You're My Ray of Sunshine

Bởi Shaniatomlinsonn

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You're My Ray of Sunshine


93 5 2
Bởi Shaniatomlinsonn

 "I'll see you later, anyway." his harsh voice called out before he got into his car and slammed the door.

I nodded and walked back to my porch. I didn't want to see him again; he scared me.

 I thought he was the most amazing boy ever when I first met him. His ruffled, black hair was messy. His thin lips looked as cold as ice and his eyes were the iciest blue I had ever seen. His appearance had won me over, and I shouldn't have ever thought he would be the perfect boy. He was friendly and romantic when we first started dating but it all went downhill from there. 

 I watched him take one glance out of the tinted window and saw him smile, fiercly. I turned around, swiftly. I got the rusted keys out from the pocket of my jeans and unlocked the door. The creaking of the old door made me cringe. The empty hallways were full with boxes full of my clothes and belongings. I was moving out of my house to go live in London with my best friend, Ellie. I was nine-teen now and it had always been a dream of ours to live in London together. 

"Charlotte? Is that you?" my Mum called out. 

"Yeah, it's me. Steven just left." I replied, hastily. 

I walked into the tiled kitchen and placed my phone on the table. I just stood there for a moment until I felt a tingle of breath on my shoulder and turned around to see my Mum looking at me with a worried look.

"Um... Mum?" I awkwardly said, "are you okay?"

She sat down on the chair at the table and motioned for me to do the same. I placed myself on the chair and asked her what was wrong. 

"Lottie, you know I love you, right?" my Mum asked, nervously. 

I was shocked. "Of course I love you, Mum!"

She smiled, weakly and continued, "You are moving out soon, actually next week."

I nodded slowly. "Yes, I kind of know that, by now." 

She laughed at my remark and looked into my eyes. 

"You will always be my little girl, you know that, and I hope you know that you will have to be a responsible adult."

"Mum, I'm nineteen! I am responsible enough to live without you."

"I know that, Love,"  she said. "Just promise me that you will pay your rent and get a job!" 

I raised my eyebrows. Why did my Mum think I wouldn't be able to live by myself? I already had a job in Starbucks and it didn't look like I was going to stop anytime soon. 

"Okay, Mum. I understand." I lied. 

"Now, tell me about your date with Steven!" my Mum excitedly sung. 

"We... uh, we went to the beach." I hesitated. 

My Mum looked confused. "You went to the beach in this weather? Would you not get blown away?"

I giggled. "No, I didn't get blown away. I meant to say we went to the movies."

"How come you said the beach, though?" 

I shrugged and tried to push past the subject. I went over to the cupboard and got myself some bread. I got out some Nutella and made a sandwich. 

"I've got to go to Phil's house now, hun." my Mum declared.

I rolled my eyes.

"What's so great about him, anyway?" I asked,

I hated my Mum's new boyfriend. It was like she never had time for me or my brother anymore. She thought he was amazing, though made no sense to me. 

She glared at me and said, "I don't know why you don't like him! You should be happy for me."

I sighed, heavily, and ran upstairs. He could never replace my father and I just couldn't listen to my Mum talking about him any longer. 

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