Firefly from Domarkia

By Arithiel

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Firefly from Domarkia

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By Arithiel

The Tryst

The first stabs of sunlight pierced the predawn twilight. Hericus nodded at Hukka, his groom, and lept upon his piebald horse, Fureo. The horse frisked his forelegs before Hericus cantered him out of Archalia Woods and into the meadow. The silver dew on the forest floor, scented of mint and moss, crunched underhoof. Fureo snorted, his breath blending with the early mornng mists. Hericus turned and smiled at Hukka.

'He needs his exercise, young master,' said Hukka, the folds in his face creasing into a grin.

'That he does. Thank you, Hukka. You've done well. Get back now. I'll see to Arcanus.' Without a word Hukka turned to Arcanus, tethered just inside the wood. She was a silver-gray mare of a seventeen hands - marginally shorter than Fureo; he gave her a reassuring tap on her mane. He climbed his chesnut stallion and rode out into the meadow towards Hericus. As they passed, he gave his master a straight look,

'Ye be careful with 'em both, sir.' Hericus thought he picked up concern in his old servant's voice for more than just the two horses's welfare.

'They're both precious to me, Hukka. You know that.'

'Aye, I do, sir. Still.' And he rode off down the meadow path away from the city. Arcanus belonged to Abreä. She was Hericus's sister - his half-sister. They'd agreed to meet at dawn. He was early.

Hericus had climbed the city walls unnoticed and walked to Archalia Woods, a mile outside the city’s walls. He was wearing a jerkin, black calf length leather boots and a buff cloak with a hood - the clothing of men up and working at this hour of the day. His palace finery left behind in his majestic apartment. At this hour and this occasion the stepson and daughter of the Emperor Acrilio must blend with the other citizens of Domarkia. Abreä said she would use her servant's clothes. Hericus was scanning the pathway along the meadow for her servant's usual outdoor garments: an olive green cloak, with a silver 'A' embroidered along the front. His brow furrowed as his emerald green eyes narrowed to the vanishing point of the footpath leading from the city. He picked out a dot, a moving dot. He directed Fureo towards it cautiously. If it wasn't her he'd need to make a rapid detour. The sun's rays behind him grew stronger as he and the dot got closer. In the distance he saw the city's walls; the tops of the buildings glistening.

He could make out the shape's movement and a current of recognition shot through him. He urged Fureo into a gallop. Under the green hooded cloak the face was in shade. But, the grace and purpose behind the walker's gait was unmistakably Abreä's. His hood flew back revealing a shock of black hair streaming back to his shoulder. Unfashionably so as most young men of eighteen had their hair cropped, military style. Her dimpled smile shone up at him fearlessly as he and Fureo thundered towards her and passed her on her left, making a skilful arc hehind and trotting along her right.

'Hello Herry. My he's fired up, ain't he?' She said, deeply amused at the excitement of both horse and rider.

'Glad your here, Abä,' said Hericus, drinking in her whole presence as he dismounted.

'Where's Arcanus?'

'Not far. She's waiting for you.'

'Do mean you've left her unattended? With all the thieves and outlaws in the forest?'

'We'll be there in a flash of thunder'

'Yes, I will be,' she said and nimbly climbed Fureo, urging him to a gallop, ‘In a flash of lightning.’

'Abä!' He shouted. She'd not gone far. She turned and he caught the wicked look in her eye.

'Well, you'd better get on board then, hadn't you?' she said as she stopped Fureo.

Hericus ran, caught up with her and jumped up on Fureo's back behind her, pressing tight against her back and reaching down to enclose her hands on the reins with his. They returned back along the path and approached the entrance into Archalia Woods, him whispering directions, to where Arcanus was tethered. The sun rising in front of them. The branches above them making a canopy and dappling them with golden light. Happiness seeping into their very pores.

