Impudent ➳ l.t [au]

By gymnasliam

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❝Sorry love, but i'm fucking fabulous.❞ 1. rude: discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way; Im... More

Impudent intro
Prologue: "Sorry love i'm fucking fabulous."
Chapter 1: "Consider yourself god damn lucky."
Chapter 2: "This baby can suck my ass."
Chapter 3: "Maturity is for the boring shits of the world."
Chapter 4: "You heard the damn man."
Chapter 5: "Stupid essays or some shit."
Chapter 6: "I don't get jealous."
Chapter 7: "Lovey-dovey bullshit."
Chapter 8: "Repay me with a BJ."
Chapter 9: "I am the leader, anyhow."
Chapter 10: "The Tentative Tomlinson Tour."
Chapter 11: "The beautiful and wonderful topic of sex."
Chapter 12: "Your wet body looks so hot!"
Chapter 13: "Quite frankly, I don't trust myself."
Chapter 14: "It's simply complicated to stay away."
Chapter 15: "At least you're still alive."
Chapter 16: "Poor, good-for-nothing, virgin."
Chapter 17: Silent Treatment
Chapter 18: Silent Treatment
Chapter 19: Silent Treatment
Chapter 20: Silent Treatment
Chapter 21: "That son of a bitch?"
Chapter 22: "I hardly ever thank anyone."
Chapter 23: "Do you know who the hell I am?"
Chapter 24: "Anymore stupid questions?"
Chapter 25: "Abso-fucking-lutely welcome."
Chapter 26: "You're hot when you're angry."
Chapter 27: "I'd hate for it to get worse."
Chapter 28: "Can we just go to sleep?"
Chapter 29: "Trying to be a QT"
Chapter 31: "Legal custody, my ass!"
Chapter 32: "Say you promise."
Chapter 33: "All they'll do is poke you."
Chapter 34: "Come over then?"
Chapter 35: "Is that what you want?"
Chapter 36: "Whose clothes?"
Chapter 37: "I have too many damn flaws."
Character Ask
Chapter 38: "My dick is out of the question."
Character Answer
Chapter 39: "Let's not get corny and shit."
Chapter 40: "You better get the answers right, love."
Chapter 41: "I would rather be poor."

Chapter 30: "Harold and Neil are outsiders."

4.8K 410 238
By gymnasliam

It's been two days since Louis has avoided me for unknown reasons.

Maybe it was because he didn't want to deal with the conflict that would come between us because of how disappointed and somewhat upset I was when he lied about complimenting me. Perhaps I shouldn't be upset for that reason - I already was expecting something like that from him because of how he is. But there was a part of me that wished he'd just change, because it seemed like he did around me anyway.

It was Thursday now, and it was beyond annoying how many times I heard about Louis' party in the hallway alone. The thought of not being invited - even though I thought we were finally making progress - made me feel excluded. It was like the whole school, with an exception of Harry and Niall, was invited except me. But even that was odd because I knew the most about him.

I sighed and shut my locker, avoiding the lunchroom at all costs - it was currently lunchtime - and walked towards the bathrooms. Startling me, a random door flew open and a hand tugged me inside. At first, I panicked and almost screamed. That was, until I saw Louis trying to calm me down.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shoved at his chest, making his back collide with the cleaning products that were placed on the shelves. This was the janitor's closet, I noticed. Maybe I shouldn't have shoved him, but I didn't really care because of how mad I was at this point.

Louis rubbed his spine and groaned, "Calm down, Glimmer. I just wanted to talk to you privately."

"Ever heard of responding to a text message?" I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway," he excused me, "I wanted to apologize about lying in class the other day. You are beautiful without trying, and I meant that."

I sighed, heavily avoiding eye contact. "It's too late now. You've already embarrassed me in front of the classroom."

Louis opened his mouth to speak, but something inside of me cut him off completely.

"Do you know how much of a difficult human being you are? At first, you were a fucking jerk; impolite, dishonest, egotistical. But slowly I saw you starting to open up to me. I was literally thinking that you were changing, that you were becoming into a better person - that I finally got this project in the right direction. But then you do shit like this, and it confuses the hell out of me. You never want to be seen with me, you purposely embarrass me, and you don't inv -" I'm not able to finish my speech because Louis mashed his lips against mine, shutting off my words.

Any other time, I would have desperately kissed him back. Right now, however, i'm angry so I shove at his chest until he backs away.

"Glimmer?" Louis whispers, looking hurt and making my heart ache.

"Louis," I say harshly. "I wasn't even done. And besides, you can't just kiss me randomly and always expect me to be okay with it."

He doesn't say anything while he stares at the floor.

"I really don't want to give up on this project, but you give me no choice," I huff in frustration. Honestly, there were multiple moments where I sincerely forgot about the project. I imagined that Louis and I were actually getting along as friends, that we were maybe even growing into something more. But currently, I just wanted to take the Zero as my grade.

