Pregnant For Them

By curlyheadJ

214K 5.5K 746

The feeling of not being able to become a parent is heartbreaking, Especially for Justin Bieber. That's wher... More

Note to readers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Last Chapter
Thanks you guys!!!

Chapter 18

5.5K 171 66
By curlyheadJ

No point of view. .

Justin Bieber paced along the bedroom floor of his spacious penthouse apartment and held his phone to his ear. Biting his thumb nail, he awaited to her the cheery Canadian voice of his beloved mother. She was on the other side of New York, shopping with Justin's dearest grandmother, Diane.

"Hello?" She answered with a smile.

"Hey ma." He replied.

"Hi honey, I'm so glad you called. I was meaning to call you but I thought you were at the surrogacy appointment." Pattie rambled as she stood at a store window, gazing at the beautiful red dress.

"We haven't left yet, Hayley is doing something." He told her, "but what's up?"

"Well the team have been talking and they're all wanting to formally meet Lux." She said, entering the store with her mother hot on her heels. "I know Kenny and Moshe have but the rest haven't, they're all busting their butts too see her."

"You must be physic, ma." Justin chuckled as he grabbed a childish pair of superman socks from the top drawer of his dresser. "I wanted to call and ask if you could ring everyone and ask if they could come to dinner tonight. I don't want anything exclusive, so it's just going to be at the apartment. Okay?"

"Sure sweetheart, but may I ask why?"

Justin licked his lips, biting back the temptation of grinning and running onto the balcony, shouting from the 28th floor, that he was going to be a father to a beautiful baby girl.

"I've got some news and I'd rather share it with you all at once than individually." He replied. "I have to go, but could you ring everyone? Dinner will be ready at seven, sharp."

"Okay, hon." Pattie smiled, grasping the thick material of the gorgeous red dress between her fingers. "I'll see you then. Love you."

"Love you too." He replied, hanging up and burying his phone back inside his jeans pocket. He ran a hand through his hair, quickly checking his appearance in the mirror before, in a slick style, walking out into the living room where Hayley was wound up on the couch with a glamorized notebook and pen in hand. "what're you doing?"

Hayley raised her gaze, grinning enthusiastically as she shook the book in his face. "Baby names!" she then flipped the paper over where yet another list of unknown things were scribbled in her eight-year-old, bubble handwriting. "and wedding things that we still need to do."

"Let me see." He mumbled, grabbing the book from her. There, in pink sparkly ink, was the words Babylicious. Already, he knew that he was in for a shock.

Babylicious names!!!
1. Princess Gold Platinum Bieber
2. Princess Halo White Bieber
3. Princess Diamond Jewel Bieber
4. Princess Blue Sky Ivy Bieber
5. Princess Red Crystal Bieber
6. Princess Gucci Chanel Bieber

"Please tell me this is a joke." He muttered, his eyes going wide as he read each ridiculous name that his fiancee had planned.

Hayley locked her jaw, "No, why?"

He shook his head, "These are ridiculous, Hayley!" he turned the book and pointed his finger beside number four. "this is Blue Ivy only with Sky put in between. You can't steal Beyonce and Jay-Z's childs name."

"I'm not, I'm putting my own mark on it by including Sky." She replied.

"No. I'm not letting you name her any of these."

"But why?" She whined, "they're all so cute, I mean, she is going to be a princess and if you look, you'll see that every name is an expensive jewels or designers, or whatever. That proves that our daughter will be expensive."

Justin shook his head again, utterly shocked by her choice of names. "No, Hayley. She's not being called princess, or anything involving money. Why can't you go for simple names, like Ellie or Sophie."

She wrinkled her nose, "Because they're boring and stupid. I want my child to have a good name, a name that proves she's not poor."

Justin clenched his jaw, his hands instinctively ripping the page from the diamante encrusted book. His actions were similar to the incredible hulk. Bold and strong– all he needed was to turn green and grow another two foot.