They approached the part of the wood he'd just left. A red hawk shot out high into the roof of the forest followed by the cawing of other birds. Hericus felt Abrea stiffen and tighten her grasp on the reins. Fureo slowed to a canter and turned into the opening. Before them they saw Arcanus's tail swishing gently as she was led away deeper into the forest by a tall, grizzled man. He turned and smirked at them. Hericus slided off Fureo's left side and his hand automatically went to his dagger. There were four men there. A man in his forties with a narrow, gaunt face with black beard stood squarely facing them both. His sword was drawn. As Hericus approached him he lifted up his left hand in a halting gesture. On either side of him there was an archer concealed behind a tree. Each had an arrow pointing at both himself and Abrea. Clearly they'd heard their approaching gallop and prepared themselves.

'Go! Turn around and go!', said Hericus. Abrea held Fureo still and made no motion to go, her face a block of granite. He turned and faced the outlaws.

'Return the horse at once!' This was met with laughter from all three men, except the man in the centre, obviously the leader. He was staring at Hericus intently, his dagger in hand, his chipped green eyes ablaze with a cold fury.

'Take another step and you'll die, lad,' said the leader. Hericus halted, sensing the bowstrings tighten on either side of him.

'I am Hericus Anudrex Mensella! If you don't release that horse at once you'll all hang.' More raucous laughter from both sides of him now.

'In those clothes?’

‘An that ‘ore wid you is the Laydi Abeer, I suppose?’

At the insult to Abrea Hericus swivelled to the voice concealed on his right, his fury leading his sense, and was about to throw his dagger at it.

‘No, Hericus. Leave it.’ At being named by Abrea he sensed an intake of breath from the outlaws. And a silence.

‘I served with Verresto Mensella. I saw his only son’s birth mark behind his right shoulder. A bright red one - every ‘un said it looked like a......’

‘If you served with my father why are you now a thief?’ At this the outlaws bristled, but held their fire.

‘If you’re Verrresto’s son you’ll live. If you’re not, you’ll die.’ Take off your top and kneel down, boy.’

‘Do it, Herry,’ Abrea whispered.

‘I’ll not kneel to the likes of you. I’m not afraid of dying. And if you try then I’ll take one of you with me.’ This exhuberant bravado was met with more laughter.

‘Then you won’t mind if my men send an arrow into the heart of your pretty companion.’

Hericus turned and looked up at Abrea. Her face was pleading at his stubbornness. Without saying another word he tore off his cloak, shirt and jerkin. Bare chested he strode in front of Fureo and walked towards the leader. The man with a beard remained calm as he was approached. When the red faced youth was three yards in front of him. He said:

‘That’s far enough. Now slowly turn around.’ Hericus turned around slowly and raised his arms out alongside, the muscles in his back flexing as he did so. His eyes fixed on Abrea’s. She remained calm upon Fureo; her eyes transmitting encouragement to him.

‘Coxototl,’ came a voice from behind the leader.

‘Aye, that it is. Coxototl. A evil omen.’

‘We call it firefly,’ said Abrea.

‘Oh, is that what “coxototl” is. Well, what of it?

‘You are Hericus Mensella, Verresto’s son. Tottaco, bring the grey here. You can turn around now.’ The man who’d come closer to peer at Hericus’s birthmark retreated and brought Arcanus to the leader.

‘Who are you?’ snapped Hericus.

‘Do you think I fear a firehead like you? We know these woods like the lines in my hand,’ he said and opened his left palm to prove the point. ‘By the time you raise a siren we’ll be long gone.’

‘I’ll raise no siren since you’ve returned the horse,’ said Hericus returning his dagger to his scabbard. ‘Tell me who you are. Why did you leave my father’s service? And why are you an outlaw when once you were a loyal servant to The Empire? The last question was greeted with a growl from all the men, who’d gathered together, their bows down and forming a tight phalanx around the leader.

‘I’ll answer none of your questions. You’ll find out when the time’s right.’ Arcanus was led to where Abrea was. She climbed down Fureo and gently petted Arcanus. All four outlaws made towards their tethered horses. Hericus mounted Fureo. As the outlaws prepared to depart their leader turned to Hericus: ‘The red hawks are hunting. They got Verresto. Be careful they don’t get you, boy.’ And with that he turned with his three companions and galloped deep into the forest.

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