Let The Dream Descend

By point_of_no_return

16.7K 480 145

Erik Destler has led an extravagant life of solitude in the cellars of the Opera House, until one day he find... More

Our Games of Make Believe
The Murderer and the Magnificent
No Backward Glances
Do we have a deal Miss Daáe?
Fight for me
Come to me, angel of music.
Broken Pieces
The Drug in Me is You
All the things you are
The Wedding
Two is Better Than One
New Life

Angels, Devils and Daáe's

2.5K 50 17
By point_of_no_return

Christine Daáe walked into her dressing room right after her first performance as the leading soprano. That night was amazing; she was so well received that Madame Giry had to shoo off many admirers on their way to the lavish room. Handing the soprano a rose, Madame Giry gave her a soft smile and murmured gentle words, "You did very well my dear, he is pleased with you." Before the soprano could ask her how she knew about her angel, the woman had left her alone, and had wandered back into the sea of people outside the dressing room.
Christine sat down at her vanity and smiled softly as she gazed at the delicate red rose that her angel had sent her. Her small, nimble fingers slowly traced over the piece of black velvet that was tied around the thornless flower. She sighed softly as she thought about how happy her angel would be with her, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted as her dressing room door was opened.
A tall young man with golden blonde hair and blue eyes stepped inside and smiled at the puzzled Christine.
"Little Lotte.... Let her mind wonder," he grinned as he approached the young soprano.
Christine furrowed her brow as she looked up. "Monsieur?" She asked, not recognizing the man.
The man smiled softly and continued to speak. "Little Lotte thought, 'Am I fonder or dolls of goblins or shoes?'"
A wide smile spread across Christine's face once she realized who this man was. "Oh, Raoul! So it is you!" She said excitedly.
"Or of riddles or frocks?" He grinned, thinking about the happy days that he shared with his childhood sweetheart.
"Or of those picnics in the attic?" Christine smiled fondly as she, too remembered the happy times from when she was a young girl.
"Or of chocolates?"
"Father playing the violin..." Christine trailed off as she imagined her father playing a beautiful piece of music on his instrument.
"As we read to each other, dark stories of the north!" Raoul chuckled as he thought about those times. Christine shuddered as she imagined that, Raoul always told the best scary stories.
"No, what I love best, Lotte said. Is when I'm asleep in my bed. And the angel of music sings songs in my head," Christine started to grin as she thought about her own angel of music.
"The angel of music sings songs in my head..." They both sang together.
"Father said, 'When I am in heaven, child. I will send you the angel of music.' Well, father is dead, Raoul. And I have been visited by the angel of music," Christine explained.
Raoul smiled, thinking about Christine's beautiful performance from earlier that night. "Oh, no doubt of it. And now, we go to supper," he says, not being able to wait to start catching up with his old love interest.
Christine's face dropped as Raoul said those words. "No, Raoul. The angel of music is very strict," she says tensely.
Raoul chuckles, thinking about Christine and her childish ways. "Well, I shan't keep you up late," he replied playfully.
"Raoul, no!" She said again.
"You must change. I'll order my carriage. Two minutes, Little Lotte," he smiled as he exited the room.
"Things have changed, Raoul!" She yelled through the door.

