A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

By OutOfMyLimit17

25.1M 718K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 23

584K 16.4K 3.9K
By OutOfMyLimit17

Not edited!

I woke up the next morning to swollen eyes and a scratchy sore throat. I snuggled deeper in the soft bed and sheets ignoring the light streaming through the blinds. I tried to will my body back to sleep but it didn't work, I was up now. I really hated being one of those people that once they are up they are up; no going back to sleep. With a groan I rolled onto my back bringing my comforter up and over my head.

As I laid there a very nice manly smell wrapped itself around me. I breathed in deeply loving it. I laid there smelling the sheets like a weirdo before what happened last night rushed to the front of my mind. I groaned even louder as I realized that seeing my mother was not a dream I made up. I replayed everything than sat up as I remembered I was in Liam's bed. The comforter fell to my lap as I looked around the room. Liam was no where in sight but sounds of plates clicking together let me know he was in the kitchen. Seeing as it was 9 o'clock in the morning I pushed the comforter away and swung out of the bed. I haven't slept that good in a long time and I was reluctant to leave the cozy bed.

I did my thing in the bathroom but wincing at my reflection. My curled hair was last night was everywhere tangled together. My green eyes were red and swollen from crying so hard. At least I didn't have dried/ruined makeup on. Beyond really caring about how I looked I slowly made my way out of Liam's room and to the kitchen. I walked in on the sight of Liam in nothing but a pair of shorts that hung low on his hips. His muscular back facing me making my mouth suddenly dry. Liam was definitely out of my league.

Since I was not wearing any shoes or socks I padded over to the bar quietly. Pulling a chair out it made a squeaking sound that made Liam whirl around almost dropping the pan in his hands.

"You scared me." He said trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly. He turned back around giving me time to check out his well toned backside. Watching Liam cook was very hot to be honest. Something about a man that knows how to cook is seriously sexy. On top of it already being sexy Liam wasn't wearing a shirt displaying his nice abs for me, making the whole situation a lot hotter then usual.

"Here you go malady." He said with an accent bringing a smile to my face. Setting a plate in front of me I had to force a laugh back. Liam had made me different shape pancakes. I could tell he really did try on them but they looked like big batches of misshaped circles. One looked like a heart but one side was larger than the other. All in all it was the sweetest gesture I have ever gotten.

"You made me pancakes."

"And apple juice since I know you like that better than orange juice." He slide a glass in front of me. I looked at him feeling absolutely touched he knew what I liked.

"Liam...thank you." I said sincerely. No one has ever made an effort this nice to me.

"It's no problem. I hope it tastes good." He slide in beside me. I rolled my eyes at that knowing it will even if it didn't look pretty. The next few minutes we ate in silence. The breakfast was good and I even got up to get extra.

"Liam thank you for last night. You really didn't have to do that." I finally said. I needed to thank him for leaving his companies event for me and taking care of me.

"Jenna it is fine. Don't worry about it, I am happy to take care of you." He turned to me. "Don't even apologize for crying on me." His tone was firm. I knew it was useless saying anything else. "How about we do something today." He suggested.

"I don't know. What could we do?" The idea of spending the whole day doing something fun with Liam sounded very appealing. His face lit up and a wide grin spread across his face.

"Don't worry I got it figured out. It will definitely make you forget about your mother." The look on his face made me almost nervous.

"You're not going to take me to a strip club right? I've worked at one and have seen enough boobs and asses to last me an entire lifetime." A

"No just go get ready." He rolled his eyes at me before standing up and grabbing both of our plates.

"I can help do the dishes." I said getting up after him. I didn't feel right leaving him to do them.

"Don't you need a while to get ready?" I sent him a look at that. Standing beside him at the sink I waited to start putting our dishes in the dishwasher. After we did the dishes we both headed to our rooms to get ready.

