By KieFerArmamento

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By KieFerArmamento

After the first class, the next day, Aalijah went off the door. I rushed just to trail her. I missed her, but it doesn't bother me. No big deal because I know exactly where she is about to go.

I took my path through the woods, and just as I thought, from a distant sight, I saw her standing, facing the lake, staring blankly at it.

The wind blew quite heavy and her long raven hair, as well as her long dress, swayed on the dancing wind. Again, I hid myself in one of the maple tree, not so far from her. From there, I continued watching her. She then finally turned and took a sit on the bench facing my direction; I found that she was again- crying!

Later, she approached her bag and opened it. From it, she took out something that's oval in shape. The bright beam of the sun soon hits the thing and the light reflected and bounced back away. It's a mirror! Still in tears, she looked herself upon it.Suddenly, she wiped her tears and smiled. I simply grinned. At last, I finally saw her smile since I first met her. And she looked prettier when smiling. It further adds beauty to her dazzling eyes. It was like smiling too within my heart. Now she really swept me off my feet.

She then put the mirror beside her and finally fixed herself to leave. All of a sudden, I heard weird squeaks. And from the hole in the ground, not so far away from me, two mice were racing. They're into some sort of struggle and they're chasing each other!

Damn ! I was a little scared of rats and when I saw they were heading towards me, I quickly ran my way out behind the tree- forgetting that I was hiding from Aalijah! All that my instinct brought to my senses was to run away from the disgusting, odd-looking rats. And that does it! Aalijah knew that someone's been spying on her! Terrified, Aalijah sprinted away.

The pesky rats are gone and so is Aalijah. Now what bothered me most was if Aalijah knew me. I went to the bench where she sat and to my surprise, I found something that unmistakably belongs to her--the mirror!


Kiefer's Note :

Aloha ! Is everyone enjoying reading my story so far? Well I sure hopes you do because there's more to come. Thanks for reading guys!! Xiao !

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