Favor For A Friend?

By AnimeloverSa

32.9K 923 361

By: Ashluver505-FanFiction.net Ash and Co. end up passing through Veilstone City on their way to the Sinnoh... More

TruthAnd Boyfriend?
Ash's Past
Paul's Past
More Paul!
Fighting Feelings
The Date
Getting Closer
The Beginning Of The End
Feelings Uncovered

The Favor

2.2K 68 23
By AnimeloverSa

Favor For A Friend? 2: The Favor

"Boyfriend?" Paul's parents chorused. It then quickly hit Reggie what Ash's plan was. So before Paul had anytime to say anything from his minor shock, Reggie intervened.

"Mom, Dad!" He said happily. The parents turned.

"There's our eldest son!" His mom said. She and his father hugged him. Brock and Dawn still stood behind them, just realizing Ash's plan. Too bad Paul didn't seem to get it.

"Did you know Paul has a boyfriend?" His father asked. Paul opened his mouth to object, but Reggie was too quick.

"Yes I did. Isn't it great? Ash has been great for him." Ash face-palmed as Paul started to look like he was going to yell. "Paul, why don't you go show Ash that new thing you were going to show him in your room?" Everyone looked at him. When their parents turned, Reggie mouthed 'just go with it' and Ash got the message.

He grabbed Paul's hand and started dragging him off towards his room. "Yea Paul, you said you were going to show me." Paul, who was still absolutely confused, allowed Ash to drag him off to his room.

When they entered, Ash let go of his hand and turned to his very angry rival. Ash swallowed nervously. "What is going on? You better start talking right now." He threatened.

"Shhh, keep your voice down!" Ash exclaimed in a whisper as he ran forward and shut the door completely. He turned and squeaked as Paul grabbed the front of his shirt.

"Start talking, Ketchum..." He glared at the raven-haired trainer.

"Reggie explained to us over lunch why you worked so hard. That you know, you're parents were going to make you move and he said that if you had a boyfriend, they wouldn't make you move back. When we were on our way back here, Reggie got a call from your mom and said that they were going to make you move before you were had a chance to show them how great of a trainer you really are and I didn't want you to move so I thought I'd help you out." Ash explained in a hurry.

"Help me out? By being my boyfriend!" Paul questioned angrily while gripping Ash's shirt tighter.

"Help you out by ACTING as your boyfriend." Ash corrected. "I don't like the idea of being your real boyfriend anymore than you do. I thought I'd just help you out."

Paul groaned and let go of Ash. He turned around, obviously steamed at the idea. "You don't have to take my offer if you don't want to. You're welcome to tell your parents otherwise and then you can move before you get a chance to battle in the Sinnoh League. Something you've worked for all year is just going to go down the drain."

Paul groaned again. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because I want to. I don't like the idea of having my dreams just ripped away from me and I know that you don't either." Ash explained.

Paul then remembered what he said. "Why don't you want me to move?" He asked, his back still facing his rival.

"Huh?" Ash questioned.

"You said you didn't want me to move...,why?" Paul asked. "I figured you'd love the chance to get rid of me. One less person to beat in the Sinnoh League."

"What's the point of entering the league if my biggest rival, the one person who I've yet to defeat, isn't even going to be there? I've been looking forward to our battle. I want to battle you in the league." Ash explained. Paul sighed. "Look, we don't have to be a close couple or anything-"

"That's the thing, we will have to act like a close couple. My parents probably won't make me move if I'm close to you. Problem is, if I was close to you, I'd know everything about you, and vise versa. We hardly know anything about each other. And if you're 'my boyfriend', my parents will want to take us out to dinner and get to know you. I can't exactly explain how we're close if I don't know about you."

"I know more about you than you think. Your brother has told us some things. And if they ask questions I can answer them right?" Ash told him.

"I suppose..." Paul was quiet for a few moments.

"Paul?" Ash asked. He put his hand on his shoulder. Paul tensed but didn't remove his hand. "I don't mind helping you, I just need to know you want it."

"I-I don't know what I want." Paul said.

Ash looked sympathetically at his rival and before Paul knew what happened, Ash turned him around and gave him a hug. Paul completely tensed at first but after a moment, relaxed. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but Paul wrapped his arms around Ash's lithe body and closed his eyes. He hadn't felt this close a person in years. He sighed. He was about to say he would take Ash's help when the door suddenly opened. Paul and Ash broke away from each other instantly, blushes covering their faces as Paul's parents and Reggie (with Pikachu in his shoulder) entered.

"Aw, aren't you two just so cute!" His mother said.

Paul's dad chuckled while Reggie looked at Paul who slightly nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend? And such a cute one at that?" His mother asked. Ash instantly flushed and Paul had to chuckle at his expression.

"Yes Paul, why didn't you tell us?" His father inquired.

Ash looked at Paul who was struggling to come up with an answer. "We've only been dating for only a couple of months and we didn't want to tell many people if it didn't seem like it a was going to work. After all, we're not just boyfriends, we're rivals too. We're both entering the Sinnoh League in two months and we both really want to win." Ash answered for him.

"Well that's interesting. So that's how you two met? By your training?" His mother asked.

Paul smirked being able to answer this question easily. "We met the very first day Ash came to Sinnoh. He-" His mother cut him off.

"First day in Sinnoh?" She questioned.

Ash nodded. "I'm from Pallet Town in the Kanto region."

"Pallet Town; isn't that where the famous Professor Oak lives?" His father asked.

"Yes sir. I actually got my Pikachu from him."

