Curse Gone Wrong

By bisexualreina

24.8K 803 266

When Emma sacrifices herself for Regina things get mixed up and she is now left with a bigger debacle than ju... More

A Little Party Never Hurt Nobody
Prince Henry
Visiting Hours
Prince of Evil
Its okay
Gabriella Dominique
Wedding Bells
Front Door Delivery
Happy Birthday


847 31 8
By bisexualreina


2 Weeks Later

"Get up you imbecile!" The blue fairy barked, I groaned and felt a deep cut in my abdomen, I lifted my shirt and found my abdomen covered in stitches.

"Where am I! What have you done with my family!" I demanded, she just laughed and paced the floor of the underground jail cell, her blue nun's robe was gone and she was now in a black frilly gown. "Oh wouldn't you like to know? I will tell you this much, I was so sick of playing that stupid charade, my sister was Blue, dumb girl, thought she was better than all of the villains, I killed her in the last curse, I've been taking her place ever since we arrived in this wretched land." She said kicking me, I just moaned and held my side where I felt the stitches tear.

"Where is Regina!" I demanded, she just laughed and crossed her arms as she sat across from me. "She thinks you're dead, her stupid son did everything he could to medically save you, he split his heart in half and gave it to you and he still believes that it didn't work. I plan on killing them all in secret. You see your brave little move stabbing my eyeball only made me change forms, I took the body of the pathetic newspaper writer, influenced his emotions and sent him to kill your dear Regina, but he failed and was killed, now I must find a way to kill her, no one needs this previous Evil Queen around to remind the villains that people can change because they can't. After this baby is born, they will all be killed and you will be left here on this wretched earth to suffer." She said smiling, I went to lunge at her but my chains pulled me back and my stitches ripped.

She laughed and walked out of the room, I looked around and couldn't tell where I was, all I knew was that if I wanted Regina to live, then I'd have to escape.


"Mom? Please eat." Henry said walking into the room, I wanted desperately to just hug him and apologize, but any type of movement, or action made my chest ache even worse, a single tear rolled down my face and I could smell the food that sat on the nightstand, it mixed with his pillow so I picked it up and held it against me, sobbing over the stabbing pain in my chest.

Eating was out of the question.

"Mom. Listen to me!" Henry yelled slamming the plate on the dresser, making it melt slightly under his hands, I jumped and stared at him, he sighed and walked over to me, carefully sitting next to me and prying Robin's pillow out of my hands, I whimpered and reached for it, but he took my hands and wrapped his arms around my nine month stomach, squeezing me tight.

"Hey, I know losing him hurts, but you have your baby to think about, mom you have to eat, not just because you're pregnant, but because I already lost you so many times before, I already watched my mother die and I am not going through that again. Now eat your food before I make you." He said firmly, a tear falling down his face, I sighed and took the bowl of soup from him and started eating it. He then relaxed, almost if his bones turned to jelly. "Thank you mom." He sobbed, staying next to me until he saw me finish the soup.

"Why did you do this Henry?" I asked gently, taking his warm hands into my freezing ones, he just wiped his face and then blew his nose. "You once told me that you couldn't let me die, now I'm doing the same for you, you need me." He said cracking a small smile, I felt emotion bubble in my chest and I hugged him hard.


I quickly packed the food in my large grocery bag and kissed Killian before I walked out into the garage of our new home. Henry had sent me some worried texts telling me to come and bring food for Regina, I pulled into my parent's drive way and sent her a text and gently beeped my horn. I figured if she wouldn't listen to me, then I know she'd listen to my mom.

She ran out with her scarf wrapped around herself, shielding her from the cold rain. "Hey." I said putting my phone into my purse, she smiled and pulled her seatbelt on and wrung her hands together nervously. "I offered to watch Henry and the kids while Regina dealt with this but he insisted that he watched her." She said sighing, I gave a sad smile at the thought of my son who took such good care of Regina and I.

I pulled up and got out of the car, quietly letting myself inside of the house, Henry ran down the stairs and wiped his face with the back of his hands, this whole time he was taking care of Regina he had no time to grieve Robin, and he was the one who held him as he died.

"Hey kid. How are you holding up?" I asked giving him a quick side hug, my mother engaging in a longer embrace with him. "I don't know, somewhat relieved, she's eating again, and I got her to move and shower." He said sighing, but he didn't seem relieved, something else was bothering him. "Henry?" I asked gently, he sighed and bit his lip.