"Are you serious? You would want to give up on me already? I thought we were doing fine -"

"Fine?" I dryly laughed, "What is your definition of fine, Louis?"

He wriggled his eyebrows, "Your backside."

"Not the time for jokes," I snapped.

Louis sighed and tapped his foot while he crossed his arms against his chest. "Okay, but there's another reason I brought you in here. I'm pretty damn sure you've heard all the random chatter about my party, yeah?"

I motioned for him to continue, not completely having the knowledge of where he was headed with this.

"The reason I didn't invite you first was because...well, damn, I don't quite have an explanation for that other than word gets around rather quickly. But in all honesty," Louis sighed through his nose, "I don't want people touching you."

"What?" I was confused.

Louis rolled his eyes at my dumb question as if I were stupid, "Parties, most of mine, contain; alcohol, hook-ups, and lots of grinding. I didn't want you to be in the mix of that shit. Especially not if some dumb drunk lad decides to put his filthy hands on you. I don't want to be responsible, either."

I ignore the last part of his explanation because of the fact that i'm capable of taking care of myself. I know exactly what to do if some idiot touches me.

"What about Harry and Niall? They're your friends, aren't they?"

"Not anymore really," Louis snickered, "Harold and Neil are outsiders anyway. They don't like football, or rock bands, I think it's entirely safe to say they can't go."

I rolled my eyes at Louis' childishness. It was exactly like a first grader and his birthday party - if someone in his homeroom didn't like what he liked, they weren't invited. That was definitely the occasion, and I began to feel even worse about his two friends that were often excluded from almost everything. An idea popped into my brain, and I mentally smiled at how us three could make our Friday night even better.

"...Bottom line, I reckon it's safer if you didn't attend," Louis' voice says, and I realize he was talking the entire time.

"Sure, whatever," I waved him off, ready to leave the closet and get to class. I was sure that the bell had already rang by now.

Louis sighed, placing his cold hands on both my arms. "Glim, this is fucking pointless if you're not going to speak to me."

"No it's not, it's perfectly fine. I won't go to your party, I don't care really."

"Good," Louis smiles. "You better not be lying to me."

I reach for the door handle, "Sure, whatever."


"Okay, Niall, I think we're going with your plan," I open the front door to my house and let the Niall and Harry inside, hoping that my mother wouldn't query me. I shoved the boys past the thankfully empty living room and into my bedroom.

"What plan?" A familiar voice asks, and the three of us snap our gaze towards my closet. Michael Clifford is stood there, holding a slice of pizza in one of his hands and a shirt of mine in the other.

We all freeze by the door at the sight of Louis' friend in my bedroom unexpectedly. Harry and Niall give each other shocked glances before they each exchange one with me. I calm them down though, and glance towards Michael who shrugs and takes a large bite from his pizza.

"Why are you here? There's no tutoring today - wait, actually we stopped doing that a while ago, Michael."

He draped my shirt over his shoulder and sat carelessly on my bed. "When there's free pizza, Mikey flees to that destination. Your hot mum ordered me one when I came here for her. Now tell me what's this plan?"

Niall's blue eyes widened at me.

"Michael," I began, "we can trust you right? I mean you're one of Louis' friends and I don't want him to know about this plan."

The pale boy on my bed shrugged his shoulders, "Shouldn't you already know the answer to that, Glimmer? I'm just as trustworthy as Robin is to Batman...or how Will Smith is to Agent Kay on Men In Black."

We all looked at each other in confusion.

"The point is," Michael shook his head standing up, "I'm trustworthy as fuck. Tell me this plan."

"Right," Harry spoke up, "So, erm, how do we know you won't spill the beans to Louis?"

"Yeah!" Exclaimed Niall. "You could just be playin' the three of us."

Michael rolled his pale green eyes and walked past us out of my room with my shirt still draped over his right shoulder.

Niall whispered, "I don't trust him."

"Maybe we should," Harry pinned. "I mean, he's not a bad guy...I don't think."

"He isn't," I agreed. "Anyway, we're going to go with Niall's plan of crashing the party." At the mention of his idea, Niall fist bumped Harry and silently cheered to himself. "We could get toilet tissue, and eggs, and feathers, and -"

"Crashing Louis' party?" Michael walked in with another pizza slice.

"Yeah..." I answered hesitantly.

"Alright," he shrugged, examining his pepperoni pizza. "You can try, but it's gonna be a challenege. I mean when Louis has parties, he seriously goes out of his way to check if everything's in place. He gets people to do it for him, of course. Man, you should have seen what happened to the last person who crashed his party."

"What happened?" Niall beat me to the question as he chewed anxiously on his nails.

Michael spoke with his mouth full, "I don't know. I never saw that guy again."

"Yikes," I breathed.

Harry nearly trembled, "M-Maybe we shouldn't crash Louis' party."

