Always You.

By pashienz18

62.1K 1.5K 71

Five years have passed since he left without an explanation, fate throws them together but this time she was... More

Twenty One
Twenty three
Twenty Seven


2.1K 46 0
By pashienz18

Dom set his jaw and gritted his teeth to stop from smiling stupidly at her, she looked wonderful in a red sundress that filed out every curve of her body, white flats and white earnings to go with it.

"Is there something on my face?"

she asked, suddenly self conscious.


she was still uncomfortable with the hard look.

"shall we?"

he said and took her hand in his.


she looked unsure as she took his hand and let him pull her along.

why was she even doing this? was it because she had nothing to do and all her fellow gossipers had forsaken her or it was because she was avoiding Ryan?

she felt bad for using Dom but she had no other option.

"where are you taking me?"

she asked, frowning at him.

"it's a surprise."

he gave her a cheeky grin and urged her to the elevator.

Dom pulled up in front of a café and unlocked the doors.

"let's have breakfast first."

she nodded, opened the door and stepped out quickly before he got to her own side.

he smiled a knowing smile, she was avoiding what she called 'moments'.

He took her hand, tightening his grip as she tried to wiggle free.

she shot him a cold glare, he answered with a smile that pissed her off. he led her to an empty table and pulled out a chair for her.


she breathed out.

he sat down in the chair next to hers and picked up all the menu cards on the table.

"I'll order for us."

without waiting for affirmation from her, he waved the waiter over.

Allie finished her potatoes and picked up her water glass. she stopped drinking when she noticed his frown.

"what did I do now?"

he leaned forward, pointed at her chicken and arched one brow.

"I er... I don't feel like it."

He didn't have to know that she was punishing herself for being away from James.

"Al, you shouldn't kill yourself because you're not with James. the loneliness is enough punishment."

he said firmly.

"you're used to being away from Drake, you could say that."

she said, avoiding the eye contact he was offering.

"it was the same for me when I had to  leave Drake for the first time."

he wanted to pull her close, have her cradle her head in his shoulder and tell her to just ease off and let go.

instead, when she didn't say anything, he continued.

"I didn't eat anything on my three day trip, I wasn't hungry, but hunger came the instant I went back home then I fell ill."

without realizing it, he pulled her to him.

he felt her trying to pull out nicely but he held her in place.

"relax, I swear, am not flirting with you."

He wanted desperately to touch her hair, his fists clenched tightly, almost painfully.

he released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"I understand the feeling. you feel like James thinks you've abandoned him."

He held her more loosely when he felt her relaxing.

"if I were James, I would never feel left alone even if you were not there."

his thumb grazed her arm gently.

"because, you love him too much, everything you're doing is for him."

He released a breath and smoothed her hair.

"we have a long day ahead of us."

He sighed and dropped his arm.

she stood up, picked up her purse.

he opened his wallet and dropped some bills on the table.

"come on."

he took her hand and led her out.

They stopped again in front of a store. "just a sec."

Dom said, unstrapped himself and stepped out.

ten minutes later he returned with a shopping bag.

he looked at her, smiled and then started the car.

Allie eyed the bag curiously, her hand itched to open up the bag and see.

"why are you eyeing my shopping bag like your phone fell in it?"

She looked away before he could complete the question.

He smiled, and returned his attention to the road.

He'd never felt this good in five years, when she relaxed in his arms he felt perfect, he could live for a thousand years for that moment.

He had to shorten their moment because he knew it was getting awkward for her.

he threw a glance in her direction, she was looking out the window, completely oblivious to her immediate environment.

she smiled at something by the road and looked at it until it was out of view.

Dom turned back to the road, he had to be careful for them.

Allie looked distastefully at the red bikini set in her hands, she sighed, shook her head and threw it at him.

"Dominic, am a woman, someone's mother, I can't be walking around in a bikini. it's not good."

she said with a note of finality.

Dom sighed, he did it wrong again. she had a point but he wanted her to wear it.

"Al please, am the only one that knows you here, please, just this once."

He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"how about you use my shorts while I use this trouser?"

she shook her head negative.

"you won't be comfortable."

she said firmly.

