Where One's Love Can Falter (...

By savanna_hook27

522 17 2

This is going to be about the twin sister of Harry Potter. Her name is Halley Potter, and it will start from... More



50 2 2
By savanna_hook27

The first week went by very fast, and then the final day came for the students from all three schools, that were seventeen and older, to put their names inside the Goblet of Fire. Halley and Hermione were looking through one of their textbooks, going over some of their homework. A couple of minutes went by, and the Weasley twins came in and they hollering and cheering.

"Yeah!" Everyone, except Halley and Hermione, cheered.

"Yeah!" They cheered back, as they lifted two vials of an aging potion.

"We cooked it up, just this morning!" Fred cheered.

"That we did!" George also cheered. Both of them were laughing.

"It's not going to work!" Hermione exclaimed, in a sing-song voice.

"Oh yeah," George began, as him and Fred knelt down beside the girls. "And why is that Granger?" Both Halley and Hermione slammed their textbooks shut.

"Halley, would you care to enlighten these two?" Hermione asked.

"Sure thing Hermione," Halley replied, as she smiled at the twins. "This is an Age Line." Halley gestured around the Age Line using her entire arm.

"What's the problem with that Potter?" Fred asked.

"Dumbledore drew it himself," Halley answered.

"So?" George asked, jokingly and sarcastically.

"So, a genius like Dumbledore isn't going to be fooled by something so pathetically dim-witted as an Aging Potion!" Halley exclaimed, shaking her head.

"Ah, but you see Potter and Granger," Fred mentioned. "That's why it is going to work."

"Because, it's so pathetically dim-witted," George stated. They stood up right next to each other.

"Ready George?" Fred asked.

"Ready Fred," George stated. They popped off the corks of the vials, and locked their arms.

"Bottoms up!" They said, in unison. They drank it, jumped into the circle together, when nothing happened at first they looked around the room, and cheered. They put their two names in the Goblet, again nothing happened, they cheered once again, then some magical wisps came out, attacked them, and they were thrown out of the circle. The Weasley twins were turned into a couple of bickering old men.

"You said!" Fred exclaimed.

"You said!" George exclaimed. They began wrestling, and everyone burst into laughter. While they were fighting, Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang, walked into the Great Hall with his High Master on his heels. He entered the circle around the goblet, put his name in the goblet, and he just stared at Hermione. A little while after everyone had their names in the goblet, well the ones that were able to, Dumbledore came in with all of the teachers, Igor Kakaroff, and Madame Maxine.

"The time has come to select our three Triwizard champions," Dumbledore began. He walked over to the goblet, touched it, and a fancy circular piece of parchment came out. "The Champion for Beauxbatons, is Fleur Delacour!" There was cheering from the Beauxbatons school, and young woman with her blonde hair pulled back stood up, walked over to Dumbledore, was given her piece of parchment, and shook his hand. She walked off into the direction of the trophy room. He turned back to the goblet, and a viciously burnt piece of parchment came out. "The Durmstrang Champion is, Viktor Krum!" Major cheering from the Durmstrangs, and all Viktor did was silently say yes to himself. He too went over to Dumbledore, was handed his parchment, shook his hand, and also took off towards the trophy room. Another piece of parchment came out of the goblet, and Dumbledore took it. "The Hogwarts Champion, is Cedric Diggory!" Cedric did the same thing as Fleur and Viktor, but instead of shaking Dumbledore's hand, Dumbledore just slapped Cedric's arm, as he took off towards the trophy room also. Dumbledore turned and faced everyone else. "Now, that we have our three champions..." Dumbledore was cut off as Snape and McGonagall started to step forward.

"Headmaster," Snape stated, pointing to the Goblet. Another piece of parchment came out of the goblet.

"Harry Potter?" Dumbledore asked, quietly. "Harry Potter?!" Harry stood up for a second, and then went back down. "Harry Potter?!"

"For goodness sake, Harry," Hermione said, pushing Harry. "Just go." Harry got up and slowly walked over to Dumbledore and the others. But, before he could get into the trophy room, he was given the parchment, and also the goblet burned again. A fifth piece of parchment came out and Dumbledore grabbed at that one too.

"Halley Potter?" Dumbledore asked. Halley stood up and was pushed forward by her friend Cho Chang, a girl from Ravenclaw House. She walked over there and took that piece of parchment. As her and Harry were walking towards the trophy room, all of the students started haggling.

"They're cheats!" One student yelled.

