Hiding Behind The Music - Lil...

By JordieXx

509K 9.2K 874

Lilly's life isn't perfect and as a result of her past, she keeps to a distance, her only connections her bes... More

Hiding Behind The Music - Prologue
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 1 [Anger Is The Brand New Thing]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 2 [Born For This]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 3 [Name]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 4 [Better Alone]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 5 [All That I M Living For]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 6 [Let This Go]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 7 [Statistics]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 8 [For All These Times Kid, For All These Times]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 9 [Misguided Ghosts]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 10 [Learn You Inside Out]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 11 [Someone To Save You]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 12 [Friends And Lovers]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 13 [What About Now]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 14 [Real Thing]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 15 [You Found Me]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 16 [There For You]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 17 [Falling In]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 18 [The Fake Sound of Progress]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 20 [Somewhere In Between]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 21 [All Around Me]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 22 [The Kill]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 23 [Turn It Off]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 24 [Treasure]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 25 [Little Wonders]
Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 26 [Yellow]
Hiding Behind The Music - Epilogue

Hiding Behind The Music - Chp 19 [I Wanna]

13.6K 310 18
By JordieXx

"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you/You wanna touch me, too/Every day, but all I have is time/Our love's the perfect crime/I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you/You wanna touch me, too/Every way, and when they set me free/Just put your hands on me" - The All-American Rejects - I Wanna

-1 Month Later-

“What took you so long?” Sonny asked standing by the café door holding it open for us. She stood with Nat, multiple shopping bags already in their clutches with satisfied smiles.

“Um mum’s still pretty freaked, if anything clingy.” I admitted as Hayden and I reached them by the door.

“Yuck, annoying.” Son grimaced as if she’d tasted something sour and Nat rolled her eyes agreeing with a nod. I just smiled as the two girls screwed up their faces, to be honest I didn’t care, I was finally experiencing the things other kids hated and I actually loved it. I was cherishing every single thing done together right down to our arguments.

“So charges, court and no job for poor old Hugo?” Nat asked skipping through the opened door with mock sadness.

I nodded “Yup.”

Sonny smiled if anything devilishly “As deserved.”

I rolled my eyes although secretly agreeing; I mean he was going to put a bullet through my head! After he’d been knocked out unconscious the police where bought onto the building where they interviewed, did some scooping in dear Hugo’s belongings and we handed over the gun and tape recorder. Mum wanted to rip him to bits, mum and Anita had been flat our arranging the upcoming court case for the multiple things he was being charged against, my head just swam at the thought of the legal terminology both had bombarded me with. Luckily Hayden, who had grown up around it, held my hand the entire ride and translated all for me. Until the court case though Hugo was filed a restraining order, lost his job and spent a couple nights in a cell at the station until fed bail. Since then I have no idea of his whereabouts and truly don’t want to know. I was dreading the court case where I had to testify enough as it was.

A lot had happened over a month though, lots. Mum and I were as close as could be and secretly I knew I’d even put Sonny and her mum’s relationship to shame, I was experiencing pure bliss. I had called Garry and Kylie and explained practically and literally all, let’s just say they weren’t in the slightest comfortable with Hugo being on the same country as myself let alone city. I had also told them nervously that I was planning on staying here longer, not because of mum, not because of Hayden but because deep down I knew I had a lot more of soul searching and discovering of myself left and personally….I finally felt like I had found home. I think deep down they knew it was going to happen and in a bittersweet way they are happy that Kate is now labeled ‘mum’, I hated telling them the ugly truth of where they stood but I was adamant that I was not going to lie. I think in a way they knew, I think us all felt happy and strong feelings towards another but rather uncle and niece. I mean getting adopted at the age of six cancelled out the feeling of feeling like their daughter….it just didn’t fit. I kept in touch with them loads still and I loved them with all my heart. I was also secretly hoping that like me that when they came over in 3-6 months (whenever I'm settled in) that they’d fall in love with the area like myself and retire here.

