Release The Dark Within: My T...

By Crisann1976

27K 279 148

This is a twisted love story told in differing points of view. It has boyxboy and girlxboy elements, as well... More

Release The Dark Within: My Twisted Love Story Prologue
Chapter 1: Waking up Stasi
Chapter 3: The Numbness that Follows
Chapter 4: The Power of Reiker
Chapter 5: In Stalks Nova
Chapter 6: Future Uncertainty

Chapter 2: Being Van Is Complicated

3.3K 46 43
By Crisann1976

This one's for you Kentasty!!!  Love you ♥ ♥ ♥

I made it to Teen Fiction #431 / Romance # 519 / What's Hot # 956 the other day... this is very unusual for me because most of my stuff is rated R... so I am super excited!!


I just wanted to thank you all for the support!! Damn... check out the hotness of Van... freaking yummy!!

please enjoy!! =D this is me doing boyxboy PG 13 style... don't be disappointed though... it WILL get pervier!!


Chapter 2: Being Van Is Complicated

Donovan POV

I don't know why I did that this morning, brushing her hair aside and smiling at her in that way that made her stare at me like I was crazy, but she just looked so sad, helpless and annoyed that I couldn't help myself. It was just like any normal morning for the last 13 years. I'd wake her an hour earlier than necessary and give her the coffee I bought us both from Starbucks. She liked mocha lattes, while I enjoyed vanilla better. Of course this meant I was up at 5 am every school day, but I would do it gladly, time and time again, because it was for Stasi.

She seemed so tired this morning, as was I, only she was unaware that I knew exactly what she was up to this weekend. This past weekend was one of the ‘special ones’ we spent apart and it happened once every month. I didn’t know where she was off to all the other weekends, but I knew she snuck out and then back in late at night and was always really tired the following Monday morning.

She thought her secrets were safe from me and perhaps they were. But I had known her deepest, darkest secret of all, the one she'd kept buried since that day two years ago. She was right to have done so, because people, let alone her friends and our parents just wouldn't have understood.

I never let on that I knew her secret, but I comforted her in any way that I could subtly. She didn't deserve to torment herself because what she thought she was doing was wrong.

Of course it was wrong, it was completely fucked up, but I had no room to judge, because what I had done and the shit I had gotten myself dragged into was 100 times worse.

Our mom would have disowned us both if she had ever known Stasi secret, or mine for that matter, so I was thankful that she didn’t. Even though I tried so hard to hide what I buried deep within me, at least I had some way to relieve the pain, and someone who understood. That someone was my first love.

Although my first love didn't compare to my true love, I loved them both in different ways. My love, the true one was dark and forbidden and forced me to do things that went against my nature, but my love for the first only compelled me further and led me down all the wrong paths, until my mind was so completely fucked that right seemed wrong and wrong seemed right.

I was thankful that my older brother Crispin had no knowledge of who the real me actually was. He would have been so disappointed in me, as would our father if he was still alive.

Not that I remembered him, since he died just after my birth, but I knew of him and I knew that Cris and I looked just like him with dark brown hair and grey eyes. Stasi looked more like our mother, with beauty and grace, even though she had a dark sheen to her presence. Her light brown hair and green eyes were such a contrast to Crispin and I that people barely believed we were siblings.

We were, we just had different fathers since our mother was so distraught after Cris and my dad’s death, that she got drunk and slept with his best friend when I was only six weeks old. Stasi was born almost 9 months later, making our age difference only ten months.

I’m 18 now, just having had my birthday on December 17th, and Stasi turned 17 on October 17th, making us both seniors in high school. Crispin's birthday is July 1st and he is now 21. If only I were 21 and could get out from underneath our mom’s evil clutches, then perhaps my life wouldn't be as fucked up as Stasi's.

She knows she was mistake, and that our parents only got married because my dad was dead and her dad was his best friend who got our mom pregnant. I'm sure they loved each other now, they acted as much, but in the beginning it was guilt that got them together, not love. Guilt is a powerful thing and makes you do some crazy messed up shit, much like love does, and I’m no stranger to those harmful effects.

Perhaps this is why our mom was always so critical of Stasi. Perhaps this is why I'm so protective of her. Perhaps these are the reasons, but perhaps it’s something entirely different.

I smiled to myself as I sent out a text to my secret true love, who was always in the back of my mind. I waited for Stasi to get her slow ass in the car so we wouldn't be late for school. I needed to see my first love, so I could unleash all of the repressed feelings that tortured me throughout the past weekend.

Only my first love could accomplish this task, even if it was by slightly messed up means.

We approached the school while covered in silence, but it was a normal comfortable silence. I didn't want to leave my sister alone in the state I knew she was in, feeling broken, lonely and exhausted. But at the time, seeing my first love meant more to me than any else. It was the draw, the pull of dark magnetism that I loved and desired.

"Hey, see you in third period okay buttercup." I teased her to lighten the mood as I got out of the car. My eyes drifting to the place I knew I would have found my love waiting eagerly to receive my wanton, hungry lips.