The entire time I showered I was grinning from ear to ear. For the first time in a long time I felt relaxed, happy, and excited. Liam may have been an ass to me the first little bit but now with him acting the way he is I knew I would fall for him. I was already falling. Getting dressed in my new pair of light blue skinny jeans, and a teal colored sweater. After brushing my teeth and putting a little bit of makeup on to hide my blotchy skin I nodded at my reflection. I left my hair down and it was starting to curl just a tad on the bottom. With a swipe of pink lipstick I grabbed my brown lace up boots and slipped them on. Deciding to leave my ring here today I put my bag on my shoulder and left my room. I had no idea what Liam had planned but I didn't want to risk loosing or ruining my ring.

At the same time I left my room Liam came walking towards me. Looking me up and down he grinned flashing me his pearly whites.

"Ready to go?" He asked. My mouth felt dry as I took in what he was wearing. Even in a simple grey t-shirt and a pair of low ride ripped blue jeans he looked delicious.

"Yeah. What exactly are we doing?" I asked tearing my eyes away from his body as we walked to the garage and into his Range Rover. This guy really had too many cars.

"It's a surprise." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"You're not planning on taking me somewhere to kill me right?" I joked. When he didn't answer my eyebrows shot up. "Liam right?"

"If I wanted to kill you I would have done it sooner. Too many people know who you are now." He said wickedly.

"Ha you're too late!" I stuck my tongue out at him. "You wouldn't want to kill me anyways I'm too amazing." I bragged.

"I would't go that far." Liam teases glancing over at me with a smile. Even though he was driving I gently punched his shoulder.

A few minutes later Liam pulled into a familiar parking lot. Turning to him I grinned excitedly.

"We are at Fiesta Fun! Are we going to play mini-golf?" I asked. Before he could even answer I slide out of the car and around the front.

"Well we can if you want to after. I was thinking of doing Laser Tag first." He said once he reached me.

"Laser tag! What are we waiting for come on!" Without thinking I grabbed his hand pulling him after me as I headed inside the building. Excitement overlapping any other feeling I had.


Liam's POV

"Liam calm down I'm on my way right now." Lennon said through the phone. Jenna and I currently had about 3 hours until we had to be at the Benefit at 7 o'clock. I know Lennon and know that it will take a good 3 hours for her to get Jenna ready. I wasn't necessarily nervous about being late I was just nervous about Jenna meeting a ton of people. I knew the kind of people that were going to be there tonight and did not want Jenna anywhere near them but I had to take her with me.

"Just get here okay?" I said walking into the house.

"Calm your tits." Was all she said before she hung up on me. I rolled my eyes use to Lennon's weirdness and headed deeper in the house. I walked into the living room expecting to find Jenna there but no. After checking her room I started calling her name. Heading up to the library I was not surprised to find her curled up in the chair with a book in her hands. She looked so adorable sitting there with her blonde hair tumbling around her face and her bottom lip sucked between her front teeth. It was a habit I have come to notice that she does when she is deep in thought.

"You're in here again." I said surprising her making the book fall into her lap.

"Yeah sorry, just being in here helps me feel relaxed."

"I know exactly what you mean. I come in here when I'm not working." I said walking into the room and taking a seat next to her. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the benefit?"

"I'm waiting for Lennon. I have strict instructions to not do anything until she got here in case I ruined it." She said rolling her eyes. I laughed softly knowing exactly what she meant.

"Definitely listen to her. She can be scary when she wants to be. She once made Blake cry."

"She made Blake cry!" She asked eyes widening and sitting up in the chair. "How?"

"He won't admit it because there have been several occasions it has happened. One was during our Junior year of college he kept going on about how women shouldn't be president stuff like that, and Lennon did like what he was saying so she kneed him in his balls. Than another time was when he had a bet going on with another guy playing pool and Lennon being Lennon had to butt in distracting Blake so he would loose. I don't think I have seen him cry that hard." I shook my head at the memory. One of the funniest moments we have had.

"Sounds like something Lennon would do actually." I watched her shake her head laughing under her breath. "Can I ask you a question about them?" She asked a minute later.

"Sure." I turned my head and looked at her starting to get worried on what she wanted to ask me.

"Why aren't they together? It is plain as day that they like each other, a lot."

