Enigma (Dipper x Reader)

By fxller

336K 9.9K 22.4K

Y/N L/N has lived in Gravity Falls her whole life. She thought she was the only one who knew about the strang... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

18K 575 1.8K
By fxller

Hello my dear readers! Thank you so much for over 200 reads already like ohmigoshness!!! Okay, so this chapter takes place during Summerween.

New key:

f/h/c: favorite Halloween costume

Also, I just started High School, so it might take longer for me to update, but I will update whenever I get the chance. Hope you enjoy this chapter, because it's a pretty long one!


Y/N's Pov:

I've never seen Mabel and Dipper so excited about one holiday. I was dressed in my f/h/c and hung out with them, watching them fantasize over the amount of candy they were gonna get.

"Wow, I've never seen you guys so pumped!" I smiled.

"Well, back at home, me and Dipper were practically the kings of trick-or-treating. Twins in costumes! The people eat it up." Mabel replied happily.

"You dudes better be careful out there," Soos stated. "It's a night of ghouls and goblins and... The Summerween Trickster!"

"The Summerween Trickster?" Dipper repeated.

"The Trickster goes door to door, so the legend goes, eating children who lack the Summerween spirit!"

"You don't have to worry about us. We have plenty of spirit to go around!" Dipper says and popped a piece of candy into his mouth. Suddenly, he coughed violently and spat it out. "Urgh! What is this stuff? Sand-pop? Gummy chairs? Mr. Adequate Bar?!"

"This is all cheap old loser candy!" Mabel whined. Dipper took the bowl and headed to the kitchen to dispose of the candy.


Once Mabel had changed into her costume and Candy and Grenda had arrived, we waited by the door for Dipper.

"You guys just wait until you see his costume! It's amazing!" Mabel squealed. "Here he comes now!" Dipper walked down the stairs dressed as... Himself?

"That is a very good Dipper costume." Candy noted.

"Hey, man? Where's your costume?" I asked.

"Look, I can't go trick-or-treating, I'm... Really sick!" He pretended to cough. I raised an eyebrow.

"Fight through it bro-bro!" Mabel said. "Where's your Summerween spirit?" As she said those words, there was a loud knocking at the door. Dipper opened the door.

"Dude, really?" I heard him say. "You're a little old for this, man." He slammed the door.

"Why'd you close the door?" Mabel frowned.

"I told you, Mabel. I'm just not feeling it tonight!"

"I think a little trick-or-treating might make you feel better." I suggested.

"I'm not trick-or-treating!" Dipper scowled as once again, there was a knocking at the door. Angrily, Dipper opened it. "Look man, just go to another house!" He said before slamming it again.

"Dipper?! What the heck?" I was pretty angry that Dipper's sorry excuse for not going trick-or-treating was that he was sick. Just moments ago, he was alive and well! There was knocking on the door again, only much louder.

"I'm not getting that." Dipper folded his arms.

"Well, I will." Mabel opened the door. "I apologize for my brother... He came down with a case of the grumpy-grumps."

"Silence!" The voice boomed. "You have insulted me! And for this, you must pay with your lives."

Mabel didn't speak for a little bit. "Ooh! What a cute little mask! You're a funny guy."

The man entered the door, and I could finally see what he looked like. He wore a patched-up coat, a large hat and a mask with a smiley face on it. "Funny, am I?"

"Twick-ow-tweat!" A little boy came up to the porch. "My name is Gorney!" The man, or creature, picked up Gorney and swallowed him whole. I hid behind Dipper, terrified to move.

"There is only one way to avoid this fate." The monster spoke as I clutched onto Dipper's arm."If you can collect 500 pieces of candy, and bring it to me before the last Jack-O-Melon goes out, I will let you live."

"500 treats in one night?!" Dipper cried. "That's impossible!"

"The choice is yours children," The creature spoke as he backed out. "You must trick-or-treat, or die." It lept onto the roof and crawled away.

"W-Who was that guy?" Candy stuttered.

"It's the legend Soos told us about - it's true!" I mumbled. With that, Mabel rounded us up (including Soos) and we set out to go trick-or-treat. We came up to the first house, Lazy Susan awaiting us at her door.

"Trick-or-treat!" We cheered.

"And is everyone in costume?" She smiled. "Let's see, Chimney Sweep, Elephant Man, Squigee, Ant Farm, Queen of England..." She looked at Dipper. "And what are you supposed to be?"

"A-Actually, I'm not dressed up as anything." Dipper grumbled. "We're kinda in a hurry, here."

Lazy Susan frowned. "Oh, I see." She put one single piece of candy in each of our bags before slamming the door.

"Five pieces of candy?!" Dipper whined.

"We gotta up our game, bro-bro! You need to get into your costume!" Mabel insisted.

"I said, I'm not up for it!"

"Oh, really?" A voice said from behind. The Trickster appeared and took a look at the candy in our bags. "I've seen better." He climbed up onto a roof. "Tick-tock." He said before leaving.

"Now, what was that about being too sick?" I smirked.


Once we had Dipper changed into his adorable Peanut Butter costume, we each set out to the many houses in the neighbourhood, dumping our received candy into the wheelbarrow afterwards. It turned out that Mabel was right - people really love twins in costume!  Finally, we made it to 499 pieces of candy.