“We’ll go order them.” Sonny declared excitedly jumping up and heading to the counter with Nat following happily.

Sonny and Nat had instantly clicked. They were instantly claimed as my two best friends, they were amazing and no matter what we talked about I felt giddy with happiness. They were so different but so amazing. Sonny with her anger spurts and Nat with her constant smile and eccentric attitude.

In the end Sonny was actually interviewed by a family close by and she chosen, she was only an hour or so drive away and god is their family loaded. They randomly decided two weeks ago to holiday with the children in France, Sonny is catered for free of budget for any trips since she’s the babysitter and she’s given holidays and such. I was so happy that I had Sonny here and I could now tell her everything, it was a time in my life when an extra shoulder to lean on never went astray. I was determined to not dwell on what happens in a year when Sonny’s contract with the family ends, it was for future Lilly to deal with. But secretly Nat and I were trying to find a special someone to have sink their claws into her. We were starting to look at some of Hayden’s mates.

Although things were perfect with my hectic family of friends and actual family coupled with my amazing boyfriend that just got me there was a couple things that were left broken and they were dwelling on my mind more and more as everything else was put back together.

“Chocolate milkshake?” Haden murmured against my ear his arms wrapping around me as he presented me with one.

My lips twitched as I blushed and murmured a “Thank you.”

Once taking it Hayden planted himself across from me in the booth and grabbed my free hand running his thumb along the inside of my hand and I in return sat my feet in his lap giving him a cheeky smile.

The girls were still in line and chatting to some people so what I was aiming to do was urged more forcefully as I screamed at myself do it! I had been quiet all morning as it had dwelled on my mind more and more and the more I thought the more I formed a plan and concocted weird and frightening scenarios. My hand that sat on the table before me all of a sudden looked like a snake, deadly. I sighed heavily as I reached out for the mobile and dialed muttering a “Here we go.”

By the third ring someone had answered “Hello?” a soft happy voice sang into the phone.

“Hello, is this, uh Courtney?” I asked my nerves on end as I stared down at the top of the tabled. I felt like something had lodged itself within my throat, choking me up.

“Yes, who am I speaking to?” she asked her tone friendly and her accent thick.

“Um, you probably don’t know me bu-“

“Lilly?” she almost squealed into the phone, her voice cutting over me as I winced.

I laughed weakly, surprised “Yeah.” I almost choked “How did you know?” I asked smiling.

“You sound just like your mum.” My grandmother said into the phone her tone full of warmth and happiness. I instantly knew I was going to be just fine. “Sweetie, why are you calling? You do know we’re coming down tomorrow night don’t you?”

“Yea, I do.” I laughed nervously. “I actually….well Kate doesn’t know I'm ringing.” I was met with silence. “It’s not bad, but I'm just asking for a favor.”

There was a pause.

“Mmmm?” she answered hesitantly.

“I need Jarrod’s number.”

“I don’t need clothes.” I grumbled.

Hayden had left to do some other shopping within the mall leaving me with Nat and Sonny as they literally dragged me around giggling and scanning every rack in every shop we entered.

I stopped dead in my tracks “Jeans.” I stuttered as I stood in front of the endless racks and shelves of denim jeans and shorts, shirts, dresses and even shoes! I felt like I was in heaven and I was just waiting for the chorus of hallelujahs to echo me back. The girls rolled their eyes smirking before fleeing to the back racks of dresses and accessories.

Closing the change room curtain’s behind me my arm were piled with jean, tops, jackets and multiple other things and surprisingly it wasn’t all denim. I suddenly found myself in the mood for shopping for items as some form of counseling, stress relief and also because I knew my closet was looking kind of scarce and I was staying here longer now. I wasn’t actually classifying it as staying but now rather living at home. I also wanted some nice presentable clothing for when Kate’s family came down to visit for a week. The idea itself had me on edge.

