Ruthless, Lies, and Deadline...

By Dramaxxur

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The Final Installment in the Lies Series. April, Diana, and Lisa are steps closer to figuring out who Black C... More

Ruthless, Lies, and Deadline- The Lies Series. Part 5
Chapter 1 Sweet Dreams Are Made of These
Chapter 2 Stuck There Aren't You?
Chapter 3 A Secret What?
Chapter 4 A Sign and a Clue.
Chapter 5 What a Surprise.
Chapter 7 Rainy Night
Chapter 8 1 Down. 1 To catch
Chapter 9 To Hear and To See.
Chapter 10 What A Gasp
Chapter 11 The Truth Shall Be Told.
Chapter 12 A Plan to Catch.
Chapter 13 What A Halloween

Chapter 6 We The Jury Find You

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By Dramaxxur

 The next day Diana got discharged from the hospital, and she went home and got ready. Took a shower, did her hair, makeup. She still had some cuts, and bruises from when Zoey pushed her out of that window. She didn't let them affect her though. She stood high, and let nothing get to her.  

Two hours later, Diana was ready. We were going to Lisa's trial. We got to the court room twenty minutes after we left her house. We walked into the court room, and took our seats. We both saw Lisa. She looked tired, and beat up. She was looking bad, real bad. 

The judge came out, and we all stood up, then sat down. The trial began. Lawyers were going through evidence. Trying to either find her guilty, or not guilty. People were being taken up to the stand. Telling them what they no what happened. We took like five recesses.  

Everything there was a hot mess. Then one of the lawyers called to the stand me. I walked up and took the oath, then sat down. "Where was Lisa the night of Halloween?" He asked me. "Um. I don't know." I said to him. "Where was she? Tell us now." He said to me. 

"I really don't know. She was kidnapped days before that. We didn't hear from her or anything. Then a couple days after Halloween she showed back up and I didn't know she killed Mickie until a couple days when she told me." I said to the lawyers. 

"And where were you at?" He asked me. "When?" I asked him back. "When she came home. Because she said you weren't there when she came home." He said bluntly. "I was at a mental home." I said. "That's all my questions for her. I'd now like to call to the stand, Diana." He said. 

I got off the stand and Diana walked up. "Do you know were she was the night of Halloween?" He asked. Diana told him the same thing I did. "You were at April's house the day Lisa came home." He said. "Yes." Diana said. 

"How do you know she was kidnapped?" He asked her. "We didn't know. She was gone." Diana said. "That's all the questions I have for her." He said. Diana got up and walked back into the crowd, and sat down next to me.  

For the next hour they kept arguing, and getting both sides out. Finally the jury went back to discuss what there verdict was. It had taken them three hours to get to the final verdict. The jury came out and sat back down all except one. "We the jury find Lisa Guilty for first degree murder of Mickie." The woman said. She sat down. 

"Okay Lisa. For first degree murder you have been sentenced to twenty-five-to-life." The judge said. He banged his hammer on the desk. The officers walked over and got Lisa taking her to the back. Diana and I walked out of the court room and went to our car.

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