You Pretend You're Gay... Why...

By thelionftw

70.6K 1.2K 755

Airlia Ambrosia has had a crush on Lawson Wilde for years. But everyone thinks the reason why Lawson doesn't... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Author's Note
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Twelve

2.4K 50 24
By thelionftw

A few days passed since I saw Lawson and Addy flirt. Now I was sitting by the pair during English, shooting annoyed looks at the happy couple. My stomach twisted up in disgust. I was not the only one who was disgusted by this display. 

"God damn them to hell," muttered Hannah to her other super religious follower. Sarah nodded in agreement. The two of them were seated behind me and Kira. 

"I cannot believe that they can show their faces!" 

"Ugh, Christ!" butted in Kira. "Why would they be ashamed of themselves? And they're not even doing anything! They're just sitting next to each other." 

Hannah and Sarah rolled their eyes.  

'Whatevs," Hannah growled. Then she smiled mischievously. "But I know you have some things to be ashamed of, slut." Sarah and Hannah threw their heads back in laughter and as a result, the English teacher glared at them and to told them to shut up, or she'll call their fathers. That instantly shut them up. 

The four of us went back to our work. I snuck a look at Kira to see how she was reacting to Hannah's insult, but she seemed totally at ease. She was smiling as she wrote her essay, twirling a tendril of curly blonde hair. Kira hummed a tune that I couldn't detect. Probably some remix by Dubstep; she tends to hum their remixes. I smiled to myself. This was why I loved Kira. She was able to take insults and turn them the compliments. 

The period along with the day ended right when I was finished with my essay. I turned it in and raced out the door with my fellow students. I waited for Kira by a row of lockers, safely out of the way of stampeding students. Among the students were Lawson and Addy. They went towards the exit with the stampede. Once I spotted Kira I quickly extracted her out the crowd. 

"What are you doing, crazy!" she asked, slightly pissed. She roughly pulled her arm out of my grasp and dusted her sleeve off, like I sneezed out dust bunnies all over her.  

"Nothing, yet." I again grabbed her arm and led her outside. Surprisingly for a late November day, it was sunny and bright. Global warming can be a blessing. 

Kira sighed. "Just tell me what we're doing so I can come up with a brilliant excuse on why I'm going to be late watching Skins. And not the stupid American one. I had to pay good money to get BBC America, and I'm not wasting it." 

"Lawson and Addy are up to something," I grumbled, ignoring her rant.

Using her strength, she stopped us in our tracks. She put her hands on her hips, cocked her head to the left, and grinned broadly. 

"What?" I said after thirty seconds of uncomfortable silence. She kept on giving me that look. 

Finally she became at ease and laughed. Kira laughed for a good five minutes, but I did not find anything remotely funny. After ages, she finally explained herself. 

"I find it cute that you're spying on Lawson." 

I didn't reply; just stared down at my feet. A blush was beginning to form at my cheeks. Kira noticed, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey, I was just joking," Kira explained softly. She knew I was embarrassed . 

"Besides," she continued. "I want to know what they are up to, also." 

So with that, she hooked my arm and lead us to the direction Lawson and Addy went. We saw them seated against a large oak tree in the quad area, with-surprisingly-Oliver and Wiley; way different from what I imagined. The four of them were sharing what I suspected as a joint, staring lazily into the sun. 

"Where is Hannah and Sarah to see this?" Kira said with mockery in her voice. I had to bit down on my lip to stop from giggling. 

The four guys were talking, though it was hard to make out what they were saying. Disgustingly, Lawson had his arm around Addy, slightly caressing his shoulder. Addy had his head down Lawson's shoulder. Wiley and Oliver did not seem to mind that the two were touching each other in a suggestive way. Or maybe they thought they were hallucinating.  

Kira sighed by me. "This is totally boring." She shouldered her bag and added, "Imma jet. I gotta finish up my homework, and you gotta help me, Ms. Einstein." She held out her hand to, motioning me to follow her. Reluctantly I did.


After I basically did Kira's homework for her (I should really think about charging for doing people's homework, even if they are really close friends), I had her mom drop me off at my parent's restaurant. Seeing as it was 5:30, they were preparing for dinner. So that means I get to be taste-tester. Yum! 

There were a few people ordering take-out when I arrived. I smiled at the guy with the large trench coat that was talking to my mom, who was behind the counter. The guy returned my smile and left. Mom spotted my and started waving like a madwoman. 

"Mom-stop!" I exclaimed. "You don't need to wave like you're trying to get a cab. I'm right here." 

"I'm not waving at you!" She glared at me. "I'm waving at our new employee." 

I frowned. "New employee? Since when were you looking for a new worker?" 

"Since you decided not to help." 

Rolling my eyes I turned around to see this new employee. I wondered what criminal she had working for her this time. Then my jaw dropped. 

It was the retched Lawson Wilde. 

