All I need is you-Boyxboy- bo...

By TheXking

4K 109 13

Leo has everything he possibly needs in life. His mom was always so childish and free spirited, His brother W... More

Chapter 1-All I need is you
Chapter 3-New problems and a new enemy
Chapter 4- Oblivious
Chapter 5-Forgiveness
Chapter 6- Shit hits the fan
Chapter 7- A turn for the worse
Chapter 8- A dark path
Chapter 9- A road with twist and turns
Chapter 10- The Getaway
Chapter 11- The Reunion
chapter 12- A happy ending (for now)

chapter 2-I hate puberty

405 11 1
By TheXking

Age: 14 summer time

I Hate puberty, Wyatt had to tell me about sex and the ‘change’ so I had hairs growing in place i did not want, and my body got taller now, I was my 5’5 and I had most girls turning my way. Kay on the other hand had an early puberty and he was 5’8 and he was just so prideful of being taller than me, then he started working out so he had all the girls turning his way. I wasn’t jealous. I WASN’T! It’s just, my head was turning his way too and it was really aggravating to see him kiss his little girlfriend all the time. I would date too, it’s just, it would be surely unfair to all the girls if I only had Kay on my mind all the time. We (as in, me, Kay, his girlfriend, Natalie and Natalie’s best friend Lisa) were going to the movies.

“Do you really need to eat all that before we even get all the Movies?” I asked and Kay looked up at me with a fry hanging out of his mouth, he smiled and nodded excitedly. Natalie chuckled and snatched the fry out his mouth and through it out her Mom’s car window.

“Don’t want you getting fat now, do we?” She said, and he gave a soft smile and she leaned in to kiss his lips. When she pulled back, he had a big dopey grin on his face; he swallowed all his food and leant back in to kiss her.

I looked away, and went to texting on my phone, Lisa said she would be running late, and she would just get a ride from her mom. I really think I can handle the love fest going on right beside me, thank god Mrs. Turner (Natalie’s mom) told them to keep it PG and they stopped. When we reached the Mrs. Turner told us to meet her in the mall when the movies were over and then she left into the store. Lisa came shortly after and she of course came to hug me first, I heard Natalie snicker as I hugged her back and even spent her around. Time to put on a show.

“God I thought I would have to deal with those to love birds over there.” I joked pointing at them.

“Wanna make’em jealous then?” She said with a flirt smile. Wow this girl was bold.

I smiled for a while, then I leant forward and kissed her, my tongue lashed out and licked the bottom of her lip. She smiled and moaned against my lips but opened up for me. The kiss deepens and my tongue goes in her mouth and licks at the top of her mouth and even though I was being watched by a bunch of people I only could feel one pair of eyes on me. Finally Natalie splits us apart and Lisa was daze with her pupils blown wide.

“Best kisser ever.” She smiled and almost tripped but Natalie caught her.

“I’m kinda jealous now.” She joked, cheeks flushed and red. She looked over to Kay who looking anywhere but at me. It made me frown a little on the inside

“I think we could still do better though.” He moved his way towards her, but before he could do something I intervened.

“I think the movie is starting.” I said loudly making them both jump.

While Kay chuckled, Natalie stared daggers at me. I shrugged, and grabbed Lisa hand and we ran in to catch the previews. We sat at the back of the theater where Kay and Natalie were into a full kissing session, I groaned at the sight and excused myself from the movie, passing by a very intrigued Lisa and got inpatient really fast and pushed me out of her way. I walk towards the bathroom and sat on the counter, thoughts started to run through my head as I stare into the mirror, the way Kay licked his lips and the way they shine through the night. The way he groaned when Natalie kissed him. And like that I’m done; a spark of jealousy went across against my skin like a forest fire at the thought of Natalie kissing Kay. ‘Calm down Leo, he’s taken and most likely straight and I don’t even know if I’m gay’. I got off the counter and began to walk out of the bathroom only to bump into some man.

“Sorry dude, I kind of spaced out.” I apologized

The man let out an inhuman growl and shoved me against the wall. “You smell so good.” He hissed against my ear.

I pushed him off but he just rushed forward and crashed our lips together. This time I pushed him and punched him in the jaw, making him fall on his bum.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, you a**?” I yelled at the man.

The man sprung up and grabbed my neck, squeezing the air out of me. ‘Kay please help’ I thought desperately. Then everything when black and I was out like a candle light.

When I woke up, I was in my bed wrapped up in blankets, I tried to call out for someone but nothing came out. I saw a door open and I immediately closed my eyes.

“You can open your eyes; I know when you’re faking.” Kay said and I open my eyes slowly and I tried to ask him where we are but it didn’t work and I looked at him with confusion in my look. “I know, I know, when I found you your head was bleeding so, the doctors said it could be possible brain damage and they thought you wouldn’t wake up.” He looked like he had been crying. I rubbed my hand across his head and he knocked my hand away. “There’s more, apparently the brain damage messed up, your speech and now you’re mute.” He finished and looked down like it was his entire fault.

