Immortally Mine (Larry)

By bitemelou

185K 6.7K 2.6K

Niall looked very scared of me. "You're not even you- definitely not you. You look like a.. like.. a wolf or... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Turty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Thirty

2.5K 99 21
By bitemelou


Last night, it was like there was a little switch held deep within my brain, one that offed the anxiety and the fear and the uncontrollable turning and the stress, that was turned on.

And the moment it was, I was deep in sleep yet had felt it, and woke up screaming.

I remember startling Louis to his feet and he came quick to the side of my bed to try and hold me and calm me down. I remember waking up the rest of the house and noticing the blurry faces of Niall and Liam break into our room. They tried holding me down, too, but I was too strong for their grip as I felt my fangs come in and my eyes flash red. I roared.

Lou was the only one who could keep me in my place, but I kept tossing myself away and trying to get him off of me. I kept snapping my jaws and biting and howling and I remember yelling things like, "Get away from me," and "Get off of me," until he let me go and I hopped out of the bed.

My head hurt and I felt certainly nauseous, I couldn't understand this burst of exhilarating anxiety that all of the sudden attacked me, but it made so I couldn't hear anything correctly and I could quite see anything right and I just hurt all over my body.

The last thing of that that I remember is falling to the floor on my hands and knees and covering my ears, because a scream higher and more threatening than mine rung through my ear drums, but only I could hear it. To me, it wasn't only a scream, it was a cry, a certain one that spoke dangerous words that again, only I could hear and understand.

I still don't really know what the scene was about. But what I do know is that moments before that, I was dreaming and the dream had been one of that in the future, and I was hurting people. We were in war and I was attacking and overall killing people.

In the morning, my heart was still beating twice the pace it was meant to.

Louis made me tea. He brought it into my bedroom around 8:00 am when I woke.

He didn't ask me how I was, he didn't ask me what had happened or why I did it, he didn't ask me anything. And he didn't because he already knew. Louis was able to tell my emotions, my actions, my thoughts, and my everything before I even could. He knew what I'd seen last night and he knew of the terrifying and wild ideas that were destroying my mind.

Though he read my mind and there was no need, he let me talk about it. He wanted me to explain to him in words exactly what was happening.

"Werewolves and Vampires don't click. We should be trying to kill each other, Lou, we aren't meant for this and we aren't meant for each other. It's just going to get worse from here- especially hiding both our identities and relationship from paps. This isn't going to work and I'm not sure how either of us can cope.

"I was screaming last night because all I could think of is me hurting you. All I can see in the back of my head for days now is the both of us getting hurt and getting everyone we know hurt, too. I don't think that I have ever been so scared in my entire life." I began feeling the rush again. I saw Louis' eyes tear up. He knew what I was saying was true.

His eyes turned red. He looked as if he were about to explode. His hears looked dry as they ever so slowly drifted down his clear, pale skin.

"I don't think you realize how much I am in love with you. But, because I love you, I want to keep you safe. And your safety is far from me." I sobbed. My heart pounded and it hurt greater than anything ever had before. "I love you, Louis. I have completely fallen in love with you for these past few months."

I didn't know if what I was saying what helping the situation or just making it worse.

"I love you, too." He said, through angered breaths and endless tear drops.

The way he looked and the feeling of his emotions sent me into panic mode once again. I turned faster than I ever had, stretching my shirt and feeling my nails extend and my teeth get sharp. I was breathing roughly and forcefully and there was so much pain inside of me that I didn't know how to let go of and everything that was happening right now was just causing even more fear and stress.

I howled. But the roar wasn't enough to take away any of my hurt. And it was almost like I wanted them to find me- because I knew they heard me. I knew that the hunters were out there at this moment hearing my calls and getting closer to me. But I didn't care, I didn't care because maybe I would be better off dead. Better off away from Louis, letting him live on with his perfect immortality and where I couldn't hurt him. Because every time I saw that godawful scar between his brows that I had put there from months and months ago, it made me feel sore in my stomach because I used to do nothing but hurt him for the longest time, when all he was trying to do was protect himself and I.

"Shh!! Shh, Harry- Please, please stop-" Louis put his hand over my mouth and tried to silence me. I tried breaking from his grip, but his force was too strong and he was able to captivate me in his arms, shushing me. "Calm down, Haz, please."

I whimpered, squirming viciously in his arms and using all my might to try and break free. Niall and Liam must not have been home because they would be bursting in right now to hush me as well.

Instead, Dylan began pounding on the front door. "Let me in!!"

Lou was too busy holding me down to get up and unlock the door for him, and soon enough he had used his strength to bust it down himself. Then, I heard his footsteps strike the floor repeatedly as he ran through the living space and to our bedroom door, in which he also broke down.

"What's going on?!" He screamed at the two of us, glaring around the room.

My hearing became faint just then, and everything they were saying was now just murmurs. I couldn't hear anything over my own yelping, which became constant and continuous. Dylan came running over as Louis asked him to help hold me down, and now I had two pushing on me to try and hold me sane.

Little Logan came walking to the doorstep, peering around it, shyly watching.

"Let me go! Let me go.." I weeped, trying to gain strength again.

