Mending Torn Bonds {Book Four...

By LloydLover_19

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{Book Four in the Four Winds Series} It's been almost ten years. Kyle is almost eighteen and the twins are al... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter One

1.8K 43 42
By LloydLover_19

A/n- Welcome to the fourth book in the Four Winds Series. Up above are what the children would look like as real people. I forgot to put Natalie in there so I have a separate picture of her for next chapter. Cole and Amaya have two boys: Conor and Noah. The older one being Noah. Kyle is eighteen. Julia, Xavier, and Katrina are seventeen. Jason and Stephanie are sixteen. Haden and Natalie are fourteen. Luke is twelve. James, Jacqueline, and Tyson are eleven. Noah is eleven too. He was born a few months after James and Jacqueline. Yes, Amaya was pregnant before the end of last book but I did not deign to tell you. xD and last but not least, Conor is nine. So fourteen children in all! Enjoy! -LL_17

Julia jumped as someone tickled her from behind.

"Geez! Katrina!" She giggled. "Stop! I'm ticklish!"

"That's why I'm tickling you!"

"I'm not responsible for your injuries," Julia said smacking her arm.

"So worth it though," Katrina said snapping her gum.

"Miss Flamey," said a short lady teacher. "No gum."

"Sorry, Mrs. Dean," Katrina said spitting it into a nearby trash can.

"Well, since you had such a good attitude I won't punish you," Mrs. Dean said. "But don't let me catch you again."

"Yes, Ma'am," Katrina answered.

"You know pretty soon the teachers are going to start comparing notes," Julia giggled. "And then they will realize how much you chew gum."

"Well, let's hope they don't," Katrina said grabbing her back pack from her locker.

"Hey, Doll," Xavier said sarcastically to Katrina as he walked up.

"You know I hate that nickname," Katrina feigned annoyance.

"I know," he smirked. "That's why I call you that."

Katrina gave him a playful shove and headed to her next class.

"Hey, sis," Xavier said looking after Katrina.

"Is something going on between you two?" Julia asked slyly.

"Heck no!"

"Mhmm," she grinned. "I'll see ya later. I have to go to gym class."

"We ninja love gym class," Xavier laughed. "We always pone everyone."

"What has Dad said?"

"I know I know," Xavier laughed. "Don't be cocky with our abilities. Don't worry I'm only cocky when you're around."

"Bye, Bro," Julia said laughing. She turned and walked down the hallway.

Julia walked towards the girls locker room and changed. She was just putting her hair up when Cassandra showed up. They didn't really get along. Most people didn't mess with her because they knew she was the Green Ninja's daughter, and they knew she had powers even though she never used them. Cassandra was a different story. She knew that Julia and the other Ninja kids wouldn't use their powers on other people.

"Hey," Cassandra said with a mock sweetness. "How's your boyfriend? Oh, wait, you don't have one."

"By choice," Julia added.

"That or no one will accept you, Freak."

"I'm the freak? I'm not the one who puts ten pounds of makeup on everyday," Julia said calmly.

"Ya, I can tell," Cassandra smirked. "Maybe you are lesbian; that's why you don't have guy."

"I'm straighter than the pole you dance on," Julia said grabbing her bag. She smiled and pushed passed a very angry Cassandra. (A/n- credit for that, slightly tweaked from that original,  comeback goes to iLOVEurstorys )


"You said that?!" Kyle asked. "That's awesome! High five!"

"Don't you think that was kinda mean?" Stephanie asked.

"She deserved it," Xavier said. "We all know she is a slut."

"I for one think it was genius," Katrina sniffed. "She had it coming to her."

"I think she is pretty," Jason said thoughtfully. "But she would be prettier if she had a kind spirit. Her heart is ugly."

"Well put, Water-fountain," Kyle laughed. Jason rolled his eyes at the nickname.

"Why do we have to take the bus?" Katrina groaned. "Can't we just use our dragons?"

"You know the rules," Xavier said. "No-"

"-using powers at school. I know. I know," Katrina grumped.

"Be thankful you have any," Kyle said. "I don't."

"Sorry, Kyle," Katrina apologized. "I didn't mean to-"

"Ya I know. It's fine," Kyle said looking off into the distance. "Hey look who is coming!"

"It's my kid brother," Xavier laughed.

"I'm not a kid," Haden said. His voice cracked as he spoke. "Say, Xavier, when is this voice thing gonna stop?"

"When you finish puberty," Xavier laughed giving Haden a hair ruffle.

"Say," Jason asked. "Where is Natalie?"

"She was right behind me," Haden said in a confused tone.

"Hey, guys!"

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Jason asked.

"Bus broke down," Jay explained. "I came to pick you all up. Where is Natalie?"

"Dunno," They shrugged.

"Jason, you are supposed to watch for your sister," Jay scolded. "Where did you loose her?"

"I think when we walked from the middle school to here," Haden said.

"I'll go find her," Jay said.

He got out of the car and walked towards Haden and Natalie's school. He hadn't gone far when he found her. She was in the middle of a group of guys. She was gorgeous for her age and most of the boys thought so too. Jay growled. The boys turned and yelped.

"Uh, see ya, Natalie!"

"Ya, see ya!" They all said running off.

"Stupid boys," Jay grumbled.

"Dad," Natalie said in annoyance. "You scared them away."

"Oh, I'll do more than that if I catch any of them getting any closer than talking," Jay said in annoyance. "You're only fourteen. Way to young to have any boyfriends. I didn't let your brother date till this year and even then he is too young for a serious relationship."

"But that's two more years," Natalie groaned.

"Boy, am I glad for that," Jay said with relief.

"Dad," Natalie giggled.

"Just looking out for you honey," Jay said putting an arm around her shoulders. "Car is this way."



"Thanks for looking our for me."

"You're welcome, Sweetheart," Jay smiled. "By the way, what were those boys names again. I think I need to give them a good scare."


"Okay okay," Jay laughed. "I won't."

"Thank-you," Natalie said rolling her eyes.

A/n- Hope you enjoyed my introductory chapter! So here is the power rundown.

Julia- Power (light)
Xavier- Power (dark)
Haden- Wind
Jacqueline- Wind
James- Power

Katrina- Fire
Luke- Amber

Jason- Water
Natalie- Lightning

Kyle- Unknown
Stephanie- Magic (Not an element)

Noah- Earth
Conor- Weather

Tyson- Just some kick-butt fighting skills like his dad. Oh! And did I mention he inherited his mother's telepathic abilities? Well he did. Therefore he has the gift of foresight as well.

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