Erik Destler stood in the entrance of Christine's dressing room, his blood boiling from the actions of his Christine's new suitor. After the boy left, he slowly raised a gloved hand and locked the door, pulling the key out carefully so as not to make a sound. By the time he made his way back to the inside of her room, using his secret trap doors, Christine was already mostly undressed.
"Insolent boy, this slave of fashion, basking in your glory. Ignorant fool! This brave young suitor, sharing in my triumph!" His loud, yet somehow still melodic, voice bellowed into the young soprano's dressing room. Christine's face visibly paled and she began to sing softly in return.
"Angel, I hear you. Speak, I listen. Stay by my side, guide me. Angel, my soul was weak. Forgive me! Enter at last, master," she sang nervously, wringing her hands together at her side as she looked around frantically.
Erik slowly calmed down once he realized that he had frightened Christine. "Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow, I hide. Look at your face in the mirror, I am there inside!" His entrancing voice fills the young soprano's ears, and she felt herself calming at the somewhat comforting sound as she looked towards the mirror. He slowly revealed himself and Christine's reaction was priceless.
Christine had waited for years to finally see her angel and now it was finally happening. It was like a dream come true. Her mouth agape, and her eyes wide, the young soprano starts to sing back to her angel.
"Angel of music, guide and guardian. Grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange Angel!" Christine, excited to finally see her angel in the flesh, finds herself inching closer towards the sound of her angel's voice.
Erik slowly slid open the mirror and smirked down at Christine, who stared up at him with a half smile on her face, as if she could not quite comprehend all that was happening around her.
"I am your angel of music. Come to me, angel of music. I am your angel of music. Come to me, angel of music," he sang hypnotically to the young soprano. Slowly, Erik reached a gloved hand towards Christine and she hesitantly took it.
"I am your angel of music. Come to me, angel of music," he sang once more. With a twirl of his cape, the mirror shut and the two of them were off to his lair.
Erik lightly gripped onto the young girl's hand as she looked around, intrigued by what she saw. He quickly led her down to the lake and he helped her into the boat. Christine continued to look around, fascinated by the underground tunnels.
They slowly approached Erik's lair and he immediately got out of the boat. He reached towards Christine and helped her out of the boat.
His tall, 6'4 statue towered over Christine's delicate 5'2 form. He gazed into her hazel eyes and a small smile adorned his lips. He reached his gloved hand out to her and gently rested it on her cheek. Christine's breath caught in her throat at the strangely intimate action.
"I think we need to talk about what happened before I came..." Erik said softly. Christine visibility stiffened and nodded her head.
"O-okay," she whispered. Erik sighed as he noticed her apparent fear. He only wished for her to love him, not fear him. He gently moved his thumb across her smooth cheek in a comforting motion.
"Do not fear me. I merely wish to talk," he said, trying to get Christine to calm down.
"Okay... That's fine," she whispered.
"Oh, my Christine... What happened out there, must not happen again. You can not have any distractions from your music. That is, if you wish for me to continue to teach you..." Erik said darkly, a flicker of warning hidden in his smooth voice.
Christine's eyes widened and she nodded her head vigorously. "Of course, angel. I wish to continue. It won't happen again," she said quickly.
Erik shook his head, not fully believing her hastily spoken words. "Christine, he will be back and you will fall for him again. There is only one way that I can be certain that you will dedicate your soul to music and only music," he said softly. His dark blue eyes pierced into Christine's light green eyes like sharpened daggers. His hand still resided on her cheek, where he continued to gently stroke the rosy flesh.
"W-what is it?" She whispered softly.
"Stay here, with me. Forever," he said confidently.
"But... What about the ballet? And what about-," Christine started but she was cut off by Erik.
"Do you wish to excel in music? Then you must do as I say," he said harshly. Christine flinches at the tone of his voice and he sighs. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to raise my voice."
Christine looks up at him and gazes into his eyes. "D-do you want to hurt me?" She asks, afraid of what may become...of what he may become.
Erik's heart dropped low in his chest as he heard how scared she was of him, but his facial expression did not falter. "Of course not, Christine. I am still your angel of music. You know me. I would never hurt you," he says, trying to comfort the girl.
She sighs and nods her head. "That's true..." She looks back up at him and his pleading eyes meet hers. "I'll stay..." Christine whispers.
A small smile forms on Erik's face. "There is one more thing that I must ask of you," he says darkly. She slowly nods his head, waiting to hear his request.
"Marry me," he smirks. "For I am music. Marry me and marry music. Dedicate yourself and your whole life to the power of music and myself. I am your angel. Do not deny me this," Erik said in a confident tone.
Christine slightly took a step back. "You want me to marry you?" She asks, shocked by the fact that anyone would wish to marry her. "Angel, you barely know me. You just know my voice..." She says shakily.
Erik smiles reassuringly at the uncertain girl and moves his hand down so it's gently resting against the nape of her neck.
"I know all about you, my dear," he says softly. Christine looked down, overwhelmed by the actions of her angel. She didn't wish to marry a man who she did not know but at the same time, she felt like she knew him. His actions comforted her and made her feel safe.
"I'll let you have some time to decide," he smiles softly. He takes her hand and she looks up at him. "I'll take you to your bedroom," he says. He guides her down a long and narrow hallway and stops in front of a red door. Christine looked around the hallway in awe as she took in her surroundings.
Everything around her was either red or black and the halls were dimly lit with lots of candles.
Erik put his hand on the door knob and slowly turned it, revealing a white room. He stepped inside and placed his hand on Christine's back, guiding her inside of the room. "This is now your bedroom. This is your own space and I promise that I will never come in here uninvited," he says, wishing to respect her privacy.