"Whatever Mr. Perfect, it's not like I need you to hold my freaking hand." She replied in the sarcastic sisterly way she always did. She stared at her phone and smiled as she read a message. She acted like it was nothing, but I knew who it was from. It was from him. She always received one after the ‘special weekend’, and it brought a smile to her face.

Would she finally admit it if I asked her about it? I was certain she wouldn't divulge her secret, but I asked anyway.

"Who was that from?" I questioned as if I had no idea and was genuinely curious. Playing over protective brother was a job I did happily, even if I did it for all the wrong reasons.

"It was no one Vanny, same as always. I'm going to meet Lane and Rayanne so see you later." She replied, throwing me a smile that she tried too hard to downplay. But I knew the truth. I knew what she was hiding from me and everyone else.

I walked the parking lot and came upon my love just around the corner of the school that was shrouded in trees. I smiled widely as I approached, because I missed the feel of my loves arms around me and the comfort and love I felt there. I gazed into gorgeous brown eyes and pushed aside the wisps of short brown hair that hid my view of perfection.

“Hey love, I missed you.” My love said, while grabbing my hand and pulling me forward aggressively.

“I missed you too babe. I had a rough weekend and I could use some cheering up.” I mused while I pressed our lips together. My tongue darted in my love’s mouth and I tasted the flavor, enjoying every second that our mouths twisted and our tongues fought for dominance. The feel of the cool tongue ring in my mouth excited me as it grazed past my lips and trailed across my hot tongue.

I pressed closer to my love and rubbed our lower halves together. This got me excited and I started to harden as we rubbed together, but not so excited that thoughts of my true love didn’t rattle in the back of my mind. I moved my hands through the soft brown hair that greeted me and felt the grip on my waist tighten as our breathing picked up. I was happy in this moment, but not happy enough to keep my mind’s screams about my true love quiet.

We parted lips a few moments later, with my hands tangled in my love’s sexy short brown hair with our foreheads pressed together.

“I have just what you need to feel better Vanny. And I don’t mean what’s between my legs, although you know I’m not opposed to that.” My love responded with a rough whisper, a sexy British accent coming through strongly at the same time, but held a devilish glint and a flicker of lust in those hypnotic brown eyes.

“Don’t call me that. You know no one calls me that but Stasi. It’s a sibling thing.” I remarked, a bit annoyed that my love insisted on calling me that name when I got increasingly annoyed by it when anyone other than my sister used it.

“Right, because that’s all it is, a sibling thing.” The jealousy was evident in both the words and tone, but I dismissed them and was about to ask what was so great that it would cheer me up, but was interrupted by the sound of Lane’s concerned voice from behind me.

“Hey Van, stop tongue fucking your boyfriend and get your ass to the nurse. Stasia fainted again. You know how messed up and scared she gets when she wakes up and you’re not there.” Lane announced with a pained voice. He was one of Stasi’s best friends, aside from myself and Rayanne, and he should be with her right now, not out looking for me. He gave me a pleading glance and I immediately looked to Reiker.

“Babe, my sister needs me. Can we finish this later please?” I nearly begged. He looked down at me and furrowed his brows for a second, before he pulled me roughly to him and graced my lips with a quick sexy kiss, twirling his tongue in my mouth and pulling his strong lips back only to nibble my bottom one roughly before he released it.

“Sure Van, but now you owe me love.” Reik replied before he gripped my ass firmly and pushed his now hardened bulge against mine, rubbing them together and creating a tingling need that wanted to burst from my pants. He shoved his hands down the back of my pants and teased my crack with his fingers, turning me on and making me want to drag him into the nearest storage room so I could feel the pleasure of his thick dick in my ass.

I shivered at what the thought of owing him meant. It could only mean two things and neither one of them were good. If all he wanted was sex, then I would do that gladly a hundred times over. He was a freaking god when it came to sex and he definitely understood how to touch a man, fuck a man, please a man. However I was certain that this was not what he meant.

The first option held barely any danger, unless you enjoyed risking you life for a few hours of feeling good, still it wasn’t what I was into, more what he forced me into. The second option, which was the option that got me into the current mess I’m in now, was far worse. It meant breaking more laws than I cared to count and the consequences of it weighed heavily on me. Depending on how far Reiker intended to take it, I could be looking at guilt and shame worse than I had felt after what happened a few years ago, and nothing could be worse than that.

I shrugged it off casually, turning my thoughts to my sister who needed me. She was the frail one, the vulnerable one who would succumb to panic attacks and fainting spells at the drop of a hat. Of course I knew exactly what caused them, I just pretended that I didn’t. It made me feel like shit to betray her trust as I did, but if she knew that I had known all along, she would hate me for many reasons I didn’t care to discuss.

“Thanks babe, I love you.” I responded as Reik released me from his strong grip. I swiftly made my way to the nurse’s office, determined to find out what happened to Stasi this time and comfort my sister as any loving brother would.


Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for the support!!

Please Comment/Like and Vote so I know what you think =D

I appreciate all of the support I have gotten so far on this story!!!

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