say a little shaky.

"Ok come on." Dylan says leading me to the movie theatre.

Great now I'm totally gonna embarrass myself, yay.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, but I'd rather give you a short chapter then make you wait a week longer......

Ok so I know a lot of people skip these little messages at the end so comment peanut butter, and I will surprise you 😊

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