My one and only (Slenderwoman...

By Danytk

36.9K 593 220

(Y/n) always had the heart of a hero, or of gold as some towns folk would say. If she was ever in a fight it... More

2)Scattered in time
3) Maidens and kingdoms
4) Wrapped up in a lie

1) Legends and Fairy-tales

9.5K 168 68
By Danytk

(Y/n) woke up to the sound of her alarm clock telling her it was time to get up and go to school. Her phone was all the way to the other side of the room because of an idea the internet she had found. She always thought it was a good idea at night, since she would have to get up to turn it off in the morning, but she always regret it. 'At least I get to school on time, even if I get annoyed.' she thought as she sat up in bed, the covers sliding off her chest but staying in a pile on her legs. She shivered slightly as the cold from the winter air blew over her.

"Crap!" she yelped, jumping out of bed and closing her window. She thought she had closed it but it was open. However (Y/n) didn't pay too much attention to it, since her whole house had bars at the windows and a metal door. She looked out her window for a minute, the woods across the street calling her attention.

Legends and stories of dark things and demonic creatures surrounded those wood. Ever since (Y/n) could remember, the woods were forbidden, at her young age she didn't understand why. But now that she's older, she knew. Hundreds if not thousands of people go missing in those woods, some bodies were found, while there was never a sign of them again.

The sound of her brother yelling at her because of her alarm clock is what snapped her back into reality. Quickly she moved across her room, grabbing her phone and shutting off her alarm. The teen girl sighed, checking through her messages before setting her phone back down. An annoyed grunt escaped her lips as she glanced around her messy room. Yet, instead of cleaning up or making a plan to clean, (Y/n) ran a hand threw her hair and grabbed a random shirt as well as pants. She never bothered with make-up nor putting her hair up, since she liked it better down and free.

The younger girl pulled on her shoe before grabbing her backpack and phone. She found her headphones on the kitchen table, next to a plate of pancakes which her mom had made. She happily greeted her family before sitting down to eat.

"Good morning sweetie. I how are your pancakes?" My mom said as I started eating.

"Morning (Y/N), how'd you sleep honey?" My father asked as I took a sip of some milk and a bite of fruit.

"I slept so good, I miss my bed already." You whined playfully "Do I have to go to school today mom? It's not like we're doing anything today just cleaning out our lockers and watching movies." She argued, it was the end of the year and her teachers didn't bother to teach or even take attendance which is why she didn't see why she had to go to school.

"Of course you have to! School is important missy and today your report card comes in. You know the deal, Fifty dollars for every A,forty for every B, and twenty for ev-" Her mother started before (y/n) cut her off.

"-every C, and a week of being grounded for every D or F." she finished for her mom with a sigh.

"Its your last day before winter break, you'll be fine." Her dad chuckled, after watching his wife and daughters interaction. Her mom nodded, kissing (Y/n) head once the girl finished her food. She however, wasn't worried because I know I have all A's and B's, but she was still tired.

Once (y/n) finished her food and milk, she stood up, hugging and kissing her parents goodbye before running out of the house. Because it was winter, the sky was cloudy and dark. The sun took longer to show up on winter mornings. But that didn't bother (y/n), bright lights usually caused her headaches in the morning.

While strolling down the street towards her high school, the teenager plugged in her headphones and happy hummed along to Halestorm's newest album. After the second song, she stopped and looked into the woods. She got an eerie feeling, like if something was looking back at her, and it didn't have good intentions.

Suddenly a the bushes rustled and she caught a glimpse of black hair sneaking into the woods.

'That's odd' she thought, starting to her walk again until she was hit by the memories for the new family in town. About a month ago a new family moved into town with a daughter that was around 5 years old with long black hair. Amy was her name, and she was a sweet little girl that was always curious. She also remembered the all the stories about the creepers (Homeless not the CP) that live in the woods. For once her obsession with scary stories had paid off. With wide eyes, (Y/n) ran into the woods, her earbuds now in her pocket as she ran as fast as possible to the girl.

After a few seconds, the teen threw her backpack to move faster.

"Kid? Hey! Come out before you get hurt!" She called once she saw the girl. Kicking up her speed, she grabbed the girls arm. (Y/n) collapsed, severely out of breath. She had been running for at least 15 minutes straight, and now that the adrenaline was washing away, she could feel the burn in her chest and legs.

She was half way through catching her breath before she heard a twig snap somewhere in the woods. Her mind jumped to wolfs, or bears, How she wishes she was right.


Edited January 22, 2019.

948 words.

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