"Toughen up, lad! We'll deal with that road when we approach it," Niall patted the tall curly-headed boy on his head. "I'm stoked to do this! It's gonna be sick!"

Michael groaned and held his tummy, "I think i'm gonna be sick."

"Woah, how many pizzas did you have?" Harry asks, reaching out to rub circles on Michael's back in a comforting manner. He was such a sweet person. I wish he knew how Louis played him when they were younger.

Michael doubled over, "Only five!"

"Only?" I ran to retrieve a plastic bag from my closet, and held it open to him just in case. "Mikey, you shouldn't eat so many at once."

Niall crossed his arms, "I can eat eight at a time, actually. It's a natural talent."

"Niall," I warned and he held his hands up in surrender. Michael reached for the bag in my hands and immediately regurgitated his foul smelling pizza chunks - along with other chewed up foods - into the Wal-Mart plastic bag. He continued to empty out his stomach, and I held my breath as I watched him.

Harry wrinkled his nose, "Do you, erm...need some medicine?"

"Uh..yeah, man," Michael hardly mumbled, his face diverted to what had just came out of his stomach as his cheeks reddened.

Harry patted Michael's back and glanced at me questionably.

"The medicines are in the cabinet above the stove," I told him before he made his way out of my room to fetch the pale boy what he needed.

Niall winced beside me, "God, Michael what in the world have you been eatin'?"

The embarrassed green haired boy shrugged his shoulders without looking up one time. I caught the hint that maybe he needed a napkin to wipe the rims of his mouth.

Walking into the kitchen, I nearly stopped in my tracks at the sight of Harry laughing with my mom over something. Jesus, why is she always getting in good with all my friends? Trying to shake the sight of them away, I walked towards the counter and grabbed three napkins. Next to them was a pack of gum that I had left out the other day, so I grabbed that too.

My mom saw me and I internally groaned.

"Glimmer, you didn't tell me you had such a funny friend!" She laughed as Harry laughed with her. I gave him the look and he eventually caught on.

"Erm, it was...nice meeting you Mrs. Stones. I've got to deliver this medicine to Michael, though."

"What's wrong with him? Don't tell me he ate the entire box of pizza," my mom arched an eyebrow. "You know, Michael really likes pizza, Glimmer?"

"Yeah," I sighed as Harry walked around the counter to where I was. I wanted to say 'Well actually, Michael really just likes you', but instead I grabbed Harry's arm and steered him back into my room so that he wouldn't make small talk with my mother any further.

When we entered, Michael and Niall were talking about golf - mainly just Niall. The punk looking boy looked sort of annoyed with a mix of embarrassed as his attention remained on the full plastic bag. I handed him the napkins, and he finally looked up to quietly thank me as he swiped the corners of his mouth.

After Michael took his stomach medicine and chewed on a piece of Spearmint gum, he told us plenty of random stories about how him and his bandmate did small performances. He talked a lot about the 'amazing' drummer named Ashton, and said that all the girls loved his dimples or something. He also invited us to one of their gigs on Saturday at eight o'clock. Harry said he'd try to make it despite his sleeping schedule, and Niall said he had a date. Of course I, however, hardly ever had plans and agreed to watch him perform.

Once Michael started talking about Ashton again, his phone rang inside of his pocket. He retrieved it quickly, eyes widening as he read the contact name on his screen.

"Hello?" His voice was somewhat scared.

"...I am! What?...No I didn't eat today," Michael lowered his voice, "I swear I didn't! I'm losing weight like Coach Leonard told me t -" there was a pause as if he'd been interrupted. By the sound of whoever was talking on the other end, it seemed like they rose their voice.

"Fine! Whatever...i'm coming home now. Bye, dad," Michael quickly ended the conversation by hanging up the phone. He stood up, tucked the phone in his pocket and picked up the plastic bag that contained his throw up.

Harry asked, "Is everything alright?"

Michael shrugged, "Sure. I have to leave, though. It was good seeing you two mates again. Glimmer, thanks for having me. My dad's gonna fucking murder me if i'm not home in ten minutes."

"See you later, Mikey," I waved him goodbye as he walked out of my room.

He stopped in the hallway and turned around as he pointed to his shoulder."Oh yeah! I hope you don't mind if I borrow this shirt?"

I forgot about the shirt, already. "That's fine, i'll get it from you on Saturday."

"Thanks," he smiled and trotted towards the front door.

Niall furrowed his eyebrows and chased after him, "Wait! What about the throw up? Ya keeping that?"

From inside of my room, Harry and I could hear Michael answer. "Why wouldn't I? Puke is fucking awesome."


Omg what I just write?

niall is such a funny character and harry is so sweet like always

and michael...well he's just a furry little kitten that likes to play with yarn but sometimes likes to cuddle up against your side and purr

ugh anyway...

i wrote this while I was sick af and had plenty of time to since i was laying in bed all day


refresh your libraries bc you have a double update


- Cat

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