The tears burned my skin. There were plenty of them. I kept kicking and howling, even with Lou's hand over my mouth. I couldn't get my mind on anything besides breaking free from here and running off, praying and hoping to never be seen again, because from what I was seeing now it was the only thing I could do that wouldn't
hurt someone. Anyone. Pain was the very last thing I wanted to cause for another being.

But, after minutes of panicking and severe anxiety, it all stopped. I all of the sudden held myself still, hearing as Dylan began speaking. "They're coming. I hear them." He let me go. "Logan, Logan get away from the door, come here-" He tone was sharp but quiet and sneaky.

"Where do we go?" Louis asked, sounding quite tense and vulnerable.

"We- we just need to hide-" Dylan stuttered as he talked, standing up off the floor and desperately looking for an answer.

Before we knew it, they were up our condos stairs and near the wide open entrance that was broken by Dylan, giving them a clear passage of the four of us.

The room we were in only had very small windows the bordered the top of the walls, nothing we could jump out of to escape. The other two exceptions that we could've looked to was either hiding under the beds and in the closet and praying they don't find us there, or run to the nearest window, which was in the living room, and run away.

"Okay-" Louis said, trying be act as mature and strong under the circumstances as possible. "Everyone go, everyone run to the living room window and jump out. They're going to see us, but as long as we are out the window and running before they catch us we will be okay. Now go, go!"

We all followed instructions, pushing passed the furniture and heading to the living room window, centered behind the couches. I was still changed, unable to calm down and change myself back, no matter how hard I tried. It had become uncontrollable as I was beginning to lose my anchor.

The hunters, there were 2, came through the front door behind us, all wearing heavy, black clothing. They carried tasers, the ones Dylan were talking about that only hurt werewolves, along with arrows in bags hooked around their backs and a bow wrapped around their shoulder. They looked surely intimidating and scared the shit out of me.

I lifted the window open, shaky hands, and was just about to jump out when I looked down and saw that two more hunters stood just below, directly in the spot I aimed to fall.

The first two hunters at our entrance brought out their tasers and began stepping towards us, and I was completely stumped and didn't have a choice at this point. The four of us were just standing, staring out the window and to the door, blanking.

"Dylan, hold Logan." Lou spoke quick as he watch the hunters at the doors enter the living space and threaten us by wiping down some of the decorative furniture with the sticks of their tasers. Right as Lou spoke, I felt his one hand come around my waist and throw me up on his back, I held on around his chest- I saw his other go around Dylan, who was now clutching Logan.

"Let's fucking do this-" Lou spoke with mystery and ridicule as he took off out the window. I flinched in surprise as I looked down and saw us flying right above our backyard and the woods. Lou was flying, he was carrying us as he ran across thin air and then dive onto the trunk of a tree, beginning to swing across multiple.

The experience was astonishing. He had so much strength and was awfully brave and daring to risk them all seeing him fly like that. My heart was excessively racing, I could see the fear yet greatness in both Logan and Dylan's eyes and we started landing on a soft field in the middle of the woods.

We all were thrown down to the grass forcefully as we came to a complete stop. Us four rolled on the floor for a moment, trying to put together exactly what had just happened.

"What the fuck..?" Logan was the first to speak.

"Did we just-?" Dylan asked, holding his head in place as the dizziness from falling faded.

Louis didn't say anything. I could feel his anger, his anger towards completely giving away what he was to the boys, trying to save us, which probably wasn't something we wanted to do in the first place. He sat up, but held no emotion as he leaned back on his arm and tried fixing his hair.

"Louis, you didn't tell me you could do that," I said, smiling as I got up and walked towards him.

He just nodded at me.

"How did you?! I'm so- This is so- What happened?! What are you, I-" Logan was completely freaked out, I couldn't quite tell if it were in a good way or a bad.

"Don't worry about it-" Louis scorned, getting up with me and attempting to walk back.

"No, no, no, that wasn't natural, we just-" Dylan was out of breath as he ran his hand through his hair. "You just flew, but how?"

"I said not to worry about it," He snapped. It upset me how protective he was over himself when he didn't have to be with certain people.

"Lou," I said, grabbing his shoulder. He turned around. "Just tell them. They've already seen so much, I would be surprised if they didn't already know."

"Know what?" Logan asked, up on his feet.

Louis grumbled. "Harry-"

I raised my brow at him and sort of growled. He bit his lip and rolled his eyes.


He walked back to where Logan and Dylan stood. They looked curious and quite suspicious, also scared.

Louis lowered his chin as his eyes turned a bright, bright red on command. His deadly fangs grew in very slowly. His skin got just a bit paler and face a little creepier as he had completely transformed himself.

"You're-" Logan started, but never finished. Him and Dylan stared carefully, jaws dropped and eyes gold.

"A Vampire, blah, blah." Louis admits. He seemed bored of the topic.

I tried not to giggle. I covered my mouth, just watching as the brother kept the same expression as they inspected Louis and what he's become.

"Oh, no." Dylan mumbles. "No, werewolves and vampires don't cope, we can't-"

"Shh, shh," I run to his side. "Don't talk so loud- and no, it's okay, he won't hurt us, he's not like that."

Dylan looked hesitant. He wasn't willing to start a fight, but I think that this left him weary of the both of us. As for Logan, he was only 14, and I don't think he exactly understood everything that was going on right now. It was just his job to stay hidden, and for the rest of us to keep each other safe and stay together, no matter what.

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