"How do you know they like each other?" I mean it wasn't like it was new news but Jenna has only met them twice how can she know they like each other?

"Anyone with eyes can see it. They both look at each other like they are the moon to their sun." She said giving me a look like 'duh'.

"Don't ask me why they aren't together. Blake has liked her since we were in high school, not to sure about Lennon though but it's clear she likes him just as much." Blake has been head over heels in love with Lennon since I can remember. Of course being a wimp he never once did anything about it even when Lennon had boyfriends and he would get jealous. If it was up to me they would be dating by now.

"You've never tried to get them together?" She asked.

"No I've always figured they would work it out on their own." I shrugged. I watched as her face morphed into a weird expression I've never seen on her. I could practically see the wheels turning in her head and knew she was thinking up something. "What is that look for? You are not thinking of doing something are you?" I sent her a look to stay out of it. They can work it out themselves.

"I'm not going to do anything." She said but I knew she was lying.

"I don't believe you." My eyes narrowed at her. She put on an innocent smile but I could see through it. She was going to do something stupid and more likely get both of us in trouble with Blake and Lennon. "Jenna." I warned one last time.

"What did you do now Jenna?" Lennon's voice asked interrupting us staring at one another.

"Oh nothing. Should we start getting ready?" Jenna said turning away from me.

"Yep we have a lot to do." I heard Lennon say but I was still focused on Jenna.

"Way to say I am ugly." Jenna muttered under her breath. Yeah right. I thought in my head. She could never be ugly.

"This conversation isn't over Jenna." I said seeing as they were walking out of the room. She sent me devious smirk making something down below jump a little. She was a sexy fox but she didn't know it. I stared after her until she was gone from my sight.

Ever since we did our engagement photos Jenna and I have become closer. I was tired of acting rude towards her. Seeing her look at me with the doe green eyes made it hard for me to be mean towards her. She didn't know how hard she is to resist. Yes I have only known her for almost a month now she has gotten her claws inside of me. Everything she did was intoxicating to me. It literally was taking everything inside of me not to grab her and kiss the shit out her.

With a groan at my thoughts I stood up and headed to my room to take a cold shower. I could not go to the Benefit feeling like this. While the Jenna got ready I showered and slowly got ready myself. The entire time I was mentally playing out the Benefit. I wanted everything to go smoothly for Jenna and not let her get to overwhelmed. This is her first big event and I know how stressful and nerve-wracking it is. When I first started attending these with my father and mother during college I was nervous about acting stupid in front of very important people, or doing something that could hurt my families companies reputation. After going to so many of them now I was a pro and knew what to expect. The same people always go so it would be no surprise to me.

All week Lennon had been teaching Jenna about everyone that was going to be there and I was very impressed by how fast Jenna learned their names and workings of their businesses. When I first met Jenna in that sleazy strip club I was actually considering taking back picking her. The whole week before I had spoke to her I had Matt, my driver, go to the club to scout out a girl. I know going to a strip club was not the greatest choice but I knew the women there would be more likely to say 'yes' because they need the money. When Matt came back to me he told me about this girl that looked young and seemed kind of feisty. He described Jenna to me and for some odd reason it made me want to go to the club and see her. So I did.

For three days I went the club and watched Jenna from afar as she worked. Something about her sparked my interest. If she was some rich daddy's girl she did a good way of hiding it. After seeing her the final night I knew I would pick her. Maybe because she seemed like an easy target or that her innocence dragged me in but I wanted her to say yes to my deal.

Now a month later here we are actually on liking terms and going pretty well with out deal. Yes she blabbed to her driver Garrett about our deal and it got out to the press, I wasn't as angry as I though i'd be. I mean when I found out it was him that night all I saw was red but I wasn't mad at Jenna. Later after I snapped at her I felt guilty and wallowed in my bedroom the rest of the night. And I was glad that Garrett kid was out of the picture. I know I wasn't around much but I could tell the kid was taking a liking to her. He looked at her with lust in his eyes, something that Jenna was oblivious to. I hadn't known it then but I was jealous that he was spending time with her and not me. He took her to get paint for the room and offered to help her. That day we 'painted' the room was the funnest day I have had in years.