"Last one to the final house is a rotten egg!" Mabel cheered as she ran off to retrieve the last piece of candy with Candy and Grenda. Soos went back to the Shack to grab the truck as Dipper and I watched over the candy.

Dipper was talking to himself, quietly. I managed to hear the words "party" and "Wendy", causing my stomach to twist and turn. "I... I'm gonna go look for Mabel and the others." I said before running off. I caught up to Mabel, Candy and Grenda and we started to head back, when I caught Dipper talking to someone in a purple van.

"You're coming to the party right?" I heard one voice say.

"Definitely, definitely." Replied Dipper.

"See you there!" Said the other voice as the van drove off.

"Later guys!" Dipper called after them.

I narrowed my eyes. He was going to ditch us for some stupid party this whole time?! "You're going to a party?" I scowled. I saw Mabel from the corner of my eye, who seemed hurt. She threw the final piece of candy at him.

"That's why you were acting so weird!" She snarled.

"If it weren't for that monster, then you were gonna ditch us!" I frowned.

"And where's all the candy?!" Mabel cried.

"Relax, relax!" Dipper said. "I left it right here, behind this- oh, no." We looked behind the bush, and there was the wheelbarrow of candy, flowing down a river.

"What did you do?!" I was nearly yelling at him by this point.

"Uh... Guys?" Grenda said.

"The Jack-O-Melons! They're all out!" Mabel cried.

"Look!" Dipper pointed to Old Man McGucket as he prepared to blow out the final Jack-O-Lantern. We sprinted towards him, Grenda knocking the melon out of his hands as he scurried away. Relieved, we exhaled, unfortunately blowing out the Jack-O-Melon. The Trickster appeared from the shadows and neared us.

Dipper's Pov:

"So, children... Where's my candy?" The monster leered.

"I swear, we had all 500 pieces! We can still get it!" I spoke. Y/N clutches the back of my shirt and I protectively put my arms in front of her.

The creature grew taller, and sprouted two extra arms. "I'm afraid it's too late!"

"Go, go, go!" I yelled as we ran into the street. The creature, however was faster and snatched up Candy and Mabel. I heard a high-pitched scream and whirled around to see the creature as it snatched Y/N by her leg and tossed her into the air, catching her soon after.

I stop running. "Y/N!!" I ran towards the creature. "LET HER GO!!"

The monster only snatches me up. Helplessly, I watch as Y/N struggles in the Trickster's grip. I shut my eyes and expect the worst. Suddenly, I fall to the ground with a loud thud. I look beside me to find the remains of the monster and Y/N rubbing her head in pain.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" I reaches out to touch her but she pushed my hand away. She looked towards what his the monster.

"Soos!" We all exclaimed in unison. Turns out, Soos must've hit him with his truck and saved us!

"That wasn't a regular pedestrian, was it?" He said.

I ran up to him. "Soos! That was the monster! You killed it!" I smiled. We all hopped into the truck to head home.
Y/N and Mabel still seemed pretty angry at me and... I guess they had every right to.

Mabel looked out the window. "Uh... Guys?" She said nervously. I looked back to see that the monster was reforming! Soos slammed is foot on the gas pedal and we lurched forward, crashing into the Summerween store. We crept out and ran towards the back of the store.

"It's blocking the only exit!" Y/N whispered. The monster made a low growling sound. We decided to disguise ourselves with costumes and even arm us with the fake weapons for good measure. We were just about to reach the exit when...

"Soos! What are you doing?!" Mabel whisper-shouted. Soos had his hand above one of the talking skull heads.

"Sorry, dudes. These guys are hilarious!" He said and pressed the skull.

"I'd lend you a hand, but I don't seem to have any! Hehehaha! Hehehaha!" Suddenly, the Trickster appeared behind Soos and ate him.

"Soos!" We exclaimed before charging towards the monster, attacking it with our costume weapons.

"Saltwater taffy?!" I heard Grenda exclaim.

"What are you-" A chunk of the monster flew into my mouth. It was candy! The creature sprouted extra arms and picked us all up.

"You still haven't figured it out yet?!" It tautnted. "Take a closer look..." The creature removed its mask and I heard Mabel gasp.

"Loser candy!" She said, her eyes wide.

"Yes... The children of Gravity Falls never wanted to eat me. So, I decided to eat them." The Trickster said. "And now, it's your turn." Suddenly, Soos burst out from the monster's stomach, eating the candy-creature.

"Sup dudes!" He said as the monster fell to the ground, and released us.

"Wait..." The Trickster said in a hoarse voice. "You think I taste... Good?"

Soos shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so."

"All I've ever wanted was for someone to think I taste good. I'm so happy..." It said through tears of candy corn.


We arrived home, quite traumatized. After we took off our costumes, we all sat by the TV watching a horror movie (which was barely horror and mainly consisted of screaming aliens). Grunkle Stan had given us two large bags filled with candy which we ate while the movie played.

I had found myself with an arm around Y/N's shoulder, and her head rested on mine as she had dozed off. Mabel and Wendy stared at us and giggled, whispering in one another's ear. I ignored them, happy that everyone was safe.

Especially Y/N.


I know that this chapter was really long and probably boring, but I promise the next one will be better!

And remember:


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