"It's a no, Hayley." He ordered. His normal soft, gentle voice now replaced with a deep, angry gruff. "hurry up. We need to go to the surrogacy clinic and it's hitting rush hour."

With a huff, Hayley stormed from the living room as a bubble of anger pooling in her stomach. How dare he tell her she couldn't name their child? She was determined to coax him into thinking at least one of her chosen names were perfect for their daughter.

As Lux dumped her empty hot chocolate cup in the nearest trash can, she weaved between the hussle and bussle of New Yorkers as they rushed home from work. She had finished work a mere half hour ago, not even having time to stop by her apartment and change.

"Lux, do you think you'll keep Justin Bieber's baby?" A tall, six-foot-three man asked as she walked along the sidewalk, approaching the surrogacy clinic.

"No." She answered.

"Are you having twins or are you just binging on food?" Another rudely asked.

"Neither." She replied calmly. Their words were painful and of course they stung but she wouldn't let them defeat her. As she reached the clinic, entering by the gleaming revolving doors, the paparazzi stayed outside and made her breath a sigh of relief.

@luxyyy: Paparazzi are rude. #fact
@justinbieber: RT @luxyyy Paparazzi are rude #fact

"Appointment at 5PM with Maria Kemp." She told the snobby receptionist who pushed her designer glasses further up her pointed nose.

"Have a seat." Lux was told. With a nod, she wandered to the chairs and perched herself down on one. The place was empty, the classical music still played and the intoxicating smell of Pine and Cinnamon lingered.

From: Ruby (at: 4:48pm)
I need a large glass of wine, a sexy hot man and a big juicy bar of chocolate. But I guess I'll just need to settle for you tonight, you down? xx

Lux laughed silently at her best friend's humour. She had always been the sarcastic one, something many people didn't grasp but Lux did. She always said that was the reason they both have said friends, if the humour wasn't there, she'd be running for the hills.

To: Ruby (at: 4:49pm)
Aw shucks, that makes me feel special but unfortunately, I have to turn that every so kind offer down. I got dinner plans with the Bieber crew tonight xx

From: Ruby (at: 4:51pm)
Bitch, you hurt me. Guess I just need to settle for Channing Tatum then. Tell me how things goes tonight, love you luxywuxy xx

"Hope we're not interrupting your creepy smiling session." She heard the familiar raspy chuckle from above her sitting figure. She snapped her head up and saw Justin and Hayley standing in front of her.

"Sorry, I was texting Ruby." Lux apologised.

"It's not a problem." He smiled. "how you feeling?"

From the encounter Lux and Justin had a mere three days ago, they both felt slightly awkward but neither of them knew why. Of course they thought it was because of Justin's come-on but deep down, they knew it wasn't.

"Good. I told my class that I was leaving in a few weeks." She sighed. Being exactly seventeen weeks pregnant, she knew she would need to take maternity-leave in five weeks. "they couldn't understand why, some think that I'm not coming back." she let out a small giggle.

"Do they realise that when you have the baby, it's not gonna be yours?" Hayley asked.

Lux chewed her inner cheek and Justin clamped his mouth shut. He fluttered his eyes to his baby-mama, in a hope she would see his apologetic eyes.

"Well, no." She muttered, "they're only five and six years old, they wouldn't understand. Most of them have younger siblings and they know that the mommy brings the baby home, they would ask too many questions that I'm not allowed to provide the answers too."

Hayley didn't reply, she had lost interest in seconds. Lux sat back in the seat, her hands resting on the blooming bump that couldn't be hidden under any clothing.

"Lux Halloway." An assistant, sent from ,Maria Kemp's office, called. Lux stepped up, being followed quickly by Justin and Hayley.

"Ah, good evening." Maria grinned, removing her glasses and standing up. "please, take a seat."

They positioned themselves on the three, accustomed red chairs. Maria's eyes flickered down at Lux's growing stomach, her blouse tightening around the bump and highlighting it in all it's glory.