He was grinning like he just one the lottery. Lawson entered the restaurant with his arms wide opened and embraced my mother. My mother kissed him on the cheek and started gushing about how much he has grown and how he is such a gentleman. I nearly ROFLed when she said that. 

"Why don't you come over anymore?" my mother asked.  

Lawson looked to me like he wanted me to explain. I quickly averted my eyes to a painting on the wall.  

"I've been busy," was his answer. "And I don't think Oliver would like it if I went over without him." Then with an after thought he added, "Actually, he wouldn't like it at all if I went no matter the circumstance." 

My mom giggled-giggled!-at his joke.  

Oh great, it seems like my mom only hired him for amusement. 

"You and you boys!" she said, shaking her head. "Now, do you have your form?" she asked, her tone going all business-like.  

Lawson fumbled around in his pocket. He pulled out his application and handed it over to his soon-to-be boss. The two continued to chat like long-time friends while my head was spinning. So Lawson decided to work at my family's restaurant. Why the hell would he do that? He knows I come here a lot; I basically lived here at some times. Couldn't he find some place else to work, like a gay club? 

"Why don't you stay for a while, Lawson?" my mother offered while batting her mascara-covered eyelashes. "Airlia won't mind." 

Mom, I think I would. 

Lawson smile. "I've got time to kill anyway. And I'm hungry." 

I let out an annoyed sigh. 

"I don't know what's been going on with her," my mom explained in an exasperated voice. "Perhaps you can figure it out while I get you to food?" Lawson grinned. Mom left to fetch us cuisine. 

Lawson and I took the nearest empty table and sat down across from each other. I glared right at Lawson the whole time. He seemed to notice how angry I was at him since he kept playing with the salt and pepper shakers. Or he was very bored. 

After a few minutes my mom brought us pasta topped with meatballs (how fitting), tomato sauce, pesto, and parmesan; and lots of it. 

"I remembered how you used to love this," she remarked to Lawson. "I hope you haven't gotten over it?" 

"Not at all," he replied, grinning like he was five-years old again. He took a large forkful to prove his point. My mom nearly busted in happiness. I didn't get the big deal was; he still liked calorie-heavy pasta-big whoop. 

Finally, Lawson's biggest fan left, and the awkwardness settle bag in, a perpetual company. Lawson gulped down his pasta while I took ladylike bites out of mine. 

"I don't get how girls can eat so little," he remarked, trying to easy up the tension. It didn't work. I kept on glaring at him. 

After a while he took a stab at the silence again. Sighing he said, "Look, Airlia. Why are you so bitchy to me?" 

"Why are you working here?" I replied nastily. 

"You know I need a job. 

"Yeah, but can't you get one at any other place?" 

He sighed in frustration and ran his hand through his hair. Luckily, there was no one in the restaurant, or at least from where we were seated, so no one could hear our bantering. He grabbed his fork to dive into his pasta, but there was no more. 

"Are you going to eat that?" he asked. I passed my plate to him and watched him stuff his face again. 

"Wha?" he asked, looking up at me. 


"I'm fucking hungry!" 

I wrinkled up my noise. "Doesn't give you the excuse to eat like a savage." 

"At least I have a logical excuse for why I'm eating this way. You don't have an excuse for being a bitch." 

I gave him the bird and got up from the table. Before I could leave he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, forcing me to be a few inches away from his lips. His lovely red lips. 

"Sorry, Airlia. I've just been..." he stopped, searching for the right words. "Been having a complicated time." Lawson's face turned sober, like he was in deep thought. Frown lines formed on his forehead.

"You have tomato sauce on your face," I mumbled. 

"What's that?" I broke him out of his reverie. 

"You have tomato sauce on your face," I repeated myself, clearer now.  

Lawson grinned, that spark returning back in his hazel eyes. Smiling I got a napkin from the dispenser and began wiping the tomato sauce off him, cringing, but not in a bitchy way. After his face was rid of sauce, I gave him a light peck on the cheek. To my astonishment, Lawson slightly blushed. I smiled, a little bit triumphantly. 

"Was that a form of a diplomatic peace treaty?" He grinned. 

"You could say that."  

It really wasn't. 


I feel like ripping out my hair. 

There are like five different versions of this chapter, and I wasn't sure which one to use. But I feel like this is the most... Ah... Appropriate one lol. 

You know the drill(; 

Song of the day is "Diplomat's Son" by my all-time favorite band, Vampire Weekend. They really need to come out with their new album now! I can't stand it!!

Oh! And I'm starting a new story soon. It's a sci-fi/romance/comedy, but it's going to be more serious than my other stories. So stay tuned for it! It's called, Killing My Parallel Self. For all you Whovians, you need to read this(;  

If you Whovians are thinking this is about the Doctor, you're sadly mistaken lol :P If you want to know what I mean, then read it(: 

-Lion (rawr)

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