Sliding out of a pair of jeans I had just tried on I stood in just my bra and panties which were a deep purple and black lacey set. I brushed the hair out of my eyes just as my phone began to ring, the ringtone playing. I happily sang and hummed softly to the words. Once it finished playing I picked it up reading:

Nat: Can I come in?

I smiled and called out “Come in!” totally comfortable, we are girls.

Oblivious I spun to the bench and began folding all the clothes and someone stepped in looking up I gasped totally frightened “Hayden?”

He chuckled lowly his eyes I noticed roaming every inch of my body still “Sorry…I thought you’d change even if it was Nat...I just….Surprise?” he asked smiling cheekily. I held my chest, aware I was practically naked in front of him. Being courtesy he kept his gaze only locked on my own. “I'll close my eyes so you can get change, you know…cover up.” He murmured his eyes sliding closed respectfully.

I just stood blinking stupidly as my thoughts stumbled through me, my heart beating hard. Taking a step in closer I looked up at him as he towered over my form. “Okay, open.” I whispered. He did than frowned as I stood before still in my undergarments. “I don’t want to cover up Hayden; I don’t want to hide from you. I want you to see me.” I whispered honestly.

With a loud smack Hayden had me pressed up against the changing room’s walls and his lips devoured mine. His lips made me instantly cling to him weakly s my body drained and a bombardment of heat and tingles spread through me, my heart beating wildly. His lips were rough and yet not enough as he kissed me deep and passionately, my body was pressed up tightly against him as I melted stuck between the cool warm and his body that feed body heat into me. I shivered by the mixture of temperatures pressed up against only making his lips become more thorough and this kiss deepened and progressed as my mouth fell apart, it opening wider and wider.

I wanted him.

Hayden’s hands held my face softly in his hands, his body pressed up against mine heavily and hard, I could feel every ridge, dip, crevice and muscle. I could feel his jeans rough texture stroke my bare legs his chest falling and rising with mine, his buttons on his shirt cool touch against my navel. He was pressed up against me hard so I could feel every sexy taunting part of flesh and muscles making me weak in the knees.

My toes curled in the soft carpet and I was drowning in his intoxicating warmth. My hands curled around his neck bringing me closer as my finger ran softly up and down the nape of his neck ad tugging softly on any strands of hair in reach drawing a moan from him. My heart was crashing against my ribs and it increased as his tongue made me tremble as it ran along my lip causing me to moan softer and find a way to press closer into his touch.

Suddenly Hayden’s lips left mine exposing extremely unstable breath and my lips felt so bruised and sensitive. His lips ran up along my nose and along my face, I trembled and shivered growing faint and light, his lips fell to my neck and I slid down the wall the last ounce of strength fleeing me. Hayden slid down with me his legs tangle with mine. I clung to him, my body shivering and trembling with pleasure. His lip crawled down my neck and I pressed him in closer as my hands still sat on the back of his neck, his fingers absentmindedly drawing up and down my body as they stroked my skin causing me to shiver in bliss. His lips lowered further down to the edge of my bra and my body arched against the wall and his head dipped further my breath ever so shaky as his lips burned my skin. I gasped as his lips found my covered skin and I desperately drew I'm closer. My body was bubbling with so much desire and need. My fingers edged down his neck slowly and teasingly to his buttons, and with ease I slipped them out my body trembling with so much adrenaline and desire. I tugged his shirt aside and his chest was flat up against mine, his heat feeding into me.

His face was level with mine as we held one another’s gaze. “Lilly.” He gasped his chest heaving against mine his voice as rough and husky as mine. “We can’t, not like this.” He said trembling against me as he fought for control.

I frowned slightly, this wasn’t the first time he had stopped me from taking it any further. Hayden and I were becoming pros at make out sessions and now I wasn’t tentative in the slightest, it just felt natural. However Hayden always stopped us before we got any further than what we were now. And in all honesty I was starting to feel a little rejected and scared of his reasoning. Did he secretly just not want me?