So caught up in my thoughts I hadn't realized the time until I glanced over at my bedside table. We had 30 minutes to get there. When I say we have 30 minutes to be there I mean 30 minutes so we can be fashionably late. It is better if we should up later than others, that is what my father always told me. It should people that you had other things you were doing or could be doing instead of being there. Plus it was our company hosting it so I could show up whenever I wanted.

Needing to get dressed I quickly pulled on a crisp white button up shirt and a pair of black dress pants. A few minutes ago Lennon had texted me saying Jenna was wearing a red dress so I picked out a red tie to match. After tightening that on I pulled on a black suit jacket before fixing my hair. Seeing that I looked good I nodded at my reflection I grabbed the present I had gotten Jenna and left my room. Earlier in the week I was driving by a jewelry shop on the way to work and being stopped at a red light I looked over. I could barely make anything out in the window but something sparkling caught my attention. Instead of heading to work I turned around and went the store. A few minutes later I walked out with a beautiful yet simple heart necklace. It screamed Jenna to me and I knew I had to get it.

Coming to a stop in front of her room I straightened my tie and felt my pockets to make sure I had everything I needed for tonight. With one last deep breath I knocked on the door and waited to be let in. I did not want to just barge in and get yelled at by Lennon. A second later it opened by the devil herself. Taking a step inside I froze a few feet from the door. Jenna looked absolutely breath-taking. Even dressed in a simple strapless red dress she looked stunning. Her long blonde hair fell around her and her green eyes stared back at me. I could feel her eyes looking over me and I was clearly doing the same. She looked better than I imagined.

"Would you two stop eye raping each other you need to get going." Lennon snapped at us making my break my gaze on Jenna. I blinked a few times trying to clear my mind.

"Jenna you...uh you look great." I stumbled out. Mentally I slapped myself at how stupid I sounded. I never got flustered over a women before.

"Thank you." She blushed ducking her head down. I could see her cheeks turning a light pink.

"I got you something." I said walking towards her. Her head snapped up in surprise. "Turn around." She did as I asked. Taking the necklace out of its case I brought it down over her head and let it lay above her heart. After clasping it I briefly let me fingers rub the base of her neck before stepping away from her. I didn't want to do something stupid.

"It's beautiful." She whispered. "Thank you." Jenna turned to face me.

"It looks perfect on you." The necklace did look great on her. Hell everything looked great on her. She could wear a pair of sweats to the benefit and I would think she looked amazing.

"Horny birds lets go." A loud cough and Lennon's voice said. Forcing myself to take my eyes off of Jenna I held my arm out for her to take. I smiled as she laced her arm through mine. As we walked away I looked over my shoulder and mouth a 'thank you' to Lennon before leading Jenna to the front of the house and to the limo waiting for us. The entire ride I watched from the corner of my eye as Jenna nervously played with her fingers. I knew she was nervous and didn't really know what to say or do. It has been a long time since I comforted a women that wasn't my mother or Lennon.

"Jenna you are going to do great. Just ignore what anyone says." I said as I felt the car slow down. "I will be by your side the entire time." I shot her a smile hoping to calm her nerves. I laid one of my hands on top of hers squeezing it softly. "Just breathe Jenna." I said softly into her ear. Giving her a nod and an encouraging smile I slide out of the car as the driver opened it for me. Immediately I swarmed with flashing lights and yells from the paparazzi. Turning around I held out my hand for Jenna. She slide out of the car and looked shocked as the lights flashed like crazy at us.

Gripping her hand I lead her passed the paparazzi, the entire time them yelling at us for interviews. I felt Jenna grip my hand tighter and I did the same back to her. It had never been this bad before, but than again she is my fiancé not just some girl I would bring.

"Almost there." I whispered down at her as we were halfway there. The walk to the entrance of the building had never felt this long before. Thankfully though a minute later we passed the last of the cameras and walked into the building. The moment the flashing went away Jenna sighed and leaned against me. I smiled softly down at her liking the feeling of her pressed against me.