"How're you doing?" She asked,

"I've been great! Justin and I are getting married in six weeks!" Hayley grinned. "we're so excited, everything is planned already. We have a meeting with the florist after this, then Justin's going to get his tux fitted tomorrow. He's going to be dressed in white, aren't you, babe?"

Justin stiffly nodded– he had only ever wore a white tux once to the Grammys when he was sixteen. He never imagined himself getting married in white–wasn't the woman suppose to be dressed in white?

"It's a black and pink wedding but we want ourselves to stand out, that's why we're going for white. Right, babe?"

Again, he stiffly nodded.

"Well.. that's great to know but I was actually talking to Lux." Maria said.

Hayley flushed a bright crimson colour in embarrassment. Lux held back a loud laugh. At that moment, she wished she had a camera.

"I'm doing fine, getting more and more tired as the days go on." Lux told her, "other than that, everything has been going good."

Maria nodded, peering down at the binder that bulged with paperwork– from the contracts, to updated hospital appointments, to photocopied birth certificates, to more personal information about all three of those who sat in front of her eyes.

"Ah, I see you had a sonogram four days ago." Maria smiled, "and I see you received good news."

"We're having a girl." Justin grinned proudly. "a healthy little baby girl."

Maria met his grin, feeling genuinely happy for them. "Obviously by your expression you're happy about the news."

Justin peered to Lux whose gaze was fixated on the photoframe on the desk, it was turned away from their eyes and shaded from view of anyone else apart from Maria. Justin shrugged it off knowing that she was probably just dazed. "Ecstatic."

* * *

The penthouse apartment, overlooking the beautiful view of Times Square, was lit with happiness and joy. It was crowded with friendly faces, men and women who were apart of the famous 'Justin Bieber team'. From his well-known managers, Scooter and Alison, to his crazy photographer friend, Alfredo. Justin had hired a chef for the night, who stood in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

As he walked around, making small talk with each of his friends and family who were gathered for the important news. Amongst the chatter and music, Justin heard the doorbell ring causing him to excuse himself from the group and head to the door.

Pulling open the door, his eyes landed on the gorgeous pregnant woman . Her blue peplum top clung to her upper body, beautifying the bump even more, a pair of black leather leggings hugged her legs with a pair of black ankle booties latching onto her feet. Her hair was in soft wisps and her face painted with a natural colour.

"I'm sorry I'm late." She mumbled, biting her bottom lip slightly. "I, uh, I had some sickness before I came out."

Justin furrowed his brows, "Are you okay now?"

She nodded, "Yeah."

Justin motioned her to come in, his hand laying on her lower back as he guided her into the living room.

"Guys," Justin called, turning the music down. All eyes flew to the hallway entrance, landing on the timid girl. "this–" he turned his head to the side, looking down at the caramel-haired woman with a sparkling grin. "–this is Lux."

As the grins etched onto those surrounding, Lux shyly smiled and lamely wiggled her fingers in a bid to say hello. Clearly her throat, her voice softly spoke. "Hi everyone."

"Hi Lux." They chorused before bursting out in laughter. Instantly Lux's shoulders dropped in relaxation, her posture untensing as the feeling of welcoming overcame her.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone." Justin smiled.

The nerves invested her stomach as she was politely introduce to those around. From Dan the guitarist, to Tay the DJ. Her heart warmed at these wonderful people and glowed when she saw Justin interact with them all, he had always been close with his team and it was extremely obvious to Lux, a newcomer who had barged in on this close knit bunch.

"This here is my three best men, Ryan Butler, Chaz Somers and you know, Alredo." Justin told her, grabbing Ryan and Chaz in a headlock. "these two are my best friends from Canada."

"It's nice too meet you." Lux giggled at the boyish behaviour.

"You realise that there is like fifty-million people out there, literally envying you." The buzz-cut one, named Ryan, said as he finally pushed his way from Justin's grip.

Lux bit her lip, "I guess so."

"Don't pester her, boys." Pattie Malette, wearing the exact same red dress she had purchased only a few hours ago, spoke. She rested a hand on Lux's shoulder, squeezing her into a side hug slightly. "why don't you come over and sit with us girls? Unless you want to hear what a male thinks."