"Yeah, they're not even seventeen yet!" another one yelled. Harry and Halley were slowly walking to the trophy room. When they got there Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor were all staring at them. They stared at them, when they heard Dumbledore and the others arguing amongst themselves.

"It's wrong I tell you!" Madame Maxine yelled.

"You French tart!" Karkaroff yelled back. "Everything is a conspiracy theory with you!"

"Be quiet, all of you!" Dumbledore yelled at them. "I can't think!"

"Everything is a conspiracy theory!" Karkaroff said.

"I protest!" Maxine said.

"Harry, Halley!" Dumbledore exclaimed, as the Potters started backing up into the fireplace.

"I protest!" Maxine said, once again.

"Harry, Halley!" Dumbledore exclaimed, grabbing their shoulders. "Did you two put your names in the Goblet of Fire?!"

"No sir!" Harry and Halley exclaimed, kind of freaked out.

"Did you two ask one of the older students to do it for you?"

"No sir!"

"You're both absolutely sure?"

"Yes. Yes sir."

"But, of course they are lying!" Maxine exclaimed.

"The hell they are!" Moody exclaimed. "The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of two fourth-years! No matter if one is smarter than the other!"

"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye!" Karkaroff exclaimed.

"It was once my job to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff," Moody threatened. "Perhaps you remember?"

"This doesn't help Alastor!" Dumbledore said, enraged as he walked in between Karkaroff and Moody to Barty Crouch. "I'll leave this to you, Barty."

"The rules are absolute," Barty mentioned, as he looked at everyone then his eyes just stayed on the Potters. "The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. The Potters have no choice. They are, as of tonight, Triwizard champions."

* * *

After everyone left the trophy room Halley and Harry went their separate ways for the night. Cedric was walking with Halley to the Hufflepuff basement. When they arrived at their common room, the students that were still up just stared at Halley, like they did two years ago when everyone thought that because of her and Harry being parselmouths and were the ones that opened up the Chamber of Secrets.

"You all need to stop staring," Cedric said. As the Head Boy, he had the right to tell them what to do. Everyone stopped staring and went to bed, leaving only Cedric and Halley in the Common Room.

"Cedric," Halley began.

"Yes Halley?"

"You're not going to kick me off the Quidditch Team and take away my status as Quidditch Co-Captain?"

"What? No, of course not. But, I'll tell what I will do."

"What's that?"

"Make sure that throughout the entire competition no one gives you or your brother a hard time."

"Thanks Cedric."

"You're welcome. Hey, what are friends for right?"

"Right, well goodnight Cedric."

"Goodnight Halley." They went to their dormitories, and when Halley entered hers, her friends Hannah and Susan came up to her.

"Girls, whatever you do," Halley said. "Please don't be upset with me, I didn't ask for this."

"We know, but still, the famous Halley Potter," Hannah said. "A Triwizard champion, I just don't see it."

"I agree," Susan said.

"Listen to me to girls, please."

"Okay," they said, in unison.

"I didn't want this to happen to me, I don't care for or even want Eternal Glory."

"We understand," Hannah said.

"Thank you. Now goodnight girls." Without another word to each other, they all laid down, and fell asleep.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the Headmaster's office, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Moody were trying to figure everything out.

"This can't go on, Albus," McGonagall mentioned. "First the Dark Mark, now this?"

"What do you suggest, Minerva?" Dumbledore asked, as he was standing over the Penseive.

"Put an end to it. Don't let them compete."

You heard Barty. The rules are clear."

"Well the devil with Barty. And his rules. And since when did you accommodate the Ministry?"

"Headmaster," Snape began. "I too find it difficult to believe this mere coincidence. However, if we are to truly discover the meaning of these events, perhaps we should, for the time being...let them unfold."

"What?" McGonagall asked. "Do nothing? Offer them up as bait? They are kids, not pieces of meat!"

"I agree...with Severus," Dumbledore began. "Alastor, keep an eye on Harry will you?"

"I can do that," Moody said.

"Severus?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes Headmaster?" Snape asked.

"Will you keep an eye on Halley?"

"Of course I will."

"Good," Dumbledore stated. "Don't let them know though. They must be anxious enough as it is...knowing what lies ahead. Then again, we all are." Dumbledore put his wand to the side of his head, dug out the memory of their names coming out of the goblet, and threw the memory into the Pensieve.

A/N: Again, I hope everyone enjoys reading this.

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