"You did good Jenna." I said grinning. She grinned back at me and my heart swelled. Her smile never failed to make me feel better or make my heart beat faster. Squeezing her hand reassuringly we made our way into the room. I felt everyone's gaze on us and had to hold back a glare I wanted to send to everyone. They needed to mind their own damn business. Looking over at Jenna I felt a rise of pride as she walked beside me with her head held high. That's my girl.

As we passed by everything I noticed Jenna was wondering what it was all for. After explaining to her it was for a good cause we continued on our way. Occasionally I nodded at a few men as we walked around. I did notice a lot of them were staring at Jenna and it made me want to clench her to my side letting them know she was mine.

"Liam Stanford! It is great to see you again." A loud familiar booming voice said. Looking over towards the sound I let myself smile as I saw an old family friend.

"Kenneth it is nice to see you as well." I said once we came to a stop in front of him and shaking his hand. Kenneth was literally like a walking Santa. He was nice, loud, and could be called jolly. He was one of the nicest people I have ever met here at these parties.

"And this must be your fiancé. Hello love I am Kenneth Poltz." He said turning to Jenna. She greeted him back nicely.

"Wow she is a pretty little thing. Good catch boy." Kenneth smacked my shoulder roughly. I swallowed a grunt that wanted to break free. That man may be kind of big but he can hit hard. "Honey come meet Liam's fiancé." He shot over his shoulder. Moving to the side he revealed a beautiful tall wife, Maria. Maria was practically the only wife here that was not stuck up and looked at everyone like they were gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

"Kenneth owns one of the biggest stores in America, Costco." I said to Jenna although I knew she probably already knew that.

"That is impressive." She said smiling at both Kenneth and Maria. Before they could say anything my name was being called over by my right.

"I'm sorry but my fiancé and I better go and see some other people. We will be back to talk Kenneth and Maria." I said regretfully. If I had a choice I would rather stay here with them than go and greet others.

"Don't worry boy we aren't going anywhere. We want to learn more about your lovely girl." Kenneth grinned at Jenna which made his wife roll her eyes. I chuckled knowing he meant nothing by it.

For the next hour or so I tugged Jenna along beside me as we went from group to group saying hello to everyone. Because I was going to take over the company it was my duty/job to make sure to say hello to everyone and ask how their families were. It was very tiring and boring honestly. I had to hold back a proud grin as Jenna talked back to one of the beneficiaries wife after she made it known she didn't like Jenna. When Jenna wanted to be she could be a little fire-cracker. Something I was starting to love about her. As we walked towards another group I felt a soft tug on my hand followed by Jenna's voice.

"Um Liam."

"Yes?" I immediately stopped thinking something was wrong. "Is something wrong?" Her smile calmed me down instantly.

"No I was just wondering if I could get a drink."

"Of course. No alcohol."

"Wait how did you know I don't like alcohol?"She asked. Confusion clear in her voice. I had noticed while watching her in the beginning and at my parents that she did not like alcohol. When we were at dinner with my parents I watched as her nose scrunched up as she drank the wine.

"I saw your face at my parents when we had wine and whenever we eat you only ever have water." I explained. She stood there shocked. Shaking my head at her I dropped her hand. "I'll go get you a water just stay right here." After making sure she would stay I hurried over to the bar. I did not want to leave Jenna by herself longer than necessary. One of the men or even women would pounce on her like a panther. If she was by my side I didn't have to worry about her. The thought of that I could have taken her to the bar with me didn't pop up until I reached it.

After quickly ordering a water for both of us I waited impatiently for the guy behind the counter to give it to me. He was taking is fucking sweet time to get it and when he finally did hand it to me I ripped it from his hand going back to Jenna. The moment I spotted her I knew something was wrong. She was just standing there staring at someone or off in space. Her face looked like someone had killed her puppy and she was witnessing it. Handing the new drinks to a waiter walking around with an empty try I quickly walked towards her. I called her name softly but she didn't respond. Putting my hands on her shoulders I shook her gently.

