Mending Torn Bonds {Book Four...

By LloydLover_19

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{Book Four in the Four Winds Series} It's been almost ten years. Kyle is almost eighteen and the twins are al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Five

1.1K 47 25
By LloydLover_19

A/n- about died of cuteness overload from the picture above! Love this rendering of Pixal and Zane! -Ll_17

Xavier made is way up to the kitchen window quietly. The clock read 4:00 AM. He saw his dad sitting at the kitchen table. He was just sitting there with his head in his hands. Xavier wondered how long he had been sitting there. He felt horrible about himself. He and his family had been happy! Why did this have to happen?! He loved his family yet he couldn't help feel that that may change as the darkness progressed. He desperately wished he could fix this.

Xavier looked back into the kitchen and saw his mom appear. She was saying something but Xavier couldn't understand her. Then he saw something he never would have expected. He saw his father weep. Not a girly or emasculating weeping but a sob that only a man could sob. He saw his mom cover her mouth at the sight and began to cry. He hated it when his mother cried. He hadn't seen her cry like this since his Aunt Emily's death ten years ago. Tears began to pour down Xavier's cheeks.


Lloyd was sitting at the kitchen table. He had been sitting there for over six hours. The clock read 4:00 AM. He was so worried about Xavier. What if he did something stupid? What if he didn't come back? The pain Lloyd was feeling was the pain that only a father could understand. He wished he could take this burden from his son. He would gladly bear the darkness.

"Lloyd?" Aira asked coming into the kitchen. "Has he come home yet?"

"No," Lloyd said and choked on a sob. "What if he decides this is to much to bear? My father said he attempted suicide but he couldn't do it. He said he couldn't bear the though of leaving me."

Lloyd put his face in his hands and sobbed a deep, heart-wrenching sob. Aira covered her mouth at the sight and began to sob as well. Lloyd shot up and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest and wept.


Katrina woke to a tapping on her window. She looked out warily and saw Xavier sitting on the roof. She slid the window open and crawled out next to him.

"It's almost 4:15 in the morning," she informed.

"I know," Xavier said softly. "I was watching my dad. He was in the kitchen. My dad always seemed so strong so unmovable but I saw him cry. It broke my heart."

Xavier began to choke. This was very emotional for him. Katrina rubbed his back.

"My dad loves me so much," Xavier said brokenly. "And I'm causing him pain."

"Xavier, it's not your fault," Katrina shushed.

"But it is," Xavier wept, "I'm not strong enough to fight this."

"You are," she exclaimed. "You just keep telling yourself you aren't!"

"My mom was crying too," Xavier continued. "My dad was holding her. Maybe I shouldn't be around anymore."

"Don't you dare say that," Katrina said with tears springing into her eyes. "They would be even more hurt if you left."

"I know," Xavier said trying to calm himself. "And my sister. She and I are so close. They say twins have a bond and it's true. She will he heartbroken."


"They are going to have to fight me," Xavier said stemming another sob. "What if I turn so dark I can't love anymore?"

"That never happened to Sensei Garmadon," Katrina pointed out. "He beat the evil because of his love for his family."

"But my dad still had to fight his own father," Xavier said. "What if he has to fight me? My father would win. He is too powerful for me."

"That won't happen!" Katrina said. "You are giving up too easily!"

"I'm just resigning myself to my fate," Xavier said quietly.

"That's not your fate!"

"One shall turn down a dark path and spend a long time coming back to the light!" Xavier said sharply.

"I know what the prophecy says," Katrina said.

"And it's talking about me!" Xavier yelled. "A new enemy is rising. Pain, betrayal, and death shall come in his wake. One can save all but loose herself. One shall turn down a dark path and spend a long time coming back to the light. One shall die but leave a light behind. One shall return to earthly form. And one shall bring the Savior back to herself."

Katrina looked at him carefully.

"Half of it has come true," Xavier said. "One shall die but leave a light behind was Ronin's wife. One shall return to earthly form, that was Cole. One shall turn down a dark path and spend a long time coming back to the light, that's me. Katrina, what if I'm the new enemy that's rising?"

"You're not!" She said crying. "That was Sephis!"

"Was it?"

"Yes," Katrina said confidently.

"I hope you're right," Xavier said looking off into the distance. "I had better go let my dad know I'm okay."

"Goodnight, Xavier," Katrina said kissing his cheek.

"I doubt it," Xavier said softly as she crawled back into her room.

He jumped down from the room and made his way to the front door. He opened the door quietly and poked his head into the kitchen in an effort not to be seen. It looked like his dad had sent his mom back up to bed. Lloyd was sitting at the kitchen table still. He looked exhausted. Xavier coughed and Lloyd's head shot up.

"Xavier!" He said with relief. He jumped to his feet and embraced his son.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Xavier said embracing him back.

"It's hard," Lloyd said pushing back and looking his son in the eye. "I've been through it. But don't push us away otherwise you will never win this fight!"

"What if it's already lost?"

"It is if you have that attitude about it," Lloyd said wisely. "We are here for you."

"Thanks," Xavier forced a smile. "On a scale of one to ten how much trouble am I in."

"I think you have been hard enough on yourself," Lloyd smiled. "I don't think I need to be hard on you too. Now, Kai, may be a different story."

"I'll talk to him tomorrow," Xavier said. "I know Uncle Kai well enough to know that he will be cooled off by morning."

"He didn't used to be that way," Lloyd laughed. "Used to take him days to cool off. He has grown up. Not to mention having kids tends to make you more lenient. And Skylor helps keep his temper in check."

"I've noticed," Xavier grinned. "And I'm sorry about what I said to you tonight. It was unfair of me. Also I'm kinda glad I was born so what I said didn't make much sense."

"It didn't really," Lloyd smirked. "But I'm glad you were born too."

"Thanks, Dad," Xavier laughed.

A/n- Tell me your thoughts!!! Comment!! Hope you enjoyed! -LL_17

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