Lux giggled along with Pattie, "I think I'll take you up on that offer."

As they walked away, Justin couldn't help but smile which earned him a hard nudge and chuckle from his childhood friend, Chaz.

"You totally have the hots for preggers over there." He grinned childishly.

Justin shoved him, "No I don't, she's the mother of my child. I'm getting married to Hayley."

All three men rolled their eyes, "Don't remind us." they were exactly thrilled nor were they looking forward to the Cinderella-type wedding.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if you're getting married. You can still like someone, especially a hot MILF like her." Chaz smirked, glancing in the way of Lux. Justin clenched his jaw in sudden irritation, raising his hand and clipping it over the back of Chaz's head.

"Don't even try it." He growled with rage.

All three bit back smirks, thinking the same thing– if he didn't feel something, he wouldn't be getting so offensive.

Meanwhile, sitting with the group of women, Lux engaged in the girly chatter. Pattie, Diane, Alison, Carin and Vanessa. Lux couldn't help but wonder where Hayley was.

"I find it amazing how you are almost five months pregnant yet still manage to have an amazing style." Carin gushed, setting her hand on Lux's knee.

Lux laughed, "Believe me, you wouldn't be saying that if you saw what's underneath here. I'm wearing underwear that come up to–" she felt along the top, grasping the waistband of the high, suck-in underwear and snapping it against her skin. "–here."

The girls laughed along as Justin looked across the room and smiled again. Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. His fiancee stared up to him with a grin.

"Are you telling them yet?"

"Telling us what?" Ryan Butler asked,

Hayley rolled her eyes and ignored them. "Hurry up!"

"I'll tell them after dinner, just stop being ignorant Hayley." Justin snapped, "go sit with the girls or something."

His temper was fading fast due to her. It was never like this before, so why now?

As the night went on and a delicious three course meal was dissolving in their stomachs. Lux couldn't help but look around at these kind and thoughtful people, who made sure she was comfortable the whole night. In that moment, she knew that this baby would be well looked after.

"What are you smiling at?" Justin whispered in her ear as he leaned closer to her faint beaming self.

"Nothing." She whispered back, smiling reassuringly.

Justin nodded, although not buying her excuse. He glanced around before shuffling his chair back, standing up and clearing his throat. The group of fifteen looked towards him, their conversations dropping instantly.

"Shit, this is more nerve wracking than award speeches." Justin chuckled.

"Language, boy." Grandpa Bruce warned, wagging a finger at his twenty-two year old grandson. Justin held up his hands, surrendering innocently.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "anyway, the reason I called you all here was because we've–" setting one hand on Hayley's shoulder and the other on Lux's. "–got some very important but very great news to share. I wanted to tell you all personally instead of sending a text."

"Just tell us." Scooter laughed, earning a giggle from those around him.

Justin laughed and nodded. "Well, as you know Lux had a sonogram appointment for Saturday and, well, we found out something." he let out a breathy grin. "we're having a girl."

The gasps and cheers erupted, the congratulations rolling of everyone's tongue as Jeremy and Bruce stood and grasped Justin into a hug as Diane and Pattie engulfed Lux. She felt awkward as she glanced over their shoulders and at a fumingly angry Hayley who couldn't understand why she wasn't getting congratulated.

"Oh baby, I'm so happy for you!" Pattie sniffled, greedily snatching Justin from Jeremy's embrace. "I'm getting a granddaughter!"

"And guess what!" Hayley's voice suddenly erupted. All eyes diverted to her, reluctantly. She gripped Justin around the waist and grinned widely. "We've already got her name!"

Lux felt her smile drop into a frown, she didn't expect a name so quickly. Justin too frowned, he didn't talk about a name with Hayley– what was she going on about?

"Oh, you do?"

She nodded with too much enthusiasm. "Princess Gucci Diamond Jewel Bieber."

And in that moment, the ever-so-tiny respect each person had for Hayley, had evaporated into the tensioned filled air.

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