"Jenna." I called her name. This time she did respond. Her green eyes looked up at me in a daze like she wasn't really here. Her eyes looked held hurt so deep that even I felt it.

"I...I n-need air." She choked out. Nodding I grabbed her hand a pulled her towards a balcony exit. Pushing open the doors Jenna let go of my hand and raced to the railing. I heard her taking deep breathes as I closed the doors not wanting anyone else out here.

"Jenna what's wrong?" I finally asked after a few minutes. Without thinking about it I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her back into me. I saw as two tears ran down her cheeks. What the hell happened after I left her? Did someone try something? Did someone say something? Because if they did then they were going to pay.

"My m-mother is here." She whispered. I tensed. Her mother?!

"What do you mean your mother is here?" I asked.

"S-she was right in front of me when you left to get us a drink. She was with a man." Jenna's tone sounded so broken. My own heart broke for her. "How can she be here Liam? I thought i'd never see her again and her she is." I could tell she was going to start crying. I needed to get her out of here and home.

"Jenna." I said gently turning her by her waist to face me. "Lets get you out of here." I brought my hands up and cupped her cheeks. With the pads of my thumbs I wiped away the tears coming down her cheeks. Her expression looked sad and hurt. I just wanted to take her into my arms and never let her go.

"What no Liam we can't go. This is your benefit party." She said looking up at me. Her entire was crumbling around her and she was worried about this damn ass benefit.

"I do not care, they will be fine without me. I don't want you to face that woman." I said fiercely. There was no way I was going to make her stay here any longer. Especially with her mother walking around here.


"No we are leaving." I interrupted her. Giving her a firm look I wiped away the mascara that was smearing under her eyes. "Lets go." After she gave me a nod I grabbed her hand pulling her after me. The sooner we got out of here the better. Just as we made it half way across the room someone had to stop us. I bit back a groan and smiled hearing Jenna groan beside me.

"Liam!" A man's voice said. Looking over I saw Martin Brotherson. The head of Brotherson Inc. He was not the worst guy in the world but he can be slimy when he wants to be.

"Martin." I said than glanced over at Jenna after I felt her hand tighten on mine.

"It is great to see you. We haven't talked in a while." Martin said." I wanted to just get Jenna out of here and he wanted to talk. 

"Martin this is my fiancé Jenna."

"Hello. I guess I better introduce myself. I am Martin Brotherson." He stuck his out for Jenna.

The pressure on my hand increased and I started to worry more about Jenna. She needed to get out of here.

"Honey...Oh it is Liam Stanford." Martin's wife voice said as she wrapped an arm around his.

"Karen." I said. I did not mind her but than again I didn't know much about her. A strangled noise reached my ears and I looked down at Jenna just as her hand tightened painfully on mine. She was staring at Karen with a weird expression. Looking between the two I came to the realization that this is her mother. Karen Brotherson is Jenna's birth mother!

"I am sorry but my fiancé and I have to get going. It was nice seeing you again." I bit out needing to get her away from here. Without waiting for their response I tugged Jenna with me out the door. The moment we got in the car Jenna broke down. Bringing to me I let her cry on my chest not caring it was getting wet. Normally the sight of a women crying put me off but not with her. I wanted to comfort her and take all her pain away. The entire ride home she sobbed and all I could do was rub her back. Once we pulled up to the house I gently lifted her up into my arms bridle style and carried her inside. Once we reached my room I sat on my bed holding her tight against me.

"Jenna, baby it's okay."I said soothingly into my ear. I ran my fingers over her hair and back trying to comfort her. After sometime she slowly started to stop sobbing and was now softly hiccuping against me.

"Lets get you out of your clothes." I whispered lifting her up. She wrapped her body around me like a bear as I carried her to the bathroom. Setting her gently on the counter I pulled away from her and to the bath tub. "Do you want to take a bath?" I watched as she started to nod yes but than she shook her head no. Nodding I grabbed a clean wash clothed and wetted it. Going back to her I spread her legs before stepping in-between them. Being gently I started wiping her face clean of makeup. While I cleaned her up I felt her eyes looking up at me. Ignoring her staring I continued cleaning her up until she was completely clean.

