The Abused Mate

By Supernatural_5sos

591K 16.3K 1K

September sparks is 17 and she's been abused for as long as she can remember from the minute her mom died her... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Twenty One~
~Chapter Twenty Two~
~Chapter Twenty Three~
~Chapter Twenty Four~
~Chapter Twenty Five~
~Chapter Twenty Six~
~Chapter Twenty Seven~
The end?

~Chapter Twenty~

12.3K 383 20
By Supernatural_5sos

"Ugh" I groaned as I sat up feeling my wrists and ankles start to burn with something pulling at them. I slowly peel open my eyes and see that my hands and feet are chained to the wall 'what the heck' I think to myself. I turned over to see a tray with a glass of water and a sandwich. I quickly reached over and gulped down the water and sandwich neither of them lasting more than a minute. "Finally your awake" I hear a familiar voice say and I don't want to turn around cause I know who I'll see and I thought that I would never see that face again. I feel a calloused hand grab my chin and face me toward them I gasped seeing my father for the first time in forever. "You daughter have some explaining to do" he said pointing at me with his stubby fingers and sitting down against the wall across from me. "About what" I snapped regretting it instantly when his hand shot out and smacked me hard across the face. "Don't you dare use that tone of voice with me daughter" my father growled. I just nodded a silent tear slipping down my cheek "ok so explain to me why you have moved in with a different alpha" he said leaning casually against the wall "I know I definitely didn't raise a slut so you can't be with both of them... Yet I wouldn't be surprised you would take after your mother" my father spat with a smirk knowing exactly what his words were doing to me. The second he said the word mother I wanted to break down but I couldn't let him see me as weak not anymore. "Calum is my true mate father" I said quietly. "Hmm alright I guess I'll have to kill him too then" he said standing up and rubbing his chin. He all of a sudden stalked over to me and started beating me he kicked me in the stomach, face, back, everywhere. As I collapsed on the floor I thought that I'd be done for but as the darkness began to consume me I heard calums voice in my head "I'm coming to get you princess"
Calum's POV-
"Calum you have to calm down if you want to try and find her" my best friends luke said to me rubbing my shoulder soothingly. "I know I have to calm down but it's just I can my loose her guys she's my everything I love her" I said my voice cracking at the end tears slipping out of my eyes. "Calum don't worry mate we will do everything in our power to find her" Michael said confidently. I just nodded and stood up "so guys how are we gonna find her" I asked. They all looked at eachother then looked back at me nervously "we're gonna need Shawn" Ashton declared.
Okay so at this moment I'm sitting in the car pouting for two reasons. One I miss my princess and two I actually need Shawn's help and I'm gonna have to admit that to him I don't know if I can swallow my pride like that. "We're here" Luke declared hopping out of the car and prancing to the door making me laugh and roll my eyes. "What the hell are you doing here" Shawn said the second he opened the door looking at me with disgust then glancing at Luke, Ashton, and Michael. "We need your help" I mumbled while scratching the back of my neck. "With what" Shawn questioned looking suspicious I took a deep breath holding in my tears "September was kidnapped" he looked shocked before opening the door wider and leading me and my bros inside to his living room. "Here guys sit down I'll go call my beta and TIC" Shawn said before leaving the room. We all sat there until Shawn came back into the room with a pack of beer in his hands "they'll be here soon and I got you guys some drinks since we might be here a while planning on how to get her back" Shawn explained. I explained to Shawn everything that happened and he just nodded not interrupting me once and I was almost done until we heard a girls voice at the staircase "babe I can't find any bras you ripped them all" a slutty looking blonde said walking down the shirt in only a huge button up flannel obviously Shawn's. "I see you've been busy lately" I said glaring at Shawn. " I Its not what it looks like" Shawn stuttered looking nervous. "Yeah now I understand why September ended up with me cause she felt guilty that the moon goddess paired her with me so she made me drive her here so she can apologize to you and she comes here sees you with some fucking crusty slut" I yelled pointing at him and the slut who had an offended look on her face. " I was upset okay and this was the only way I could forget about her" Shawn said before collapsing on the couch with his face in his hands, shoulders shaking sobs erupting from his mouth I guess he finally hit his breaking point "babe it's okay I can make you feel better" the slut on the stairs said trying to sound seductive but sounding more like she had Down syndrome. " GET OUT STEPHANIE I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN" Shawn yelled before putting his face back in his hands. She scoffed before running upstairs for a second or two than running back downstairs and out the door slamming it shut on her way out. " let's just find September" I growled nephew sitting down and making a plan with the boys once Shawn's beta and TIC arrived.
Septembers POV
"Ugh" I groaned as I woke up rubbing my head which was pounding. "Finally you're awake now I can have some fun" I heard a voice say and when I looked up I saw my father walking towards me so I flinched into the corner. He picked me up ripping the chains from the floor and laying me on a reclining chair and strapped my head, wrists, ankles, legs, and waist to the chair. "No no no please don't do this" I sobbed fighting against the restraints. He just smirked and walked out of the room bringing in a bag of tools that I recognized as his bag from when I used to live with him. " please no anything but this" I cried shaking my head and trying to link calum to come help me but I got no response. My father opened the bag and took out a dagger with dried blood on the tip of it I think it's my blood. Before I could see it coming he had shoved the knife into my thigh "ahhhhh" I screamed at the top of my lungs from the stinging pain in my thigh. He kept shoving random knives in different parts of my body until I passed out yet again.

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