You're My Ray of Sunshine

By Shaniatomlinsonn

416 12 2


You're My Ray of Sunshine


48 2 0
By Shaniatomlinsonn

I jumped on my bed and lay there, waiting for nothing to happen. I felt bad about not supporting my Mum's relationship because she hadn't moved on from my Dad up until now and I should be happy for her.  

I could hear a door slamming from downstairs. I had pissed her off, once again. At least she didn't yell at me.  

I heard Charlie's door opening and tried to listen to whatever it was he was doing.  

My door slowly creaked open and I could see the small figure of my brother emerge. He looked frightened and confused.  

"Lottie, what's wrong with Mum?" Charlie asked, his voice trembling. 

I had pity for him. He was only fourteen and had been through things he should never had gone through.  

"I kind of pissed her off..." I mumbled. 

Charlie done what seemed like a bit of a laugh. 

"How did you do that?" 

I smirked and tapped my nose. He didn't need to find out.

"Loser." Charlie laughed. "Where is she going, anyway?"

"She said that she was going to Phil's." I explained.  

I was about to tell him some more until Charlie cut me off. 

"Did you go out with Steven today?" 

I slowly nodded and looked down. The subject of Steven always made me upset. He was like a storm cloud; whenever he came near me, I felt uncomfortable and uneasy.  

"Why do you still go out with him? Would you not just tell Mum what he does to you?" 

Charlie knew about Steven. He knew that he abused me and spoke to me in a way no one should be spoken to.  

Charlie was not only my brother but he was like my best friend. He kept my secrets and even though he was four years younger than me, he understood me. 

"I - I don't know. She likes Steven." I whimpered.  

Charlie looked at me and raised one eyebrow. 

"Charlotte, Mum only likes the 'nice' side of Steven. She doesn't know what he is really like."  

I gave Charlie a hug and thanked him for helping me. 

"How is your band getting on?" I asked. 

Charlie and his friends decided to start a band. I hadn't heard the others sing but I knew that he definately could. They hadn't thought of a name yet, but they already had a song. His friend's brother, Danny, was gorgeous. He could also sing. I didn't know him that well, but I had a crush on him.  

"Are you day-dreaming?" Charlie giggled. 

"What? Oh sorry I was thinking about... I forget" I lied, badly.  

When it came to my crushes, I could not lie. 

"Yeah, yeah," he joked, "I was saying that the band is getting on great. I want you to listen to us perform our new song."  

I was estatic. "You have a new song? That is amazing! I will watch the next time you are all together." 

I checked my watch. It was two in the morning.  

"Fuck. Charlie, you need to get to bed and so do I!" I yelled. 

"Why? It's only like twelve."  

"That is still late, even for me. Now go! We can talk tomorrow!"  

He laughed and walked out of my room.

After a few minutes, I got a message. 

'Hey, Lottie. We should hang out sometime. Sorry for texting at half two. Reply when you get a chance, babe x' 

It was from Danny.

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