Our gaze suddenly locked making me stop and stare at her. I wanted to kiss her so badly but right now was not the time. She didn't need me kissing her when she just met her mother for the first time in 14 years. Instead of kissing her I laid my forehead on hers.

"I am sorry about your mother. I did not know she was Martin Brotherson's wife." I muttered softly. I did really feel bad.

"It is okay." She croaked out. " I just....I can't believe she is here. After all this time she was still in New York making a new life." Her eyes started to tear up again.

"Jenna look at me." With one finger I lifted her chin until she was looking at me. "I will not let that woman near you okay. I will make sure she doesn't hurt you again." I started hard into her eyes. I wanted her to trust me on that.

"I...Thank you." She whispered. Without thinking I softly pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Lets get you changed." Stepping back from her legs I held out my hand for her. I held back a grin as she put hers in mine without hesitating. "Here you can put these on." I dropped a pair of boxers and a grey shirt in her hands.

"I can just go to my room." She said.

"No you are staying in here tonight." I said my voice firm. "I won't look." Turning my back to her I heard her struggling to get the zipper. Turning around I bit back a smile as she let me move around her. Putting my hands on her shoulders I felt her shiver slightly. Slowly I unzipped her dress, trailing my fingertips along with it. I could resist touching her bare skin. With the dress unzipped I reached back up and unclasped the necklace. Being so close to her and her almost naked all I wanted to do was take her back to the bed and have my way with her. With a groan I made myself pull away from her. Once again I turned my back on her so she can get dressed.

"I am done." She said in a soft tone a minute later. Seeing her in my clothes made me happy. And she looked good in them. The shirt was big and hung on her small frame, making it seem like she didn't have the boxers I gave her on. Grabbing her hand once more, it was starting to become natural, I took her back into my bedroom. I watched her jump on my bed and groan. My bed was definitely comfortable.

"I am going to go change. Just lay down and relax." I said as she laid on my huge bed, making her look tiny. I headed back to my bathroom to wash my face and quickly change. As I reemerged from the bathroom I found Jenna deep in thought. Sliding into bed she shifted to look at me.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked. I let any comments slide of her staring at my chest. I knew she was staring at my shirtless chest but refrained from making any comments.

"Just about my mother that's all." She said.

"Don't think about her Jenna. She doesn't deserve you." And I meant every word. Jenna did not deserve what her mother did to her. She deserved a lot more.

"Thank you Liam. I am sorry we had to leave the benefit. And that I cried all over your shirt." She mumbled softly.

"Don't worry about it. The benefit is fine without me and that shirt was old anyways." I said waving it away and sending her a smile. I watched as her eyes started to droop and a yawn escape her lips. "Just go to sleep I got you." I said bringing my arms around her brining her towards my chest. She folded against me and I sighed in audibly. She fit perfect against me. Everything about her was perfect.

As I laid there holding her to me, long after she feel asleep, I couldn't help but think of the future. Before Jenna all I wanted was to take over the business and that's it. I did not want a marriage or someone to be tied down with. But now getting to know her and be around her I was starting to think differently. I wanted her in my life and instead of ruining it like I always do maybe this time I should start to make an effort. With that in mind I whispered goodnight to Jenna, laying a kiss on top of her head and drifted off to sleep.


Long ass chapter! This is by far the longest chapter I have ever written! I hope you guys like it though! I hope you liked Liam's pov. This story is going in a different direction then when I first started it but I am liking it better. I am making this story more lovable with more moments of Jenna and Liam. I hope that is okay with you all :)

The next update won't be until late next week!!!! I have to go to Jury Duty tomorrow all day and I have class all week. But the next chapter will be of Jenna's mom POV! I am sorry for the late posting of this chapter but I have been busy!

Also to everyone....I AM A GIRL! I am tired of people asking me if I am a guy. That is why I also changed my profile picture. Everyone keeps asking me who I am in the picture, and if I am famous, and even if I am hot! Yes stupid I know! So anyways that is why I changed it.



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