"aw! come on, I'll fold it at the legs and be okay."

he said and started folding his trouser.

he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it in the backseat.


Allie caught his arm, stopping him.

"I'll wear it. Put on your shorts."

She said and threw his shorts in his lap.

He silently pulled off his jean trousers and struggled into his shorts.

"come on, the beach is waiting for us."

He said and stepped out of the car to give her the privacy she silently pleaded for.

he walked to the back of the car and leaned on it with his back to the car.

When she did come out, his jaw dropped in sheer surprise.

she looked around nervously.

he let his eyes feast on her body, the red with white polka dot set went well with her skin tone.

he wasn't going to let her out of his sight for just a split second.

He tore his eyes from her body to her her eyes, her lips were moving, what was she saying?

all he was hearing was the erratic beat of his heart.

He snapped out of it when he saw her look around nervously.

"you look perfect, stop worrying."

he said and started towards the stores.

Allie watch him walk away from her, what did she do?

She looked down at herself, wondering why she agreed to wear this skimpy piece anyways.

The bra wasn't thick enough, every time she looked,  she'd see her nipples sticking out.

She truly wasn't supposed to be wearing this, she was someone's mom.

"here goes nothing"

she muttered and started towards the water.

Dom Returned with drinks, he looked around for her, where the heck did she go?


He turned to the direction of her voice and saw her on her stomach, surrounded by few people.

"are you okay Allie?"

she stood up and tried to reduce the sand that stuck to her skin to her skin. she adjusted her miniskirt again.

"you guys have to be easy on us, we're ladies."

she said playfully and they all laughed and went back to their beach soccer.

He smiled and walked to a palm tree and sat down, watching her play soccer.

when did she start playing soccer? his Allie didn't like football or any kind if ball at all. she'd really changed, it could be seen through her eyes, that playful and bubbling nature was now replaced by coldness especially towards him.

He found himself laughing anytime someone fell.

He nearly chocked on his drink when one of the ladies on Allie's team tried to kick the ball only to swing her leg over the ball.

The beach wasn't as crowded as he'd thought, only a few people who had nothing to do on this sunny Wednesday morning.

he leaned back on the tree trunk and closed his eyes, focusing on her shrieks and screams, that was enough for him.

Dom's eyes shot open, he heard her screaming, he must have fallen asleep for a few minutes.

"why didn't you guys tell me the beach had crabs?"

he saw one of the guys carrying her to a bench.

getting up quickly, he raced to where they were gathered around her.

"what's happening here?"

he asked and crossed his arms on his chest.

"she got too close to the water and a crab caught her big toe."

one girl explained.

without any more questions, he pushed his way through to where Allie was seated with the crab still attached to her toe.

"Dom, please take it off, please..."

she said, when she spotted him.

Quietly, he squat in front of her.

"Can I have a bowl of sea water?"

He said to the group behind him.

After a few seconds, someone dropped a bowl of water in beside him.

He picked it up and dipped her foot in it.

"This might take a while, hang on."

He said without looking at her face.

His brows furrowed when he saw her blood spread in the water.

He released his breath as it detached itself from Allie's toe.

he dropped the bowl and examined the toe. it broke her skin, he rubbed it between his thumb and index finger. she whimpered and tried to remove her foot from his grasp.

"thank you."

she said sincerely.

he dropped her leg and  looked up into her eyes, she looked away immediately.

He stood straight up.

"thank you guys, we'll be on our way now."

he said, scooped her up and started for the car.

"you should've been careful."

He said quietly, opening the doors with the car key.

he sat her down in the front seat and strapped her to it.

"am sorry."

she said quietly, it took him some seconds to comprehend what she said.

"what for?"

his hand itched to push that stray strand of hair off her face.

"ruining your day."

she said when he got in and started the car.

he didn't say anything, just looked at her like she was speaking a foreign language.

Dom tightened his grip on the steering wheel to stop himself from stepping harder on the gas pedal and increasing his speed.

he casted a sideways look at her toe, swelling rapidly.

he stopped in front of the iron gates and got down.

"one minute."

he walked to the security box and punched in the code.

"where are we?"

she asked when he returned.

"this is where I spent part of my childhood."

he got in and drove through the gate that was now open.

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