Paul's dad was obviously impressed with the manners. "So you've met him personally then, very cool."

"Well actually, I know him personally. My grandfather is his best friend, my dad is his son's best friend, and his grandson, Gary Oak, is my best friend and my very first rival. I've known Professor Oak my whole life." Ash explained.

'I didn't even know that.' Paul thought. "Wow, that's amazing. I bet you learned a lot from him." Paul's mother said.

"Yes m'am. He was a very good teacher. His teaching is what got me interested in Pokémon in the first place."

"Very cool." His father said. He turned to Paul. "Sorry son, you were saying?"

"Oh, uh, Ash and I had a battle that very first day and we got a draw. I was very interested in him since that moment and then we've met up periodically over the past year and a half so we just," He looked at Ash. "Ya know."

"Aw, so sweet." His mom said. "I'm glad you've found someone to understand you Paul." The trainer nodded.

"I don't think we've introduced ourselves." Paul's dad told Ash. "I'm Steve and this is Laura." He said holding out his hand for Ash to shake.

"Oh, it's very nice to meet you." Ash said happily, taking his hand and shaking it. He then shook Laura's hand.

"I'm impressed Paul. You got a very nice young man here. Very nice manners." Steve said. Ash lightly blushed and Paul smirked. 'This could be fun after all.' He thought.

"Well we would like the chance to get to know you. Why don't you come eat with us tonight?" Laura suggested. Paul gave a side 'I told you so' glance.

"I'd love to." Ash said with a smile.

"Very good. Reggie told us he offered your friends the guest house and they are more than welcome to stay out there for as long as they like." Steve said.

"Oh thank you very much." Ash said. "I'm sure they appreciate it. I know I do."

Paul inwardly groaned at the idea. "Alright, why don't we go get our stuff out of the car, Dear?" Laura asked. He nodded.

"You two could go out on that date if you two want." Steve said to the 'couple'. Both looked confused.

Then realization hit Ash. "Oh right! You said you were going show me around today. Why don't we go do that and talk?" Ash suggested to Paul.

"Sounds good." He replied with a small, fake smile.

"Very good, let's go." Laura told her husband. The two walked out of the room.

Paul dropped the smile and groaned. Reggie and Ash looked at each other. "Well, you two have gotten off on a good start." Reggie said.

Pikachu jumped into Ash's arms. "Yea...how long do I have to do this again?" Paul questioned his brother.

"They'll be gone by the end of the week." He answered.

Paul nodded and he turned to Ash. Ash looked at him. Paul sighed. "Thank you." He said. "I guess I owe you something."

"You don't owe me anything. I'm glad to help you." Ash told him. Paul slightly smiled.

"Now listen, to make this work, you two are going to have to put your rivalry on hold. One week and you two can go back to yelling and arguing all you want." Reggie told them with a smile. The two laughed and Reggie smiled. "Alright, you two are going to have to disappear for a few hours so Paul, why don't you two go train?"

Paul's eyes widened. "Like, together?" He questioned. He glanced at Ash. Reggie nodded. "Haha, no." He then turned to Ash. "I appreciate the help, I really do, but no. I won't train with anyone else."

Reggie looked as if he was going to argue but Ash stepped in. "It's cool. No problem." He turned to the breeder. "Paul and I are rivals and training together isn't something we can really do. And it's fine. I have to get to the Pokémon Center and call Professor Oak and let him know we'll be staying in Veilstone for the next week anyways."

This confused Paul. "You just call Professor Oak whenever you want?"

"Well, yea. Like I said, I've known him my whole life. He thinks of me as a second grandson. He likes me to call and update him with my progress and the things I'm doing." Ash answered.

"Interesting." Paul commented.

"Well alright, but both of you be back here by six. We'll probably leave about 6:15." Reggie told them.

The two nodded and followed Reggie outside. "Reggie, where are Dawn and Brock?" Ash questioned.

"I'll show you." He said to Ash. He then turned to Paul. "You going to train?"

"Yes, I'll be back later." Paul told both of them and left. Reggie shook his head and showed Ash where the guest house was around the back of their house.

"You sure you know what you're getting into?" Reggie questioned.

"Nope." Ash said with a smile. "But I want to help him. I have no doubt this will be probably the most difficult week of my life, but I'm happy to help." Ash said.

"Well, thanks, and good luck." Reggie told him as he opened the door to the guest house.

"Thanks, I'm sure I'll need it." Ash told him. Reggie nodded.

"See you later tonight."

"Ok." Ash said and walked in. Reggie closed the door behind him.

Ash walked into the living courters of the guest house and saw Brock and Dawn sitting on a couch talking.

Brock looked up when he entered. "So the boyfriend returns." The breeder joked.

"Haha, very funny Brock." Ash said as he sat down on a chair.

"Why in the world did you do that? Why help Paul?" Dawn questioned.

"Because I know what it feels like to have your dreams ripped away from you. I don't want Paul to have to go through that. No one deserves it." Ash explained.

"But still.....being Paul's boyfriend? I wouldn't be able to manage it." Dawn said.

"First off, it's acting. Second off, that's the difference between us. I can put my feelings aside to help someone....to help anyone. It doesn't matter what they do, as long as I can help, I'll help." Ash replied. Dawn shrugged.

"Well I, for one, am very proud of you, Ash. Helping Paul out even with your bad history is very noble of you. But I am going to say good luck. You'll need it." Ash nodded. "I just hope this whole thing works out for the two of you."

"Me too, Brock, me too."

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