"It's just, my mom is going to give birth any day now, and without Robin? I'm afraid that she won't help herself and something is going to go wrong." He said crying, the stress knitting in his shoulders and forehead, I just hugged him and let him cry for a moment before I pulled away. "I know, I am too, you just need to be strong for a little while longer, okay?" I promised, he sniffled and nodded, wandering into the living room, I knew he wanted a break, too much sadness was not good for him. I took a deep breath and decided to head up the stairs, time to talk.


I knocked on the door gently and popped it open, Regina was sitting at the edge of her bed with a frame in her hand, it held a picture of her growing family at Gabriella's party, she had tears falling down her face as she stared at it, constantly torturing herself.

"Hey." I nearly whispered, my nerves getting the best of me, in the past she wasn't the best griever. She looked up and dried her tears from her face. "Ms. Swan, what are you doing here?" She said with a shaking voice, I looked down and walked towards her. "Henry wanted me to check on you, he's worried." I said standing in front of her, she just bit her lip and looked down in shame. "I feel awful, I am letting him down and I don't know how to fix it!" She cried, her body now shaking from her crying. I kneeled down in front of her and took the frame from her hands then took hers in mine.

"Hey, you're grieving, you lost him two and a half weeks ago, no one can tell you to stop hurting because it just doesn't work like that, but what you can do is take care of yourself and this little baby, Regina you need to eat and sleep and keep yourself healthy, try taking a nice warm bath, it's soothing and it makes your back pain go away. Henry doesn't want to lose you, when you died he was a mess, all of this regret overflowed from him, he is a very special boy and everything that he has ever done to you showed on his face, he already lost two fathers, he can't lose his mother too." I said, she wiped her tears and nodded at me, gripping my hands as she tried to stand up, I gently helped her to her feet and walked with her down stairs.

"Mm." She moaned, I whipped around and saw her squeeze her eyes shut as we came to the stairs, she had her hands clutching her stomach and rocked slowly back and forth. "Regina!" I nearly screamed, lunging towards her, she opened her eyes and relaxed. "I'm fine." She said calmly, slowly walking down the stairs, my heart was pounding and I grabbed her unoccupied hand and helped her down the stairs.

My mom walked up to her and hugged her tightly, pulling away and giving her a small smile. She returned one then suddenly her expression changed and she bit her lip and balled her fists at her sides. "Regina?" We both exclaimed, small whimpers were coming out of her mouth and her face contorted in pain, she shook her head and looked at us with a terrified expression. "Nothing! I'm fine!" She yelled, slamming her hand down on the counter, exhaling a shaking breath. "I think you're in labor!" I said walking towards her, she shook her head and squeezed the towel that was left on the counter. "They're just Braxton Hicks, I googled it this morning at like two, it's just my body getting ready for the real thing!" She said hunching forward, I gave my mother a look and then moved in front of her, peeling her hand away from the counter.

"Regina your baby is coming, you're in labor." I said gently, she shook her head frantically and started bawling again, digging her nails into my wrists. "NO! I AM NOT HAVING MY BABY WITHOUT ROBIN! I CAN'T DO IT ALONE PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DO IT ALONE!" She cried, her breathing now becoming irregular, I nodded and hugged her, I felt her tense in my grip and the pain of her nails piercing my skin. "Ah! It hurts!" She screamed, I pulled away slightly and let her cling to me until the contraction ended. "Yes you can. We aren't going to leave you." I said motioning to my mother, she smiled and nodded, gently placing her hand on her arm. She relaxed and nodded, taking both of our hands. "Well then can we get going, I don't want to have my baby in my kitchen." She remarked, wrapping her arm under her stomach. We both giggled and nodded, helping her to the door.

"HENRY LETS GO!" I called, he ran in and grabbed Regina's bag which he secretly hid in the cupboard with the cereals in it. He ran first to go out the bag in the trunk when he flew back into the dining room table, the doorway shimmering. I groaned when I saw that, my stomach doing a flip.

"We can't leave." I said mindlessly, I felt Regina's grip tighten on us and then her fear rising along with mine.

"Looks like you're having your baby here."

Sorry this is so short! This is a filler chapter and I promise the next one will be better! Xoxo

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