“Baby that’s not it.” He sighed heavily as he basically read the thought from my mind. He had a habit of doing that, being able to take the thoughts right out of me. He could read me just so well. “I swear, it’s just…I want to. Really.” He groaned at that, a tormented groan that made my lips twitch. “I just don’t want to do something that could make you….hate me later. I don’t want you to regret it.” He murmured explaining it.

“Have you….? Are you..?” I asked timidly blushing deeply as I glanced away.

He cupped my face bringing it close to his as he looked me right in the eye “Honestly? I got pretty serious with my one almost serious ex but that was when I was still in school, two years ago. We got close…but never. This is just as…new for me as you. I don’t want it to be bad with regrets. Especially here in a changing room.” He said gently.

I nodded glumly “….Is it…” I gave a harsh exhaled before rushing out “Is it possible you’ll regret it?”

Hayden barked a short laugh “As much as this is going to sound nasty like an old man, I’ve wanted to have all of you for a long, long time baby. You bring out this…beast within me.” He murmured smiling slightly as he planted a kiss to my nose. “I just…if we do go ahead soon and you regret it, it won’t just hurt you you know?” I nodded solemnly thinking for the rejection and pain Hayden would feel as a special moment could be ruined.

Sighing I whispered “I'm not scared of….rejecting and regretting you. I'm scared at how I….want to so bad. It scares me.” I whispered honestly fiddling with the bracelet Hayden had given me that still sat neatly on my wrist. It was the truth, I wasn’t scared, and we were actually prepared for it. As soon as mum found out about Hayden she instantly took me to the doctors to be put on the pill. She was defiant in making sure nothing happened to me like what happened to her, to her I was still her baby girl that was literally 6 months old. She was all motherly and gave Hayden a good long talk, though I don’t know details, but I knew if she didn’t already know and trust Hayden…. Well that talk could have lasted for days.

Hayden chuckled “Love does that to ya Lill.” As he looked at me, his gaze soaking me in. He exhaled in a gush “You’re so beautiful though.” He murmured his fingers drawing up along my chest to the tip of my chin, my body arched into his touch as I sighed blissfully. “But, not like this.” He whispered.

“Okay.” I whispered breathlessly my eyes still shut as I tried to hold onto every sensation within me.

Hayden leant in briefly kissing underneath my chin at my pulse making me swallow hard, I could feel his smile against my skin as he crawled up and gave a short but sweet peck to my lips before pulling away “Let’s get you dressed.” He murmured. I sighed and he pulled me gently to my feet. He picked up the dress I wore today. “I must say.” He murmured softly his eyes aback on me. “I love this.” He murmured tugging on my bra’s lace. I smiled anything but coy and flirtatiously. “Not helping Lill.” He warned in a grumble.

I bit my bottom lip still smiling as he buttoned up his shirt “You wanted a surprise.” I teased back giggling.


So my dear girls and gals, what are our thoughts on this upload? I hope it's longer. It's been a month since Hayden and Lilly confessed their love and Hugo...so they've grown closer, right?

My voting goal is 50-55 votes and lots and lots of comments :). I know by how many reads I'm getting I should easily get that as votes so if you're reading this, DO vote! :)

I have a question and The Daydreamer fans will understand this more, I am thinking of doing a mini short one upload story on Jarrod & Lilly and when he comes into the story, in all honesty I think I'll probably do it with or without your agreement because I want to do it as it sounds exciting, plus it will explain some things to my dear readers and give a inisight from Kate. So thoughts? It won't be until Chp 24 roughly. But just share your thoughts please :)

Don't forget guys if you want to create covers/banners for me send them through to me and they'll be on display on my Facebook page :) Ones already designed are on the side >> in a slideshow :)

You guys know my drill; vote/comment/fan/recommend/add to library/Tell your friends-fans/facey/tweet/read my others stories etc etc.

My Facebook page? >>>Click on the external link<<< Has over 14 photo albums of all my stories with descriptions and covers and much more, check it out and like me;






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