I eyed him, then tried to speak, but nothing can out, panic started to swell up but Kay saw it coming and put his hand on my shoulders. “Calm down, I know for a fact this will be temporary.” He said.

I looked him up and down, and then jumped out of bed at the sight of Wyatt rushing in and hugging me.

“Leo are you alright?” He asked looking concerned and angry at the same time

Before I could even try to speak, Kay spoke for me. “He’s alright, the man didn’t have a chance to do anything, and I made sure of it.” The way Kay said that sent shivers down my spine. But Wyatt was not impressed

“I would break your spine, if your weren’t-” Wyatt stopped himself and looked back at me. “I’ll be back okay; mom is on an important business trip, so you gotta stay with Kay.” Then he looked back at Kay. “But I’ll be around.”

I looked at Kay, letting him read my face again. ‘What was that about?”

“Trust me; he would kill me if I told you now.”  He simply said

I huffed and pouted and he just simply laughed at me. “If so impatient why not ask Wyatt.”

Before he could take back those words, I ran for the door, Kay On my heels, Wyatt just about to leave through the front door, before I was snatched away by a pouncing Kay. He put his hand over my mouth (like I could make a sound anyway) and dragged me to the kitchen.

“Alright already, I tell you, but not now, later. “ He pled (man he was always terrified of Wyatt)

I considered the offer, and then nodded my head and he gave out a loud sigh. “Thank god.”

“Oh I wouldn’t say you’re outta the fire yet, Mr. Alpha.” A voice came from the front door making us both jump.

We both turn our heads to see a very pissed Wyatt. “Upstairs now!” He yelled

Kay and I scrambled around and ran up the stairs and waited. A few minutes later, a fuming Wyatt was pacing back in fourth, glaring daggers at Kay. Then he looked softly at me.

“Listen, Leo, you don’t have to enter this world, please just stay oblivious.” Wyatt begged and once I gave him a face that said ‘tell me’, he turned on Kay. “This is all your fault, you should have never came.”

I couldn’t help the anger that burned through my body, I growled and both Kay and Wyatt stared at me.

“Back off.” My voice rang through the bedroom.

Wyatt was shocked, but now I think he popped a blood vessel how angry he was. He lifted Kay in the air by the scruff of his shirt with one hand. “You will tell him everything and if anything is left out, I will come back and rip you in too.” With that he dropped Kay and walked passed me like what I did was normal.

The door closed and Kay shifted from side to side on the bed uncomfortably. “So you can talk again?”

“Yep.” I answered simply

“So you growled?” Again the questions are being used to avoid something.

“Yes, I also heard the growl” I sneered growing annoyed

“Soyouralsoawerewolf” He said this very fast

“What!” I asked

“So and don’t freak out hear but you are also a werewolf” He slowly said

“Yea, ha-ha, I’m gonna hit you now.” I said simply, then I tried to punch him, but he grabbed both of my hands and held them above my head.

“I’m not finished, all of us have a bloodline of the same pack, but you have what the wolves call omega blood.” He said

“Yea I know what the omega in a wolf pack is, I’m like a jester of some sort.” I answered

“No not really, you’re what make the pack stronger, like you’re not exactly a wolf but you do show signs of having the curse.”

I nodded. “In the signs being…” I waited for him to continue

“Healing, as you see with your voice, Growling and snarling, the color of eyes,” He proceeded to show me how his brown eyes turned into gold color. “Enhanced senses, but the omega doesn’t have actual power to transform.” He explained

“Then what does he have?” I asked now kinda of excited about the news.

“You’re more excited than scared aren’t you?” He had an amused expression with one eyebrow raised.

I gave him my best ‘b*tch please’ face and he chuckled. “You know I’m weird.”

“Yes, yes you are.” He said the laughter

“So what bloodline are you” I asked punching him in the arm.

“Ummm… Alpha blood actually, I’m pack leader, even though your brother is more suitable for the job.” He stressed rubbing the back of his neck

“What is Wyatt?” I asked with wide eyes.

“I’m a beta.” Wyatt’s voice came from the front door and we turned to see him leaning on the bed frame. “I’m the Alpha’s second, like a vice president.”

“But not like a best friend.” Kay said under his breath.

“You know I love you but, in family my little brother comes first and by pack laws the omega comes first” Wyatt countered “He over ranks you and both wolf and human.”

Kay opened his mouth, then closed it and lowered his head in defeat. Wyatt walked over and patted his head. “Don’t worry, you’re still apart of this family and you’re also my little brother.”

Kay beamed that god like smile and I laughed at him. “So can you guys go wolf?” I asked

“Yep.” Was the only answer I got back?

“Twilight or underworld?” I asked with a mischievous smile on my face and got a groan in return.

“Really?” Wyatt was becoming annoyed but I was for too excited to care, so I got on my knees and pleaded that he tell me. “I’m underworld and Kay’s Twilight.”

I looked at both of them. “So why now?” I asked

“Late puberty.” The both said in union

I take back was i said i love puberty

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