"It's okay... This is your house. You can come in here... Just maybe knock to let me know?" She says uneasily.
"Of course. This is your room and I shall do as you wish," he says.
She looks around the room and furrows her brow. "Everything outside is black and red... Why is my room any different?" She asks.
Erik smiles softly. "Because you cannot live in darkness forever... You need a little bit of light," he says. "You'll have enough darkness just by living with me," he mumbles under his breath.
Christine slowly turns around to look at him. "That's not-," she starts but Erik stops her by pressing his finger against her lips to silence her.
"Hush, my dear. Accept the truth..." He says softly. He places his fingers under her chin and tilts it up so that she is looking at him. "I shall leave you to make your decision."
He pulls his hands away from her face and gracefully walks out the door, his cloak flowing behind him dauntingly. Christine sighed softly as he left the room. For some, unknown reason, the touch of her angel brought her great joy.
She turned around so that she could inspect her new room. The bed was white and had a bed spread that had small, pink flowers. There were vases all around, containing roses. In the corner of the room, there was a rather large vanity that contained anything Christine might need. She looked to the left and noticed two doors. She slowly walked over and twisted the gold colored door knob. The door swung open and she walked inside. She looked around and realized that it was a washroom. There was a large cream colored bathtub that had tiny, gold detailing on the bottom. She walked around the newly discovered room, taking in her new surroundings.
Christine walked out of the washroom and headed to the second door. She quickly opens the door to reveal a rather large closet. She looks at the clothes and notices that they're all her size.
Christine furrows her brow, wondering how her angel knew what size she was. Erik truly meant it when he said that he already knew all about her.
She looks around, trying to find a nightgown, sense it was getting rather late. She found one and quickly changed, letting the dress that she was previously wearing fall to the floor. She picked up the dress and quickly hung it up before coming back outside of her closet. She slowly sat down on the bed, thinking about if she should marry her angel of music or not.
He was there for her when she was a small child, after her father died and he always protected her. He kept her safe and always did what was best for her. And of course she loved him, but she wasn't certain about how she loved him. Would marrying her angel really be that bad?
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. "Angel?" She called.
"It's me," he said, his voice muffled by the door.
"Come in," she said softly. The door swung open and Erik walked in. He saw that Christine had already changed and he smiled, absolutely delighted by the fact that she was making herself at home.
"I was just coming to say goodnight," he said, looking over at Christine.
She looked up at him and smiled slightly. "I think I've made my decision..." She said softly. Erik walked towards her and sat down on the chair that was beside her bed.
"And what have you decided?" He asked her, his face impassive as he stared at her intently.
"I'll marry you," she whispered, looking down in an attempt to hide the faint blush that was creeping onto her cheeks. Erik smirked and tilted her chin up so that she was looking at him.
"You wish to stay here and dedicate your life to music and myself?" He asked, making sure Christine knows the full extent to her promise.
"Yes," she whispered. Erik smiled slightly and brushed his thumb against Christine's bright pink cheek gently.
"Then prove it... With a kiss," he said darkly. Christine looked down again, her cheeks burning brightly.
"I've... Uh, never... Done that... With.. Anyone," she stuttered. Erik smiled at Christine's innocence. He tilted her chin back up so that he could look into her eyes.
"Then let me be your first," he smirked at her daringly.
"But..." She started but Erik cut her off.
"Do you not wish to fulfill your promise? We will have to kiss at our wedding, after all..."
Christine looked at him, not entirely sure what to do. She slowly closed her eyes and started to lean in until their lips meet. She slowly reached up and gently rested her hand against Erik's unmasked cheek.
Erik sat there, his lips pressed against Christine's, enjoying the feeling of her touch as their lips connected and mingled.
But all too soon, Christine pulled back. She looked down, blushing furiously. Erik smirked and gently stroked her cheek. He reached into his pocket and took Christine's left hand. He slipped on an elegant ring onto her finger and smiled.
"Goodnight, Christine," he whispered.
"Goodnight, angel," she mumbled.
Erik turned and slowly left the room, hiding the smile that was on his face. As he left, Christine decided to speak. "Angel?" She called softly. He turned around and smiled softly at the young girl.
"Yes, my dear?" He asked.
"Will... Uh... Will you sing for me?" She asked quietly. A warm smile appeared on Erik's face as he walked back over to Christine's bedside.
"Of course," he said as he sat back down in the chair. Christine laid down in the bed and pulled the covers over herself, suddenly aware that she was in nothing more then a nightgown.
Erik slowly started to sing and Christine became entranced by him once more. She gazed up at her angel, completely captivated by his voice.
The song came to an end and Christine sighed in content. "Goodnight, angel," she said softly and looked down. Erik smiled as he stood up. He gently placed a finger under Christine's chin and tilted her face up. He slowly leaned down and pressed a soft, gentle kiss to her unsuspecting lips. Christine's heart fluttered as he did this. There was just something so... Hypnotic... About her angel and she couldn't resist him.
Erik smirked at the dazed look that was on Christine's face. "Goodnight, my Christine," he whispered.
He turned around and gracefully walked out of the room, leaving Christine with her thoughts that were all about her angel.
So I know this beginning is basically the same as like a bunch of other fanfics but next chapter is going to have some definite plot twists and it'll start to actually resemble a legit story. But I just had to establish the basics of the story. So I hope you enjoy!

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